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Chapter 403, have you read the newspaper?

The first issue of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post became an instant hit. In the Beijing-Tianjin area, the most discussed issues are the things published in the newspaper.

The newspapers found in the first issue have now become hot commodities. Everyone wants to get a copy of the newspaper to take a closer look, because everyone is discussing this matter. You don’t have a newspaper and you haven’t seen the content published on it.

, you have no right to speak and can only listen to what others say.

This is very uncomfortable.

Moreover, if you only listen to what other people say about these things in the newspapers, you will feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching its paws. Seeing is believing, and hearing is not. Sometimes you just have to see it for yourself.

Some people are now asking for hundreds of dollars to buy the newspapers they received for free, but even if they are offered for hundreds of dollars, they are still difficult to buy.

The Beijing-Tianjin area is not an ordinary place. The capital is the center of the Ming Dynasty. Tianjin has now become the economic center of the north. There are numerous factories and workshops, which have driven the economic development of the entire north and even the entire Ming Dynasty.

The two regions combined only have 10,000 newspapers, which is a drop in the bucket and far from meeting the market demand. There are too many rich people in these two places. Who cares about you if you have newspapers in your hands?


Some teahouses, restaurants and the like are even asking for a few newspapers to be placed inside the shop, so that customers who come to the shop can read the newspapers while eating, and then discuss with each other, and the business is extremely booming.

Many people who have never read such new things as newspapers, or who are very curious about the content published in newspapers, go to the store to make a purchase just to read the newspapers.

The location of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post became extremely busy. The first issue of the newspaper was published, making the Ming Dynasty Morning Post instantly known to everyone.

Some people came to ask when the second issue of the Tomorrow Morning Post would be released. Many people were impatient and wanted to continue reading the contents of the second issue.

There are also people who come here to buy newspapers, which are not available in the market. The Tomorrow Morning News is definitely available here. Many people come here to buy it, and even spend a lot of money to buy it.

Of course, there are still some people who come to submit articles. There is also an advertisement on the Ming Dynasty Morning Post that welcomes submissions. Once the article is selected by the Ming Dynasty Morning Post, the Ming Dynasty Morning Post will also give a certain amount of remuneration according to the situation.

However, not many people are interested in the remuneration. What everyone really cares about is that they want to share some anecdotes that they have seen, or they want to use the platform of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post to publish their own articles and so on.

To become famous, or some people want to use this to convey their thoughts and political opinions.

In short, submissions from all over the world are flying to the Ming Dynasty Morning Post like snowflakes, which dazzles the editors and editor-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post.

There were also some scholars from the Imperial College who came to make trouble. They believed that the Ming Dynasty Morning Post was insulting to elegance and the words created by the sages. They changed the writing rules without authorization, added symbols, etc., and demanded that the Ming Morning Post must be changed back.

Liu Jin is naturally too lazy to pay attention to them. They are just a group of scholars who have nothing to do after they are full. If you argue with them, you don't care at all. They have the time and experience to mess around with you, so it's okay.

Let me use your name as Liu Jin and Liu Zhuangyuan to become famous all over the world.

In addition to the above things, according to Liu Jin's request, there is no way for the Ming Dynasty Morning Post to do one issue a day, but one issue every three days is the lowest bottom line, so after finishing the first issue, we have to start working on the second issue immediately.

Period things.

The draft selection, finalization, typesetting, proofreading, etc. are busy enough, and then the printing is arranged for the printing factory. The three days are really tight.

Liu Jin brought Zhu Houzhao, a new shareholder of the Ming Morning News, to the Ming Morning News for inspection. He saw that the entire Ming Morning News was busy and no one came to receive it.

When I came to Bao Jiwen and Ouyang Wen's office, I saw Bao Jiwen, Ouyang Wen and others all busy and confused. Everyone's desk was piled with manuscripts, and they were sweating profusely while selecting manuscripts.


