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Chapter 1236, vulnerable


Accompanied by loud howls, the army outside Arag City began to surge towards Arag like a tide.

Alexey and Andrei charged at the front with spears in hand, roaring like bears and running hard, as if they were afraid of being robbed of their heads.

Behind them, most of the other slaves were like this, their eyes were blood red, and they were holding their weapons tightly. Some were carrying ladders for siege, and some were carrying bags of explosives.

One by one rushed faster than the other, like a tiger descending a mountain, without any fear of the sword they were about to face.

Here in the Japanese army formation, many Japanese warriors were roaring hysterically, holding the katana in their hands, fully carrying forward the spirit of Bushido, not afraid of sacrifice, and extremely brave.

On the city wall, the Delhi Sultanate defenders, who were dizzy under the heavy artillery fire, shook their heads and saw the enemy troops rushing up from the city like a tide. They were frightened and quickly started to defend.

Bows and arrows, rolling logs, stones, etc. were constantly thrown at the city wall, and they were determined to defend the city to the death.

They are foreign invaders from Central Asia. Although they have occupied this place for nearly three hundred years, they have not yet acquired the local indigenous people because of their high-pressure rule policies of discrimination, persecution, hostility, and forced conversion.

their recognition.

Now facing the powerful Ming people, they are really afraid.

Once the city is breached by the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely not escape death.

Neither the Ming people nor the local natives would let them go, and it was impossible for them to say that before returning to Central Asia, the only thing they could do was to hold on to the city and persevere.

"Kill all these infidels!"

The commander with his head covered brandished the scimitar in his hand and kept issuing orders.

These Ming people only appeared on the Tianzhu continent in recent years, but as soon as they appeared, these Ming people showed extremely strong strength and terrifying ambitions.

In just a few years, the southern plateau of Tianzhu continent fell under the rule of the Ming people, and these Ming people were still expanding northward at a terrifying speed.

In addition, news has already arrived from Central Asia.

The powerful and terrifying army of the Ming Empire swept across Central Asia. The once mighty Timurid Empire was destroyed. The Kazakh Khanate was defeated and paid tribute, with a tribute of 100,000 good horses every year.

The Ottoman Empire, a powerful empire that dominated Asia, Europe and Africa, was beaten to pieces by the 200,000-strong army of the Ming Empire. Hundreds of cities were breached and massacred, and millions of people were sold as slaves to various parts of the Ming Dynasty.

This is the Ming Dynasty!

Powerful, invincible and extremely rich, but the most important thing is that the people of the Ming Dynasty extremely reject religion. The Delhi Sultanate once sent missionary monks to the Ming Dynasty to try to spread the glory of the Lord.

However, they suffered a heavy blow from the Ming Dynasty. All the missionaries sent there were killed, and even the sultanate they finally established in the Nanyang region was destroyed by the Ming Empire.

These Ming people in the south of Tianzhu established vassal states and colonies one after another. They also opposed the spread of the glory of the Lord. They actually advocated the spread of Buddhism. Although this kind of religion originated in Tianzhu, it is already extinct on the mainland of Tianzhu.


For these people in the Delhi Sultanate, the Ming people were like a nightmare, powerful and invincible, but also in great conflict with their beliefs.

For this reason, Sultan Shikandar once sent a large army to attack the Ming people in the south, but they were defeated and had to engage in trade with them, and even allowed them to trade slaves in the hope of gaining peace.

However, now, the Ming Dynasty began to attack the Delhi Sultanate in a large scale.

Not only the army in the west, but also in the middle and east, there are all Ming armies attacking the Delhi Sultanate.

In the past, the governors of various places who had no regard for Sultan Shikandar came to the Sultan for help, hoping that the Sultan could send a large army to support them and help them resist the Ming attack.

However, now, Shikandar Sultan Mud Bodhisattva is crossing the river, unable to protect himself. Facing the fierce and overwhelming army, they all feel as if the end is coming.

On the city wall, the sounds of fighting and screams could be heard endlessly.

Ladder after ladder kept climbing up the city wall, and the slave army at the front, the Japanese and Korean warriors rushed up without fear of death, they were extremely fierce.

Alexei and Andra rushed to the front. Both of them were extremely brave and moved very quickly. While looking at the stones, rolling logs and other things that were smashed down from the city wall, they also climbed up quickly.


A rolling log hit him, and Alexei nimbly dodged it, but was still hit on his left arm by the rolling log. He couldn't help but scream out loud.

