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Chapter 754, the restless Ming

One by one, everyone carefully read the memorial written by Liu Jin to Emperor Hongzhi.

This is not the first time or twice. When it comes to national affairs, Emperor Hongzhi likes to show Liu Jin's memorials to everyone and ask for Liu Jin's opinions.

This is what Jian Zai Di Xin is talking about.

Liu Jin rarely wrote memorials, but Emperor Hongzhi attached great importance to every memorial he wrote, and the matters involved were all national events that affected the Ming Dynasty.

This memorial not only contains discussions and suggestions about overseas private colonies, but also good strategies for the long-term stability of various senior officials in Nanyang, as well as the disadvantages caused by the slave system and how to solve them.

Among them are what Liu Jin saw about the huge challenges and impacts brought to the Ming Dynasty after colonization. Not only the wealth pouring in from overseas, but also various ideas, cultures, and races.

, religion and so on will inevitably enter the Ming Dynasty.

Through this memorial, everyone seemed to see clearly the development of Ming Dynasty in the next hundred years. Billions of wealth poured into Ming Dynasty from all over the world. Along with the influx of wealth, there were also new ideas that gathered in Ming Dynasty from all over the world.

New culture, new religion and new race.

Collisions between civilizations, competition between races, and various problems will arise.

If Ming Dynasty cannot handle various relationships and things well and actively respond to the various collisions that are about to come, then Ming Dynasty will inevitably have various problems in the future.

Problems caused by slaves, problems caused by foreign races, civilizations, religions, etc., these will have extremely far-reaching impacts, and many of them will even be deep-rooted and continue.

Precisely because he saw such a situation, Liu Jin finally proposed that in the face of foreign civilizations, the Ming Dynasty should adopt its essence and discard its dross.

The sea is large enough to accommodate all rivers, but it also depends on what it is accepting.

Only by absorbing the essence of other civilized races can we continuously strengthen ourselves. If we do not learn the essence, but instead learn their dross, we will not only be unable to strengthen ourselves, but it will even affect ourselves.

"As expected of a master's son~"

"He is the sage of the world!"

Liu Jian couldn't help but let out a long sigh after reading it.

While everyone was still worried about these trivial matters, Liu Jin had already seen the situation that Ming Dynasty would face in the future, and also proposed corresponding solutions.

"Your Majesty, I believe that what Liu Jin said is true. Every plan and strategy is for the eternal prosperity of our Ming Dynasty and for the prosperity of our descendants of Yan and Huang."

Li Dongyang deeply agreed with Liu Jian's words and also stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, I also think so."

The other ministers looked at each other and expressed their opinions one after another.

Regardless of whether Liu Jin has seen the future or not, as far as the present is concerned, the issues Liu Jin mentioned about the ownership of overseas private colonies are also issues that are in line with everyone.

The Ming Dynasty encouraged private individuals to develop colonies overseas. The colonies that were developed belonged to whoever developed them. Of course, they still belonged to the Ming Dynasty in name, but the management rights, profit rights, and governance rights of the colonies belonged to the pioneers.

that's enough.

Everyone has shares in the Western United Trading Company. If Liu Jin does what he said, the island of Ceylon will belong to the Western United Trading Company from now on.

The output and management rights of the Island of Ceylon belong to the Western United Trading Company. As long as taxes are paid to the court every year, the court does not care about anything else.

Such a policy is simply too good for them.

For Emperor Hongzhi, this was also acceptable.

Overseas, far away from the Ming Dynasty, it doesn't matter.

If someone goes to conquer it, it will not only spread the majesty of the Ming Dynasty. After it is conquered, the Emperor Hongzhi only needs to give an imperial edict and issue a letter of appointment. From now on, he can get a free tax from this colony every year.


It's easy to do things if you have money.

By continuously collecting money from overseas colonies, the population in the Ming Dynasty can be continuously moved out. It is also possible to build large-scale water conservancy projects, build roads, etc. in the Ming Dynasty.

With the same money, Ming Dynasty can build a larger army and a more powerful fleet, and then it can conquer all directions and seize more land.

Step by step, we relied on the mainland of Ming Dynasty to conquer more and larger territories.

As for reputation and so on, does it have the fragrance of silver?

In the past, Ming Dynasty cared a lot about reputation, but what did it get in exchange?

