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Chapter 1235, the history of foreign invaders

Arag, Tianzhu Continent, is a very young city. It was built by the current Sultan of Delhi Sultan Shikandar Sultan. It was originally planned to move the capital here from Delhi in the future.

Historically, it later became the capital of the Mughal Empire and was a world-famous city.

However, at this moment, this newly built city was surrounded by Ningguo's army, and the siege was impenetrable.

With the formation of Arag, armies formed huge phalanxes one after another. The soldiers in the phalanxes were eager to try. It seemed that they couldn't wait to break through the city and then massacre to their heart's content.

Alexey and Andrei stood side by side, holding the spears in their hands tightly. They came all the way from Anning City to the north. They had experienced more than a dozen battles.

However, these dozen or so battles were all childish battles, and the places they attacked were all small counties and small towns. In many cases, the local indigenous people had already surrendered as soon as Ning Guo's army arrived.

There wasn't even a decent battle, so the two of them have not made any achievements until now, and they are still slaves.

The big city in front of us is the most important pass leading to Delhi. It is also the key city guarded by the Delhi Sultanate, with more than 40,000 troops inside.

In addition, the city wall is tall and strong. It is definitely a very hard and difficult bone to crack.

But this is definitely good news for these two people. It means that in this battle, they finally have a chance to make meritorious deeds. As long as they fight bravely to kill the enemy, they can gain freedom and have their own


Thinking of this, the two of them, like the others around them, just held their spears and waited quietly for the siege to begin.

Next to the slave army formation, this is an army composed entirely of Japanese people. They are the armies of the Japanese kings and shoguns of the Japanese country. They are divided into two groups, each with tens of thousands of people.

"Brave warriors!"

"We traveled across the ocean and traveled thousands of miles to come here, for what purpose?"

In front of the two Japanese armies, Ashido was riding a tall horse and was lecturing them.

"It is to be loyal to the Emperor of Heaven and to promote the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"It is to show our bravery and let everyone in the world know the bravery of our Japanese warriors."

"It's for our future generations, because we are more qualified to own this fertile land than these indigenous people."

"Pick up the sword in your hands and kill all the enemies you see."

"His Royal Highness Prince Ning has promised that as long as you make contributions, whether it's land, slaves, women, or money, it won't be a problem."

"Long live the Great Tomorrow!"

Along with Ashido's shouts, 20,000 Japanese soldiers also shouted excitedly.

"Long live~Long live!"

As if they had been given blood, each Japanese warrior couldn't help but hold the Japanese sword in his hand tightly, wishing he could grow a pair of wings, fly up the tall city wall, and kill all the enemies inside.

For these Japanese warriors, they now need to be loyal to many people. The first is the Japanese daimyo who raised them, the second is the Japanese king or the shogun, but in the end, the one they must be loyal to is the emperor of tomorrow.

Because since the Japanese state became a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese king could only be called a thousand years old. The Japanese state was the ministers of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and these warriors were naturally the warriors of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Being able to serve the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is a supreme honor for Japanese warriors like them. Especially in recent years, Ming Dynasty has become more and more powerful. Japan has learned from Ming Dynasty in an all-round way, and the impact on all aspects is really great.

In addition, under the vassal-state agreement of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese people in the country were free to settle, live, and work in the Ming Dynasty. This also allowed the Japanese people to feel the magnanimity and dew of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

There were too many people who could not survive in the Japanese country and came to the Ming Dynasty, obtained their own land, and lived a prosperous life. Many down-and-out warriors lived a good life in the Ming Dynasty.

These tangible benefits, coupled with the deification of the Emperor of Heaven in the Japanese country, are enough to make them fight for the Emperor of Heaven, both spiritually and in terms of the actual benefits they can get.

As excited as blood.

"These Japanese~"

King Ning was riding a tall horse and couldn't help but smile when he looked at the phalanx of Japanese warriors who were as bloody as chickens.

I feel that these Japanese warriors respect the great emperor of tomorrow more than the people of Ming Dynasty. In their minds, the great emperor of tomorrow is as great as a god.

"Your Majesty, you can fire!"

Qin Yuan came to King Ning's side and reminded him.

"Well, fire~"

"Try to spend the night in Arag City today."

Prince Ning nodded and ordered.

I originally thought that the natives on the Tianzhu continent should have some fighting ability, but when my army went all the way north, I discovered that these natives were simply the fifth scum of war. In many cases, they did not even offer symbolic resistance, leaving tens of thousands of troops in the hands of King Ning.

