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Chapter 1599, Daming's Factory

"What is truly powerful is industry?"

When Simon heard this, he was dumbfounded. It was another new term.

"Industry is a new term developed by the Ming Dynasty people themselves. It means non-agricultural industries. For example, factories and workshops can be regarded as industries."

"Come on, I'll take you to visit the textile factory here in Anning City, and you'll understand."

Brown got up and took Simon to the textile factory here in Anning City.

Half an hour later, the four-wheeled carriage they were riding in stopped in front of a factory called 'Ningguo Liu's Textile Factory'. In the name of negotiating evolution, Brown successfully asked the factory to allow them to visit


"This is the factory?"

Simon looked at the factory in front of him. It was very large, with many factory buildings, and was neatly planned. The factory looked very clean, without any confusion, and there was no trace of the dirty work in small European workshops.

"This way, gentlemen, please~"

Liu Zilong, the owner of the factory, led Simon and Brown towards a factory building with a smile on his face. The two looked like businessmen from Europe.

The main customers of my factory are also customers in Europe, and the fabrics produced are also exported to Europe.

"Mr. Liu, how big is your factory?"

Brown's words about Daming were very good. Looking at the huge factory in front of him, he asked out of curiosity.

"Not big, not big, just a few hundred people~"

Liu Zilong said modestly that his factory is considered a big factory in Ningguo and even Tianzhu, but it can only be regarded as a small factory in Ming Dynasty.

The reason why we built the factory in Ningguo is mainly because the labor here in Ningguo is cheap and slaves can be used in large quantities. In addition, cotton cultivation in Ningguo is now booming. Other cotton growers in Tianzhu Continent can obtain it locally.

Raw materials.

Tianzhu is also closer to the Middle East, Persia, and Europe. The cloth produced can be directly exported to these places, and the export business is specialized.

The business is very good, and Liu Zilong plans to continue to expand the scale of this factory and invest in building a larger factory.

It's just that all the machines in this factory need to be shipped from the mainland of Daming. The textile industry in Daming is also developing extremely rapidly, and you have to queue up if you want to buy machines.

The machines in the factory in front of him were all obtained through hard work through his connections.

"Hundreds of people?"

When Brown heard this, he took a breath immediately and then translated it to Simon. After hearing this, Simon also opened his eyes slightly.

Then, under the leadership of Liu Zilong, the two came to the factory building. When they saw the scene inside the factory, Brown and Simon also opened their mouths in shock.

The factory is full of machines. The machines are rotating rapidly, and countless cotton threads are rotating. As the machines rotate, cloth is constantly being spun at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, driven by traditional belts and an assembly line-like production method, cotton is added at one end, and when it comes out at the other end, it is already cloth, which is then packed according to specifications and immediately loaded onto a four-wheeled carriage.

It was bound for Anning Port and sold to Europe.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Simon and Brown's mouths opened wide.

On the one hand, I was shocked by the efficiency of the machine in front of me. It was so fast. The cotton went in, the machine opened, and the cotton thread came out. Then as the cotton thread rotated, it slowly turned into cloth.

On the other hand, I was shocked by this production method.

At this moment, Europe is still in the production mode of small families and small workshops. The same is true for weaving cloth. Women slowly use backward textile machines to slowly weave. The efficiency is the same as that of the Jiangnan women in the Ming Dynasty.

Spinning is a piece of cake.

Simon had done this kind of business before, going to rural areas to buy cloth and then selling it in the city to earn the price difference.

But look at the textile factory in front of them and the machines in front of them. The cloth is being woven like flowing water. This brand-new production method is far beyond their imagination and knowledge.

"This is too fast!"

Simon opened his mouth wide, feeling extremely shocked inside.

"No wonder the cloth from the Ming Dynasty was shipped to us in Europe and sold cheaper and of better quality than the cloth produced by ourselves."

"I have always wondered how they make money and why they are so cheap."

"Now I finally understand that with such efficient machines and slaves, the cost can completely destroy our European cloth, so it is no wonder that it can be sold all over the world."

Simon thought of the cloth market in Europe. With the large amount of Ming Dynasty cloth entering Europe, it also had a huge impact on the European economy.

Cheap cloth is of good quality and cheap, and can even be printed and dyed in a variety of beautiful colors and patterns, surpassing the homespun cloth produced by small families and small workshops in Europe.:.

Ming Dynasty cloth was very popular in Europe, which caused a large number of local handicraftsmen in Europe to lose their jobs. The cloth they spun could not be sold at all. This also had a huge impact on Simon's cloth business. He simply made

Can't go down anymore.

“I’ve only seen it in newspapers and heard people talk about it before, but I’ve never seen it before.”

"It turns out that machines really do the weaving, and the efficiency is so amazing!"

Brown was also shocked inside.

He had heard about the textile mills of the Ming Dynasty, and had always wanted to find a chance to visit them. Now he finally saw it. The sight of a large number of machines operating closely in front of him, and the cloth being produced like flowing water, had a great impact on him.

This kind of production method will shock anyone when they see it for the first time.

Liu Zilong on the side was smiling, as if he was not surprised.

In the past, customers from Persia and the Middle East came to visit, and everyone was deeply shocked after seeing the production scenes in the factory.

This large-scale production method that relies on machines has a very strong visual impact on people.

"How many pieces of cloth can this factory produce in a day?"

Simon thought for a while and asked Brown to ask Liu Zilong.

"The scale of my factory is not too big, and the machines used are all old models. The efficiency is not high. It also requires a large number of slaves. It can only spin less than 1,000 pieces of cloth a day."

Liu Zilong smiled and replied.

"1,000 bolts of cloth a day?"

After Simon heard the translation, his eyes widened again. More than 1,000 pieces of cloth were spun in one day, which is an extremely huge number in one year.

This is just a factory with a few hundred people.

If you do the math, there are 300,000 pieces of cloth spun this year. This is a very scary number. You must know that in Europe, it would take one person half a month to weave one piece of cloth.

It only takes one month to weave two pieces of cloth, and one year to weave less than thirty pieces of cloth. This still requires very diligent people.

Calculated in this way, the output of this factory is equivalent to the output of tens of thousands of people in Europe. This efficiency is really terrible. Where is the cloth produced here? It is simply producing a steady stream of money.

Simon is a businessman. He does calculations out of habit, and he immediately understands why traditional European homespun cloth has been strongly impacted by the Ming Dynasty cloth.

The people of Ming Dynasty are so efficient at weaving cloth. There are only a few hundred people in such a factory, and it is said that there are tens of thousands of such factories in Ming Dynasty. What will be the output of cloth in Ming Dynasty in a year?

Horrible numbers.

Just buying a little bit and bringing it to Europe can have a devastating impact on the European market and wipe out all the craftsmen.

According to what Brown said, this is just a textile factory. There are also various factories such as steel factories, glass factories, cement factories, etc. in Daming. Almost all of them use a large number of machines for production, and the efficiency is amazing.


"No wonder it is said that the most powerful part of the Ming Dynasty is industry!" To provide you with the fastest update of Ming Zhenhai King, Chapter 1599, Ming's Factory for free reading.:.

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