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Chapter 186 Turtle Immortal's Ambition

【Initial d】:Why don’t the newcomers speak?

This is my plug-in?

Chen Yi looked at the chat box that appeared in front of him and was a little dumbfounded. He always thought that his plug-in was familiar with the plot, but now he was told that he still had a cheat, but it hadn't arrived yet.

[Prequel to the Lotus Lantern]: I hope that this time I can have a great time, and it is best to become the Demon Emperor.

Billions of dollars are lost in the past?

After all, after traveling through the network poisoned by his predecessors for so long, the first prompt when he entered the chat group was [Chen Yi has joined the chat group!], and he soon understood that this was a chat group whose full name was Chen Yi!

Since it is called a chat group, there will definitely be mutual help and mutual benefit business, and maybe some tasks will be triggered. If this guy from the prequel of the Lotus Lantern can be summoned, maybe No. 17 and No. 18 can be killed.

[Chen Yi]: Guys, help me, I am being hunted by people. They are very strong, almost as powerful as immortals.

Because the people in the group only had IDs, Chen Yi didn't know what their strength was, so he directly pointed out the identity of the pursuer to prevent some group members from committing suicide and teleporting here.

[Chen Yi]: What's the matter? I have never installed this strange software. No, this doesn't seem to be software.

[Chen Yi]: Let me go, everyone’s name is Chen Yi. This chat group is outrageous!

[Chen Yi]: Hello everyone, I am a businessman selling dragon blood wine. I wonder if you are interested.

[Strong Breeding Armor]: Stop talking nonsense. When you are in danger, just tell the person who your enemy is. Others will look at the group information.

Seeing that the replies in the group were messy, Chen Yi, the most reliable member of the Qiangxing Armor, directly interrupted the newcomer's argument. Didn't you see that Chen Yi was in danger?


The broken arm did not affect No. 17's speed. In addition, No. 17 was hit by the anger attack. No. 17 quickly caught up with him. However, he was afraid of being plotted by Chen Yi's Yuan Qi Slash and did not dare to get closer. He directly fired an energy cannon and hit Chen Yi directly.

's back.


Chen Yi fell directly to the ground and plowed the ground for dozens of meters before stopping due to inertia.

It's over now!

The plug-in came out of the blue, causing Chen Yi to not pay attention while flying. He was seriously injured, and now he couldn't even gather his energy to self-destruct.

Am I the first protagonist to die after getting a cheat?

"Haha, you can't blow yourself up now!"

No. 17 and No. 18 slowly descended. Seeing that Chen Yi couldn't even move, they didn't rush to do anything.

[Chen Yi]: My opponents are No. 17 and No. 18, please save me!

Seeing that he was about to become Sun Wufan's sacrifice to heaven, Chen Yi didn't care whether the chat group knew who No. 17 and No. 18 were, and directly revealed their names. Maybe there was some omniscient and omnipotent guy in there who could

Predict the world he lives in.

【天行九歌】: Damn it, you are being chased by No. 17 and No. 18. Is it possible that you started to have trouble with No. 18 but finally gave up?

[Initial letter d]: Not necessarily, maybe this guy has read too many books and thinks it would be good to be a Cao thief, so he plans to reenact the ambition of Turtle Immortal.

[Marvel]: You think everyone is the same as you!

[Marvel] released [Chen Yi]’s exclusive red envelope [Chen Yi’s clone]!

Bullshit is bullshit, people still need to be saved. Chen Yi from the Marvel Universe directly sent a vision version of Chen Yi to Chen Yi in this world.

Chen Yi's clone?

Chen Yi is lying on the ground with a confused look on his face. Could it be that he is the clone of a certain Chen Yi from the Marvel universe? But is there a boss named Chen Yi in Marvel?

But Chen Yi couldn't think too much now. No. 17's left hand had already begun to gather gas bombs, aiming at his right hand.

Chen Yi did not hesitate and directly received the red envelope. If he had a choice, he naturally did not want to be the one-armed hero of Sun Wufan in the original plot of cosplay, although he seems to be doing the role of Sun Wufan in the original plot now.


No. 17, who was about to torture Chen Yi, suddenly changed his expression because a person suddenly appeared in his field of vision, a cloaked man with blood-red skin and a luminous body on his forehead.


Chen Yi's eyes widened. When he saw the person appearing in front of him, he was instantly dumbfounded. How could the illusion become Chen Yi's clone? Moreover, this illusion seemed very familiar!

But soon he noticed that it was different from the vision. He felt that he had a strange connection with the vision, as if this vision... was his clone!

Damn it, the boss of the Marvel world must be aoo, right? Otherwise there would be no reason to create a clone of me so quickly. No wonder I dare to call it Marvel, what they represent is Marvel!

The only hope is that this clone won't stretch his hips like Vision in the movie.

Vision seemed to sense Chen Yi's thoughts, and nodded to him, and two rings immediately appeared in his palms.

Chen Yi:……

Good guy, is it still a magic puppet?

"Who are you?"

Looking at this creature that seemed to be a modified human, No. 17 and No. 18 frowned. Could it be that Dr. Gero also created other modified humans?

"Supreme Master Chen Yi, please enlighten me."

Chen Yi's clone is equipped with artificial intelligence and naturally has a certain degree of thinking. This is because he is afraid that Chen Yi in other worlds will not be able to control him through mental power. After all, not all Chen Yi in the world are combat geniuses, especially novice Chen Yi.

After Chen Yi's clone finished speaking, there was no nonsense, and he directly fought with No. 17 and No. 18, leaving Chen Yi stunned.

Why was it the ring of Raggador just now, but now it has ice in its left hand and flames in its right hand?

It’s just a matter of using the trip to Ikeen to separate the clones to fight. Why do these clones take out musical instruments and play, and the tune sounds like "Love Enough", right?

And why can you not only shoot lasers from your forehead, but also shoot heat vision from both eyes? Isn't this a Superman patent?

Why do some Chen Yi's clones still take out a few talisman papers and throw them at No. 17 and 18? Isn't the ancient one of Kama Taj a female version with a bald head? When did he become the supreme talisman master?

And what’s up with the white wings that appear inexplicably on your back? Are they angel wings?

Under the outrageous music therapy and the illumination of the white wings, Chen Yi's body began to slowly recover, but he felt that his worldview had collapsed.

But what is gratifying is that although the world view collapsed, No. 17 and No. 18 were quickly at a disadvantage under the attack of Vision and the clones, and could not even escape.


"Avada Kedavra!"

Chen Yi:……

Looking at the two soulless corpses, Chen Yi fell into deep thought. What had the big guys in the chat group gone through before they could create such a mashup?

But before he could finish doubting his life, Vision threw two corpses in front of Chen Yi.

"No. 17 and No. 18 have unlimited energy in their bodies. I suggest you send these two corpses to Chen Yi, who colonized the Armored World."

It is natural for you to give some benefits to others when they help you. Chen Yi nodded, and then said in shock: "How do you know that No. 17 and No. 18 have unlimited energy in their bodies?"

"My brain is equipped with artificial intelligence and countless film and television plots. If you want to watch it, you can extract it through the spiritual link. However, I don't recommend you do this. You haven't received the relief money yet. Forcing the link may be harmful.

You are causing damage to your spirit."

Vision explained.

Relief money?

The corner of Chen Yi's mouth twitched. Why does this name sound so shabby?


Chapter 2, you know

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