Liu Jin coughed lightly, and Bao Jiwen and Ou Yangguang noticed the arrival of Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao, so they quickly put down what they were doing and came over and said respectfully: "I've met the young master~"

"Well, this is His Royal Highness the current Crown Prince, and he is also the owner of our Ming Dynasty Morning Post."

Liu Jin nodded, and then introduced Zhu Houzhao to them.

"I have met His Royal Highness~"

When Bao Jiwen, Ouyang Wen and others heard this, they immediately saluted respectfully. They were lucky enough to meet His Highness the Crown Prince and even worked for His Highness themselves. If this caught His Highness's eyes, it would not matter even if they failed to pass the imperial examination.

Maybe there will be a chance to become an official.

"No need~ No need, let's all get busy."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and said in a very easy-going manner, and then his little eyes kept turning here and there.

"Tomorrow is the 24th, how are you preparing for the second issue of the issue?"

Liu Jin asked Bao Jiwen and Ouyang Wen.

"Sir, the manuscript for the second issue has been basically finalized, please take a look~"

"Your Highness, this is the manuscript for the second issue, please take a look~"

When Bao Jiwen and Ouyang Wen heard this, they quickly handed Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao the contents of the second issue they had decided on and asked them to take a look first.

"The Tatars were brutal and looted for hundreds of miles. Wherever they passed, rivers of blood flowed, and the rivers were filled with blood and drifts~"

Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao picked it up and took a look. The one on the top was about the Tatars going south to pass the customs. Once the grassland people successfully moved south from Ganshu and Shaanxi, everything they passed was like locusts crossing the border, and everything was plundered.

It was so clean that many smaller towns were directly slaughtered.

The description in the manuscript is vivid and vivid, fully describing the brutal atrocities of the Tatars. At the same time, it also implicitly criticizes the incompetence of the Ming Dynasty.

Dare to go out of the city to fight.


After Zhu Houzhao read this first manuscript, he slammed the table angrily.

"Deserve to kill~Deserve to kill~"

"These Tatars should all be killed~"

"These people who are afraid of death should all be killed. They raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. They only dare to hide in the city and don't even dare to go out to fight. What's the use of such soldiers and generals? They all deserve to be killed."

Zhu Houzhao was so murderous that he was extremely popular.

The ones he admired the most were Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, who were like generals who were able to roam the grasslands and kill the enemies in fear. Now it was good, the armies of the Ming Dynasty could only rely on the city for defense, and they did not even dare to go out to fight, so that those who

Small towns were slaughtered by the Tatars.

"This is not the way to go~"

Even Liu Jin couldn't help but shook his head slightly. The combat effectiveness of the Ming Dynasty's army was really no different from that of Zhan Wuzhao. The armaments were depleted, there was basically no training, and various problems such as empty pay and so on emerged one after another.

The most important thing is that the command power of the Ming Dynasty's army is in the hands of the civil servants. Since ancient times, the civil servants have been very talkative and powerful with their pens, but their fists are not powerful and their bones are weak.

Can you expect such a Ming army to be able to protect your country?

If the Ming Dynasty still needs to seize colonies around the world in the future, it must have a strong army. Apart from anything else, these grassland people in the north must first be dealt with and obeyed.

But do you expect these Ming Dynasty armies to be able to do it?

Don't even think about it. It's already good if they can defend some cities. As for the rest, don't think too much about it.

"Old Liu, you are great at training soldiers. Give me a strong army. I want to sweep across the grassland. The bandits can go, and I can go. They rob us, and we also rob them. They kill our people, and we too.

Kill them."

Zhu Houzhao said to Liu Jin with red eyes.

"Your Highness, you should not raise an army out of anger. Some things are better to be discussed in the long term."

Liu Jin looked at Zhu Houzhao, then at the people around him, and said helplessly.

Can we discuss this matter in public instead of in public? We can discuss it quietly. You are the prince now, not the emperor, and your words do not count.

What's more, even Emperor Hongzhi would not agree to the issue of military power. They would not be willing to hand over the military power.

