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Chapter 930, slaves from all over the world

"Forget it, forget about this, let's think more about our own affairs."

After hearing this, Prince Ning nodded slightly, smiled, looked at a place in front, and said, "It's been a long time since I visited the slave market."

"Let's go and visit the slave market."

As Prince Ning walked towards the slave market, he also asked about slave-related matters.

Compared with transit trade and the like, what Prince Ning paid most attention to was actually the slave market, because this was Prince Ning's current main business.

The demand for slaves in the Ming Dynasty was very strong, and the number of slaves needed for the plantations in Nanyang alone was very large.

There are many islands in the vast Southeast Asia. Ever since Liu Jin led his army to sweep across Southeast Asia last year, Ming Dynasty's territory in Southeast Asia has continued to expand.

Although the provinces are still the same as those originally established, except for the northernmost Jiaozhi Province, the three provinces of Xianglin, Nanyang, and Zhenghe are constantly expanding.

The most outrageous among them are the two provinces of Nanyang and Zhenghe. They continued to annex islands one after another and incorporated these islands into the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

The large and small commercial banks in the Ming Dynasty are constantly seizing islands in Nanyang, because the more islands they seize, the more plantations they can open up, and the islands they occupy will naturally be incorporated into the Ming Dynasty.

territory, so that we can enjoy the protection of the Ming Navy.

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The plantation economy was developing at an unprecedented rate, and the demand for slaves was also very strong.

The Ning State was backed by the huge continent of Tianzhu and had extremely rich slave resources. Naturally, King Ning also learned from the Western United Trading House and started the slave trade in Tianzhu.

He actually became a big slave trader.

A slave may only need a piece of cloth in Tianzhu continent, and once sold to the slave merchants of the Ming Dynasty, it can be sold for more than ten taels or more than twenty taels of silver.

These slave merchants then transported the slaves to Southeast Asia, where they could be bought for forty or fifty taels of silver after being resold, forming a huge slave trading industry.

Prince Ning is at the very beginning of the slave industry. The main business of Ning State is to capture slaves on the Tianzhu continent, or to purchase slaves from various countries in Tianzhu, and then transport them to Anning Port and sell them directly here.

The slave traders may transport them to the Island of Ceylon and sell them to the slave traders and trading houses here in Ceylon Island, from which they can also make huge profits.

Ningguo was able to develop rapidly, and the slave trade played a major role. As for this business and trade, it was actually developed after large-scale port construction after making money from the slave trade. At the same time, Ningguo came to do business at the beginning.

, the largest number are slave traders.

Ever since the United Western Trading Company captured Ceylon Island and Liu Jin led his army to sweep through the Southeast Asian countries, the Ming Dynasty's slave market began to face a dilemma, with no source of slaves.

Ningguo and the Western United Trading Company turned their attention to the huge continent of Tianzhu. They continuously plundered slaves from Tianzhu and soon became the main source of slaves in the slave market of the Ming Dynasty.

It also allowed the Ning Kingdom, the Western United Trading Company, the Shu Kingdom, etc. to quickly become rich by relying on the slave trade. Millions of slaves were continuously sent from the Tianzhu continent to large and small plantations in Southeast Asia.

"Your Majesty, the price of slaves in the Ming Dynasty has dropped recently. In the past, adult male slaves could be sold for more than fifty taels of silver, but now they can only be sold for more than forty taels of silver."

"As for female slaves, because of the Ming Dynasty's recent military war in Central Asia, a large number of female slaves were plundered. This has had a huge impact on our slaves in Tianzhu. The price has dropped sharply, and it is difficult to sell."

"The people here in Tianzhu have too dark skin, which does not conform to the aesthetics of our Ming people."

Speaking of slaves, Liu Yangzheng also quickly reported to Prince Ning the recent changes in the slave market.

"Isn't this a drastic drop?"

When Prince Ning heard this, he immediately frowned. Slave trading was his main business, and this price fluctuation had a great impact on him.

The price of terminal sales has dropped, which means that he must also lower the price, otherwise no slave merchant will be willing to take over and buy it.

"It is indeed a sharp decline, mainly because not only our Ning State is trading slaves on a large scale, but the slave trade on the King of Shu's side is also getting bigger and bigger. They are now able to capture almost 30,000 slaves every month."

"In addition, the Western United Trading Company also successfully captured the Kingdom of Andhra this year and obtained a large number of slaves. The number of slaves that can be bought and sold every month has increased by at least 100,000."

"In addition, Zhang's Trading Company, Sihai Trading Company, etc. also occupied some colonies on the east coast of Tianzhu, and are now engaged in slave trading."

