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Chapter 755, King Ning Zhu Chenhao

Nanchang, Prince Ning's Mansion.

Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao, who was only in his twenties, was tall, handsome, and handsome. He was completely different from the Ning Wang in later movies.

At this moment, he was holding the latest Zhuanbao and Mingming Morning News in his hand, reading them in great detail, and then he couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

"Colonial law, colonial law, what a colonial law~"

"What a great opportunity God has given me!"

When Zhu Chenhao saw the latest news, he laughed happily.

He was so excited and so happy.

He finally saw hope, the hope of freedom.

Maybe some people will say, he is a dignified Prince Ning, the prince of the Ming Dynasty, why would he say there is no hope?

In fact, life for the princes of the Ming Dynasty was not necessarily that easy.

Although they have no worries about food and clothing from the moment they are born.

Although they are extremely noble from the moment they are born.

But the princes of the Ming Dynasty were basically pigs raised in captivity.

They are not allowed to leave their own fiefdom, and are not allowed to make friends with anyone. Even interactions between clan relatives are not allowed. From the day they are born, all they can do is eat and sleep.

In addition to some freedom behind their own palace, they are not even allowed to leave the city in the fiefdom, and they have no freedom at all like ordinary people.

The Ming Dynasty is so prosperous and the country is so beautiful.

But all this has nothing to do with these princes.

Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was extremely kind to his descendants.

He killed all the heroes who followed him to conquer the world, and he was cruel and ruthless.

But he gave extremely high treatment to his descendants.

According to Comrade Lao Zhu's regulations, one of the biggest characteristics of the princes of the Ming Dynasty is that they can be hereditary and replaceable, which means there is no demotion. Grandpa is a prince, so is his father, and so is his grandson, for generations to come.

Moreover, the son born to the prince also received very generous treatment. The treatment of the entire royal family was the highest in all dynasties.

Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that the prince's annual salary is 10,000 dan, the county prince's annual salary is 2,000 dan, and the general's salary is 1,000 dan, and then the salary will decrease one level at a time.

Even at the eighth level, which is the last level, Lieutenant Fengguo's annual salary is 200 dan, which is much higher than that of a seventh-level county magistrate.

You must know that at the time of Comrade Lao Zhu, the first-rank official only had eighty-seven shi per month, and the seventh-rank county magistrate only had seven shi and five pecks of rice per month, which is less than 100 shi per year.

From this we can know how high the treatment of these clan members in the Ming Dynasty was. Comrade Lao Zhu was extremely kind to his descendants.

In addition to the rice that can be received from the imperial court every year, according to regulations, corresponding cloth, tea, silk, salt, etc. can be received from the imperial court according to different levels every year.

In addition, marriages, weddings and funerals, holiday subsidies, etc. are all indispensable. In many places, the princes are often able to withhold the finance and tax of some places. From time to time, the emperor will cry poverty to the emperor, saying that there are too many people in the family and there is not enough food to eat.

, the emperor would often give rewards such as land and salt.

For example, Emperor Hongzhi was the oldest Ming Dynasty clan member. Several princes in Henan often complained to him about their poverty from time to time, but Emperor Hongzhi was also poor before.

But he is the emperor, and he cannot ignore the fact that his clan members are poor, so he will reward them with some land, allow them to withhold some local finance and taxes, or reward these princes with salt and other things.

Generally speaking, in the Ming Dynasty, being a prince was definitely a job where you could have no worries about food and clothing. If you don't have any ambitions and don't want to make a difference, being a prince is definitely suitable for you.

But the princes of the Ming Dynasty were essentially pigs raised in captivity.

During Zhu Yuanzhang's period, he was a bit kinder to the princes. They were all his own sons, and all of them were local emperors who guarded one side. Like King Zhu Di of Yan, he held the local military and political power in his hands, which was the fundamental reason why he was able to seize the country later.

But when Comrade Zhu Di seized the throne, in order to prevent future generations from imitating him, he imposed many strict regulations and restrictions on local vassal kings.

First, they withdrew the feudal king's guards, and then strictly restricted the scope of the feudal king's activities. He was not allowed to leave the fiefdom, and he was not even allowed to go out of the city to visit tombs. He could only let his subordinates do it on his behalf.