Without the consent of these ministers, you will not be able to legitimately train troops and form an army.

After all, we still cannot escape the fact that military power is controlled by civil servants.

Hearing Liu Jin's words, although Zhu Houzhao was furious, he immediately understood that this was not the place to talk, so he nodded and picked up the manuscript and continued reading.

The second article is about the rebellion of the chieftains in the southwest. It mainly talks about the benefits of returning to the native land and tells some of the situations in the areas where the people have returned to the native land.

"Not bad, not bad~"

Seeing this, Zhu Houzhao also nodded with satisfaction. Liu Jin's proposal to return to the countryside and Wang Shouren's proposal to establish a special mountain camp to deal with these southwestern chieftains. With the two-pronged approach, the entire southwest region was quickly pacified.

The big chieftain Milu who rebelled not long ago was directly captured alive by the mountain camp. The other chieftains changed their minds after hearing the news. Even if they were unwilling, they had to hand over their power and accept the land reform.


"In the future, the newly developed territories of our Ming Dynasty will also be handled according to the method of the southwest region. All newly incorporated areas of our Ming Dynasty will be appointed to be governed by exiled officials to implement our Ming Dynasty's system and spread our Chinese culture."

Zhu Houzhao had even thought about the governance issues of opening up new territories in the future. He felt that appointing exiled officials to govern and promote the Ming system and Chinese culture was a very good way, and he must not repeat the mistakes of the southwestern chieftains.

Hearing Zhu Houzhong's words, Liu Jin's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. I have to say that Zhu Houzhao is still a thoughtful person and a very smart person.

Just from the matter of reforming the land and returning it to the local people, I thought about some things in the future, and how to govern after the expansion of the territory in the future.

From this aspect alone, Zhu Houzhao's idea is completely correct. When a new area is included in the territory, if you want this area to stabilize quickly and slowly integrate into the Ming Dynasty, this method is the best way.


"Old Liu, in the southwestern region, a special mountain camp was established to pacify the southwestern chieftains. Do you think that when we deal with the grassland people, can we also set up a special cavalry battalion similar to the grassland people? We can use cavalry against cavalry and fight fiercely with the grassland people.


Then Zhu Houzhao thought about it and asked Liu Jin.

"It's not impossible. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty specially set up such a cavalry army back then. They used the best horses from the Western Regions, coupled with the best treatment, weapons and equipment. That's why Weixing and Huo Qubing were able to roam the grasslands and kill the people in the grasslands with fear.


Liu Jin thought for a while and nodded.

This is what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did in history. Even though the number of troops was not large, only tens of thousands, these tens of thousands of cavalry used the best horses, the best armor and weapons, and both people and horses had the best food.

, cavalrymen are often from good families. The so-called good family does not mean the children of ordinary people, but refers to the children of big families.

Relying on such a powerful cavalry, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty defeated the Huns at that time.

Of course, in order to attack the Xiongnu, the national power of the Han Dynasty also weakened rapidly, and the huge national power accumulated by Emperors Wen and Jing was also consumed.

This shows that building such a cavalry requires a lot of financial resources and must be supported by strong national strength.

And is the Ming Dynasty possible now?

It is simply impossible. The treasury of the Ming Dynasty could starve to death. How could there be so much money to support the establishment of such a powerful cavalry?

What's more, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty kept his words, so this idea of ​​Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty can be implemented from top to bottom. Can the emperor of the Ming Dynasty now keep his words?

Military power was in the hands of the civil servants. The civil servants did not like a militaristic emperor. They only liked good old men like Emperor Hongzhi. They believed in them and listened to them in everything.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to build such a powerful cavalry here in the Ming Dynasty. The emperor has no say, the civil servants will strongly oppose it, and the court's finances do not allow it. It is just an empty talk.

"However, it costs too much money to build such a powerful cavalry. What's more important is that the DPRK..."