In exchange, the Ming Dynasty suffered internal and external troubles, in exchange for the poverty of its own people, and in exchange for the ruling class within the Ming Dynasty, like vampires, only staring at the people of the Ming Dynasty to suck their blood.

Now, the targets of everyone's blood-sucking are gradually transferred to other countries besides the Ming Dynasty, and the people of the Ming Dynasty have a chance to breathe.

Water can carry a boat or capsize it.

The living standards of the people of the Ming Dynasty have improved, and naturally the country of the Ming Dynasty has become impregnable, and the longevity of the Lao Zhu family will not be a problem.

If the common people can no longer survive, how long can the old Zhu family's empire last?

Emperor Hongzhi finally understood this, so everything revolved around this, and other things were unimportant.

"Since all my dear friends think this strategy is very good, then follow what is written above and formulate a detailed legal system. In addition, the slaves mentioned in Liu Jin's memorials and foreigners settled in Ming Dynasty and purchased real estate.

Detailed laws and regulations should also be formulated as soon as possible on issues such as land, the spread of religion, and marriage."

Hongzhi looked at everyone, and since everyone agreed, let's do it accordingly.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

The opinions and interests of the superiors and subordinates were consistent, so the ministers acted very quickly.

Soon the Ming Dynasty court promulgated the "Ming Dynasty Private Overseas Colonies Law", referred to as the "Colonial Law". The Colonial Law clearly stated that the Ming Dynasty court encouraged and supported private individuals and groups to develop colonies overseas.

Only taxes are levied on the border, and the management rights, governance rights, and income rights of the colony all belong to the pioneers of the private colony.

Of course, there are also many requirements for the colonies. For example, the colonies must vigorously promote Chinese civilization, promote the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, etc.

These requirements and regulations are actually mainly to prevent these colonies from escaping the control of the Ming Dynasty, so that these colonies must always rely on the Ming Dynasty and serve as the vanguard of the Ming Dynasty's global colonization, rather than really allowing you to become a country overseas.

As soon as the "Colonial Law" was promulgated, it was immediately spread throughout the Ming Dynasty in the form of newspapers. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty Morning Post also published the Colonial Law in detail and many famous experts explained the newly promulgated colonial law.

The entire Ming Dynasty was in a state of excitement because of the promulgation of the colonial law.

At the three external ports of Tianjin, Songhu, and Nanjing, the owners of each trading house are almost celebrating, especially the Western United Trading House, which has occupied Ceylon Island.

The shareholders of the entire Western United Trading Company gathered in Tianjin again, all with smiles on their faces, and their hearts dropped heavily.

The Western United Trading Company that everyone invested in has received huge returns.

Not to mention anything else, just from the property seized from Ceylon Island, after paying taxes, they can still get more than 20 times the profit.

And this is only the property seized on the Island of Ceylon. Compared with the Island of Ceylon, this is simply insignificant.

The appointment letter from the imperial court has also been issued.

The imperial court officially recognized Hu Xian of the Western United Trading Company as the first governor of Ceylon Island in the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, it also issued a certificate to the Western United Trading Company, officially assigning Ceylon Island to the seemingly owned property of the Western United Trading Company.

Western United Trading Company issued a very large land deed.

The land deed states that Ceylon Island in the Ming Dynasty is owned by the Western United Trading Company. As long as it does not violate the interests of the Ming Dynasty, this contract will be valid forever.

That is to say, the island of Ceylon belongs to the permanent private property of the Western United Trading Company. This has been recognized and recognized by the Ming Dynasty, and it is also protected by the Ming Dynasty.

Just like the real estate, shops, and real estate in the Beijing-Tianjin area of ​​the Ming Dynasty, they all have title deeds, but this title deed is a bit large and special.

But the essence is the same.

The core is that this is the land of the Ming Dynasty. It belongs to the Western United Trading Company and is protected by the Ming Dynasty. It is also necessary to pay taxes to the Ming Dynasty and implement everything of the Ming Dynasty.

Hu Xian became the Governor of Ceylon. Well, the imperial court did not give him a salary and no rank, let alone attend the court. However, Emperor Hongzhi allowed the Governor of Ceylon the right to write memorials to him.

Despite this, this is definitely exciting news for countless Ming people.

In the past, only those who had passed the imperial examination could become an official.

But it's different now. You don't need to take the imperial examination. As long as you are strong enough to go overseas and occupy a colony, then you can become the governor of an overseas colony.

