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Chapter 1950, Nanzhou City

Nanzhou City, the largest island in East Africa, is where the South African colonial governor's palace is located.

The large island in East Africa, later known as Madagascar, was one of the poorest and most backward regions in the world. Originally, this island had extremely favorable natural conditions, but it could not develop at all.

However, now this large island in East Africa is prospering under the governance of the Ming Dynasty, becoming more and more prosperous and wealthy.

Nanzhou City is huge, with a population of more than one million. The roads are neatly planned and there are many high-rise buildings. The factory area in the distance is even more busy. The large factories are doing extremely prosperous business.

In the Nanzhou City port area, there are hundreds of ships of various sizes moored, with various flags hanging on them, including merchant houses from the Ming Dynasty, ships from major vassal states and colonies, as well as ships from Persia and Egypt.

, European Spanish and Portuguese ships, as well as ships from the Americas.

Although the opening of the Egyptian Canal had a huge impact on South Africa, causing a large number of ships to no longer pass here, the South African colonies relied on their increasingly powerful agriculture and industry to attract more and more ships to arrive here.

Business dealings.

At this time, at a pier in the port, the Oyster slowly moored.

"Sir, I will send you here!"

Tao Xing, the captain of the Oyster, sent Liu Da off the ship respectfully. It took him almost three months to finally send Mr. Liu and his family to the South African colony safely, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your help along the way!"

Liu Da also quickly thanked him.

"It should, it should!"

Liu Da had just said goodbye to Tao Xing, and soon someone came looking for him.

"Young Master, Young Master~"

When Zhao Xiaopang saw Liu Da and his party, he immediately shouted excitedly.

Zhao Xiaopang is a servant of the Liu family. He is not very old and is the same age as Liu Da. His father, Zhao Erhu, and Liu Jin were playmates growing up. Later, when Liu Jin rose to prominence, Zhao Erhu also followed Liu Jin and worked for Liu.

Jin became his bodyguard and servant, and later Zhao Erhu and his family also became servants of the Liu family, and they all worked for the Liu family.

Zhao Xiaopang's generation is considered the second generation. They have grown up with Liu Da and Liu Xin since they were young, and they even went to school together.

Naturally, Zhao Xiaopang and his brothers are also working for the Liu family, and they are the closest among the many servants of the Liu family.

Situations like this are very common and common in the Ming Dynasty. Large families also have requirements for their servants and servants. Not just anyone will accept your servants and servants. You need to know the basics.

Many servants of wealthy families have been servants of their bosses for generations.

The older generation serves the older generation, and when the older generation gets older, the younger generation serves the younger generation again. This has been true for generations.

Many people may think that it is too miserable to be a servant to the current generation for generations.

But in fact, this is a good job, because it is the time to serve the master, and the master is trustworthy. Not only does he get a good salary, but his income level is far higher than others at the same time.

Moreover, they are often well-dressed, have good housing, and do not have to worry about food and accommodation. The key is that in many cases, the children of the servants who do not have much education can learn knowledge, read, read, or learn from the children of the master's family.

Learn some skills.

Sometimes, when there are more children in the family, they can go to the owner's property to help out, and even the children's work can be taken care of for you.

Because the owner is trustworthy, he also needs some people to help him do things.

You must know that many times, such things are often done by the children of the host's own family, and it is difficult for outsiders to do these things.

Being able to become a servant or servant of a wealthy family is something that countless people dream of.

Especially in the past, I don’t know how many people wanted to sell themselves to wealthy families, just to have enough food to eat, a shelter from the wind and rain, and to work honestly for their masters.

Your master will not treat you too badly.

Zhao Xiaopang's family was working for Liu Jin's family. The servants and servants. This time Liu Da came to South Africa, they asked Zhao Xiaopang to come to South Africa in advance and arranged some things for Liu Da in advance.

"Little Fatty!"

Seeing Zhao Xiaopang, Liu Da immediately laughed happily.

"You're fat again."

"It seems that the food in South Africa is pretty good."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay~"

Zhao Xiaopang touched his head and said with a smile.

Like his father Zhao Erhu, he was tall and muscular, and his life had undergone earth-shaking changes because he followed Liu Jin.

Not only did he settle down in the capital and have his own house, but his standard of living was quite good. The children in his family all grew taller, bigger, and stronger.

As his name suggests, Fatty Zhao has been relatively strong and chubby since he was a child.

"Sir, I have arranged everything."

Zhao Xiaopang usually reported some things to Liu Da while walking.

He came to South Africa in advance, so naturally he was not here for vacation, but to do business for Liu Da.