Thinking of this, Liu Jin had to pour cold water on Zhu Houzhao.

"Money is not an issue, as for the rest~"

When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he immediately laughed. As long as it is feasible, it will be fine. As for other problems, there are always more methods than difficulties. As for money, Zhu Houzhao now has money and silver, but he has nowhere to spend it.

What's more, there is Liu Jin, the God of Wealth, who is afraid of running out of money. Zhu Houzhao doesn't take it to heart at all about the matters in the court that Liu Jin is worried about. After all, his surname is Zhu in the Ming Dynasty, and his old Zhu family has said so.


On July 24, the twelfth year of Hongzhi, the sky was just getting dark, and the sounds of children began to sound again in the streets and alleys of the Beijing and Tianjin areas.

"Sell newspapers~ sell newspapers~"

"The Tatars massacred the Central Plains, Gansu, and Shaanxi, and the blood flowed into rivers~"

One by one, the newspaper boys waved the newspapers in their hands and shouted loudly as they walked.

"Bring me a newspaper~"

"I'll have one too~"

With the first issue laying the foundation, the sales of the second issue of the newspaper became extremely hot. The first issue only had more than 10,000 copies in the Beijing and Tianjin areas. The second issue, with the consent of Liu Jin, was directly discovered

Thirty thousand newspapers.

However, even if there were 30,000 newspapers, there were still not enough to sell in the entire Beijing-Tianjin area. As soon as many people heard the sound of newspapers being sold, they immediately swarmed in and quickly snapped up the newspapers.

In less than an hour, the second issue of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post was sold out, and young and old men throughout the capital and Tianjin began to read the newspaper with gusto.


In a teahouse in the capital, when everyone got the newspaper and saw the news at the top, there were loud noises immediately, followed by angry sounds.

"The Tatars massacred our Central Plains, Gansu, and Shaanxi, and they committed such heinous crimes. How can they be allowed to return to the grasslands with impunity? They must be killed cleanly!"

"It's a shame that even though our Ming Dynasty has millions of powerful soldiers, it can only huddle in the city. However, the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and they don't teach Huma to cross the Yin Mountains!"

"There are no flying generals in the Ming Dynasty. The army is filled with eunuchs and civil servants who have the final say."

"Are we just going to watch our compatriots being slaughtered?"

"So what can I do?"

"The princes in the court should find ways to teach these prairie wolves a lesson."

Throughout the restaurant, various discussions broke out one after another. The ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty were very angry. They wished they could mount their swords and fight with the grassland people to avenge their compatriots in Gansu and Shaanxi.

On the streets of Beijing.

"Have you read today's newspaper?"

When ordinary people meet, the first thing they say in the past is "Have you eaten today?"

But now it has changed. As is customary, everyone first asks, have you read today’s newspaper?

"Not yet~"

"Hurry up and take a look. It will make people angry at the sight. The Tatars massacred all over the Central Plains, Gansu and Shanxi. Ten houses and nine empty houses were filled with blood. I don't know how many people died."

"What, the Tatars really came in?"

"Where are our border troops? Where are our troops?"

"They are all huddled inside the city wall, and they don't dare to go out to fight. They usually serve delicious food and drink, but they don't even dare to fight at the critical moment. They are really a bunch of eggless things."

"They deserve to be killed, these people all deserve to be killed~"

"Isn't that true? It takes a thousand days to raise troops in just one moment. If you don't even dare to fight, what's the use of them? I've heard that our Ming army has long been corrupt, with weak armaments and lack of training. Those

Generals and the like are still paid empty wages, drink the blood of soldiers, etc. How can they have any combat effectiveness?"

"I've heard about it too, and sometimes I can't blame them entirely. I heard that some border troops have trouble even eating, and all the money allocated from above goes into the mouths of certain people."

"I've heard about it too. It's said that the weapons they use are not even as good as our kitchen knives. They break into pieces as soon as they are cut. How can they fight with this?"


This chapter has been completed!
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