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chat group of 100 million people

chat group of 100 million people

author:superman sitting at home

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Last Update:07-26 16:39

Latest chapter:Chapter 1102 How many times have I told you, my name is not Tian Xiaoban, my name is Ben Tennyson!

[Chen Yi has joined the chat group!] Chen Yi, who was doing push-ups and exercising, turned over and stood up. He looked around in astonishment, and then realized that a chat group interface appeared in his field of vision. This is, my golden finger Chen Yi has tears in his eyes, my golden finger has finally arrived, and I finally don't have to worry about it in this world. [Chen Yi has joined the chat group!] [Chen Yi has joined the chat group!] [Chen Yi has joined the chat group! 】【Chen Yi has joined the chat group!】Chen Yi:??? Is the chat group still stuck?

If you think《chat group of 100 million people》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《chat group of 100 million people》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 1102 How many times have I told you, my name is not Tian Xiaoban, my name is Ben Tennyson!
Chapter 1101 It doesn’t matter. If I beat them, they will admit that I use Wing Chun.
Chapter 1100 Since you have conflicts, you should settle them first
Chapter 1099 It can’t be washed away, it can’t be washed away at all!
Chapter 1098 Too familiar to start with
Chapter 1097 I want to be the queen, but you can’t be the emperor
Chapter 1096 Let’s talk about the fact that I am the reincarnation of an immortal.
Chapter 1095 I’ll tell you something, don’t be surprised
Chapter 1094 How about letting Chen Muchan and his wife die!
《chat group of 100 million people》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 The traversers are all named Chen Yi. I seem to have read this set in some book
Chapter 2 We've all transmigrated into five, but you still teach me science?
Chapter 3 One Chen Yi has no wife, and there are thousands of Chen Yi who can find a wife
Chapter 4 Am I the Deadpool on this timeline?
Chapter 5 Because of the change in the plot, the ground is about to be washed by a nuclear bomb. What should I do, online, etc., I'm in a hurry!
Chapter 6 Are you afraid of Deadpool?
Chapter 7 I didn't seem to say how I was going to use the mind scepter, you're wrong!
Chapter 8 Isn't Your Wife My Wife?
Chapter 9 I always feel like I've become your tool man
Chapter 10 The magic world is different from what he imagined
Chapter 11 How to Make a Fortune in the Magical World
Chapter 12 What does the evil done by Deadpool have anything to do with me, Chen Yi?
Chapter 13 Chen Yi and Chen Yi madly sprayed Chen Yi together
Chapter 14 They all look the same
Chapter 15 Comics That Can Really Send Readers Away
Chapter 16 I am a soldier, with Yan Lingji
Chapter 17 I suspect that Chen Yi of Tianxing Jiuge is perverted
Chapter 18 As long as I don't have friends, no one can threaten me with friends!
Chapter 19 I'm Just a Passerby Landlord
Chapter 20 I didn't expect you to be this Jessica
Chapter 21 Arrival Spaceship
Chapter 22 Giant Colony = Escape Pod? (Thanks to the 100 starting point coins full of leaves and flowers
Chapter 23 The ugly one is stupid, the good looking one is pure
Chapter 24 It's all here, why don't you grab it all?
Chapter 25 You are not a real dead servant, you are a real sand sculpture!
Chapter 26 Onmyoji and wizards should be similar, right?
Chapter 27 It's too hard, I don't want to learn
Chapter 28 Beast, you're just a child!
Chapter 29 Want to learn? I'll teach you!
Chapter 30 This apprentice is too talented to teach, let's run with a bucket!
Chapter 31 This South Korea can't stay
Chapter 32 I'm so ruthless that I even blow up my own house
Chapter 33 Let Bai Yifei come out and lead the death
Chapter 34 It turns out that you bring your own cheats (thanks to [Fragrant Fallen Leaves and Flowers] 500 starting coins
Chapter 35 Giant God's Clothing! (Thanks to [God Zelang] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 36 Offend me and think about it
Chapter 47 Hermione's sinister intentions (thanks to [Infinite Youth] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 38 Magic and vitality are average? (Thanks [Fragrance of Fallen Leaves and Flowers] 100 starting coins
Chapter 39 Evil? What kind of evil?
Chapter 40 What can I do without salted fish?
Chapter 41 Coincidentally, everyone is an orphan! (Thanks to [Black Morphine] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 42 If everyone can live forever (thanks to [Ning Baiming] 500 starting coins
Chapter 43 Set a small goal first
Chapter 44 The house girl has one wall and two suites with sea view
Chapter 45 It's broken, I'm a stand-in! (Thanks to [Black Morphine] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 46 Another me, please
Chapter 47 It's Over
Chapter 48 Wanda, the incarnation of the Supreme Mage
Chapter 49 You have worked hard for 100 million people, benefiting 100 billion people
Chapter 50 Hurry up to rule the world
Chapter 51 Make money from the rich
Chapter 52 It's not for me anyway
Chapter 53 Yong soldiers! Dare to snatch abilities from the master? (Thanks 41) 100 starting point coins
Chapter 54 This is not magic! (Thanks [please look at my evil eyes] for 1500 starting coins
Chapter 55 Travel through time to buy hamburgers (thanks to [Western Poverty] for 500 starting coins
Chapter 56 It feels so good to be a bad guy! (Thanks to [QwQwQwQ] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 57 Does this count as NTR? (Thanks to [Wuhan Atmosphere Group] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 58 Please call me Marvel Gunner in the future! (Thanks to [I Love Magic] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 59 People can't, at least they shouldn't (thanks [Goodbye Little Tail] 300 starting coins
Chapter 60 There are more and more LSPs in the group
Chapter 61 Don't ask, it's hard to say anything
Chapter 62 We will not give up any Chen Yi (thanks to [Tianwen 003] 500 starting coins
Chapter 63 I have saved the world and came back
Chapter 64 How can the traveler care about the plot (thanks to [Shan Hai Liu Yin] for 500 starting coins
Chapter 65 I'm an Onmyoji in the Blade of Ghost Slayer?
Chapter 66 The knife pulls P (thanks to [Panda {xml}amp;amp; Xiaobao] 500 starting coins
Chapter 67: No Money
Chapter 68 I think it is better to call the power of the kidney (thanks to [Book Friends 2489] 100 starting coins
Chapter 69 Who is the protagonist of Qin Shimingyue? (Thanks 989) 100 starting coins
Chapter 70 Give him a copy of five thousand years
Chapter 71 Of course, it's different! (Thanks to [Going to the Mountain as a Taoist] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 72 You are a person! (Thanks to [Going to the Mountain as a Taoist] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 73 Isn't this work Han Lingsha should do? (Thanks to [Poison Q] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 74 This sword can also make a foolish son? Thank you [every day only love Yiyi] 500 starting coins
Chapter 75 Good boy can't go to that kind of place
Chapter 76 Copy it first (thanks to [Monster Idler Yakumo Zi] 100 starting coins
Chapter 77 Young and I don't know how good a young woman is
Chapter 78 This is a good opportunity! (Thanks to [kalibu] 101 starting point coins
Chapter 79 I just want to make money now
Chapter 80 Rounding up, she is Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 81 I believe him! (Thanks to [Fate's Tears] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 82 Maybe I can release Yushiro's blood
Chapter 83 Of course, it is to cure the ghost dance Tsuji! (Thanks to the [Three Gold Leader] for 200 starting coins
Chapter 84 You are also worthy of losing and running? (Thanks 8819] 100 starting coins
Chapter 85 The super powers in the comics are real
Chapter 86 I'm already a perfect creature! (Thanks to [Harold Tesuik] 100 starting coins
Chapter 87 They are normal
Chapter 88 Don't ask, just ask is what the plot needs! (Thanks [I wish everyone peace] 100 starting coins
Chapter 89 Is this considered a public execution? (Thanks [wait me a few minutes] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 90 The original breastfeeding method! (Thanks to [Wang Lantern 2020] 1500 starting point coins
Chapter 91 No one knows when it's over
Chapter 92 But you still didn't say why you tied us
Chapter 93 The quality of foreigners is really poor. Thank you [a name that others have not used temporarily] 100 starting coins
Chapter 94 Unlimited Stream Novice Muramura Flower
Chapter 95 Give me the ring back)
Chapter 96 Why are you looking at me and hitting? Thank you [The girl I like is in someone else's arms] 100 starting coins
Chapter 97 Real men never watch explosions
Chapter 98 Presumptuous, this is the ambition of a hero! (Thanks to [No Bad] 500 starting coins
Chapter 99 Huluwa's grandfather has a name! (Thanks [Yan Ziyuan] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 100 This way of fighting is really shameful! (Thanks to [Sangha] for 1500 starting coins
Chapter 101 You are so handsome when you spend money
Chapter 102 If you want to live a long life, just throw coins (thanks to [Minions Manager] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 103 I have changed my mind and become a new person. Thank you [xdf422] 200 starting coins
Chapter 104 Plan to use you to sacrifice the sword
Chapter 105 I'm optimistic about you! (Thank you [Boiler Wheel Money] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 106 I'm Not a Casual Person
Chapter 107 In a sense, it is considered a genius doctor. Thank you 932] 100 starting coins
Chapter 108 There is a problem with the emperor's waist (thanks to [Fengxue Yiling] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 109 Borrowing Life to Extend Your Life
Chapter 110 We are in love, we stop at courtesy
Chapter 111 Forced to become a sea king, thank you
Chapter 112 Want me to take action, but there is no door! (Thanks [Day and Night Fantasy] 100 starting coins
Chapter 113 Don't wear such a hat
Chapter 114 This is what you forced me to do! (Thanks [yf2708] 100 starting point coins
Chapter 115 The scene was very embarrassing! (Thanks to [yf2708] 100 starting coins
Chapter 116 You actually want to prostitute me? (Thanks [yf2708] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 117 Vision clone! (Thanks to [yf2708] 100 starting point coins
Chapter 118 Guns are banned here, and aliens are no exception. Thank you [yf2708] 100 starting coins
Chapter 119 I have a bold idea
Chapter 120 You are adopted too?