"The supply in the slave market suddenly increased a lot, which is also the main reason for the decline in slave prices."

"Also, from Africa, a large number of black slaves have begun to be transported over. The Arabs and Persians in the Middle East also know that the price of slaves in our Ming Dynasty is high, and they are selling a large number of slaves to our Ming Dynasty."

"The slaves sold by the Persians and Arabs are not only expensive because of the white slaves, but they are also very popular. Especially the female slaves among them are in short supply in our Ming Dynasty."

Liu Yangzheng also nodded and began to explain the current situation of the slave market to Prince Ning in detail.

Originally, Ningguo and the Western United Trading Company monopolized the slave market in Tianzhu. Now there are many more people to share the cake. The source of slaves has greatly increased, but the demand for slaves has not increased significantly. The price will naturally fall.


While the three of them were talking, they also arrived at the slave market in Anning City.

The slave market in Anning City was considered the largest slave market in the entire Western region. For this reason, King Ning also built a huge square specifically for the sale and trade of slaves.

The huge slave market is full of people. Looking around, you can see a huge crowd of people. A large group of slaves are gathered together by slave traders. The slave traders and their clerks are holding signs or shouting,

Attract customers to come and buy their own slaves.

There are many people selling slaves. There are local slave merchants in Tianzhu. These slave merchants are slave merchants from some countries on the Tianzhu continent. In fact, many slaves were not sent by King Ning to catch them, but by local people after seeing the benefits.

Caught and deceived.

There are also slave merchants from the Middle East and Persia. These slave merchants often gather a large number of merchants who come to buy slaves, and the slaves in their hands can basically be sold out very quickly.

In addition, there were black slaves from Africa. These black slaves were often sold by the Ming Dynasty trading houses or some vassal kings who had colonies in Africa. For example, the King of Chu established the Chu State in Africa.

Well, the current main business is the sale of black slaves, frankincense, and myrrh. Life is very tight, and it is not as prosperous as King Ning's.

"Tianzhu slave, Tianzhu slave~"

"The best Tianzhu slaves only cost twenty taels of silver each. They only cost twenty taels of silver. They are very cheap!"

Next to a large group of Tianzhu slaves, there were children who kept shouting.

It’s just that the slaves on his side cost twenty taels of silver each. Obviously this price is too expensive. The slaves can only be sold for more than forty taels of silver when shipped to Nanyang. And now the price is still falling, so naturally no one wants them.


"Your Majesty, these are the slaves of the King of Shu's family. The slave trading business in the Kingdom of Shu is not as good as in our country of Ning, so the King of Shu usually transports slaves to our country of Ning for sale."

"Of course, if you are a long-term slave merchant, you will go directly to Shu to buy slaves."

Liu Yangzheng looked at these people and immediately said to Prince Ning.

"Our slaves in Ningguo are all shipped on a large scale through familiar merchants and trading houses. Generally, they are not sold here. Small-scale transactions are mainly conducted here."

"Selling slaves~ Selling slaves~"

"The best white slave, the beautiful white female slave~"

At this time, another voice came, and the Ming dialect was a little weird and not very standard.

Prince Ning also looked over and saw a group of Middle Eastern businessmen and Persian businessmen constantly shouting. Behind them, there were hundreds of slaves. All of these slaves had their shirts stripped off and were only wearing trousers.

The male slaves were a little better, but the female slaves were surrounded by white flowers and rough waves, attracting a large number of people to come and watch, and the transaction was also very hot.

The Middle Easterners and Persians who are good at doing business actually also started auctioning. Ten slaves were auctioned together, and the prices were very high, especially for female slaves. Ten slaves could generally be sold for several hundred taels of silver.

On average, the price of a single slave was dozens of taels of silver.

Sometimes when there are particularly beautiful slaves, the price keeps soaring, making the Middle Eastern and Persian merchants who trade slaves laugh from ear to ear.

"I'm a slave, I'm a slave~"

"He is a black slave from Africa. He is strong and strong~"

"Only fifteen taels of silver each, only fifteen taels of silver each~"

In the Middle East, opposite the Persian merchants, there is a group of merchants selling black slaves. Each of these merchants shouted feebly. In front of them, only a few people were patronizing. Behind them, there was a pitch black sky.


Black slaves were really not popular. The people of Ming Dynasty were quite picky in this area. Even if they were slaves working at home, they should try their best to choose good-looking ones.

This African slave with skin as black as charcoal is considered the hardest slave to sell on the market. Although the price is cheap, no one is interested. You must know that the slaves in Tianzhu are not easy to sell with darker skin.

Not to mention African slaves.

This chapter has been completed!
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