For example, buying real estate in advance, asking about some things in South Africa, etc., there are many things to do, so that when Liu Da arrives here, he can feel like he is back home, and at the same time, he can quickly learn about some situations in the South African colony.


Under the leadership of Zhao Xiaopang, Liu Da and his party arrived at the dock parking lot. Zhao Xiaopang had also purchased more than a dozen Mercedes-Benz cars, horse-drawn carriages, bicycles, motorcycles, etc. for Liu Da in advance, almost all of which were used in daily life.

Everything related has been arranged in advance.

Soon, several Mercedes-Benz cars were carrying Liu Da and his party towards the wealthy people in Nanzhou City. The wealthy area of ​​Nanzhou City is adjacent to the South African Governor's Palace.

Here is the residence of Taiping Marquis Du Mingen, as well as the residences of many powerful people in the South African colony. Each residence here covers a large area and is extremely expensive. It is simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Sitting in the car, Liu Da also admired the scenery of Nanzhou City with great interest.

The roads in Nanzhou City are very well built, spacious and neatly planned. There are a large number of houses on both sides of the road, especially on the port side. There are many high-rise buildings. You can see the words on these high-rise buildings and know that these buildings are

Belonging to powerful trading houses or some colonies, vassal offices in the South African colonies, etc.

Looking at the roads, there are actually quite a lot of cars, even comparable to those in the Beijing-Tianjin area of ​​Ming Dynasty. Motorcycles and bicycles can be seen everywhere. Almost everyone travels by bicycle or motorcycle.

It is enough to see how wealthy the South African colony was.

Of course, this is also because the South African colony has its own factories manufacturing bicycles, cars, and motorcycles, and there is no need to import them from the Ming Dynasty. In addition, the per capita income level here is quite high, so these bicycles, motorcycles

The penetration rate is very high.

“The city is really well built!”

Liu Da nodded while looking at it. This Nanzhou City is quite good. It can be seen from the port, roads, houses, vehicles, etc.

This is rarely seen in other colonies and vassal states.

Even in the most prosperous city of Ceylon, there are not many cars, bicycles, and motorcycles, and most of the time we still rely on horse-drawn carriages.

"Sir, this Nanzhou City is similar to our capital city. They are both very prosperous and lively. That is to say, this Nanzhou City is hotter, rains often, and is relatively humid. It is not as cool as the Ming Dynasty Capital City."

"Now it is said that everyone is discussing whether to move to Liangyang City. The climate in Liangyang City is very cool and comfortable."

Zhao Xiaopang also started to talk to Liu Da about some things about Nanzhou City and the South African Colony.

"I know Two Ocean City, at the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean."

When Liu Da heard this, he immediately said that before coming, Liu Da had already learned about some things in the South African colony in detail.

The most important cities in the South African colony now include Nanzhou City, Liangyang City, King Kong City, etc.

Nanzhou City is the seat of the colonial governor-general of South Africa and the earliest place of construction and development. Two Oceans City is located at the southernmost tip of the African continent, at the intersection of the two oceans. It is currently mainly home to shipyards, steel plants and automobile manufacturing.


King Kong City is a city that gradually developed rapidly due to the mining of diamonds, gold, and silver. It is located in the mainland and is not close to the sea.

Each city has a population of more than one million, is relatively large in scale, and has a large population.

This is also a microcosm and characteristic of the South African colony. Almost all the population is concentrated in urban areas, which is highly concentrated and convenient for management and protection.

The same high concentration of population is also conducive to the development and production of industry and capitalization, and is also an important reason why South Africa's colonial industry can develop rapidly.

At the same time, it is also extremely beneficial to the development of agriculture, because the land is relatively concentrated and large-scale mechanized agricultural development can be carried out.

"Moving to Liangyang City is also a good choice, but I'm afraid it won't be easy. Compared with the foundation of Nanzhou City, it is already very good."

Liu Da thought about it and gave his own judgment.

"Yes, Taiping Marquis Du Houye opposed the relocation of the Governor's Palace to Liangyang City. He said that this large East African island itself is very good. It has a humid climate and beautiful scenery. It is a very good place."

"But many people say that this large East African island is not suitable for industrial development, so it would be better to relocate to the mainland."

Zhao Xiaopang also nodded and said.

The environment of the large island in East Africa is very good, and the scenery is extremely beautiful, but there is too much precipitation here and it rains often.

PS: There is only one chapter in the morning, and another chapter in the afternoon~~ The computer that is many years old is so jammed that it almost crashes.

This chapter has been completed!
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