Chapter 121 This place is all Malekith (thanks to [Sky Sail] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 122 How did you get from my sister's room (thanks to [Hong Meng Tian Daozi] 500 starting coins)
Chapter 123 Why don't we turn Hela into a silly white sweet (thanks to [True Tianxiu] 200 starting coins
Chapter 124 It's not good, I've crossed again! (Thanks [Daoyou, please stay] 200 starting coins
Chapter 125 This name sounds like a khan
Chapter 126 How to lose the flying dragon riding the face? (Thanks to [Book Friends 178] 500 starting coins
Chapter 127 You dare to assume my gender
Chapter 128 Crooked Dragon King John Connor
Chapter 129 Don't you say it sooner! (Thanks to [Book Friends...178] 500 starting coins
Chapter 130 Grandpa is so pitiful! (Thanks to [Book Friends 178] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 131 I'm a Genius
Chapter 132 You come to the earth! (Thanks to [Book Friends 178] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 133 Strange is mentally retarded?
Chapter 134 It's my father, that's right! (Thanks to [Book Friends 178] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 135 I need to add a little more drama! (Thanks to [Book Friends...178] 100 starting coins
Chapter 136 One-handed Thor's Hammer, one-handed Thor (thanks 178) 100 starting coins
Chapter 137 Get it done, let's call it a day!
Chapter 138 Let everyone in Kama Taj be a supreme mage (thanks to [Jinli people] 200 starting coins
Chapter 139 Wolverine beats Batman
Chapter 140 Keeping the green and waiting for the white (thanks to [a passing Jinmailang] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 141 It's so hard to be caught fast! (Thanks for [more rewards and short ones] 5000 starting coins
Chapter 142 Crazy brain supplement
Chapter 143 This is married to Xu Xian's family! (Thanks to [Black Is Ding Xiu] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 144 Blinded by the snake waist
Chapter 145: If the doctor is not good, the person will be saved
Chapter 146 The death star is flashing
Chapter 147 Who is the serious person going to the Dawn Hall! (Thanks to [Controlling Insects] 100 starting coins
Chapter 148 The first kill! The bearer! (Thanks to [The Pianist of Destiny] 100 starting coins
Chapter 149 It's hard to say there's no personal grudge
Chapter 150 Artificial intelligence will serve you! (Thanks to [Fairytale House] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 151 I'm announcing something! (Thanks to [One Person's World] 100 starting point coins
Chapter 152 I think that guy has a very small heart (thanks to [YangdingtianzZ] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 153 Unprecedented harvest (thanks to [Wildflowers in the Valley] 100 starting coins
Chapter 154 I always feel malicious towards men
Chapter 155 Hello, Bai Yuekui
Chapter 156 Killing the Father's Enemy
Chapter 157 The protagonist's friends usually don't hang
Chapter 158 My Master Should Be Chen Yi
Chapter 159 If you want me to say it, it's the other way
Chapter 160 Phoenix, Jiaolong, these are two pairs! (Thanks to [Sunny Day Ink Mark] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 161 The grievance is right! (Thanks to [Jade Face Book] for 200 starting coins
Chapter 162 So in a word, you are finished! (Thanks [Sunny Day Ink Mark] 100 starting coins
Chapter 163 Is there such an exciting plot? (Thanks [donor please stay] 100 starting coins
Chapter 164 I always feel that the plot is wrong
Chapter 165 As expected of me (thanks to [let me go] 100 starting coins
Chapter 166 Learning together, progressing together
Chapter 167 Want to be a sea king has to rely on the waves (thanks to [Wuji O Ghost] 100 starting coins
Chapter 168 I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival
Chapter 169 You use the law of the Ming Dynasty to manage the officials of the Song Dynasty (thanks to [KKYY] 100 starting coins
Chapter 170 No one confessed on the Dragon Boat Festival (thanks to [Book Friends...853] 100 starting coins
Chapter 171 The real usage of elastic superwoman (thanks to [Ouyang Xianyu] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 172 Jordan can only look at the water dispenser when he comes (thanks to [Qianyu Dark Blue] for 200 starting coins
Chapter 173 Give him a few big pockets with the palm of the splitting god
Chapter 174 You Can Call Me Blasphemer
Chapter 175 A certain encyclopedia scares people to death (thanks to [green tune] for 500 starting coins)
Chapter 176 You Don't Love Bailong That Much
Chapter 177 Let them go very painful (thanks to [book friends... 990] 1013
Chapter 178 They will agree (thanks to [kao9959258] 100 starting coins
Chapter 179 Conan Can't Stop Me
Chapter 180 The sense of substitution is very strong, and the society has already begun to die (thanks 81) 150 starting coins
Chapter 181 Add a zero to the price in order
Chapter 182 So you want me to be a Cao thief? (Thanks [donor please stay] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 183 The vision is obviously not good (thanks to [KKYY] 100 starting coins
Chapter 184 Be careful group is blocked (thanks to [TMRevoluti] 5000 starting coins
Chapter 185 Everyone does it, I can't be an exception (Thanks to [Ma Jiahua] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 186 Turtle Immortal's Ambition
Chapter 187 You should really be embarrassed (thanks to [White Night Brocade] 100 starting coins
Chapter 188 Dragon Princess with Princess Disease (Thanks [nickname Optimus Prime] 100 starting coins
Chapter 189 (Thanks [Why I thought because my dad loves you] 1000 starting coins
Chapter 190 You wait, let me stroke it! (Thanks [Book Friends...464] 100 starting coins
Chapter 191 Becoming a fairy's eunuch
Chapter 192 Yao Ji is afraid that she has completely turned black
Chapter 193 Give the Baolian Lantern to the Jade Emperor
Chapter 194 Hey, where is the Jade Emperor? (Thanks [xdf422] for the 200 starting point coins
Chapter 195 Do you call this strong man Jade Emperor? (Thanks to [Black Cat Story] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 196 (Thanks to [qiz] 500 starting point coins
Chapter 197 Once there was a chance to be an emperor (thanks to [Haha Tiger Taro] 1000 starting coins
Chapter 198: Heaven is the Fundamental Law
Chapter 199 You will be called Dong Huang Taiyi in the future (thanks to [Red Cat] for 500 starting coins
Chapter 200 Hungry and tired? Here's a fairy bean! (Thanks [Book Friends...747] 100 starting coins
Chapter 201 I want to go, Wukong (thanks to [Cloud Dream Baiju] 111 starting coins
Chapter 202 I and the Sun family won against Bo (thanks to [Nuclear Bomb Juggernaut] for 500 starting coins
Chapter 203 I am a great benefactor of Tu Shan! (Thanks to [Xingxuan Streamer] for 200 starting coins
Chapter 204 It turns out that Tu Shan is still a black intermediary
Chapter 205 People from Agrabah (thanks to [Nuclear Juggernaut] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 206 Good at helping others forgive yourself (thanks 255) 300 starting coins
Chapter 207 Does this country sell it?
