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Chapter 2262 Ningguo who picked up the treasure

Chapter 2262, Ning Guo who found the treasure

In a factory area outside Anning City in Ningguo, King Ning, accompanied by Liu Yangzheng, the left prime minister of Ningguo, brought some important ministers of Ningguo to visit the Qinghe Cuiji Textile Factory that had been completed and was about to be put into operation.

Qinghe Cuiji Textile Factory is one of the top ten leading textile enterprises in the Ming Dynasty. It has a large scale, advanced equipment and large production capacity. It is mainly engaged in cloth textile, garment manufacturing, shoe manufacturing and sporting goods manufacturing.

It can be said that it is definitely an extremely large textile company and one of the representative companies in the Ming Dynasty textile industry. The owner behind it is Qinghe Cui.

The Cui family of Qinghe is a very famous family in history. It reached its peak during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Later, under the continuous suppression of the Li and Tang royal families and the implementation of the imperial examination system, the Cui family of Qinghe began to gradually become like other aristocratic families.

of decline.

But as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Here in Qinghe, the Qinghe Cui family is still a wealthy family, and it is still the most important family in the area.

Especially with the development of the Ming Dynasty's overseas colonies and vassal states, and the rapid rise of industry and capitalism, many large and small families also emerged in the Ming Empire.

The most famous among them are of course the Liu family of Liao Gong founded by Liu Jin, the former chief minister of the cabinet, the Zhang family of British Gong, Ding Guogong founded by King Zhongshan, the Xu family of Cheng Guogong, etc.


These families were not only the wealthy and noble families of the Ming Empire, but more importantly, they were the pioneers and pioneers of this capitalist and industrial era. They were also the pioneers and biggest beneficiaries of the colonial era.

Benefiting from the development of capitalism, colonialism, and industrialization, these large families have completed a magnificent transformation, and the original feudal wealthy aristocrats have gradually developed into emerging big capitalists, colonialists, industrialists, etc.

Not only did it have extremely huge influence within the Ming Empire, but it also had huge influence in many overseas vassal states, colonies, and even in various regions around the world.

Many colonies were even established by these big families. For example, the South African colony was established by the military generals of the Ming Dynasty. Now it is a huge colony second only to the Ming Empire. It not only has a vast territory, but also has developed industry.

, technological and military strength are very strong.

With these big families taking the lead, the powerful big families in the Ming Dynasty, the gentry and wealthy families, etc. also followed suit, setting up industries, overseas colonization, etc.

Under such trends and trends, the Qinghe Cui family gradually regained its vitality, reunited and united, not only founded the huge factory of Qinghe Cuiji Textile Factory, but also established a unique overseas

The colony of the Cui family in Qinghe.

Although there is still a huge gap compared to those wealthy families in the Ming Empire, it has also given the Qinghe Cui family a new lease of life.

At this moment, Cui Jing of Qinghe Cuiji Textile Factory was also accompanying King Ning, Liu Yangzheng and others with the main person in charge of the factory.

"Not bad!"

"As expected of the Cui family of Qinghe, a famous family with five surnames and Qiwang in history, the factory they run is different and magnificent!"

King Ning looked at the textile factory in front of him. This textile factory was very large, covering an area of ​​several thousand acres. It was a very large textile factory with many factory buildings that could accommodate more than 100,000 workers working in it.

This is the largest textile factory in the history of Ningguo. Compared with this factory, previous textile factories are simply child's play and insignificant.

King Ning worked hard to establish the country of Ning overseas, and he has been working hard to manage this huge country.

In the past, King Ning always felt that being an emperor was actually a very simple matter, but since he established the Ning Kingdom, he realized that it is not easy to manage a country well.

Especially to manage a huge country like Ningguo, it requires countless energy, exhaustion of one's own wisdom, and a large number of talents.

Ning State occupies nearly one-third of the land of Tianzhu Continent, and also has a huge land in East Africa, with an entire land area of ​​more than 5 million square kilometers.

Moreover, Ningguo also has an extremely large population. According to the latest census of Ningguo, the total population of Ningguo has exceeded the 100 million mark, which is an extremely huge number.

There are more than 1,000 Han people among them, accounting for about one-tenth of the total population of Ningguo.

The reason why there are so many Han people is mainly because Ningguo has always adhered to preferential immigration policies and continued to attract immigrants from the Ming Empire to Ningguo.

I think there were only 20,000 people who came out with King Ning at the beginning. These were the 20,000 people that King Ning tried his best to trick from Jiangxi.

Over the years, Ningguo has been encouraging and attracting Ming people to immigrate to Ningguo, providing land, preferential policies, free slaves, women, etc.

Even in order to attract talents to Ningguo, anyone who has a good reputation in the Ming Empire can directly go to Ningguo to become an official, which is regarded as a Jinshi origin in Ningguo's imperial examination.

