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Chapter 1951, the Spaniard with a sad day

At the Governor's Mansion in Nanzhou City, Taiping Hou Du Mingen, who is over 60 years old, is meeting with guests.

"Lord Governor, we hope to order a few more warships at preferential prices."

Gerald, the envoy from Spain, took a sip of tea and expressed his intentions to Du Mingen.

The war on the Gold Coast of West Africa has never stopped. The Persians and Koreans have never given in and are still trying their best to cause trouble for the great Spanish Empire. The Japanese are also ambitious. After using Spain, they turn around and give it to Spain.

With a knife in the back, the empire also joined the ranks of snatching Spain's West African colonies.

The war made the entire Spanish empire extremely angry. When had they ever suffered such a loss? Spain, which claims to be the most powerful country in Europe, ended its road war with France and was going all out to develop its maritime power. However, its fists could not

With four enemies, facing Persia, Korea, and Japan, it still seemed very difficult.

In addition, he still owes a lot of debt to the Ming Empire, so life is not easy. He hopes to stabilize the colonies on the Gold Coast of West Africa and plunder wealth and resources from the colonies to alleviate the internal embarrassment.

If you just want to win the war, you must have more advanced weapons and warships. In addition to producing these yourself, you have to obtain more from the Ming people.

But the Ming Empire was reluctant to continue selling arms and weapons to the Spanish Empire, because Spain now owed the Ming Empire a huge debt of up to 50 million taels of silver, and the annual interest alone was a large sum.

If it continues to sell arms and weapons, how will Spain pay off its debts?

There is no way, the Spanish can only find the South African colony. The quality of the arms and weapons here is also very good, and they can also produce advanced warships. However, the price still maintains the Ming people's black-hearted tradition and is still expensive.


"Mr. Gerrard, we are also old friends. We will definitely give you the discount we can give you. What I am more worried about now is how you will pay for the goods."

Du Mingen drank tea slowly and looked at Gerald in front of him.

Think about your own life, it is also a legend.

Du Mingen, who comes from a business family, has been in business since he was in elementary school, and has been a businessman for decades when he grows up. It was not until he met Liu Jin in the capital in his 40s that his destiny changed.

He went to gold, sailed to the Western Ocean, and was later knighted. Later he came to South Africa, where he presided over the affairs of the South African colony and became the governor of South Africa.

Although the Governor of South Africa is not an emperor or anything like that, he still has great power. For example, the Gerald in front of him is a great nobleman in Spain.

In the past, if I was a small businessman, the other party would ask for me. But now that I am the Governor of South Africa, the other party will ask for me.

Not only Gerald, there are many people who come to seek help from him. Major colonies, vassal states, Persians, Egyptians, Japanese, Koreans, etc. will all come to him, asking for help in selling food and arms.

Weapons etc.

This life is enough for me. The fate and trajectory of life are really hard to say.

Du Mingen's words also made Gerald a little embarrassed, because Spain really doesn't have much money in hand now, and the price of battleships has always been very expensive, easily costing hundreds of thousands or millions of taels of silver per ship, without bringing


"We have tens of thousands of slaves in our hands. I wonder if we can use them as payment for goods?"

After thinking for a while, Gerald asked tentatively.

"Haha, Mr. Gerald, you must also know."

"Our South African colony does not need slaves, especially Kunlun slaves."

"Of course, if you have white slaves and they are female slaves, we are willing to give you a discount."

Du Mingen smiled and shook his head.

The Spanish are also very crazy now. They are desperately plundering gold, silver, ivory, and diamonds in the colonies. They are also desperately trying to capture Kunlun slaves for sale. The sweetness of the slave trade is also addictive.


When Gerald heard this, his face immediately turned ugly. The human trafficking in Europe is now very rampant. This is inseparable from the fact that the Ming people are causing trouble behind the scenes.

The demand for slaves in the Ming Dynasty was very strong. The price of slaves has always been very stable, and the price of female slaves has never dropped. This greatly stimulated human trafficking and plunder in Europe. A large number of people passed through various

The methods were sold to the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty colonies, and the Ming Dynasty vassal state.

This South African colony does not want male slaves, only female slaves, because as long as you immigrate to the South African colony, you can get hundreds of acres of land and several female slaves for free.

Female slaves were not only used to help with farming and work, but more importantly, they were responsible for the task of giving birth. In the South African colony, a large number of children were of mixed race and could be seen everywhere. They were all born to Ming people and female slaves.


