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Chapter 396, Prodigal Son

Luo Dong was one of the first reporters of Ming Morning News. After Liu Jin trained the reporters, editors, and editors of Ming Morning News for more than ten days, he began to ask these reporters to go to various places to collect news materials.

This is their first test.

Not everyone is suitable to be a journalist. Although Liu Jin has trained them for more than ten days, whether they can collect useful news materials still depends on their practice.

Luo Dong used to work at the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty. Because he studied seriously, was good at literacy and hyphenation, and was smart, he was recommended and became one of the first journalists of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post.

"Collect news materials~"

At this time, Luo Dong was worried about this matter. Although the scope of news materials is very wide, ranging from national events to some trivial matters, but since Liu Jin has set up this test, ordinary people

There is definitely no way to exchange news materials.

What's more, everyone is on the same starting line at this time. If you want to stand out in the Ming Dynasty Morning Post, if you want Liu Jin to notice you, if you want to have a bright future, you must come up with satisfactory news materials.


Therefore, unlike other people, Luo Dongbing did not rush around in a hurry, but began to think carefully and figure out what kind of news material would make people like it. The most important thing was to make Liu Jin Liu

The young master likes and notices himself.

"National events are a must, but there are dedicated people here at the Ming Dynasty Morning Post to collect these official information and reports. It's a waste of time to do it yourself."

"The trivial things of ordinary people are of little value, so it's really hard to find them."

At first, Luo Dong thought that this news reporter was a good job. He had nothing to do every day. He ran around collecting news materials at public expense, and his life was fine.

But when he actually went to collect news materials, he realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"What kind of things are valuable and can attract Mr. Liu's attention?"

Luo Dong thought carefully, frowned, and walked aimlessly through the streets of the capital.

"First Bank of Ming Dynasty?"

Walking, walking, he came to the place where he went to work not long ago. The business here of Daming First Bank was very busy, with carriages coming and going, and rich people coming and going.

"Yes, I can collect some news materials related to the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty. There are people who have made money from loans. I can promote the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty by writing about it casually."

"No, no, Daming First Bank does not lack loans. What it lacks is deposits. If you can write about things related to deposits and publicize the benefits of deposits in Daming First Bank, this will definitely make Liu Gongzi


Thinking of this, Luo Dong's eyes lit up.

Soon, he took action quickly. Daming First Bank had very little deposit business. In the past few months since it was opened, he could count all the customers who had made deposits. The one he remembered most clearly was of course Mr. Wang Shirui.

Wang Shirui is also a very famous person in the capital. He used to be a big businessman. He built up a huge family fortune through business, claiming to have thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune.

Luo Dong easily found the palace of Mr. Wang Shirui in the capital.


"I must have gone right. This should be Wang Shirui's palace. Why did the plaque here change and become Zhang's palace?"

But when Luo Dong arrived at the palace, he was dumbfounded, because the rather grand mansion in front of him had a plaque not from the palace, but from Zhang's palace.


After thinking about it, Luo Dong stepped forward and knocked on the door, and soon a man who looked like a servant came out.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

The servant looked at Luo Dong carefully and saw that Luo Dong was quite well dressed and looked like a scholar, so he thought about it and asked.

"Brother, if I remember correctly, this place used to be Wang Shirui's palace. Why did it change its owner?"

Luo Dong said with a smile on his face.

"Wang Shirui died a few months ago. His son lost all his family property in gambling, and this mansion was sold just last month."

"I used to be a servant of the palace, so you asked the right person. Are you coming to the palace to collect a debt?"

The servant looked at Luo Dong, thought for a while and said.

"That's not true. I mainly wanted to come over and visit Mr. Wang Shirui. I didn't expect that he would be gone in just a few months."

Luo Dong shook his head and said with emotion.

"Yes, things are unpredictable. The old man was actually angered to death by his unfilial son. His son ate, drank, whored and gambled every day, and even took a girl from a brothel as a concubine. The old man didn't need to, so he started quarreling, and all of a sudden

It made the old man angry to death."

The servants also nodded. Mr. Wang Shirui was very kind to servants like them in the past, and he also thought about his kindness.

"Brother, do you know where his family members are?"

Luo Dong couldn't help but shook his head slightly, thought for a moment and then asked, "I can't interview Mr. Wang Shirui anymore, but I can interview his family and his son."

"The family has failed and the family has been separated. I don't know about the other people. His son should be in a gambling house, brothel or the like here in the capital. You can go to these places to look for him, and you can definitely find him."

