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Chapter 1600, Simon's worries

On the four-wheeled carriage, Simon was still deeply shocked by the scene he saw in the factory.

The densely packed machines, the rapidly rotating shuttles, the extremely fast weaving speed, and the assembly line-like production method were like seeing a book from the sky, witnessing a production method that had never been seen before.

Such a production method and the terrifying speed of wealth creation far exceeded Simon's imagination.

As a Jew from Europe, he can be considered a well-informed person.

Traditional wealth creation requires a relatively long process, often measured in years. Even if you are doing business and selling goods from one place to another, the speed of wealth creation is far slower than the factory you see before you.

The cloth produced like flowing water is not cloth, it is white money.

This factory is not a factory, but a gold mine that continuously produces wealth.

Of course, this is not just as simple as wealth, it also means a huge supply of materials.

As far as cloth is concerned, the previous textile efficiency was really too low.

One person can only weave two pieces of cloth per month, so even if people want to buy more clothes in a luxurious way, it is unrealistic because the total supply of cloth in society is only that much.

But after using the machine, it was completely different. The textile efficiency was extremely amazing, and the material supply was extremely abundant. People could start to pursue better, more beautiful, and more clothes.

The same is true for other industries and fields.

In terms of food production, the people of Ming Dynasty have vast land, which is one reason, but the real reason is that the Ming Dynasty has advanced mechanized farming technology.

The extensive use of machinery to cultivate fields greatly improved the farming efficiency of the Ming Dynasty, allowing them to cultivate more fields and produce more food with a smaller population.

This also allows the Ming Dynasty to feed a larger population and live a more prosperous life. The food is sufficient and can also be used for breeding, enriching people's tables, allowing the people of the Ming Dynasty to eat better and have a stronger body.

"Isn't it very touching?"

Brown also felt a lot, looked at Simon and asked.

"Yes, I feel a lot~"

"No wonder you say that Ming Dynasty is already leading the world in all aspects. No wonder Ming Dynasty can sweep all directions and overwhelm all heroes."

Simon sighed and nodded solemnly.

“So where do you think we Jews should immigrate to now?”

Brown nodded slightly. Only when you come to Ming Dynasty can you truly feel the power of Ming Dynasty. The power of Ming Dynasty people is reflected in all aspects.

It not only refers to the invincible military power of the Ming people, but also to the powerful and efficient political system of the Ming people. The fact that the Ming people can occupy such a vast land and manage it in an orderly manner is enough to explain the Ming people's

This system is very effective.

If we put it on the European side, if the country is slightly larger, it will naturally split into many small countries. There were times in European history when they were unified, but they eventually split again.:.

As for nomadic tribes, the Mongol Empire is the best example.

In the end, the powerful Mongol Empire could not escape the old path of the nomadic tribes. The princes separated, and then the princes divided again. The result was a huge Mongol Empire that became smaller and smaller, became weaker and weaker, and eventually attacked each other internally.

Fighting and consuming each other, they will no longer be as powerful as they were in the Mongol Empire.

Even though powerful grassland tribes emerged later, they still followed the old path of the grassland people. They were still unable to come up with a system that was truly effective and sustainable for a long time, and their control over the vast territory was always very weak.

But the Ming Dynasty was different. Although its territory was huge, the central government of the Ming Dynasty had very strong control over various places.

Even in the Golden Continent, here in Australia, according to the existing system, it is still difficult for the feudal officials in these places to become bigger. They have to be transferred after a few years, the military and political affairs are separated, and there are regular reporting systems, assessment systems, etc.

It is definitely not easy to create a split.

What's more, the culture of the Ming people has always contained unified thoughts and concepts. The writing and culture of the Ming Dynasty have always united the people of the Ming Dynasty.

Even though these overseas vassals and colonies are now actually like independent kingdoms, they are still established with reference to the system of the Ming Empire.

The Ming people in these places have always insisted that they are Ming people. The vassals, colonies and the like now established are not to split the Ming Empire, but to encourage the Ming people to go to sea and seize more living space.