You are not allowed to make friends with local officials, you are not allowed to lend money privately, and there are even regulations for marrying a wife. For example, no one in the wife's family can be an official, otherwise there will be no chance of becoming an official.

Therefore, the princes of the Ming Dynasty could basically only hang out in their own homes. Outside of their own palaces, they were also subject to strict supervision by local officials in the city.

In fact, such a life is no different from that of a pig. After eating, sleeping, eating after sleeping, and then continuing to create humans, so by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the number of descendants of Lao Zhu's family reached millions.

Prince Ning Zhu Chenhao had long been tired of living like this.

He wants to have fun in various places in the Ming Dynasty and see the picturesque mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty. He wants to go to Tianjin to see the tall buildings in Tianjin. He wants to go to Songhu and see the Huangpu River in Songhu. He wants to try places in Nanyang.

Coconuts, I want to go to Australia to see the kangaroos that can beat people.

In short, it would be fine to go anywhere. Anyway, he was already sick at Prince Ning's Mansion.

So all along, he has been planning.

Yes, you read that right, he has always wanted to rebel, he no longer wants to be a prince, he no longer wants to be like a pig and be locked up in a pigsty every day.

It's just that it's too difficult for a prince to rebel.

In order to prevent future generations from imitating him, Zhu Di set very strict rules for the vassal king. Firstly, he had no military power, and secondly, he had no connections. He could not even make friends with officials, scholars, etc.

Want to rebel?

It's harder than climbing to the sky.

But he has long wanted to rebel. If he didn't rebel, he would have to stay in this palace for the rest of his life.

Especially the lineage of Prince Ning was actually deceived by Zhu Di.

When King Yan Zhu Di was fighting for the throne, his own power was very limited, and his military strength was seriously weak, so Zhu Di went to Ning King Zhu Quan and told him, Zhu Yunwen can deal with me now, and he will deal with you in the future. Now and

If we send out troops together, we will divide the world together in the future.

So Ning Wang Zhu Quan handed over the Duoyan Three Guards to Zhu Di. The Duoyan Three Guards were powerful prairie cavalry with extremely powerful combat power. With the Duoyan Three Guards, Zhu Di's strength increased dramatically and he finally successfully conquered the world.

But after that, Zhu Di forgot about dividing the world equally with Zhu Quan, and took the opportunity to move King Ning to Nanchang, and he settled in Nanchang from then on.

Prince Ning is so angry, this Zhu Di is a typical burnt bridge, what he says is just like farting, it doesn't count at all.

Therefore, Prince Ning's lineage has actually always wanted to rebel and take back part of the country that belongs to them.

For this reason, successive kings of Ning also made a lot of preparations and left some things and teams for Zhu Chenhao. Otherwise, even if he didn't want to be a pig, he had to be a pig. Without strength, he would not be able to be a pig even if he wanted to.

It's just that local officials monitored the vassal kings very well, and the emperor must have factory guards to monitor the vassal kings in various places. Therefore, after generations of preparation, if Prince Ning's team wanted to rebel, then

It's like an egg hitting a stone.

Well now, the imperial court has promulgated the colonial law, and the colonies developed by private individuals overseas are simply small kingdoms. Except that they belong to the Ming Dynasty in name and have to pay taxes to the Ming Dynasty, everything else is no different from a kingdom.

It's just that you can't be a king and a widower.

For Prince Ning, this was enough.

"Haha, what a great opportunity."

"As long as I go overseas and have these powers in my hands, a small island of Ceylon is nothing. I want to conquer a land as huge as the Ming Dynasty."

Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao said very confidently.

The overseas land is extremely vast, with countless countries, large and small, and many countries are extremely weak. Tian Erniu can easily conquer the two huge kingdoms of the Golden Continent with a population of several million with ten thousand troops.

The Western United Trading Company easily captured the island of Ceylon with only 5,000 men. The casualties were very small, but they also achieved great success.

King Ning attached great importance to these.

In the past few years, he has also thought about going overseas. After leaving the Ming Dynasty, the sea is vast, fish can leap into the sky, and birds can fly. He, Prince Ning, is also an extremely conceited person. He feels that he is talented and will definitely be able to become a man like Emperor Qin and Han Wu.