Chapter 208 Aisha, what do you think? (Thanks to [Greed is innocent] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 208 The method of making a magic lamp (thanks to [kyzy_4399] 300 starting point coins
Chapter 210 Her teeth are as white as snow (Thanks [Upstairs] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 211 Would you like to put on clothes? (Thanks 202) 500 starting coins
Chapter 212 Very good, this is very modern (thanks [what are you talking about] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 213 Why can't I be a brother at the age of 29 (thanks 93) 100 starting coins
Chapter 214 Why can't you cross the morning (thanks to [Xiao Wang likes gardening] 100 starting coins
Chapter 215 Isn't it fragrant to watch Lily Fan on the spot? (Thanks [donor please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 216 Tohsaka Rin: orz! (Thank you [donor, please stay] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 217 It was determined from the beginning (thanks to [donor please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 218 You are not allowed to watch, you are not allowed to watch! (Thanks to [Stars and Fire] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 109 I'm not a Lolita recycling center! (Thanks [Jiufeng Tianming] 100 starting coins
Chapter 220 You should thank me
Chapter 221 The car wheel ran over the face (thanks to [fgyervb] 100 starting coins
Chapter 222 Congratulations, you're home
Chapter 223 The world view is different, of course it's LOW (thanks to [Ye Qiuxing] 100 starting coins
Chapter 224 (Thanks to [Book Friends 48] 100 starting coins
Chapter 225 Don't use the spearman card (thanks [donor, please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 226 Don't you want to save the world? (Thanks [donor, please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 227 Can you touch it? (Thanks [Ah, He Qi] 500 starting coins
Chapter 228 My name is not Chen Yi! (Thanks [Seven Loves for Sword] 500 starting coins
Chapter 229 This is the worst Chen Yi they have ever seen (thanks [donor please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 230 Boss, we were wrong! (Thanks [donor, please stay] 1500 starting coins
Chapter 231 Is there anything wrong with my face? (Thanks [Shi Shi]
Chapter 232 You Are Not Seven Nights At All
Chapter 233 Cultured monsters (thanks [donor, please stay] 100 starting coins
Chapter 234 The demon and the human messenger (thanks [donor, please stay] 100 starting point coins
Chapter 235 Mobile phone for flying sword (thanks to [Ancient Wind Yanyan] 100 starting coins
Chapter 246 Something is wrong ([TMRevoluti] 5000 starting coins
Chapter 247 Let's call each of you separately (thanks to [God of Desolation of the World] 100 starting coins
Chapter 248 Bewitching words and confuse the public
Chapter 239 Eliminating the Demons (Thanks to [Light and Shadow Arc] 500 Starting Points Coins)
Chapter 240 What about the good devil, where is your devil? (Thanks [Mountain God of War] 100 starting coins
Chapter 241 And it's two objects
Chapter 242 White-haired red leaves (thanks to [Book Friends 932] 1000 starting coins
Chapter 243 People like me should hang street lamps (thanks to [Tomato Fried Egg 00] 100 starting coins
Chapter 244 This wife can't have it! (Thank you [donor please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 245 Yellow Hair's Passive Skill
Chapter 246 The man who cut off the BGM (thanks [donor please stay] 100 starting coins
Chapter 247 This is the organization I just came up with (thanks [donor, please stay] 100 starting coins
Chapter 248 So, let's start transforming hell! (Thank you [donor, please stay] 100 starting coins
Chapter 249 I rejected your history (thanks to [Mu Dongliu,] 500 starting coins
Chapter 250 is it only you
Chapter 251 Hell is empty, the devil is in the soul world (thanks to [open the train] 500 starting coins
Chapter 252 Blame me? (Thanks to [Light and Movie Arc] 500 starting coins
Chapter 253 Real Teammate (Thanks to [tilde] for 100 starting coins
Chapter 254 The big deal is to be a roommate with Aizen (thanks to [32 rings] 100 starting coins
Chapter 255 So You Understand (Thanks [Book Friends]
Chapter 256 The Avengers have an egg (thanks [z265j]]
Chapter 257 May the ancient one be with you
Chapter 258 Seeing the animal world can be exciting for a long time (thanks [7]
Chapter 259 What the hell, what about the frog map? (Thanks [Book Friends 05]
Chapter 260 Then it's up to you (thanks [his and her cat]
Chapter 261 I really thank you all
Chapter 262 I hope you won't cheat again after leaving this time (thanks
Chapter 263 The name of the disease is love, right? (Thanks [Book Friends 08]
Chapter 264 (Thanks [named Wu Dabao] 100 starting coins
Chapter 265 (Thanks to [Light and Shadow Arc] 500 starting coins
Chapter 266 Are you sure I injured my arm, not my brain?
Chapter 267 Doctor Strange Don't Give Money For Meals
Chapter 268 Obedient, let me see!
Chapter 269 Kidney Transformation Crisis (Thanks [Aris Happy] 1500
Chapter 270 Help me to destroy his hand
Chapter 271 What do you think of Wanda? (Thanks [Book Friends...785]
Chapter 272 Two Wandas, Double Happiness (Thanks [Light and Shadow]
Chapter 273 Every Fat Man is a Potential Stock (Thanks [Seven Emotions]
Chapter 274 Chen Yi of Plants vs. Zombies (Thanks [color]
Chapter 275 This world is full of injustice to men (thanks【
Chapter 276 I can fight with you all day
Chapter 277 You are Zeus! (Thanks to [Pervert] 20
Chapter 278 Thank you, Ares! (Thanks [Han Chao] 15
Chapter 279 It's really DC, it's so dark! (Thanks [donor please
Chapter 280 Try to travel through time and space
Chapter 281 Superheroes have gone out to buy zero yuan? (Thanks [
Chapter 282 Don't you watch the news when you rob? (Thanks [Africa Chieftain]
Chapter 283 Physical persuasion is more useful than anything else (thanks [Book Friends]
Chapter 284 Come on, just treat me as bitten by a dog (thanks [donor]
Chapter 285 If you are serious, you will lose (thanks [donor, please stay] 50
Chapter 286 Time Remains
Chapter 287 It's Embarrassing (Thanks [Bai Ye Jiang Ming] 100
Chapter 288 This is also super, that is also super (thanks [Gongzi Ye]
Chapter 289 What type do you like? (Thanks
Chapter 290 Are you trying to make friends? (Thank you [donor please
Chapter 291 It's just a superpower antidote (thanks [donor please]
Chapter 292 Recognize Dad on the spot before the fight? (Thanks [two thousand
Chapter 293 The man of talk used chat (thanks [there is a great god]
Chapter 294 Reverse Flash feels that I have been targeted (thanks [Book]
Chapter 295 Anyway, it wasn't my father who died in the end
Chapter 296 Strong or not is one thing but not without (thanks【
Chapter 297 Did You Skip Any Key Plot? ([Book]
Chapter 298 So what? (Thanks [TMPevloluti] 500
Chapter 299 Will God Bleed? (Thanks
Chapter 300 You are weaker than I thought (thanks [Book Friends]
Chapter 301 Only rookie mages like long-range attacks (thanks
Chapter 302 I'm Really a Genius
Chapter 303 Is she the concubine you're looking for? (Thanks [seven
Chapter 304 Everyone heard it, it has nothing to do with me (thanks【
Chapter 305 Conscience Capitalists (Thanks [Aguman Wet] 150
Chapter 306 It's You! (Thanks [Unspy] 100 Starting Points
Chapter 307 Blow up the earth (thanks to [ars] 100 starting point
Chapter 308 Am I the villain then? (Thanks to [Galaxy]
Chapter 309 Thanks to Chen Yi, Alzheimer's Edition [TMRevoluti]
Chapter 310 It got worse after drinking the medicine (Thanks [Niubi Zuo]
Chapter 311 How to Master the Time Loop
Chapter 312 Let's go, time gem Chen Yi (thanks [Niubi Zuo]
Chapter 313 You are a good person (thanks [donor, please stay] 10
Chapter 314 When you become an immortal, you will be called a wine sword immortal (thanks [
Chapter 315 I, Chen Yixiuxian, never rely on others (thanks [Xiaoshan]
Chapter 316 You were blessed by the Jade Emperor and your family was ruined (thanks
Chapter 317 Then I am a handsome sword fairy! (Thanks [Book Friends 50]
Chapter 318 Let there be no immortals in this world! (Thanks to [Ancient Wind Yanyan]
Chapter 319 Please don't make any noise. Thank you 【TMRevoluti】
Chapter 320 Who approves, who opposes? (Thanks [Lost in the Sky]
Chapter 321 Actually, I like Yima Pingchuan (Thanks [Let Ma Nan
Chapter 322 I'm not that unlucky Flash man (thanks【
Chapter 323 Second sister, what do you love! (Thanks [Dongxi] 10
Chapter 324 I will simply say a few words (thanks [Ghost Valley Sacred Words] 10
Chapter 325 Why do we act like thieves?
Chapter 326 To respect others is to shovel their graves
Chapter 327 Isn't Batman ignoring Superman a daily operation?
Chapter 328
Chapter 329 Specially blended No. 95 oil, it tastes right
Chapter 330 Crying and shouting to teach me magic
Chapter 331 Are We Familiar?
Chapter 332 The Nanny of the Justice League
Chapter 333: Go Be A Superhero With Interest
Chapter 334: Blindly erecting a flag will be punished
Chapter 335 Save me, I don't want to be a monster!
Chapter 336 Heavenly Scum? No, Heavenly Punishment!
Chapter 337 You will die under this sword
Chapter 338 Your blood quality is very high, I like it very much
Chapter 339 From now on, you will kneel here forever, no one will
Chapter 340 You bite me!
Chapter 341 Don't give her clothes, freeze her to death!
Chapter 342 Absolute freedom is absolute evil
Chapter 343 Morgana is a big baby!
Chapter 344 Alternative Technology Road
Chapter 345 I just want to fight, is it so difficult?
Chapter 346
Chapter 347 I think we can communicate with each other
Chapter 348 Just use my body as an experiment
Chapter 349 A gentleman can deceive him
Chapter 350 Stop talking nonsense, you have been strengthened, come on!
Chapter 351 Super Warrior Plan
Chapter 352 The law of smoke without injury
Chapter 353 Yao Beast, someone killed a teammate to sacrifice to the sky! (Thanks
Chapter 354 Can Guardian Angels Be Plural? (Thanks [Layer]
Chapter 355 I think you want me to die (thanks [Book Friends]
Chapter 356 As expected of you! (Thanks [Nightmore] 100
Chapter 357 Gu Jian Qi Tan's protagonists are all bad guys
Chapter 358 Baili Tusu Enchanted (Thanks 【Nightmore】1)
Chapter 359 Look at what I do, I didn't do it (thanks [Li
Chapter 360 Teacher, kindness and filial piety (thanks to [Micro-Ion Cannon] 500
Chapter 361 Good sisters can only be plastic (thanks【Modify】
Chapter 362 Is it too late to regret now? (Thanks [Book Friends]
Chapter 363 What the Master Says (Thanks [saynol] 10]
Chapter 364 Makes sense! (Thanks [Am I human? Maybe?