The servant thought for a while and said.

"Okay, thank you, brother~"

Luo Dong smiled and expressed his gratitude. He was eager to follow his brother's instructions and start a brothel. He went to the casino to find Wang Enyi, the son of Mr. Wang Shirui, and prepared to interview this prodigal son.

It's just that Luo Dong searched almost all the brothels and gambling houses in the capital, but he couldn't find Wang Enyi. Everyone found Wang Enyi, the prodigal son, but they all said bluntly that Wang Enyi had lost all his family wealth in gambling, and no one wanted to do it now.

Entertain him.

“The last casino~”

Luo Dong followed the guidance of an acquaintance and came to a newly opened casino outside the capital. Before entering the casino, he saw a person stumbling out of the casino and being pushed out.

The person who was pushed out was wearing tattered clothes, his hair was very messy, his steps were sloppy, and he fell to the ground several times after being pushed lightly.

Then several fierce-looking people came out, and at first glance they knew they were casino thugs or something like that.

"Master Wang, if you don't have money, don't come in and join in the fun, so as not to embarrass everyone."

The leader looked at the person lying on the ground coldly and said very coldly.

"Who said I have no money? My father deposited 300,000 silver dollars in the First Bank of Ming Dynasty before his death. I will have no money?"

"It's more than enough to buy your casino. Get out of the way quickly and let me go in and have a good time. You guys will be rewarded."

Wang Enyi stood up slowly, patted the soil on his body gently, and said grandly.


"Young Master Wang, please stop bragging. If your old man had deposited 300,000 silver dollars in the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty, you would have withdrawn it and lost it all. Are you still in this state of despair?"

"Look, you even pawned your clothes, and you said something about three hundred thousand taels of silver. Are you lying?"

The head casino steward smiled coldly.

He was very aware of the Prince Wang Enyi in front of him. Since his father's death, he had become even more serious about eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. In just a few months, he had lost all the huge family property left by the old man.

Of course, someone must have deliberately set up a trap to target him, a fat sheep. In fact, in the past few months, Wang Enyi has been synonymous with fat sheep. When every casino saw him, they were extremely enthusiastic, served him carefully, and put in all their efforts.

I want to keep it.

But things are different now. Wang Enyi even pawned his underwear, borrowed money everywhere, and owed money. At first, everyone believed that his father had deposited 300,000 taels of silver for him in the First Bank of Ming Dynasty.

But as time went by, Wang Enyi was still unable to get the 300,000 taels of silver. Naturally, everyone was not willing to receive him. They disliked him when they saw him, and even refused to let him enter the casino.


"I will lie to you, but you don't know what you are. Do I need to lie to you and run away?"

Wang Enyi shook his messy hair. Although he was in a state of despair, his aura was still there. Looking at the scar in front of him, when he came here before, he would nod and bow and greet him with a smile. Before, he didn't have any at all.

The kind that doesn't even bother to look at him when you see him in your eyes.

"My scar is really nothing. It doesn't matter whether you lie to me or not. What's important is that if you want to get in, you have to come up with money. If you don't have money, you can't even get in."

The man called Scar had scars on his face and looked quite scary. He looked at Wang Enyi coldly, but he was not angry at what Wang Enyi said.

Compared with this prince, he really is nothing. Wang Enyi spends a lot of time and wine, eats delicacies from the mountains and seas, and plays with the fat and thin swallow rings. These are not things he can enjoy in this life. He is just a thug watching the show.

"Hmph~ Just wait, when I take out the money, then each of you will be used as a stool for me to sit on."

When Wang Enyi saw this, he knew that it was almost impossible to get in today, so he had no choice but to say a word and leave angrily.

Luo Dong watched with cold eyes and looked at this scene carefully. Places like brothel, Chu Palace and Casino are the most realistic and direct. If you have money, you are the boss. If you don't have money, you are nothing.

Follow Wang Enyi silently and continue to see where he will go.

Wang Enyi left the casino, touched his belly, looked at a restaurant, and walked in with a dull head. However, before he entered, the waiter in the restaurant stopped him.

"Go, go, those who beg for food don't even look at the place. You have to wait until you've passed the restaurant to ask for food. We'll give you some when we have leftovers."

"Are you blind? Didn't you see it was me?"

When Wang Enyi heard this, he immediately became angry. He had come to this restaurant often before, and the food was pretty good.