, did not experience a decent battle at all.

King Ning now finally understands why the Tianzhu Continent is always ruled by foreigners. He can understand the history of the Tianzhu Continent, which is a history of foreign invaders.

From the Aryans to the Persians, Arabs, Turks, Huns, Afghans, Mongols, etc., as long as they are stronger tribes, they can quickly establish their own empire on the Tianzhu continent after passing through the Khyber Pass.


In the past, Prince Ning could not understand why such a situation occurred in Tianzhu Continent.

Let’s talk about the population. The population of this Tianzhu continent is very large, second only to the Ming Dynasty. As for the economy, the economy of this Tianzhu continent is not bad. The large fertile plains in the Indus and Ganges river basins make the agriculture of Tianzhu continent extremely

Developed, food production is very large.

The handicraft industry, craftsmen, etc. here are not bad. In terms of culture, both Buddhism and Hinduism originated here. They have an extremely brilliant and splendid culture that does not belong to any other place in the world.

But such an ancient Tianzhu continent with a large population, a strong agricultural economy, and a long cultural history has become the most ideal place for foreign invaders to invade.

The long history is a history written by foreign invaders.

It's hard to believe to say it, but it's the truth.

Now King Ning finally figured something out and understood why this situation occurred.

In the final analysis, it is because of the influence of religion and caste system here. Affected by religion and caste system, people here often accept the situation and have no spirit of resistance. They all look forward to blessings in the next life.

Furthermore, the lower castes who make up the majority of the population are all aborigines, and the upper castes are foreign invaders. Therefore, no matter who invades Tianzhu Continent, it will be the same to the low castes who make up the majority of the population, and they may also be hostile to them.

They are better and naturally have no motivation to resist.

After understanding this, King Ning was full of confidence in conquering the Delhi Sultanate, and he had already thought of a way to rule this land in the future.


On the other side, a flag was waving.

"Dong dong~dong dong!"

The deafening sound of artillery shelling formed waves of surging sound waves, impacting in all directions. The billowing smoke enveloped the artillery position, and the shells formed a dense rain of bullets and hit the city of Arag heavily.


A terrifying whistling sound pierced the sky, and then the cannonballs carried terrible kinetic energy and landed heavily on the city wall. For a moment, the city wall seemed to be shaking.

Along with the beating of the cannonballs, blood spattered and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

For these Turks and Afghans from Central Asia, they are still very unfamiliar with firearms. They saw the rain of artillery shells easily tearing apart everything they had, and even the solid city walls were smashed into deep holes.

Deep nest.

They were terrified, panicked, and screamed in terror.

When blood splashes on the body and flesh flies on the face, these people are even more frightened.

With such a long distance, powerful enemies outside the city can already attack, and the bows, arrows and swords in their hands cannot even touch the enemy's sides.

"Dong dong~dong dong!"

The rumbling sound of artillery fire echoed continuously between the sky and the earth, and the artillery fire attacks continued one after another, pouring towards Arag City like a tide.

"I finally understand why the Ming Empire was able to sweep across the world. With such terrifying artillery, even the strongest castle can be easily torn to pieces!"

Alexey listened to the whistling in the sky and watched the dense rain of bullets hitting the city wall heavily. His eyes could not help but widen.

He is a minor nobleman of the Principality of Moscow, also considered a knight, and has participated in many battles.

But he had never seen such powerful and terrifying artillery, such a loud noise, the shells that looked very heavy, and the dense artillery fire attack like rain.

Look at the tall and solid city wall in front of you. Under the intensive attack of artillery shells, the city wall seems to have become as fragile as tofu. One section of the city wall was directly torn apart, and it seemed that it was about to be directly blown down by this terrifying artillery.


If it were a European castle, facing such dense and fierce artillery fire, it would probably be torn to pieces in minutes.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Ming people could be so powerful.

Mastering such terrifying artillery is enough to sweep across the world.

No matter how powerful and brave the knight is, he will tremble in the face of such fierce and terrible artillery, and no matter how strong the castle is, it will be torn to pieces by the artillery.

Round after round of artillery fire launched a fierce attack, as if there was no money, wave after wave.


Almost an hour later, following Qin Yuan's order, tens of thousands of troops rushed towards the shattered Arag like a tide.

This chapter has been completed!
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