Chapter 365 The Earth's Second Vessel (Thanks [Riding the Wind and Waves 19]
Chapter 366 Can make a lot of money (thanks to [Zhu Zhongjian] 500 starting point
Chapter 367 I really want to kill this bald head!
Chapter 368 Undocumented knight, are you willing to join the umbrella company
Chapter 369 Undocumented knight who can fly
Chapter 370 I Can Play With You All Day
Chapter 371 Sister-controlled Lolita
Chapter 372 Oh, let's push it down!
Chapter 373 Well, that's right, that's what I thought!
Chapter 374 This Is Unscientific, Saitama Can Kill Mosquitoes?
Chapter 375 Why do I feel like I forgot something?
Chapter 376 Just call the umbrella blowing snow!
Chapter 377 Who Are You?
Chapter 378 Yellow Hair Can't Be Changed, This Has a Special Bonus
Chapter 379 Spit on him before he dies!
Chapter 380 I'll be the King of Hell
Chapter 381 I hope that Chen Yi, who joins the group next time, has a normal mind
Chapter 383 What did I watch when I was a child, it didn't last long
Chapter 384 Then I am so relieved!
Chapter 385 The plan seems to be stuck
Chapter 386 That's it, what's so scary about it?
Chapter 387 Outsourcing
Chapter 388 The magic lamp of Soma, complete!
Chapter 389 My Lord God Calls My Lord?
Chapter 390 You are a double gun
Chapter 391 I am about to become the richest man in the wrong world!
Chapter 392 Are you really treating me as a tool person?
Chapter 393 Who is a serious person to join the Hestia family?
Chapter 394
Chapter 395
Chapter 396 The earth is miserable enough, let it go
Chapter 397 You treat me as a retarded superman!
Chapter 398 Wait, why do I feel like a villain
Chapter 399 My name is Ji Fa, Ji Fa's Ji, Ji Fa's Fa
Chapter 400 Isn't it just playing with guns, I can too!
Chapter 401 You are just a jerk!
Chapter 402 It's really scary when you think about it!
Chapter 403 How to revive human beings without creating human beings?
Chapter 404 The pacifier saves the world
Chapter 405 Knowledge really makes people give up thinking
Chapter 406 Japan is about to be submerged in urine
Chapter 407 I Didn't Say I Wouldn't Return From the Cabinet
Chapter 408 Come on, take Taibao!
Chapter 409 Yes, what do I want to do to become stronger?
Chapter 410 Are you a devil?
Chapter 411 To a certain extent, you have actually become stronger, at least
Chapter 412 Is this straight ball so effective? (Thanks [Shi Shi]
Chapter 413 Isn't it just hurting each other, come (thanks [Wind]
Chapter 414 Failed man (thanks to [Tian Di Dao Zi] 100
Chapter 415 Forget it, that's not the point
Chapter 416 Don't Tell Me She's Wanda?
Chapter 417 Blood Engine
Chapter 418 Your second understanding is very problematic (thanks
Chapter 419 There is no way to choose all
Chapter 420 Maybe the three of them will be able to push Heavenly Court horizontally (thanks【
Chapter 421 You stop, let me say (thanks [201...968]
Chapter 422 It's really filial
Chapter 423 Humph, scumbag! (Thanks [donor, please stay] 10
Chapter 424 Selling the Super Soldier Serum to Noxus and Demar
Chapter 425 Picheng can abandon Zaan, and Zaan can also abandon
Chapter 426 Don't you want to show off?
Chapter 427 How innocent is it to wear it around the neck!
Chapter 438 Waiting for tens of thousands of years before getting married
Chapter 429: This Is Obviously Friendship Has Changed
430 Of course you owe me
Chapter 431 Arrest Chen Yi!
Chapter 432 Beauty without long legs
Chapter 433 Which bastard, Chen Yi, treats this dirty thought as a red envelope
Chapter 434 If you want to seize power, you should have said it earlier!
Chapter 435 Who did you learn your ability to hold the black pot from?
Chapter 436 Does this count as eating bursting tofu?
Chapter 437 You have been strengthened, come on!
Chapter 438 Bang Bang gun, you died so miserably!
Chapter 439 With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you
Chapter 440 Please stop the goddess Thor from lifting Thor's hammer
Chapter 441
Chapter 442 As expected of a yellow hair!
Chapter 443
Chapter 444 This must be caused by kidney deficiency
Chapter 445
Chapter 446 My little cute teacher, why did she suddenly become so big?
Chapter 447: It's Not His Turn To Save The World
Chapter 448: These Sand Sculptures Are Really Diverse
Chapter 449 She's Not My Wife
Chapter 450 My Magic Name is Supreme Mage
Chapter 451 The man doesn't seem to be of much use value
Chapter 452 You are not welcome in this street
Chapter 453 People are the grand opening ceremony, you are the opening slaughter
Chapter 454 I have nothing to do with you, you were fired
Chapter 455 Co-authoring You Want to Prostitute Me?
Chapter 456 You have a boyfriend at the age of 13? You guys are having a lot of fun
Chapter 457 Don't stop me, elder sister, I want to execute justice!
Chapter 458 What are you going to do, that's my wife!
Chapter 459 Is there a possibility that I am a good person?
Chapter 460 This is not scientific at all!
Chapter 461 Take away your super power
Chapter 462 Zhang Wei has the most names with the same name in the world, ten thousand
Chapter 463 You Can't Get Away With Your Public Face
Chapter 464 The Mythical World of Cyberpunk
Chapter 465 This Chen Yi was greened by God!
Chapter 466 It's none of my business if the world is in chaos, I want to save my wife
Chapter 467 Are You Serious With This Seven Star Pacifier?
Chapter 468 I Treat You As My Sister, You Treat Me As A Backup?
Chapter 469 The child's crooked growth has nothing to do with the child's father
Chapter 470 As a time traveler, of course you can't disrupt the plot
Chapter 471 You are really filial to your uncle!
Chapter 472 Those Damn Chen Yi Polluted My Red
Chapter 473 This does not conform to the law of smoke without injury
Chapter 474 No matter how arrogant you are, why don't you raise my son for me?
Chapter 475 I Always Feel That This So-Called Sisterhood Is Just Plastic
Chapter 476 That's right, I did it!
Chapter 477
Chapter 478 Of course I'm spending time with my wife!
Chapter 479
Chapter 480 Brother, say something, your speech scares me a little!
Chapter 481 Don't thank me for your kindness, so I will thank myself
Chapter 482 A Like for My Kindness
Chapter 483 I want five poisonous beasts!
Chapter 484 So How Did Yun Tianhe See It As A Flying Pig?
Chapter 485 Talking and talking, people disappear
Chapter 486 Don't worry, no one will die (thanks to [Zhu Zhongjian] 5000 starting coins
Chapter 487 Hey, is it such an exciting topic?
Chapter 488 No, I Can't Have This Wife!
Chapter 489 It's just that you are too weak
Chapter 490 It Doesn't Matter, I Will Make a Move
Chapter 491 A Long, Long Time Ago
Chapter 492 I only like to promise each other with my body
Chapter 493 Actually, I Already Have Someone I Like
Chapter 494 Your Brain Can Do It!
Chapter 495 I will raise your sister (thanks [book friend 201174] 100 starting coins
Chapter 496 If you don't like it, you can call me Brother Emperor Qi
Chapter 497 The heroine is obviously my wife Kamen Rider Diend
Chapter 498: Turn All Kamen Riders Into Their Own Shapes
Chapter 499 Overhaul Card Military Salute
Chapter 500 Believe me, they firmly believe in this
Chapter 501 Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you lied to a child like this?
Chapter 502 No wonder you always say that V3 has a bad mouth, I would have to yell at you
Chapter 503 This is Shuka's Conspiracy, They Want to Sell Kamen Rider Toys!
Chapter 504 If I call you, it's better to use this one
Chapter 505 I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it!
Chapter 506 A real expert never needs any extra movements to cast spells
Chapter 507 He Needs to Say Thank You After Playing
Chapter 508 I hope this newcomer is not an LSP
Chapter 509 I finally don't have to be a loli anymore!
Chapter 510 Stop Calling Me Sister Chen Yi!
Chapter 511 The Statue of Liberty is one big and one small, so they really are father and son!
Chapter 512 Hey, can you hear me?
Chapter 513 Can You Let Your Adult Come Talk to Me?
Chapter 514 A vase is a vase, I don't mind
Chapter 515 You have been strengthened, hurry up!
Chapter 516 It's Taboo!
Chapter 517 Keep it for the New Year if you don't kill it?
Chapter 518 Should it be the incense that comes with the clothes?
Chapter 519 I have the responsibility to rule the world and become the emperor
Chapter 520: Yu Wentuo Must Die!
Chapter 521 Are you Fifteen in disguise?
Chapter 522 Have You Been Deceived?
Chapter 523: Those Who Don’t Know Are Not Guilty
Chapter 524 Master, Hurry up and take this witch away!
Chapter 525
Chapter 526 Marrying Nobody Can Marry Zhang Lie!
Chapter 527 It was agreed to talk about serious business, why did you come back again?