Moreover, even students who graduated from the Ming Empire's new colleges and universities can receive the same treatment, and also enjoy the treatment and background of Jinshi, and can directly serve as officials in Ningguo.

This kind of policy also attracted a large number of Han immigrants to Ningguo and some talented people who were frustrated in the Ming Dynasty to come to Ningguo to develop.

Of course, the main reason is that the population in the Ming Dynasty is growing very fast. At the time of the first census, the population of the Ming Empire was only 150 million, but now, the total population of the Ming Empire has exceeded 500 million.


In just over thirty years, the population of the Ming Empire almost doubled.

This also led to a large number of Ming people choosing to immigrate overseas for better development, choosing to go to overseas vassal states and colonies, where they could live a good life.

Among all the overseas colonies and vassal states, the three places that were most favored by the Ming Dynasty were Ningguo, South Africa and the Western United Trading Colony.

Therefore, the population of Ningguo is also growing very fast, especially the growth of Han people.

King Ning paid special attention to this point, because he knew clearly that the foundation and foundation of the development of Ning State was the Han people. Only when the number of Han people increased and the proportion became larger and larger, could Ning State be truly stable. Otherwise, it would only rely on a few people.

If ten thousand people want to rule tens of millions of people, that would be too difficult, too difficult, and too dangerous.

Therefore, King Ning issued many policies to encourage Han people to have children and immigrate. In order to expand the number of Han people, he directly issued a large number of female slaves to Han immigrants, requiring them to give birth to enough children.

This is also an important reason for the extremely rapid growth of the Han people in Ningguo, because the Han people occupy enough resources and enjoy the best policies and treatment.

In order to increase the population of Han people in Ning and attract Ming people to immigrate here, King Ning spent a lot of thought.

Population is only a small aspect that needs to be faced in governing a country, but even such a small aspect caused King Ning a lot of headaches.

Let him understand that governing a country is definitely not an easy task.

The population can also be increased by encouraging births and immigration, but if Ningguo wants to develop, it is really not easy.

For example, if Ning State wants to develop, it needs money, but whether it is the Tianzhu continent or the continent in East Africa, the original economy was mainly based on agriculture, and the East African side is even a primitive tribal economy.

It was too difficult to develop in a place like this. Ningguo once faced serious economic problems and had no money to build and develop Ningguo.

Later, King Ning found a way to make money through slave trading, which gradually improved the economy of Ning State, allowing King Ning to have money to build his own country.

But there is still a huge gap compared with the Ming Empire. The Ming Empire has railways and roads everywhere, but Ningguo has just started to build the first railway.

In this regard, the little money Prince Ning earned from the slave trade was just drizzle and not enough to spend.

Prince Ning and his ministers thought about it for a long time, and finally figured out that the reason why the Ming Empire was able to develop rapidly was entirely dependent on industry.

If it weren't for the rapid development of industry, the Ming Empire would not be any different from before.

Because of the rapid development of industry, the national power of the Ming Empire was unprecedentedly strong and its development speed was beyond imagination.

Therefore, King Ning also turned his attention to the industrial field and wanted to promote the industrial development of his Ning country.

However, this road is also very difficult.

Ningguo simply does not have the conditions and foundation for industrial development. The infrastructure is poor, transportation is inconvenient, and there are not enough industrial workers and qualified talents from new education.

King Ning tried to set up steel plants, cement plants, textile factories, etc. He even tried to set up Ningguo's own automobile factory or something.

But in the end, these factories were half dead, and the automobile factory was outright unable to operate. Ningguo could not even build cars, let alone ships.

Even if some enterprises are established, they cannot compete with enterprises in the Ming Empire and South Africa. They are all making money at a loss and can only breathe in Ningguo.

There was no way, Prince Ning could only continue to learn from the Ming Empire, and wanted to study the development of the Ming Empire and copy the development of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Ning Guo has always been unable to do so. Many of the ministers under King Ning are traditional civil servants and cannot compare to Liu Jin, Wang Shouren and others.

In the end, Ningguo came to the conclusion that the development of industry is based on a complete new education. If Ningguo takes the road of industrialization, it must also develop new education.

Therefore, Prince Ning had to introduce the new education from the Ming Empire, popularize the new education among the Han people, establish Ning's own new colleges and universities, etc.

It can be said that it is definitely not an easy task for a huge country to develop. There are too many things in all aspects.

When King Ning was in the Ming Dynasty, he thought about rebelling and replacing him, but when he went overseas and became the king of a country, he felt that it was more comfortable to be an idle prince as before.

Governing a country is really not an easy task.

Ningguo's industrial road has always been very bumpy, stumbling, very unsatisfactory, and very difficult.

Especially since there are no trade barriers with the Ming Empire, the industrial products of the Ming Empire flood the Ningguo market. This makes it even more difficult for Ningguo's own industry to develop. It simply cannot compete with Ming enterprises, not to mention overseas enterprises in the South African colonies.