A strong military is only superficial. Strong centralization is the reason why this huge empire can always be maintained. Of course, the Ming culture's tolerance and tolerance are the important reasons for the internal unity and harmony of the Ming Empire.

Since ancient times, countless powerful empires have been destroyed by internal conflicts, especially conflicts between various internal tribes.

The people of Ming Dynasty were very aware of this.

The Ming Dynasty ruled a vast territory and was home to countless tribes of all types.

It is not an easy task to maintain the rule of the empire and let the various tribes live in harmony.

What's more important is that these tribes must always have centripetal force, which is the most rare thing.

But the Ming Dynasty became bigger.

The people of Ming Dynasty solved this problem from many aspects.

Militarily, we must wipe out the original military strength of each tribe, completely eliminate the military strength of each tribe, and at the same time bring the nobles, leaders, etc. of each tribe to live in the capital and enjoy the blessings in the Beijing-Tianjin area. Over time, there will naturally be no

Why do you want to be independent?

Being separated from their own tribe for a long time will also cause them to lose the foundation of rebellion, leaving them without a leader, and the tribal people in these places will not be able to gather together to cause trouble.

Economically, the Ming Empire vigorously promoted the economic development of minority tribes. Relying on the strong economy of the Ming Empire, it promoted the development of these minority tribes and enabled them to live a better life than before. With abundant food and clothing, they naturally would not

Go rebel and cause trouble.

At the same time, various tribes were included in the huge economic system of the Ming Empire. Once they were separated from this system, it would be difficult for them to persist.

More importantly, in terms of culture, the Ming Empire has always understood one thing, that is, cultural identity is the basis for long-term unification.

Empires have periods of strength and weakness, and the Ming Empire cannot be said to remain strong forever. The moon waxes and wanes, and an empire also has periods of prosperity, strength, and decline.

The key to keeping these minority tribes united with the Ming people is cultural recognition.

Therefore, they vigorously promoted Han culture and introduced many political policies to encourage minority tribes to learn Han culture, change their surnames, take Han names, and intermarry with Ming people.

At the same time, outstanding talents are promoted from minority tribes, let them serve as officials, and then dispatch officials to govern various places, rule the country by law, emphasize the rule of law, and treat everyone equally.

After this series of combined punches, countless tribes in the vast territory of the Ming Empire became obedient to the Ming Dynasty and had a strong centripetal force.

Even many tribes are proud of being subjects of the Emperor of Heaven.

Like the Caucasians and Georgians here in Nanyun Province.

Their tragic history is a history of being invaded and bullied by powerful tribes from all directions. Historically, they are synonymous with slaves and the grassy valleys of nomadic tribes.

Because they suffered bullying, after they were merged into the Ming Empire, they enjoyed the dignity and protection that citizens of a powerful empire deserved.

Their loyalty to the Ming Empire is unquestionable.

The Ming Empire's promotion of Han culture in Nanyun Province was very smooth. In a very short period of time, there were people here who shone brightly in the imperial examinations.

In the past, tribes had different languages, writings, and customs, so conflicts were inevitable. But now, as the Ming Empire vigorously promotes Han culture and implements the policy of Ming Dynasty.

The languages, characters, customs, etc. began to be the same with each other, communication became more convenient, and exchanges became closer. There were naturally fewer conflicts, and the integration between the tribes became closer, and they would naturally be closely united.

, forming this huge empire.

"We Jews should immigrate to the Ming Empire!"

"In such a strong and inclusive country, we Jews can live a life we ​​have never had before."

"But, in such a powerful imperial system, can we Jews always insist that we are Jews?"

"I'm worried that in a hundred years, the Jews who migrated to Ming Dynasty may no longer be Jews, but become Ming people!"

Simon closed his eyes and came to inspect the Ming people in person. He had to admit that the Ming people were powerful and that the Jews could indeed live a good life here.

But he is also full of worries. What worries him is that they may no longer be Jewish. The culture of the Ming people is so powerful that it can melt all other cultures. To provide you with the fastest update of Ming Zhenhai King

, Chapter 1600, Simon’s Worry, read for free.:.

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