Chapter 528 Why don't you change your ID to Green Billion Abundance?
Chapter 529 My Wife Can't Kill Someone in Her Dreams, Does She?
Chapter 530 I Just Want You to COS Nightshade
Chapter 531 Sand Sculpture Misleading Me
Chapter 532 You Are the One Who Courts Death!
Chapter 533 No matter how strong you are in your dreams
Chapter 534 Escape is shameful, but useful
Chapter 535 Give me some face
Chapter 536 Some Chen Yi Don't Even Spare Plants
Chapter 537 Am I struggling or not?
Chapter 538 Go to your room or mine?
Chapter 539 Why Do I Feel You Are Targeting Me?
Chapter 540 Is there a possibility that you are simply getting older?
Chapter 541 You study carefully, is it serious?
Chapter 542 This is not disgraceful to me, it is disgraceful to the earth!
Chapter 543 Hunt him down, pack of wolves!
Chapter 544 I'm Sorry, Your Face Is Too Deserving of a Beating
Chapter 545 Although it is not scientific, its classification is indeed science fiction
Chapter 546 Don't you know that the extras are all extras?
Chapter 547 I will not hide it from you, I am also a biologist
Chapter 548 Take out his soul first
Chapter 549 Is there such a busy queue?
Chapter 550 The plot is under my control
Chapter 551 Why? I am also looking for the reason
Chapter 552 You are good at marksmanship
Chapter 553 Yes, I Transformed Your Eighth Generation Sister Into a Weird Person
Chapter 554: Sure enough, he is a love brain
Chapter 555 But I Don't Have a Girlfriend
Chapter 556 Even the law can't control me!
Chapter 557 According to my experience of reading novels for many years, this kind of time needs
Chapter 558 I'm Already Invincible
Chapter 559 Don't move around, or I won't be able to get a headshot
Chapter 560 Those Who Know Are Fighting, Those Who Don’t Know Think That’s It
Chapter 561 Subaru Natsuki, please explain
Chapter 562 You are not qualified to forgive the perpetrator on behalf of the client
Chapter 563 Uploading illegal content due to user initial D
Chapter 564: The Honest Man Is Ecstatic.jpg!
Chapter 565 Look at me, the mighty Tianlong!
Chapter 566 There is always one suitable for Fa Hai
Chapter 567 I don't want to be called White Snake Virgin!
Chapter 568 I Was A Monk For Ten Years, Can't I Enjoy It?
Chapter 569 There Are So Many Sand Sculptures In This Group?
Chapter 570 You Want to Find a Woman Behind My Back!
Chapter 571 Isn't this the dove occupying the magpie's nest?
Chapter 572 Can't I just get it done with a mind reading technique?
Chapter 573 So Wutian is mentally handicapped, it must be!
Chapter 574 I won’t make it! Thank you [donor please stay] 500 starting coins
Chapter 575 You have become what you hate the most
Chapter 576 Kamehameha!
Chapter 577 Is there a problem with you just saying this?
Chapter 578 Travelers are going to take an unusual path!
Chapter 579 My surname is Chen and my name is Yi, I am just an ordinary mortal
Chapter 580 Human beings have ways, gods have ways of gods, what do we mortals do, is it your gods' turn to decide?
Chapter 581 I am no longer the rag king, I am the richest man in the world now, show some respect
Chapter 582: Turn All Muggles into Wizards
Chapter 583 You Deserve to Be Called Chen Yi, Pooh!
Chapter 584 Armored Warriors Can't Be Beautiful!
Chapter 585 This Is a Burger Restaurant, Not a Public Restroom, Bastard!
Chapter 586 Too Ugly, Even If I Could Transform, I Would Refuse
Chapter 587 The promise to save someone is in dire straits, but you actually went on a date?
Chapter 588 This city needs my protection!
Chapter 589 Are you ashamed to be a villain at this level?
Chapter 590
Chapter 591 With me here, everyone has a set of emperor armor
Chapter 592 Hey, are you serious?
Chapter 593 Jue Juezi is a bit disgusting
Chapter 594 I Always Feel That This Thing Is Injected With a Mutated Chance Is Greater
Chapter 595 Cover your face, the world is your stage!
Chapter 596: The Most Caring Kamen Rider
Chapter 597 Sogo Tokiwa: I need money!
Chapter 598 Join my camp now, and you can become a servant of the dragon!
Chapter 599 Gradually Understand Everything
Chapter 600 My brother Emperor Qi is not the guardian of the pond!
Chapter 601 Then Use Your Cards to Beat You!
Chapter 602 In this way, who will say that I am the devil?
Chapter 603 Hongo Meng and Ichimonji Hayato are not beaten to death by Kazami Shiro, they still have some strength
Chapter 604 Yi Xiaochuan is my brother, how could he harm me?
Chapter 605 Since Gao Yao can be renamed Zhao Gao, why can't I, Chen Yi, be renamed Liu Bang?
Chapter 606: The Three Maoyan Sisters Are the Best Childhood Memories
Chapter 607 Let Liu Bang marry Yushu
Chapter 608 Too Many Girls Hurt Your Body!
Chapter 609 Oh, it's so annoying, what should I do if my wife ran away?
Chapter 610 The reason why science has become science, you must not have done it, right?
Chapter 611 I can eat and drink while lying down, so why should I stand up and work?
Chapter 612 Reiki Engine
Chapter 613 Have you ever thought that our world is not normal?
Chapter 614: Oil Spills in the Backyard—It’s So Beautiful!
Chapter 615: Immortals Cause Trouble, Mortals Are Blame
Chapter 616 Even a Saint Thief would disdain such a thing
Chapter 617 Women will only affect the speed of his cultivation!
Chapter 618 Isn't it good to be a sword fairy, you have to compete with me?
Chapter 619 You were the one who did it to me first
Chapter 620 What is this, moral kidnapping?
Chapter 621 Didn't I Tell You, This Is Called Bone Crushing Therapy
Chapter 622 As long as you sit in this wheelchair, even the Master of Tongtian is no match for you
Chapter 623 How can you let her go because she is young?
Chapter 624 Tieguai Li: The World Is Endless, Thousands of Miles to Follow!
Chapter 645 Thank you, Master!
Chapter 646 Am I In The Wrong Place?
Chapter 647 Broken, let this guy discover the BUG!
Chapter 648 Always Water Qun
Chapter 649 No matter how beautiful it is portrayed in the TV series, this is also an arranged marriage
Chapter 650 Very white, ah, no, it's very thin, and it's not right, it has abdominal muscles, bah, it's the Lion King!
Chapter 651 Back then, I carried my pockets with both hands and didn't know what an opponent was
Chapter 652 Oh, something fell
Chapter 653: The Normal Version of Leonai
Chapter 654 All for the Rebels!
Chapter 655 Just a Tsundere in Retirement
Chapter 656: As witty as I am!
Chapter 657 Is It Wrong to Like Beautiful Things?
Chapter 658 As long as it is someone else's object, you think it's pretty good, right?
Chapter 659 I Really Have a Secret Love for You, It's Been a Long Time!
Chapter 660 How about chopping up Maou Sadao and giving it to Yusa Emi as a gift?
Chapter 661 Don't play with fire casually
Chapter 662 V I am 50, I will give you inexhaustible glory and wealth
Chapter 663 It's all hacked like this, and you still say that you are not evil magic
Chapter 664: The Achievement of Instantly Killing the Demon King
Chapter 665 I'm Actually a Rich Man
Chapter 666 [Ranma 1/2] Sent a red envelope of [Niangyuquan] to [Working! Demon King]
Chapter 667 Ashiya Shiro is the other half of Maou Sadao!
Chapter 668 Big Brothers, Help, My Wife Was Stolen!
Chapter 669 Princess Cool Overlord is indeed more fierce than Princess Brigitte
Chapter 670 Calm down, or I can only help you cool down
Chapter 671 For Princess Brigitte, I Will Do Anything!
Chapter 672 This is much more exciting than mixing the ashes of a couple who died in love
Chapter 673 How can I study your body without resurrecting you?
Chapter 674 I thought you wanted to lie down
Chapter 675 What does the two-dimensional LSP matter have to do with me?
Chapter 676 Can Kudo Yukiko Really Be Conan?
Chapter 677 So Do You Know Xiaoming?
Chapter 678 Brother, the chance to get out of the order is at hand!
Chapter 679 Today we fight against the Black Warcraft, guess who didn't participate in the output? That's right, it's you!
Chapter 680 I still want to contribute to the organization!
Chapter 681 So here comes the question, how did Mang come from Mang Village?
Chapter 682 Your sword is interesting, but it is mine now!
Chapter 683 Should You Say You Respond Fast Or Slow?
Chapter 664 You are such a good person
Chapter 665 Do you think Wuhe Shidou is in it? That's right, he
Chapter 666 Don't you don't plan to give money, do you?
Chapter 667 This is really a bad future
Chapter 668: DIO of the Moon World
Chapter 669 This heroic spirit, you don't want your parents to be hurt, do you?
Chapter 670 Heroic Spirit Control: King Arthur!
Chapter 671 Sure enough, it's all Tokiomi's fault!
Chapter 672 Mom, you are one year younger than me
Chapter 673 It's up to you, Artoria, go!
Chapter 674: The Oldest Village Chief
Chapter 675 I'm not as dark as you
Chapter 676 How desperate does a person have to pin their dreams on miracles?
