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Chapter 931, Slaves from Eastern Europe

"Your Majesty, these slaves of the King of Chu, but I guess it is difficult to sell these slaves, they are too black, and it is said that these black slaves are very lazy, good at eating and cooking, and are far inferior to these slaves in Tianzhu. Although the slaves in Tianzhu

They are also black, but most of them are more submissive, obedient, and work harder. If the price is a little lower, they will still be easy to sell."

Seeing Prince Ning Zhu Chenhao looking at the black slaves, Liu Yangzheng also said with a smile.

Slaves also depend on what kind of slave they are, and the price difference between slaves is very large.

"If the price is cheaper, there should be people who want it."

Prince Ning thought for a while and said, "If we go to Africa in the future, we will definitely have to sell these black slaves."

"There should still be people who want it if the price is lower, but Africa is really far away from our country, and the transportation cost alone is very high."

"It's not cost-effective. Compared with Tianzhu slaves, the price-performance ratio is too low. It is estimated that it will be difficult to have any impact on the market."

Liu Yangzheng thought for a while and nodded.

"I heard that in the colonies occupied by Zhang Mao and others on the big islands of South Africa and East Africa, all the black slaves were expelled or killed. Why did they do this?"

Prince Ning quickly remembered something.

The first people to colonize Africa were Zhang Mao and Liu Jin. The trading company they founded was able to occupy the large East African island (Madagascar) and South Africa almost effortlessly.

After occupying these places, they almost implemented a very cruel and inhumane policy, driving out all the local indigenous people, and killing those who were unwilling to leave. It seemed that they had no intention of using these black slaves.

"I have also heard about this. I met one of their people last time. I heard that it was because Liu Jin felt that these black slaves would become a hidden danger, so he would rather build slower than get rid of these black people."

Li Shishi, who was next to him, thought for a moment and replied quickly.

“Will black slaves be a hidden danger?”

"What's the hidden danger?"

Prince Ning asked in confusion.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, they have already cleaned up the big island in East Africa. At the same time, in South Africa, with their continuous expansion, all the black tribes were expelled further wherever they went.

Went to the place."

Li Shishi thought for a while and shook his head.

"Liu Jin is a descendant of an elite. He is already a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Ming Dynasty at a young age. He has a very long-term vision. Since he has said so, it must be correct."

"Write this down, and we will learn from them here in Africa in the future."

Prince Ning thought about it and warned Li Shishi.


Li Shishi nodded quickly.

Prince Ning looked at the black slaves who were as black as charcoal and shook his head slightly. If the slaves from Tianzhu did not conform to the aesthetics of the Ming Dynasty because they were black, at least there would be no problem with their appearance, facial features, etc.

These black slaves in Africa are not only black, but their appearance, facial features, etc. are also seriously inconsistent with the aesthetics of the Ming Dynasty. They have flat noses, turned lips, short curly hair, protruding jaws, stork bones, etc.

, no matter which one it is, it is extremely ugly in the eyes of the people of Ming Dynasty.

Without looking any further, King Ning walked toward the Middle Easterners and Persians. Soon several Persians noticed King Ning, Liu Yangzheng, and Li Shishi.

Although Prince Ning is wearing casual clothes, he is still dressed with dignity. At first glance, he can tell that he is very extraordinary, at least he is also a man who is not short of money.

"This young master, this is Redding from the Mamluk Kingdom (a dynasty in Egyptian history that was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in 1517). I am very happy to serve you!"

Lei Ding spoke in relatively fluent Ming dialect. At the same time, he also learned the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty and saluted Prince Ning Zhu Chenhao.

"Your Ming Dynasty speaking is quite good."

Prince Ning looked at Redding, who was dressed in a typical Arab style, with a big beard, a high nose and deep eyes, so he smiled and said.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir. I am currently studying hard. The Ming Dynasty is a great empire. The language and writing of the Ming Dynasty are so beautiful. They are really broad and profound."

Redding also smiled and replied, and then he did not forget the main thing. He pointed at the slaves behind him and said: "Master, these are the slaves in my hands. They are all the best white slaves. I don't know if Master has any."

Interested in taking a look?"

"I came here to buy slaves, of course. You can give me a good introduction. If they are good, I will take them all."

Prince Ning nodded slightly, looked at the slave behind him, and said with a smile.

"Sir, I assure you with my beard that my slave is definitely the best slave in this slave market."

When Lei Ding heard this, his eyes immediately lit up. He really had met a rich man. This Ming man was indeed as legendary as he was said to be. He was very rich. If someone came out casually, he would have endless money in his hand.

gold and silver.