Then he endured the pain and climbed up. Seeing a Baotou soldier about to stab him with a spear, he took the lead and stabbed the opponent to death with one shot. He then pushed hard and knocked the opponent off the city wall.


Taking advantage of this gap, he quickly climbed up and climbed onto the city wall in one motion.

When the surrounding defenders saw it, they immediately started to kill them one after another. However, Alexei was extremely brave and nimbly avoided the attack. At the same time, the spear in his hand turned into a poisonous snake, shooting one at a time.

He was tall and extremely strong, with a typical Slavic build. With a heavy sweep of the spear in his hand, several defenders were swept off the city wall.

Following Alexei, Andrei also climbed up the city wall, and the slave army behind also climbed up quickly, and soon gained a firm foothold.

Each of these slaves, with blood-red eyes, looked at the defenders on the city wall as if they were seeing gold and silver treasures, and they were all extremely brave.

Many people showed extremely high fighting qualities, and they were obviously not ordinary slaves. Many of them were soldiers before, but were captured and sold as slaves to the Ming Dynasty. Now they have taken up arms again, and they are extremely brave.

"Kill all these infidels~"

"Drive them down and block the gap!"

No one expected that the gap in the city wall would be opened so quickly. The commanders guarding the city were frightened as they looked at the people who climbed onto the city wall.

Each of these people are tall, extremely strong, and extremely brave. The key is that these people are not from the Ming Dynasty. They are Europeans and Ottomans with tall noses and deep eyes, as well as Burmese and Siamese who are short but extremely flexible.

, there are also dark-skinned Tianzhu natives and low-caste people.

There are also those Japanese and Koreans who are extremely ferocious, unafraid of death, and look like wolves. These people are extremely skilled in swordsmanship. They often climb the city wall alone, and the entire city wall is penetrated by that person.

A samurai sword drew a line of clear cold light, a figure flashed, and a large number of defenders were killed cleanly.

So fierce!

The battle on the city wall suddenly entered a fierce stage. The defenders were desperately counterattacking, hoping to defeat the enemies who had stormed the city wall.

However, these decayed Turks and Afghans are no match for these ferocious slave armies, Japanese, and courtiers at this moment.

What's more, outside the city, the people in Prince Ning's headquarters were also moving quickly.

I saw groups of musketeers coming under the city wall, pointing their muskets at the defenders on the city wall. Along with billowing white smoke and intensive gunshots, lead pellets flew towards the defenders on the city wall.

The army immediately suffered numerous casualties, and would be shot at if it exposed its head. It was impossible to suppress the enemy troops who were climbing up to attack the city.

Here at the city gate, the demolition team piled up bags of explosives at the city gate.


Along with an earth-shaking loud noise, the solid city walls seemed to be shaking.

The originally extremely strong city gate was suddenly blown to pieces. The gate opened, and the attacking troops rushed in like a tide.

Soon the battle on the city wall turned into a battle inside the city.



Alexei's body was covered in blood, and there was a corpse stuck in the spear in his hand. He looked like a murderer from hell.

Next to him, Andre was the same, his eyes were blood red, like a bloodthirsty brown bear.

"Hoo, hoo~"

The two of them were breathing heavily. The battle on the city wall just now almost killed both of them. Fortunately, the attack speed of the army was too fast.

The city gate was quickly blown open and the army surged in. They all survived.

"Go, go, keep killing the enemy!"

"If you kill one more enemy, you can get a reward of one hundred acres of land!"

After taking a short rest, Alexey shook the body on the spear, patted Andrei on the shoulder and said.

"Go, go!"

"Kill with pain!"

Andre picked up his spear and looked at the army rushing towards the city. If it had been slower, he might not have been in trouble.

Although these first batch of people climbed up the city wall and killed many enemies, they would definitely be free. But if you want to live a good life, you need land, slaves, women, and money.


The two men once again followed the surging army and fought towards the city.


"It seems that the Delhi Sultanate has been somewhat overestimated."

Outside the city, King Ning looked at the battle in Arag City with a telescope and shook his head slightly.

Over the past three hundred years, these once brave Turks and Afghans have been almost corroded. They are in a state of decay and have low combat effectiveness. The slave troops under his command were all improvised and have not been trained for long.

But they were able to easily board the city and kill the defenders. This shows that the Delhi Sultanate has truly reached its end.

"My lord, maybe it's not that they are too weak, but that we are too strong. Our Ming Dynasty's firearms are invincible. Just a few rounds of shelling have scared them out of their wits."

Liu Yangzheng on the side said with a smile.

"Never mind them, let's go into the city!"

This chapter has been completed!
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