Chapter 677 Is there still supper, so extravagant?
Chapter 678 So the equipment on your body is all because of you crying?
Chapter 679 Is it worthy of being a real daughter?
Chapter 680 Would the world be a better place without magicians?
Chapter 681 I don't know that Emiya Archer is going to kill Emiya Shirou, who will Emiya Giants help?
Chapter 682 You are Xiao Hei, it is written on your resident certificate
Chapter 683 Surprisingly a god, haha, unexpectedly a god!
Chapter 684 Your Noble Phantasm Is Conceptually Genuine, But Theoretically It Is A Fake
Chapter 685 Isn't it natural for Kamen Rider to change his form and become stronger?
Chapter 686 You won't believe me if I tell you, I'm Emiya Shirou
Chapter 687 Emiya, You Seem to Be Arrogant After Becoming a Heroic Spirit!
Chapter 688 Isn't it common sense that the dead in the Holy Grail War?
Chapter 689 I prayed to the Seat of Heroes, and the only one who responded to me was myself Emiya Heroic Spirit: Is there such a thing?
Chapter 670 Who Do You Take Me For!
Chapter 671 You have the wrong number of heroic spirits, there are only seven heroic spirits as promised
Chapter 672 Kotomine Kirei: If I don't take advantage of such a god-given opportunity, I might as well go home and sell mapo tofu!
Chapter 673: Triple Company of Crane Wings
Chapter 674 Xiao Hei, Split the Holy Grail Soon!
Chapter 675 Although he has blown up planes and killed his father and mother, he is indeed a good man
Chapter 696 Don't Love Anyone With Your Hands in Your Pockets
Chapter 697
Chapter 698 What does Emiya Archer's sin have to do with me Emiya Shirou/Emiya Juxia?
Chapter 699 Did I say I forgot you?
Chapter 700 Facts also prove that only LSP understands LSP
Chapter 701 What's more, more water
Chapter 702 None of these new recruits are serious, right?
Chapter 703 If I Can't Be Ultraman, I Make One
Chapter 704 Seven people can build eight groups
Chapter 705 Broken, Accidentally Standing on the Left
Chapter 706 What does other Chen Yi's murder and arson have to do with my driver Chen Yi?
Chapter 707 This Dagu Is Sloppy!
Chapter 708 Who wants to return this thing to me, this is mine
Chapter 709 Dagu, what do you think of jeeps?
Chapter 710 You don't want all women to shy away from you, do you?
Chapter 711 How can it be repaired? Aliens actually spy on widows taking a bath
Chapter 712 Fans Need Purification
Chapter 713 So, does your being beaten have anything to do with making everyone smile?
Chapter 714 Are you saying that you will play around with my IQ?
Chapter 715 The laws of TPC can no longer control me in TPU! (Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)
Chapter 716 This guy must have a problem with our Victory Team, otherwise why would he always think about being a super senior?
Chapter 717 My Emperor's Cavalry and the Darkness Swear Incompatible!
Chapter 718 Broken, I Forgot There Are No Saints Among Chen Yi
Chapter 719 Alley, little boy, Carmela!
Chapter 720 Are you worthy of being called the Giant of Light?
Chapter 721 With this IQ, I can let her celebrate Mother's Day next year
Chapter 722 I am sincere with Nakano Kazuka, Nakano Nino, Nakano Miku, Nakano Yotsuba and Nakano Mayzuki
Chapter 723 I gave you face, didn't you, and cursed me, do you think I will let you finish the sentence?
Chapter 724 Emotional Expert Carmela
Chapter 725 Look at what you have guarded!
Chapter 726 I am sure about this girl
Chapter 727 Are you a pervert like me?
Chapter 728
Chapter 729 When I Type a Question Mark, It's Not My Problem, It's You!
Chapter 730 Miss Sister Is More Charming
Chapter 731 I am a decent person, but can a decent person not find a girlfriend?
Chapter 732 You should be ashamed, right?
Chapter 733
Chapter 734 Everyone Follows Me, I Announce Something, I'm a God!
Chapter 735 You Are Not My Leader, You Are My Father!
Chapter 736 So it is completely reasonable for human beings to become extinct, right?
Chapter 737 Do you also want to have a shot?
Chapter 738 Integrating Group Ecology
Chapter 739 For a savior like me, it's inappropriate to be single all the time, isn't it?
Chapter 740 The DC universe is restarting again!
Chapter 741 No, I Have Thoughts About Women!
Chapter 742 Anti-Sea King Device: Fish Feed
Chapter 743 This Superman Doesn't Look Very Smart Yazi
Chapter 744 Batman Lives as a Sloppy Without a Butler
Chapter 745 The Only Eternal Law of the Multiverse: True Fragrance
Chapter 746 It's been a long time since I hit a woman, I need to practice
Chapter 747 This Supergirl’s Combat Awareness Can’t Be Said to Be Absent, There’s Only Much Room for Improvement
Chapter 748 Once Sad Place: Paradise Island
Chapter 749: Ian Baiteman!
Chapter 750 If You Say That, I Surely Don't Believe It!
Chapter 751 Bat Keaton intends to do something unspeakable to Zod's corpse
Chapter 752 Batman Without Catwoman Is Certainly Incomplete Batman
Chapter 753 Yes, you can still wait for Penny Parker to grow up
Chapter 754 Tsk, this is the consequence of sacrificing IQ!
Chapter 755 Tell me, does this count as overloading?
Chapter 756 Everyone wanted to save, but no one could
Chapter 757 Something is wrong with this spider Gwen
Chapter 758 Rumors, definitely rumors, am I the kind of person who is afraid of his wife?
Chapter 759 Funny characters are the most destructive, right, Spider-Ham?
Chapter 760 How Old Are You, Still Bullying Little Girls
Chapter 761 That Pregnant Woman Is My Type
Chapter 762 Too extravagant, I haven't eaten chicken legs for a long time!
Chapter 763 I think you need to take a shower and look in the mirror
Chapter 764 Can this Spaceship Raise Cockroaches?
Chapter 765 Now, let us see if the gods will die
Chapter 766 Where's the Furious Princess, don't you want to be your wife?
Chapter 767 The Kamen Rider Who Can Do Everything Except Taking Pictures
Chapter 768 A Kamen Rider Who Can't Kick a Knight, Is That Still a Kamen Rider?
Chapter 769 Are you a family man too?
Chapter 770 What do you think?
Chapter 771 I'm Hasty
Chapter 772 Destruction is my forte, isn't it?
Chapter 773 So Are You A Monkey?
Chapter 774 Is there a lot of people? I can still summon clones!
Chapter 775 I probably understand
Chapter 776 You just played my second form
Chapter 777 I Just Asked Randomly, But The Other Party Hit All of It!
Chapter 778 Are you kidding? Kamen Rider was actually shot to death!
Chapter 779 Now there are three Geats, what an ingenious setting
Chapter 780 I Gradually Understand Everything
Chapter 781: The network cannot be invaded, should we solve it offline?
Chapter 782 So, V is actually a robot?
Chapter 783 Damn it, I’m pretty pretty too!
Chapter 784: This guy has so much resentment. Could it be that he didn’t win the resurrection match?
Chapter 785 It’s a pity that Xiangling can’t be astringent
Chapter 786 I will win Gan Yu today!
Chapter 787 Guo Ba is right
Chapter 788: Owning a Traveler is equivalent to owning the whole of Teyvat
Chapter 789 By the way, Gan Yu, you are still here. Is there anything wrong?
Chapter 790 Legend has it that when the emperor was going on an expedition, he once said... Hey, ha, ho
Chapter 791: Why does Liyue’s next Rock King have to be from the Rock system?
Chapter 792 The ceremony of Emperor Yanwang’s sending off to immortals must be a happy event!
Chapter 793 I don’t want to work!
Chapter 794: Laughing to death, don’t you know I still have a clone?
Chapter 795 If I don’t lie to myself, I can’t survive this life.
Chapter 796 Although Morax is not a human, but...
Chapter 797 I will only demonstrate once, it’s up to you how much you can learn.
Chapter 798 I have a bold idea regarding the Immortal Invitation Ceremony
Chapter 799 Morax Red and White Song Festival
Chapter 800 If you keep doing this, I will really attack you!
Chapter 801 Since the problem cannot be solved, then solve the person who asked the question!
Chapter 802: Even if you have good things, you don’t care about the master. I raised you as my apprentice in vain.
Chapter 803 The reason why he is so strong is because he eats soft food
Chapter 804 Keqing must be strengthened!
Chapter 805 As expected of Paimon, he easily said what I dare not say.
Chapter 806 As long as I am blind, you can’t make me a strong man
Chapter 807 The man who made Duan Mulei spend a huge sum of money
Chapter 808 I have never seen such a shameless Chen Yi!
Chapter 809 Plug-ins are just embellishments, my life is already complete!
Chapter 810 This is a very good excuse. I copied it.
Chapter 811 You are so filial to me!
Chapter 812 If you send your father in, that would be...that would be the annihilation of relatives for the sake of justice!
Chapter 813: Don’t you know the diversity of people?
Chapter 814 How about a slap in the face?
Chapter 815: Isn’t it enough to give me a few dollars a week for living expenses?
Chapter 816 You should really thank me
Chapter 817 Well said, but you don’t deserve to say it!