Although there was no imperial salary or rank, the power they possessed was far beyond what these officials in the Ming Dynasty could compare with.

If you conquer this private colony by yourself, then you will be the emperor of the entire colony and have absolute authority.

This is definitely an unparalleled temptation for many people.

In addition, the income rights and management rights of overseas private colonies belong to the pioneers.

This also made countless people instantly jealous and extremely excited, as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Think of Ceylon, think of the Western Union.

They really made a lot of money.

Ceylon is such an important place, such a huge island, a treasure island rich in gems and spices.

Now it has become the private land of the Western United Trading Company. From now on, even if this island of Ceylon does nothing, it will be able to support the Western United Trading Company by digging out gems and selling them every year.

As long as you know a little bit about business, this island of Ceylon can bring huge financial resources to the Western United Trading Company every year.

Not to mention anything else, just building ports and conducting transit trade is enough for the Western United Trading Company to make a lot of money.

The shareholders of Western United Trading Company were laughing from ear to ear, while those who had not joined in were filled with regret.

As for more people, they became restless.

What Western Union can do, we can do too.

They can occupy the island of Ceylon, and we can occupy Burma, or Tianzhu, and Africa is not bad. In short, there are treasures everywhere overseas. As long as we occupy a piece of it, we can continue to pass it on to future generations.


Suddenly, the whole Tianjin became restless.

In restaurants, teahouses, brothels, and secret private estates, many powerful bosses gathered together to discuss the matter of developing private colonies overseas.

Some ambitious people may even want to go it alone.

There are countless countries, large and small, in overseas lands. Among them, there are countries that are powerful enough to rival the Ming Dynasty, but most of them are extremely weak.

Many countries may be just an island, or a very small place, with only one county or state, no matter how big the government is. To deal with such a country, you don't need much powerful force at all.

The elite strength of hundreds or thousands of people is enough to easily take them down.

As long as you can occupy such a place, the benefits gained will be huge, the investment is small, the output is high, and more importantly, it can be passed down from generation to generation and passed on to future generations.

Moreover, in the overseas colonies that he has opened up, he is the emperor of the earth, and would rather be the mouth of a chicken than the queen of an ox. In the land of Ming Dynasty, there will never be a shortage of careerists, and there will never be a shortage of those who are self-righteous and want to become kings on their own.


There were no opportunities in Daming, but now the opportunity is given to you.

Throughout the Ming Dynasty, people were impetuous and there were too many ambitious people. Many people wanted to make a fortune overseas, become local emperors overseas, and build a foundation overseas that would be passed down to future generations.

However, more smart people choose to do the same as the Western United Commercial Bank, where everyone works together, contributes money and people, and then goes overseas to take advantage of the big food.

What is Ceylon? There are many rich lands overseas.

Some places have precious minerals, such as Jinzhou. The gold and silver output here is very large, and there are particularly many gold and silver mines. The Ming Dynasty has not yet attacked this place. If it can be captured, it will not be worse than Ceylon Island.

Other places have special products. For example, here in Africa, there are frankincense, myrrh, ivory, rhinoceros horn, etc. The indigenous Kunlun slaves here are fighting scum and can easily capture them.

If there are neither special minerals nor any output, someone can do it. For example, there are many countries in Tianzhu, large and small, and if nothing else, the population is very large.

If you capture these places, you can make a lot of money just by catching slaves and selling them, among other things. You know, here in Nanyang, the price of a slave has already reached forty or fifty taels of silver.

Going to sea and developing private colonies became the pursuit of countless Ming people almost overnight.

A large landowner sold the land in his hometown, raised funds, and summoned fellow villagers to prepare to go to sea to develop colonies.

There are big businessmen who pool all their property, join forces with others, and set up trading firms one after another, sharpening their knives to deal with pigs and sheep.

There is a large local family with a large population that dominates a place. Under the call of the clan elders, everyone contributes money and efforts to build a private colony of their own family overseas.

The entire Ming Dynasty was in a state of agitation. In addition to these people, those who were also agitated were those princes surnamed Zhu who had been sucking the vitality of the Ming Dynasty like blood-sucking insects.

PS: I gave birth to a baby boy last night. I want to recognize my father-in-law. I guess I have to wait for the next baby~~ Today is just one chapter. I have only slept intermittently for less than four hours since I woke up last morning~ Too

Tired, good night!

This chapter has been completed!
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