He did not expect that the imperial court would promulgate such a colonial bill and implement such a management and governance method for overseas colonies. This was great news to him.


What the heck, wouldn't it be better to go overseas and build your own country?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited.

I have been waiting for this day for too long, too long.

He no longer wants to stay here.

Being locked up like a pig is really uncomfortable.

He has never even left Nanchang City, who can understand his helplessness and suffering.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty, what great news!"

At this time, two people walked in with smiles on their faces. One was named Liu Yangzheng and the other was Li Shishi. Both of them were counselors he secretly recruited. In fact, both of them were down-and-out talents. They were the kind of people who felt that their talents were not appreciated, but

In essence, there are not many people of that level.

"Haha, you came just in time."

"Have you read the imperial court's colonial laws?"

When Zhu Chenhao looked at the two of them, he immediately smiled even brighter.

"Your Majesty, we have already seen it."

"This is a God-given opportunity."

Liu Yangzheng nodded solemnly, with a smile on his face.

To be honest, they followed King Ning to rebel, and they were just playing with their heads high. If they failed, the nine tribes would be implicated.

Well now, if you just go overseas to develop colonies and build a country of your own, it doesn't seem to be that difficult.

And once they succeed, they can follow their meteoric rise and realize their ambitions.

"Your Majesty, although the imperial court has promulgated the Colonial Law to encourage Ming individuals or groups to expand overseas, it has not explicitly stated that local vassals are allowed to go overseas."

"So the key now is how we can get His Majesty and the court to allow the lord to go to sea and allow us to go overseas."

Li Shishi was a relatively calm person, so he thought for a while and said in deep thought.

"Well, that's definitely a problem."

"The imperial court has always been extremely wary of us vassal kings. Although I am classified as Prince Ning, I cannot even leave Nanchang City. It is really difficult to go overseas."

Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao nodded and said.

"Your Majesty, I think we should make two preparations."

Liu Yangzheng thought for a while and nodded.

"Mr. Liu, please speak."

Zhu Chenhao said quickly and respectfully.

Both Liu Yangzheng and Li Shishi were very satisfied with Zhu Chenhao's attitude. How could they have the qualifications to claim the title of Duke? The only people who could claim the title of Duke were the important ministers in the court, such as the three ministers in the cabinet and the six ministers.


The two of them couldn't even pass the examination, and they were miles away from this standard.

But King Ning had always treated them politely and addressed them like this, which made the two of them feel as if they had met their soulmates. As the saying goes, women should look good to those who please them, and men should die to know their friends. Naturally, they were King Ning's most loyal ministers.

"Your Majesty, first of all we must be prepared. If the court does not allow the lord to go overseas, then we will go overseas quietly. As long as we go overseas, the world is so vast that we can roam freely."

"So from now on, we must first cultivate a fleet. Once it matures, we will secretly go to sea and build our country overseas."

"Second, the best thing is to try to find a way to get the court and His Majesty to allow our vassal king to go overseas, so that we can go overseas in a legitimate manner."

Liu Yangzheng thought for a while and said.

Zhu Chenhao and Li Shishi nodded after hearing this. Anyway, we will definitely not stay in Nanchang any longer. We must go overseas. If the court allows it, it is best to go out openly. If the court does not allow it, we will go out secretly.

"What Liu Gong said is true!"

Li Shishi praised.

"It is actually not difficult to get the imperial court and His Majesty to allow our vassal to go to sea."

"The key still depends on how to submit a letter to the court. The key is the treatment of the feudal king."

"Now there are many vassals, big and small, in our Ming Dynasty. The court spends a huge amount of money on the salaries given to the vassals every year. If the court allows the vassals to go to sea, the court can save a lot of expenses.


"We will use this as a breakthrough point and find someone to lobby with the cabinet ministers and the six ministers. As for your majesty, we need you to contact the other vassals and let everyone cry out to your majesty. With your majesty's character today and his

Judging from the current situation, His Majesty will definitely allow it."

"The imperial court will definitely allow it. There is no need to supply the vassals in various places. The imperial court's expenses can be left a lot, a lot."

He said very confidently.

PS: Today is still a chapter. We will resume normal updates after my wife comes home. Please understand~~

This chapter has been completed!
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