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Chapter 1032 We must conform to the trend of the times!

In fact, the most outrageous thing in the main story is not that Chen Xiang gave up his rebellion and let a group of people who followed him gain nothing, and might be liquidated by heaven in the future, but that in the ending, because the book of life and death was destroyed, Liujia Village

People can live for hundreds of years at least. It seems that everyone is happy, but in fact it disturbs the yin and yang.

Why, even if there are only a dozen people in Liujia Village, if they continue to reproduce for hundreds of years, they can reproduce tens of thousands of people. And this is still in ancient times. If there are a few people who pay attention to it, it will be a blessing to have many children and grandchildren. In the later stage,

The larger the base, how many Liu family members will there be in the world at that time? I can’t believe it. Is this a benefit to the three realms, or a harm to the three realms?

Although the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother do not engage in human affairs, one thing they are right about is that the duty of gods is to benefit the three realms, not to fall in love, especially to fall in love with mortals, because falling in love with mortals is very likely to lead to order in the three realms.

Chaos, the reason is very simple, no one wants to watch the person they love die.

And this also means that gods will try their best to extend the life of the people they love. This is human nature, but it is also dereliction of duty by gods. However, this is unfair to other mortals. Why should they be loved by you?

Like you, live forever and enjoy the prosperity of the world?

Some people say that other Chen Yis are not like this, but these are two natures. The former is a public official, and the latter is a private act. Since you want to be a god in heaven, you have to do what a god should do.

Of course, what the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother said sounded nice, but in fact they did not do anything about it. Thousands of years ago, the Three Realms were like a bird, and a thousand years later, the Three Realms are still like this. They promised to benefit the Three Realms, but the Three Realms did not enjoy the blessings at all!

Since the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother don't do business, you can't expect the gods to do business, so things that benefit the three worlds are naturally forgotten by them, and they all have thoughts about the ordinary.

"So, if the Third Holy Mother really wants to be with Liu Yanchang, it's best to shed her immortal bones and become a mortal."

In fact, Chen Xiang also proposed this method, but was rejected by the Queen Mother. The reason was that if there was no severe punishment, there might be more and more Sifan people.

In fact, this is completely nonsense. It is just an excuse made by the Queen Mother because she feels that her authority has been offended.

Lack of severe punishment will certainly make some gods think of mortals, but when they see the gods who became mortals slowly grow old and die, most people will probably feel sad. They are gods, so naturally they don't want to grow old and die like mortals.

Moreover, the layoff of some immortals can be regarded as a replacement of fresh blood in a sense, so as to prevent the immortals from becoming more conservative in their thinking due to their age.

Don’t you see, even gods are demoted to earth to experience small things from time to time? This is because although they are immortal, like many old people, as time goes by, their thoughts gradually become conservative and they lose their enterprising spirit.

"This is the rule of heaven of our world. If you are willing to change it according to this rule of heaven, then I will help you get the new rule of heaven."

The old rules of heaven can be changed, and the new rules of heaven can also be changed.

Just like the Queen Mother said, God Nuwa had long expected that things would change over time, so she put in place a new rule of heaven that could absorb the opinions of all living beings.

But being able to absorb the opinions of all sentient beings does not mean that we must implement them according to the wishes of all sentient beings. To give a simple example, everyone knows that crossing the road is wrong, but if there is an emergency and there are no cars on the left and right, then most people will definitely choose

cross the road.

So what you actually think deep down in your heart is: There is nothing wrong with crossing the road, but the cost of crossing the road is too high, so you choose to obey the traffic.

To put it simply, these are rules set by others. You don't actually want to abide by them, but for your own safety, you can only choose to abide by them, because only in this way will everyone follow.

What did the Three Holy Mothers do after entering Tiantiao in the original plot?

She only changed the rule that immortals can fall in love. The Three Realms should still be the same. Even the work efficiency is still so touching. The matter in Liujiacun will not be dealt with until hundreds of years later.

But when the gods saw it, they thought, oh, you can fall in love without having to take responsibility, so what else can you say, let’s fall in love first!

Chen Yi has reason to believe that the reason why the Queen Mother chose to go down to earth was because she had a mentality of "I'm tired, let's destroy myself", and all of them went to fall in love without doing anything serious. This team can't be led!


Erlangshen refused without any hesitation the request to let the Third Holy Mother shed her immortal bones. As a sister-controller, watching his sister die of old age was no less than a cruel torture to him.

"Second brother, Mr. Chen Yi is right. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I'm willing to become a mortal again. After all, I am a mortal."

After learning that Erlangshen did this to protect himself, San Shengsheng looked at Erlangshen with guilt in her eyes, but as a lover, she still chose love.

Chen Yi ignored this, walked to the pool, plucked a lotus flower, and pulled out a lotus root. He looked at the lotus seeds inside and suddenly smiled.

His guess was indeed correct, this lotus flower can really breed spiritual energy.

Although interstellar colonization in the mythical world does not require the use of various technologies to transform the planet, it also has a fatal flaw, and that is the aura problem.

There are so many stars in the sky, but why there are only so many stars in the sky is very simple. It is because no one wants those barren planets.

Chen Yi can certainly use the black hole engine, or convert various energy sources into spiritual energy by himself, but that is too cumbersome, so he can't be allowed to be the converter all the time, right?

The lotus flower bred in this heaven is very good. It can convert the incense of all living beings into spiritual energy. This may limit the immortals who use incense to become gods, but fortunately, it can also convert spiritual energy into incense. I can only say

It is indeed a lotus flower born in the new heaven.

Once interstellar colonization begins, you can plant lotus flowers to transform your own planet. There will definitely be some losses in the process, but it doesn't matter. Although the three realms are becoming more and more prosperous, there are more and more intelligent life, and the incense of heaven is also increasing.

It will become more and more prosperous, and we are not afraid of some losses.

"Do you think we should pay a tithe or something like that?"

Chen Yi touched his chin and looked at Ao Tingxin. As a contributor to Heaven and Lotus, it is normal to collect some taxes or something, right?

Although he hasn't figured out what he plans to do with collecting these taxes yet, but who cares, collect the money first!

"Brother-in-law Chen Yi, is there no other way?"

At this moment, Erlangshen couldn't help but speak again.

"Hey, haven't you decided yet?"

Only then did Chen Yi come back to his senses and look at Erlang Shen and San Shengshen.


The decision was made, but he couldn't accept it!

"Then it can only be like our world."

Chen Yi sighed, not knowing whether it was right or wrong to do so. In the past, their heaven only allowed falling in love, but not having children, but now that he plans to engage in interstellar colonization, this restriction seems to be no longer necessary.

This new rule of law has just been changed a few years ago and it needs to be changed again. I always feel that it is not worthy of its name.

But then I thought about it, which country’s laws are consistent from beginning to end?

We must conform to the trend of the times!

This chapter has been completed!
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