Chapter 818 It’s decided, I want to tutor Wang Yidi!
Chapter 819 After my disdainful efforts
Chapter 820 Fortunately, my plug-in has arrived, otherwise I might have been ruined by Sister Pomegranate.
Chapter 821 Young man, do your parents know that you are so brave?
Chapter 822 It’s true to say that, but you can’t say that.
Chapter 823 The first day is Superman, the second day is the motherland, the third day, I don’t eat beef
Chapter 824 Is your logic reversed?
Chapter 825 Is this the so-called deep love between sisters?
Chapter 826: The entertainment industry is in deep water. Do you think you are joking?
Chapter 827 Our Yifan is going to dance and sing, he has no brains
Chapter 828 Why are you so excited?
Chapter 829 If I can’t beat Gu Yi, I can’t beat you
Chapter 830 Strange, you are the culprit who caused the earth to be invaded. Accept the reality!
Chapter 831 Even ancient masters like you will cry in heaven.
Chapter 832 Is that pregnant Spider-Man serious?
Chapter 833 How could Kama Taj’s mage not be able to defeat Spider-Man? Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Chapter 834 Dormammu accuses the Supreme Mage of not protecting the earth well
Chapter 835 Sorry, Strange is not welcome in the Supreme Mage Alliance
Chapter 836 Do you want to try the specialties of your hometown?
Chapter 837 You shouldn’t be so selfish, you must know how to share!
Chapter 838 Sorry, Choujiu!
Chapter 839 For a real mage, just use the lighting technique and add strength to everything else.
Chapter 840 It’s so strange, why does the Scarlet Witch only look for a son and not a husband?
Chapter 841 We all like the same person, which just proves that we are the normal Wanda
Chapter 842 How about it? My snapping fingers are much more handsome than Thanos, right?
Chapter 843 Among so many Chen Yi, a truly perverted Chen Yi really appeared!
Chapter 844 Having said that, the Celestial Beast is not considered Furui, right?
Chapter 845 If you want to become Deadpool, you need to break up with Black Widow!
Chapter 846 Not only am I going to whip my belt, I’m also going to whip you!
Chapter 847 Sorry, I am sworn in with gambling and drugs
Chapter 848 From today on, you are a member of the Deadpool Legion
Chapter 849 I still like you as you used to be, even though you are only 1.6 meters tall
Chapter 850 My sand sculpture is unique
Chapter 851: You can’t even turn a bullet, but you still deserve to be cool with a gun?
Chapter 852 I have eaten Iron Man cake, so it makes sense to know some nano-repair technology, right?
Chapter 853 Beating one’s own brother and disdain his younger brother
Chapter 854 Triangular relationship is the most stable
Chapter 855: Team Logan, do you want to rebel?
Chapter 856 Loki is so bad at writing stories, are you sure he can write 'Deadpool 3' well?
Chapter 857 Spider Alliance VS Kang Dynasty!
Chapter 858 Deadpool: How can you not avenge the hatred of taking your wife? Suffer death!
Chapter 859 This uniform of mine is a copy of Deathstroke, bah, I borrowed it from my cousin.
Chapter 860 The pair caught fish again
Chapter 861 If you want to live a good life, you must have some filter in your life
Chapter 862 The only drawback is that there is no money
Chapter 863 If there is a problem with a second-hand car, it is only a small problem, but if there is no problem with the bus, it is also a big problem!
Chapter 864 Wait, I remembered what I should do!
Chapter 865 It’s common sense not to drive while drinking!
Chapter 866 The organization Xue Beng sounds like it will collapse.
Chapter 867: Shinra is no longer important, but without Shinra, it is important to everyone
Chapter 868 Huang Mao is coming!
Chapter 869 Claude: I am indeed a Shinra warrior! (Confident face.jpg)
Chapter 870 I know I was wrong, but I will dare again next time
Chapter 871 Why can’t I skip this topic?
Chapter 872 It was not him who was wrong, but the world they traveled through!
Chapter 873 Don’t worry, it just hurts
Chapter 874 How to open the door in the ward
Chapter 875 What the hell is this!
Chapter 876 I’m afraid I’ll kill you with one punch
Chapter 877: How about asking Tifa to help? I heard that the time of the sage is all gone?
Chapter 878 It must be a mother and daughter...
Chapter 879 What is our relationship? Please make it clear!
Chapter 880 Why are you so skilled?
Chapter 881 Knock down Master Bai with one punch
Chapter 882 Mentor, I want this!
Chapter 883 Go ahead and hang President Shinra from the street lamp!
Chapter 884 This is no longer an ordinary avalanche warrior, he must punch hard!
Chapter 885 How dare you show off your driving skills in front of Kamen Rider, you are seeking death!
Chapter 886 He has become smarter, worthy of someone who has died several times.
Chapter 887 With your IQ, it’s hard for me to explain to you
Chapter 888 It seems that there is indeed some feudal superstition
Chapter 889 I didn’t let you bring them in. What’s the point of being sentimental?
Chapter 890 In order to prevent people from knowing that I am a sham, how about I silence myself?
Chapter 891 Let me show you what the real paradise of immortals is
Chapter 892 A real man should fight Fahai!
Chapter 893 I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence because I am a serious person
Chapter 894 Buddha!
Chapter 895 Is there any more Wang Fa! Hey, no, I am Wang Fa!
Chapter 896 Putting aside the facts, is Guanyin Bodhisattva right?
Chapter 897 Are you rescuing people or raising pigs?
Chapter 898: There is a Buddha in my heart, and everything I see is a Buddha. There is a demon in my heart, and everything I see is a demon.
Chapter 899 Why does it feel like this Chen Yi is a bit of a locomotive?
Chapter 900 I just said that the group was full of LSPs, but in just a few words I was assimilated.
Chapter 901 The Supreme Mage looks like this, Dormammu saw it with his own eyes!
Chapter 902 Either he can’t bring the beautiful country, or the beautiful country can’t bring him
Chapter 903: The people in the Warrior Village are so arrogant, I was so stupid that I left the Warrior Village
Chapter 904 I’m really sorry that I didn’t let you enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Chapter 905 Open the coffin and get up, Simmel!
Chapter 906 How dare you, a warrior, resist a mage?
Chapter 907 Fulilian, from now on, you will be a brave man!
Chapter 908 Love is a beautiful I want to experience it more times
Chapter 909 I don’t have a girlfriend, why should I be called a scumbag?
Chapter 910 Something is wrong with the magical girl world
Chapter 911 You are also a miserable child!
Chapter 912 Why don’t your magical girls’ clothes have any defense?
Chapter 913 How can I act in a show like this?
Chapter 914 In order to bring peace to the world, I created an overhaul card
Chapter 915 With the Aurora Curtain here, I can deliver express quickly, so I can support myself no problem!
Chapter 916 The truth is revealed, ninjas are actually magical girls!
Chapter 917 It is true that we are an evil organization, but we must also understand that violence cannot solve all problems!
Chapter 918 I never expected that when I first came here, I played you, but now you play me.
Chapter 919 Why do you have Wandai?
Chapter 920 I understand, you are all Kyubey!
Chapter 921 Don’t tell me that you have a bold idea?
Chapter 922 Admit it, everyone is a Furui control!
Chapter 923 This plot is different from what I imagined!
Chapter 924 Are you wronging yourself? You are obviously greedy for other people's bodies, you are despicable!
Chapter 925 Look, isn’t this fish back again?
Chapter 926 I will always like Tushan Yaya!
Chapter 927 What stops them is not whether they can do it, but whether they are punished!
Chapter 928: Your little fox demon matchmaker doesn’t talk about falling in love, but talks about fighting and killing. Don’t you think it’s off topic?
Chapter 929 What chat group, QB’s chat group?
Chapter 930 In order to prevent Madoka Shikama from becoming a magical girl, Chen Yi decided to let her become a magical girl!
Chapter 931 Who is not a magical girl these days!
Chapter 932 If you don’t study hard, you will only be a housewife in the future
Chapter 933 It’s none of my business and none of your business!
Chapter 934 Headless Senior Sister Tomoe Mami
Chapter 935 Everyone is crying. If I don’t cry, I look very unsociable.
Chapter 936 Be a hamster and save the world
Chapter 937 Now I am just an ordinary junior high school student
Chapter 938 Isn’t it common sense for magical girls to hunt QB?
Chapter 939 This iron box is the final home of magical girls
Chapter 940 Already, there is nothing to be afraid of!
Chapter 941 Magical Girl Retirement Plan
Chapter 942: He started falling in love when he was only a teenager, so he has to mess with this!
Chapter 943 From now on, you will be the boss of Ruanye High School
Chapter 944 We are also innocent landlords!
Chapter 945 Wait, didn’t I take leave? Why are I still in school?
Chapter 946 Who would believe that a high school student would kick someone into a meteor?
Chapter 947 Don’t underestimate any woman sitting in an airport!
Chapter 948 There are no humans in this world, but there are shadows of humans everywhere
Chapter 949 May the glory of mankind last forever, and may your glory last forever!
Chapter 950 Yes, you just have a good figure
Chapter 951 The past was before, the present is now
Chapter 952: Don’t always say such misleading things, I am a serious person.
Chapter 953 It turns out that the commander forgot to take a shower!
Chapter 954 If one day you become fat, please stop wearing Yorha’s combat uniform.