It was also a huge deal, and could compete with the enterprises of the Ming Empire.

This made it more difficult for the industrial development of other overseas colonies and vassal states, which were basically based on agriculture, mainly plantation economies.

Mainly planting certain cash crops, relying on the huge system of the Ming Empire, you can live a good life.

But King Ning was not willing to let his Ning country just grow rice, sugar cane, spices, etc. He also wanted to run his Ning country like the Ming Empire, not only developing agriculture, but also developing industry.

This is actually a typical oriental character. Princes, generals, and generals are very kind!

If the Ming Empire can do it, so can our own Ningguo. If the Ming Empire has it, our own Ningguo must also have it. No one is worse than the other.

But on such a road, Ning Guo had a very difficult time.

The industrial enterprises established by Ningguo themselves could not compete with the Ming Empire. It was difficult to develop and could not develop.

Without having tasted the flesh of the initial golden period of capitalist development, it will naturally be difficult to develop. What's more, Ningguo's education, talents, technology, roads and other aspects cannot compare with the Ming Empire, so it will be even more difficult.

But this time, Prince Ning found a treasure!

Because the textile industry in the Ming Empire was migrating on a large scale from within the Ming Empire to overseas colonies and vassal states, a large part of the textile factories chose to come to Ningguo.

Ningguo is allowed to keep slaves, and Tianzhu Continent also has extremely cheap labor. At the same time, Ningguo is also the most important cotton producing area overseas. Cotton planting is large-scale and the yield is very high.

In addition, King Ning also introduced preferential policies in real time, which attracted a large number of textile factories to settle here in Ningguo.

The Qinghe Cuiji Textile Factory in front of us is the largest one.

"Haha, Prince Ning deserves the award!"

"Thanks to your support, Prince Ning, we were able to build this factory."

Cui Jing smiled and said to Prince Ning.

Relocating out of Daming was a helpless choice and I had to choose to move out.

Because it is impossible to survive in the Ming Empire. Labor is too expensive and cannot compete with these overseas textile factories. In the field of textiles, the textile factories of the Ming Empire simply do not have any advantages. The main reason is that labor is too expensive.

The labor force in these overseas textile factories is very cheap, the cost is extremely low, and the advantages are very obvious.

"We in Ningguo always welcome everyone to invest, and we have also formulated many preferential policies, including tax exemption for the first three years, half of the tax for the next three years, and free land."

"Even as long as they are willing to immigrate to our Ning country, we can also provide individuals with a large amount of land, slaves, etc."

King Ning said with a smile that the Cui family in Qinghe was still influential. He was thinking about attracting more people to invest or immigrate to Ningguo. No matter which way it was, it would be profitable for Ningguo.

"Thank you so much, Prince Ning, for your support!"

"After our factory is relocated to Ningguo, I estimate that our costs can be reduced by at least 30%, and our products will be more competitive in the global market."

Cui Jing also expressed his gratitude to King Ning again.

"Although our Ningguo is not as good as the Ming Dynasty, in the field of textiles, our Ningguo still has many advantages. The textile factories established in Ningguo in the past have developed very well."

King Ning smiled and said, "Ning's other industries are not developing well, but this textile industry is developing very well."

But Ning Guo wanted to develop more than just the textile industry. Ning Wang wanted to develop industries such as steel, automobiles, electrical appliances, and shipbuilding.

It’s just that these companies are simply unwilling to invest in Ningguo, which currently does not have the capacity to develop these heavy industries and industries with high technical content.

Even with preferential policies, Ningguo is still far behind in many other aspects.

Especially for industries like automobile manufacturing, it requires extremely complete supporting enterprises and industries to truly develop. Cars cannot be manufactured by just one factory.

And Ningguo does not have a complete industrial system at all, the transportation is not good, and there are no relevant talents. Only a fool would move the automobile factory to Ningguo.

Labor is cheap, but they are all illiterate and can't even read, let alone other things. Don't expect these people to be able to produce qualified cars.

If you need a screw, you may need to transport it from the Ming Empire. How can this cost be reduced, and how can you compete with the companies of the Ming Empire?

King Ning and others inspected the textile factory in front of them.

It is already very rare for Ningguo to seize the opportunity of the first wave of industrial transfer in the Ming Empire.

At least for Ningguo now, it can produce clothes and shoes, and it can also generate a lot of tax revenue, drive the development of related industries, promote employment, etc.

This is a good start. In the future, we can slowly develop other labor-intensive industries, and then develop other industries when they mature.

In Ningguo's plan, in the next few decades, the main focus will be on new education, and after the new education has cultivated enough talents, it will then slowly develop heavy industry, automobile manufacturing and other industries.

Prince Ning is not a person who is willing to lag behind. In his heart, he has always wanted to run Ning State into a powerful empire comparable to the Ming Empire. However, this goal is very ambitious and not easy to achieve.

PS: Two chapters in one~~

(End of chapter)

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