"Mr. Gerald, I have something else to do. When you have money, you can come to me to buy arms and weapons at any time. We are always willing to provide you with the best arms and weapons."

Du Mingen could tell by looking at him that the Spaniard was really poor now and couldn't make any money out of it.

After all, we have been fighting wars for many years, and we still have a huge debt to the Ming Dynasty that has not been repaid, so we can no longer make any money. On the contrary, the Japanese are full of money now. They are constantly plundering slaves in Europe, and by the way

Even North Koreans are now following them to Europe.

"It seems that life is really difficult for the Spaniards now."

After Gerald left, Zhang Ye and Xu Wenxi came to Du Mingen's side and said with a smile.

"It's all difficult. The lives of the Koreans, Persians, and Japanese people are not necessarily any better. They are all struggling."

Du Mingen smiled and said: "Let them fight slowly. The longer the fight, the better. Our food, arms, weapons, and medicines will be better sold later."


When Zhang Ye and Xu Wenxi heard this, they immediately laughed.

The life of the South African colony is much better now. In the past, there were few people and development was slow. But it has gradually survived and now life is much more comfortable. The extensive use of mechanization has made up for the lack of labor force.

"Master Marquis, our northernmost land has expanded to the southern end of the Zambian prairie, which is considered to be deep into the hinterland of the African continent. Do we want to continue to expand northward?"

Xu Wenxi thought for a while and asked Du Mingen for instructions.

The South African colony has been expanding continuously, from south to north, and its current territory includes the later Madagascar Island, South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. The land has become extremely large.

It's vast.

"Of course we must continue to expand northward. If we don't occupy it now, if we expand, other colonies and vassal states will also continue to expand into inland areas."

"Although our land is large enough, who would think that their land is too much? Continue to sweep north and expel all the Kunlun slaves."

"We don't need those muddy Kunlun slaves."

Du Mingen said very decisively that land expansion was in the interests of the South African colony and was also the phalanx decided by the shareholders' meeting.


Xu Wenxi quickly returned with a military salute.

"Master Hou, there is a man named Liu Da outside who wants to see you."

At this time, someone hurriedly came to report.

"Liu Da?"

When Du Mingen heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Please, Liu Da has finally arrived."

"Master Hou, who is this Liu Da?"

Zhang Ye and Xu Wenxi on the side also asked in confusion.

Judging from Du Mingen's attitude, he was still very polite. It was obvious that Liu Da was not an ordinary person.

"Liu Da is Liu Jin's second son. He will be here in South Africa for a long time in the future. He represents the Duke of Liao, which is similar to how you represent the Xu family and the Zhang family."

Du Mingen said with a smile.

"Liu Jin's son?"

"Is the Duke of Liao really willing to send his son to South Africa?"

When the two of them heard this, they were slightly dumbfounded.

Although they are descendants of Duke Yingying and Duke Dingguo, they are not direct descendants, but descendants of collateral descendants. Their status in the family is far inferior to direct descendants.

Coming to South Africa is to take care of the South African colonial industry and manage this huge asset for the family. As for the legitimate children of the Duke of Ding and the British Duke, they are not willing to be put here in the South African colony to endure hardships.

Each one of them is like a treasure, and they are reluctant to let them go if they are left here in the capital.

This Liu Jin is good, he is actually willing to exile his precious son to South Africa. You must know that this place is thousands of miles away from the Ming Dynasty, and this Liu Jin's son must be still very young.

"This is the Duke of Liao!"

"This Liu Da was originally going to come last year. He was only 17 years old at the time, but he was delayed for a year because of marriage and childbirth, so he postponed his arrival until this year."

"Liu Jin is a really courageous and well-planned person. He is willing to send a child to South Africa."

Du Mingen also sighed and shook his head repeatedly.

To be honest, he valued his son very seriously, and he was not willing to send his son to a place thousands of miles away. It was not impossible to survive in the Ming Dynasty, so why would he let his son go thousands of miles away?

Going to a distant place to endure hardships and hardships.

"Liu Jin wrote to me, asking me to take more care of him. What position do you think would be better for him?"

Du Mingen thought for a while and asked again.

"First let him work as a clerk for you, Mr. Marquis, at the Governor's Mansion. After a few years of experience, he will be placed somewhere to practice and practice in various fields. Get familiar with it."

"Liu Da will definitely be the Governor-General of South Africa in the future. Naturally, he will be familiar with all aspects of South Africa."

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said.

"Well, I think so too."

Du Mingen and Xu Wenxi also nodded.

PS: Please vote for me, please ask for all kinds of things~~

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