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Chapter 10 The magic world is different from what he imagined

This is a narrow street, only four meters wide. It is full of people. Some shops even have tables and chairs outside. Some wizards are sitting under umbrellas and drinking afternoon tea.

"It's quite lively."

Chen Yi looked at the surrounding stores curiously, but with his current level of knowledge, he couldn't see anything special. It only gave him the feeling of visiting an old store.

"I have to go to Gringotts and exchange pounds for some Galleons..."

Gringotts is located in the middle of Diagon Alley near the intersection with Knockturn Alley. It is a white marble building with a twisted shape. If you don't know it, you might think it is a dangerous building.

"The aesthetics of the magical world are really hard to describe."

Chen Yi sighed, thinking about the Bibi multi-flavored beans that no one knew what flavor they would be next, the jumping chocolate frogs, the veritable rock biscuits, and the piles of cockroaches that looked exactly like cockroaches and could still crawl.

Wait, maybe this isn’t the reason for the magic world?

Chen Yi suddenly remembered looking up at the stars that he had eaten at Mr. Granger’s house. It was so pitiful. Although this dish is very famous in China, it is only spread in the dark cooking world in the UK. I really don’t know how Mrs. Granger learned it.


After taking a brief look at the goblin guard wearing a scarlet-gold uniform at the door, Chen Yi could not help but think of the legendary goblins in the Western fantasy stories of his previous life. After all, these goblins were also called goblins.

Very greedy for wealth.

So what does the magic world think? It has handed over the financial industry to a group of money-grubbing people. Do they really think magic is omnipotent?

Shaking his head, Chen Yi complained in his heart, but he had no intention of changing the mind of the magic world. After all, he was just an ordinary person who didn't even know magic.

Stepping through the bronze door and walking inside, compared to the small and narrow building outside, the scene inside is spacious and even luxurious. In the wide marble hall, there are about a hundred goblins sitting on high stools, ignoring Chen Yi's arrival.

, concentrate on your own affairs.

Luxury is luxury, but what the hell is spider silk everywhere?

Without personal experience, it is difficult to feel this completely different awareness. Chen Yi frowned, the magic world was not at all different from what he imagined.

The goblin's attitude towards Chen Yi was not friendly, or towards all human beings. Their attitude was very arrogant, which made Chen Yi feel very baffled. They were obviously the losers in the battle between the wizard and the goblin, and they even

They have become the tool demons of wizards. What gives them the confidence to be arrogant?

However, he was unhappy, so Chen Yi exchanged 1,000 gold galleons and came to the legendary Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

It's not that he doesn't want to exchange more, but Gringotts also has an exchange limit. After all, Muggle money is of little use to the wizarding world. This makes Chen Yi's plan to use pounds to bankrupt Gringotts completely failed.

"'History of Magic'? How about a 'History of Modern Magic'? I feel it's necessary. Why is 'The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts' all history?"

"The Theory of Magic, The Theory of Magic, Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, and I also have Numerology and Grammar. Does magic also have to be scientific?"

""Standard Spell, Level 2", "Standard Spell, Level 2", "Standard Spell, Level 3"..."

After some shopping, Chen Yi found that the 1,000 gold galleons were not enough. After all, he planned to pack all the books away.

In desperation, Chen Yi could only ask for a batch of gold from The Deer and the Cauldron and went to Gringotts to exchange it for 10,000 gold galleons. Then he packed all the books and sent them directly to Chen Yi from The Matrix.

"The next step is the wand. I don't know if I can use the wand now."

Chen Yi is still a little unsure about this, after all, he has no magic power in his body.

Jingle Bell!

Pushing open the somewhat shabby door, Chen Yi looked at the densely packed cardboard boxes in the room. He knew that all of these cardboard boxes contained wands.

"Need something...you, very strange!"

A gray-haired old man walked out of the corner, holding a wand in his hand and wiping it and casually saying, but Chen Yihou's expression became a little strange.

Damn it, can you even see this?

Chen Yi pretended to be confused and said: "What do you mean?"

"You are not a wizard."

The old man looked Chen Yi up and down: "She looks a bit like a Veela."


Are you complimenting me on how handsome I am?

Of course he knew what the old man meant. The Veela in the Harry Potter world were astonishingly beautiful. Their skin was as bright and soft as the moon, and their hair was flying behind their heads even if there was no wind.

This is the power derived from their bloodline. Although Chen Yi's power is not derived from bloodline, it is still extraordinary, and there is a big gap between it and the wizard.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if I'm a wizard or not, I'm just here to buy something. If you don't want to, forget it."

Chen Yi pretended to be dissatisfied and said that the current magic world is quite safe. Even those aristocratic wizards who claim to be superior have no good impressions of Muggles, but they will not harm Muggles. Therefore, Chen Yi is not worried about his life.

It was safe. At most, he had to cast the Forgetting Curse. Anyway, he bought everything he could.

"Okay, what you said makes sense."

The old man put the wand in his hand into a cardboard box, piled it with other cardboard boxes, and started rummaging through it.

"The body is made of yellow ash wood, the core of the staff is dragon heart string, 16 inches."

Soon the old man took out a magic wand from the pile of cardboard boxes and handed it to Chen Yi, gesturing for him to wave it.

Chen Yi took the small wooden stick and immediately a feeling of blood connection flowed into his heart, as if the magic wand became a part of his body at this moment.

"It seems suitable."

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

Chen Yi curled his lips, feeling that this was not the protagonist at all. If we follow the traditional online novel routine, it should not be that no matter what kind of wand Mr. Ollivander took out, it would be ineffective in his hands. In the end, Ollivander did not believe in evil.

Mr. De took out the best wand in the village...

Sun Wukong calls him an expert!

But this is just a thought. He can use the wand now thanks to telekinesis, a superpower that strengthens the spirit. If he gave it back to his other self, the wand would be just a small stick in his hand, and he would not have a pistol to use it.


"I want a wand like Harry's."

"Mr. Ollivander said that wands need to choose their masters, so Ron, your wand cannot be the same as Harry's."

"Why is it impossible that maybe I am the same person as Harry!"

"How can it be."

"What do you mean?"

The store door was pushed open again, and three figures in robes walked in.

Chen Yi looked back in shock and saw a familiar face.

"Brother Yi, why are you here?"

Hermione's eyes widened, and her smart brain couldn't think about why her friend who was a Muggle appeared in Diagon Alley.

"Long time no see, little Hermione."

Chen Yi put away his wand and smiled as if nothing had happened, as if he was not surprised to see Hermione at all.

Okay, he was still a little panicked, but it was time to show off.

This chapter has been completed!
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