"Oh, who am I talking about? It turns out to be Mr. Wang. I'm so sorry. Our shopkeeper has told us that our store does not accept credit. If you have money, of course you can come in. But now Mr. Wang, you still have


As soon as the waiter heard the voice, he looked carefully and said with a smile.

"Let's record it in the account first. I'll wait until I get the money from Daming First Bank and settle it all together."

When Wang Enyi heard this, he waved his hand and walked inside.

It's just that the waiter didn't agree with him at all and wouldn't give way at all.

"Young Master Wang, I'm so sorry. You have already paid twelve taels of silver on credit in our store. When will you give me this money? You haven't paid me yet?"

"Didn't I say that?"

"Before my father died, he deposited 300,000 taels of silver in the First Bank of Ming Dynasty. He can't withdraw it now, but he can get interest next year. That's almost more than 20,000 taels of silver a year. I'll buy your store.

It’s more than enough to get down.”

Wang Enyi emphasized again very unhappy.

"Young Master Wang, let's see if you can live until next year. Without money, you can't enter this door."

The waiter smiled and looked like a ghost would believe you.

Wang Enyi looked at the opponent's posture, touched his hungry belly, and left helplessly.

When he was rich in the past, he had friends all over the world, and he was always a distinguished guest wherever he went, and he was treated attentively by everyone. But now that he has no money, even having a meal is a problem.

Luo Dong slowly followed Wang Enyi and quietly watched everything Wang Enyi encountered.

The casino was thrown out, and the door of the restaurant couldn't be entered. I asked my friends to borrow money. Not only did I not receive the money, I was also ridiculed by people who used to think I was a good friend. I was very depressed, walking on the streets like a zombie.

Above, there are street stalls and hawker products that I would never even look at before, but now I keep swallowing my saliva just looking at them.

Gradually, the sun slowly set, and Wang Enyi dragged his hungry body and tired body and mind to a dilapidated small courtyard. In the small courtyard, a woman wearing patched clothes was washing clothes, and there was a woman beside her.

Children aged eleven or twelve are playing.

Although this woman was washing clothes and her clothes were very shabby, it could be seen from her appearance that she was very good-looking, with fair skin, dignified and beautiful appearance, and she obviously belonged to a wealthy family in the past.

Although the small yard was in tatters, she had taken care of it cleanly. She was obviously a virtuous, virtuous, diligent and thrifty person who managed the household.

"Ms. sir~"

When the woman saw Wang Enyi coming back, she quickly put down her work and stepped forward to greet him.


Wang Enyi looked at his wife Wu and gave a long hum.

Mrs. Wu was a match his father told him about. She was a young lady from a wealthy family in Shandong. She had been married to him for more than ten years. Before, he had never even looked at his wife, who had three wives and four concubines.

They keep marrying little ones into the house and go out to have fun.

Now that the family has failed, all the concubines in the past have packed up and left. Only this wife has been following him. He used to be a lady, but now he washes clothes to earn some copper to support the family.

"Why don't you leave?"

Wang Enyi looked at Wu and asked.

"I married a chicken and a dog, I was born as a member of the Wang family and died as a ghost of the Wang family. How could you say such a thing to humiliate me, sir?"

When Mrs. Wu heard this, her whole body burst into tears. She was a traditional woman who had always adhered to the three obediences and four virtues. She didn't mind the hardships and hardships with Wang Enyi. Now when she heard Wang Enyi's words, her whole body seemed to be affected by

A huge grievance.

She was Wang Enyi's first wife. After marrying Wang Enyi, she identified with him. Although he ate, drank, whored, gambled, and indulged in debauchery, she had always endured it silently, running the family and raising the children without any regrets.


Hearing Mrs. Wu's cry, Wang Enyi's son immediately fell into Mrs. Wu's arms and started crying. Such a huge family change caused Wang Enyi's son to suffer a lot.

Wang Enyi looked at his wife, then at his son, and then thought about everything he had experienced, and suddenly he seemed to understand something in his originally confused mind.


Wang Enyi gently hugged his wife Wu, and then picked up his son. Tears suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Looking back on my past, I couldn't bear to look back. I used to call out friends and have a lot of guests, I used to have three wives and four concubines, and enjoy myself wantonly. In the end, there was nothing left except my first wife who would never leave me.

He suddenly woke up.


He couldn't help but slap himself hard.

"I'm really worse than a beast~"

"My father was so angry that he lost all his family property. He is worse than a beast."