Chapter 955 It feels like it’s so troublesome to be God.
Chapter 956 The real savior: Emir
Chapter 957 It’s better to leave the history of new humanity to them themselves.
Chapter 958 After the matter is over, I will ask the commander to check his body
Chapter 959 Chen Yi, the man who goes to heaven and into the sea, please pull up your pants before you say this.
Chapter 960 An ungrateful nation is not qualified to inherit the glory of mankind
Chapter 961 Who rides a magic broomstick these days!
Chapter 962 Magic Cabinet: Fortress Mode!
Chapter 963 I can’t stand it anymore, I can’t let Michiko remain a widow!
Chapter 964 I am determined to be the master of magic weapons!
Chapter 965 Give the male witch a normal title
Chapter 966 You only need to give me 10,000 yuan a year and I can pay it off in ten years.
Chapter 967 I’m really sorry, I really didn’t realize you were 18 years old
Chapter 968 Even a pervert like me thinks you are a pervert.
Chapter 969 Although I feel that this question is a bit off-topic, I still want to know the answer for no reason.
Chapter 970 Everyone looks at me, look at me, look at me, let me announce something, I am... an honest person!
Chapter 971 The harem together almost forms a group.
Chapter 972 Just a passing magician
Chapter 973 So you think I’m an eyesore?
Chapter 974 A real man should play with mechas!
Chapter 975 [Chen Yi]: My name is Zhu Fengchun
Chapter 976 Destined Pig? Ridiculous!
Chapter 977 I have finished my words, who agrees and who opposes?
Chapter 978 In this world, money can really lead to the gods
Chapter 979 Use my body, eat my pills, and even pick up my girls!
Chapter 980 No wonder Hou Yi didn’t take the golden elixir
Chapter 981 Buying and selling officials is called Zhao'an!
Chapter 982 This is roast suckling pig
Chapter 983 No matter what, these three realms must not be chaotic!
Chapter 984 An interesting soul is the key
Chapter 985 Being the Riddler is indeed a joy
Chapter 986 I take back what I just said, Taibai Jinxing is indeed a fool
Chapter 987 Look at my Wuji Golden Pill!
Chapter 988 My second sister is very nice
Chapter 989 This man’s sister is determined!
Chapter 990 It is indeed a tea set from the Dragon Palace. It is very round and should be very comfortable to hold up.
Chapter 991 This thing should be called Dragon Ball, right?
Chapter 992 Why do I feel like you are lying to me, and it’s so obvious
Chapter 993 As expected of the second dragon girl, she plays better than me
Chapter 994 Your brother gave me his treasure, this time I won!
Chapter 995 Didn’t you say this matter is our secret?
Chapter 996 I don’t care, seeing the old thief loses all conscience, I will live and die with the black cat!
Chapter 997 Nothing seems to have changed, but everything seems to have changed
Chapter 998 Asexual reproduction is not so unreasonable!
Chapter 999 It seems that I can’t keep you here
Chapter 1000 The world doesn’t love you at all. The world just doesn’t bother to pay attention to you.
Chapter 1001 Good guy, the thigh is actually mine?
Chapter 1002 I must tell Wang Dadong about this and let him be wary of Ding Xiaoyu!
Chapter 1003 How bold, you actually dare to insult the Jade Emperor!
Chapter 1004 The Ancient Furnace
Chapter 1005 This exquisite pagoda was given to me by the Jade Emperor. If you have any objections, please contact the Jade Emperor.
Chapter 1006 Go back and beat up Yuelao
Chapter 1007 Is Tathagata coming or not?
Chapter 1008 Girl, you also need to come in and practice!
Chapter 1009 As a villain, it makes sense that the ultimate goal is to rule the world, right?
Chapter 1010 Are you not the Jade Emperor’s daughter?
Chapter 1011 Go to Niutoushan and tell the Bull Demon King that the Jade Emperor is his father
Chapter 1012 If he can’t even reincarnate you, then why does he like you?
Chapter 1013 God cannot, or at least should not, attack cows
Chapter 1014 Don’t want to be the Jade Emperor?
Chapter 1015 He’s dead, it’s all your fault!
Chapter 1016 Li Jing: Report to the Jade Emperor, this is a wonderful plan!
Chapter 1017 This is not a slap in the face. This is clearly a slap in their faces.
Chapter 1018: Eat melon and eat it yourself
Chapter 1019 What the hell is this!
Chapter 1020 Children, don’t ask too many questions about gods.
Chapter 2010 It’s not me who asked Princess Iron Fan to kill the red boy.
Chapter 1022 I’m afraid you don’t respect your wife very much!
Chapter 1023 No, I treat Buddhism and Taoism equally
Chapter 1024 The gods and Buddhas are not wrong, it is the people who explain them who are wrong
Chapter 1025 We can’t sterilize all humans, right?
Chapter 1026 There are so many reasons why, don’t I like it?
Chapter 1027 You can’t skip this topic, right?
Chapter 1028 It’s really boring, but at least you’re alive!
Chapter 1029 Even turned into a soul, not forgetting the beauty
Chapter 1030: We are both from the same position, why is there such a big gap?
Chapter 1031 You disappoint me so much!
Chapter 1032 We must conform to the trend of the times!
Chapter 1033 What, has Marvel reached the fifth stage? Why don’t I have any impression?
Chapter 1034 I want them all to live a happy life!
Chapter 1035 It has always been my duty as the most caring Kamen Rider to help the younger generation grow up.
Chapter 1036 The law of victory has been determined
Chapter 1037 Sure enough, I am the most orthodox Kamen Rider
Chapter 1038 The next target is still Ogura Kasumi
Chapter 1039 I named it: Painless Abortion Reform Method!
Chapter 1040 As expected of Mr. E, no one else has this acting skill
Chapter 1041 What happened to my final form? You can’t even beat my basic form!
Chapter 1042 I work for you and you still want me to spend money to buy your stuff?
Chapter 1043 Ten seconds, the fastest legend in Heisei!
Chapter 1044 Watch carefully, Kiryu Zhantu, this is how Souichi is used!
Chapter 1045 As a spoiler, the most annoying thing is when someone interrupts my spoilers!
Chapter 1046: It turns out that I am not an idiot, I am just a child
Chapter 1047 What you said makes sense, so I’ll leave this important task to you.
Chapter 1048 What’s going on? Aliens are coming?
Chapter 1049 A hero will never run away from battle!
Chapter 1050 Why does it feel like there is no change?
Chapter 1051 No, you didn’t succeed
Chapter 1052: So what about the power of creation? Even if a thousand years have passed since my brain is weak, it is still magic gold.
Chapter 1053 Sorry, I can also clone myself!
Chapter 1054 How can we make the hero bleed and cry? We must give the hero a warm haven!
Chapter 1055: I didn’t endure hardship when I was young, but I grew up without parents.
Chapter 1056 Is your world and my world outrageous?
Chapter 1057 Don’t say such misleading words!
Chapter 1068 It’s more reliable than your second monument at half the price
Chapter 1069 It’s not boring to do that kind of thing every day!
Chapter 1070 Do you know what is written on my face now?
Chapter 1071 Before you die, please do me a favor
Chapter 1072 The explanation is very vivid, no need to explain next time
Chapter 1073 I guess that person is a yellow guy, right?
Chapter 1074 Huh? Do you still have thoughts about Shen He?
Chapter 1075 What’s going on with this inexplicable sense of déjà vu?
Chapter 1076 The more Chen Yi people get in the water, the more Chen Yi people get.
Chapter 1077 You violated the multiverse travel law
Chapter 1078 Don’t worry anymore, okay?
Chapter 1079 Now, it’s time for you to go home
Chapter 1080 The scum will split, and the Supreme Mage can’t do anything about it!
Chapter 1081 I admit that you are naturally beautiful, but you said that you have acting skills. Do you believe it?
Chapter 1082 This shouldn’t be called a crossing door, it should be called a telephone booth
Chapter 1083 Damn Rich Man
Chapter 1084 There is no soul in copying cooking skills like yours!
Chapter 1085 Do you also have the brain of God?
Chapter 1086 Dragon Blood Wine Stewed Demon Steak
Chapter 1087 I'm so good to you, but you still blame me, you really make me sad
Chapter 1088 2B, let’s eat sumo hotpot together tonight!
Chapter 1089 Damn it, why am I thinking about this? Am I thinking too much?
Chapter 1090 Isn’t this Erina? I haven’t seen her acting like this in a few days.
Chapter 1091 A real man should open Temple No. 2
Chapter 1092 You should know who I am by looking at my ID.
Chapter 1093 It’s all the fault of those scumbags Chen Yi in the early days of the chat group
Chapter 1094 How about letting Chen Muchan and his wife die!
Chapter 1095 I’ll tell you something, don’t be surprised
Chapter 1096 Let’s talk about the fact that I am the reincarnation of an immortal.
Chapter 1097 I want to be the queen, but you can’t be the emperor
Chapter 1098 Too familiar to start with
Chapter 1099 It can’t be washed away, it can’t be washed away at all!
Chapter 1100 Since you have conflicts, you should settle them first
Chapter 1101 It doesn’t matter. If I beat them, they will admit that I use Wing Chun.
Chapter 1102 How many times have I told you, my name is not Tian Xiaoban, my name is Ben Tennyson!