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Chapter 426 Don't you want to show off?

[Marvel]: This thing is a bit like an Infinity Stone, or is it more like the shell of a Space Stone?

[The Matrix]: Is it a pure energy body? There are no infinite stones that contain rules.

[Magic Phone]: In this way, we can create our own infinite gems.

The Infinity Stones are not as powerful for other Chen Yis as they are in the Marvel Universe. Although the Chen Yis can also use them, they cannot wipe out half of all life in the entire universe with a snap of their fingers.

[Heroic Company]: Creating infinite gems is still too far away for us. If we want to create gems that contain a certain rule, we need to fully understand a certain rule, or even materialize it.

[Tutor]: Maybe we can create a life gem...

After uploading his own data on analyzing Hex gems to the chat group, Chen Yi on the technology side started discussing one after another. Chen Yi nodded repeatedly, and finally there was some smart Chen Yi.

But the life gem...

The life gem conceived by tutor Chen Yi is actually the gathering of seven kinds of death energy into 73 rough stones, which are then sorted and combined through the structure of the Hex rough stones to form a Hex gem containing vitality.

No, 73 is not used to give people vitality, but to maintain life!

This thing is very important to Zu An!

Chen Yi's eyes lit up. Although with his intervention, Zu An had undergone some changes, it could not change Zu An's harsh living environment.


In this place, everyone breathes the waste gas emitted from the upper city, and there are some colorful fluorescent lights floating in the river. This is also the source of the color of the Zaun people's favorite food, the Moze Frog.

But as soon as this happened, Pi City also benefited!

Chen Yi frowned, feeling slightly unhappy.

As a time traveler, although he does not hate all Piltover people like the Zaun people, those exhaust gases and pollutants are from Piltover, so of course he will not have a good impression of Piltover.

And 73 is to maintain life, not to purify the environment...

Maybe I can use 73 as a basis to create a life form that can swallow these things, and let these things enter the cycle of 73 and eventually be assimilated by it.

In order to facilitate swallowing, it is best for this thing to be liquid, so that it can be wrapped in gas, liquid or entity, just like venom, or in other words, just like Zach!

"It's kind of interesting, but I don't know how it compares to the original Zach."

Chen Yi got into the research room and started manufacturing. First of all, wisdom, using the magic method of the magical mobile phone world, and then materials, well, use self-healing factors. After all, cycle transformation also takes time...


Three days later, Chen Yi walked out of the laboratory with a disgraceful look. He gave himself a shake, cleaned up his hair, straightened his hair, and frowned.

The production of Zack the Scavenger was actually very smooth. The only problem was that after it was produced, there would be an inner shell, just like the Reborn pacifier.

The shape doesn't matter, but Chen Yi thinks this thing is an eyesore. After all, once the inner shell is damaged, Zach will turn into a pool of liquid and die completely if he presses it.

At this stage, it is possible to use bio-vibranium to create the inner shell, but not to mention the various magical weapons in Valoran, and Chen Yi alone does not know what he will create in the future, then Zach, a scavenger, is a bit useless.

Install a black hole engine on him?

Then I might as well just use a black hole to annihilate matter!

And Zack will become more powerful as it swallows more substances, because 73 is a cycle, and adding those substances will only make the cycle bigger and bigger.

"This weakness must be eliminated!"

The corner of Chen Yi's mouth raised: "Maybe I have to go see my senior brother."

Although he had a new look, Chen Yi still felt the need to take a bath, so he approached Xingjid.


The bald man was holding a book and reading it, thinking thoughtfully from time to time, nodding his head repeatedly, not hearing what Chen Yi was saying at all.

"Queen Hong, how long has my teacher been watching here?"

Chen Yi opened his mouth and said.

"Sir, your teacher has been reading for 61 hours."

The phantom of the Red Queen appeared in front of Chen Yi and replied.

Chen Yi:……

It's a miracle that he didn't die. No, he was injected with the super soldier serum to avoid death!

Chen Yi complained secretly, coughed heavily, and then woke up the teacher who had been forgetting to eat and sleep.

"What's up?"

Some people will only drown in the ocean of knowledge, but some people can swim freely in the ocean of knowledge. Xingjid is obviously the latter. He looked at Chen Yi with some dissatisfaction. Didn't you see that I am busy?


"Teacher, you should take a rest. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that I want to go to Pi City to find my senior brother."

Chen Yi shrugged. He knew that his teacher was very paranoid, so he just gave a casual advice.

"What are you looking for that guy for?"

His senior brother is naturally the famous three-handed mechanical pioneer Victor in the League of Legends, who has not yet ascended to mechanical ascension.

To be honest, in Xingjid's eyes, he prefers Victor among the two apprentices. After all, Victor is a true genius, while Chen Yi is just a spectator standing on the shoulders of giants. He has creative ideas, but he cannot realize many of them.


It's a pity that Victor didn't agree with his crazy technology and eventually went to Piltover and became a professor at Piltover University.

"Don't you want to show off?"

Chen Yi asked rhetorically.

Victor is a good man, so good that he feels cruel when conducting experiments on animals, so when Singed and Chen Yi used Leo as a test subject, he completely broke with Chen Yi and Chen Yi.

This was a helpless move by Singed, because he was going to die!

After the success, Singed didn't feel much better. He needed to take shimmer every day to stay alive. Of course, this shimmer was extracted from Leo and was gentler.

"Humph, not interested!"

He really liked Victor before and felt that he could inherit his mantle and become a fellow-minded person with him, but after Victor left, he only felt a little regretful. After all, Singed was a scientific madman, and could even be said to be a scientific madman. If there were

Necessary, he doesn't mind using himself as a guinea pig at all. It's best if the apprentice or something can help. If he can't help, just get out.

Moreover, he was constantly studying the biological knowledge given by Chen Yi, so he had no intention of showing off.

"Okay, I just want to tell you."

Chen Yi was speechless. In fact, he had already told Xingjid that he would help upgrade his body in a few days and then share the Red Queen's database with him. Then he could directly store it in his mind.

But it was obvious that the teacher didn't want to wait all day.

"get out!"

Xingjid said unceremoniously and continued to lower his head and read.

"Red Queen, prepare a lunch for him. He will be provided with all three meals in the future."

Chen Yi ordered that although the Super Soldier Serum could keep Captain America frozen for seventy years, starving him for three days would be too much. Anyway, if the food is there, Xun can make him starve.

"Okay, sir, would you like to prepare one for Miss Bakuba?"

The red queen bowed slightly to express her understanding.

Chen Yi:……

What the hell?

This chapter has been completed!
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