While beating himself, Wang Enyi kept talking. The more he talked, the angrier he became and the harder he hit. Suddenly, his whole face became swollen.

"Ms. sir~"

Wu quickly grabbed Wang Enyi's hand and said, "As long as you know your mistake and can correct it, my father's spirit in heaven will definitely forgive you if he knows about it."

"Madam~ I'm sorry for you~"

Wang Enyi looked at his wife in front of him, couldn't help but knelt down and said with regret.

"My lord, I have gold at my knees, how can you kneel down to me, a woman? Get up, get up."

When Wu saw it, she immediately panicked and quickly helped Wang Enyi up.

"Madam, I am like this, and you have never left me. How can I, Wang Enyi, be so virtuous that I can marry you?"

Wang Enyi didn't want to get up. Thinking of all the things he had done in the past, he felt extremely guilty and sorry for Mrs. Wu.

"Ms. sir~"

When Mrs. Wu heard this, her tears fell down, and she suddenly felt that everything she was doing now was worth it, and all the efforts she had made were worth it.


At this time, Wang Enyi's stomach growled unsatisfactorily after being hungry all day.

"Ms. sir, haven't you eaten yet?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wu quickly asked.


Wang Enyi nodded in shame. In the past, he had not gone home well-fed and well-fed, but now he came back hungry and found it even more difficult to face his wife.

"Ms. sir, please sit down first and I will cook for you right away."

Mrs. Wu quickly helped Wang Enyi sit on a chair in the yard, and then went to work. Only when she came to the rice vat did she find that there was no rice in the rice vat, so she touched her body and said, "Ms., there is no rice at home."

Now, I’ll go to Aunt Li’s house next door to borrow some rice.”

After saying that, she hurriedly picked up a cloth bag and walked outside.

When Wang Enyi heard this, he cried even harder. He hugged Mrs. Wu and said, "Madam, don't go. It's just a hungry meal. It's nothing. What's more, how can I let you go for such a thing? It's not a big deal."

To save face, I’ll go tomorrow.”

"Ms. sir~"

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then tears welled up like tears.

It's pity that she is a young lady from a wealthy family. She didn't have any hands in the spring water before, but now she has to wash clothes for others to earn a few copper coins to support her family. It was very difficult for her to express such things for the first time.

Only she herself knows how much struggle she has gone through in her heart, how much her face has turned red, how much eye rolls and cynicism she has received.

"Madam, from now on I will never gamble or live in a life of debauchery. I will find something to do and I will never let you suffer."

Wang Enyi hugged his wife and wet his clothes with tears. At this moment, he realized that the most precious asset his old man left to him was nothing else but a virtuous wife.

"Ms. sir~"

When Wu heard this, she just hugged Wang Enyi and immediately felt that even if she lived a hard life, it was worth it.

"Ms. sir, I'd better go to Aunt Li to get some rice today. This person is made of iron rice and steel. If you don't eat for one meal, you'll be starving and your body will be damaged by starvation."

Hearing Wang Enyi's growling stomach again, Wu wiped her tears and said.

"You're not allowed to go. I'm just hungry. I won't die from hunger. I was too happy before, so I'm going to such a waste. I deserve to suffer. Being hungry doesn't matter."

Wang Enyi smiled, then took Wu's opponent, asked her to sit down and said, "Madam, I finally understand that everything is just like the past. Madam, you are the only one who is truly worth cherishing."

"I, Wang Enyi, swear to God that if I ever disgrace my wife again in the future, I will be struck by lightning from heaven!"

Then Wang Enyi knelt on the ground, raised his fingers, and swore directly to the sky.


"I know what you're thinking. There's no need for you to make such a vicious oath."

When Wu heard this, she quickly said that her whole body was as sweet as eating honey.

"Madam, don't worry. Our family actually still has money. Before my father left, he deposited most of our family's money in the First Bank of Ming Dynasty. However, the deposit was for a fixed term and could not be withdrawn before maturity. It's just

We can collect interest every year. Tomorrow we will go to the bank to see if we can get them to pay us some interest first so that we can get through the current difficulties."

"I have thought about it. In the future, I will go into business like the old man. I will earn back everything our family has lost with my own hands."

Wang Enyi nodded, then stood up and said very firmly.


Wu nodded firmly, she believed in her husband.

This scene was clearly seen by Luo Dong outside the door, and was recorded in detail.

This chapter has been completed!
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