He immediately said very seriously that in the eyes of Arabs and Persians, beards are as important as their lives. Using beards to guarantee it is like Ming people guaranteeing it with their own lives.

"Hurry up and bring out the best slaves to show this young master."

Redding also quickly gave orders to his men. After hearing Redding's words, his men also hurriedly went to a shed at the back and brought a few female slaves over.

These female slaves are not wearing any clothes, and they are decorated with silver and gold rings on their hands and feet. They are all tall and plump, with blue eyes, like mutton-fat jade.

Skin, and all of them are very young, only in their teens.

Their appearance immediately caused a commotion. The eyes of everyone around them suddenly gathered, and their eyes lit up, as if the wolves had seen meat.

"How could you do this?"

"What do you mean if you don't bring out such good stuff?"

Immediately, someone became dissatisfied and roared at Redding and the others. Who were they looking down on?

"The good stuff is hidden, are you afraid that we won't have enough money?"

"We Ming people have nothing else but money. As long as the goods are good, money is not a problem."

Hearing the dissatisfied voices of the people around him, Reding immediately helplessly smiled and said: "Everyone, everyone, this is not any discrimination. It is precisely because I know that people in Ming Dynasty are rich, so I worked hard to get something like this.

Good goods come here after hard work."

"In this business of buying and selling goods, the normal goods will naturally be sold first, and the good goods will naturally be kept for sale last."

"Let me introduce to you, I bought these slaves from slave traders in the Ottoman Empire at a high price."

"They are the most famous and popular Circassians in the Ottoman Empire. These Circassians come from the Eastern European grasslands in the north of the Ottoman Empire. They are very docile, smart, and have very well-proportioned figures without a trace of fat.


"The Circassians have always been the most popular slaves in the Ottoman Empire. One Circassian can reach four Slavs, which is worth eight Germans."

"The most expensive thing among the Circassians is the woman with blue eyes. I bought these five slaves from the Crimean Tatars under the Ottoman Empire at a very high price. Each one of them is

It cost me a bag of gold coins.”

Redding introduced the origins of these slaves to everyone present in detail.

No one thought that these slaves turned out to be Circassians from the grasslands of Eastern Europe. You must know that this is Tianzhu, which is still very far away from Eastern Europe.

This slave from Eastern Europe was actually sold to Tianzhu, and then bought by the people of the Ming Dynasty. They may have ended up in the Ming Dynasty again. I have to say that this is really a very miraculous thing.

"Ottoman Empire~"

"Crimean Tatars, Slavs, Germans, Circassians~"

Prince Ning listened carefully and silently wrote down a few key words.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's just money. I'll buy it together. Just ask for as much money as you want."

After hearing what Redding said, someone immediately shouted.

"Okay, feel free~"

"But everyone likes these slaves. Whoever I sell them to will offend other friends, so I can only trade them by auction."

"These five slaves will be auctioned together, with a starting price of five thousand taels of silver!"

Redding looked at everyone's fiery eyes and immediately said with a smile.

"Five thousand taels of silver!"

"Isn't this too expensive?"

When someone heard this, they couldn't help but shake their heads and said.

Although this slave is very good, but these five thousand taels of silver buy five slaves, one thousand taels each, even if they are the best women, they may not be sold for much silver.

"Five thousand taels of silver is not expensive. As far as I know, the real rich people in the Ming Dynasty spent a lot of money in brothels and Chuguan, and bought it home with just a few thousand taels of silver. They enjoyed it and it is not expensive at all."

Redding smiled and said.

"I'll pay you five thousand. It would be nice to take it home and try it out."

Someone thought for a while and then spoke.

"I'll pay six thousand~"

"Seven thousand~"

As Redding said, people in the Ming Dynasty have plenty of money. As long as the item number is used, money is not an issue at all, and soon people will bid for it.

Prince Ning did not speak, but watched with a smile as everyone scrambled. When the price reached nine thousand taels of silver, few people made any more bids.

Prince Ning then said lazily: "I will pay fifteen thousand taels of silver~"

Hearing Prince Ning's offer, Reding was immediately overjoyed. As for the people around him, they couldn't help but look at Prince Ning. Where on earth did Leng Tou Qing come from and spend fifteen thousand taels of silver to buy five female slaves?

Go back, are you stupid?

If there is too much money and there is no place to spend it, you can just throw it on the ground.

"Young people should pay more attention to their health~"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm still young if I buy five of them at once~"

"It's good to be young!"

This chapter has been completed!
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