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Chapter 562 You are not qualified to forgive the perpetrator on behalf of the client

Chapter 562 You are not qualified to forgive the perpetrator on behalf of the client

"So it's not love, it's just a psychological dependence the hostage has on the hostage taker."

After Natsuki Subaru explained, Chen Yi concluded: "To put it bluntly, you regard your life as a gift from Roswaal, so whatever Roswaal gives you, you regard it as a gift, but the problem is, your life

Was it really given by Roswaal?"

"It was he who ruined your family. It was he who broke the ghost horns on your head and turned you into a servant who can only rely on his magic power to survive every day. You are just a pawn in his hands."

In fact, no matter whether Ram truly loves Roswaal or not, Roswaal has absolutely no love for Ram, because if you truly love someone, you will not think of killing them.

"There is such a thing!"

Natsuki Subaru's eyes widened. Should it be said that this is a different world? There are such beasts?

So he looked at Ram with sympathy: "Don't worry, this maid lady, with us, no, with senior, this person will never get close to you in the future, right senior?"

"No, no matter what you say, I will not let you hurt Lord Roswaal!"

However, Ram stubbornly stood in front of Roswaal, his face full of stubbornness, and it was obvious that he had no interest in the syndrome Natsuki Subaru and Chen Yi mentioned.

"Give up, you are deformed love!"

Natsuki Subaru persuaded him earnestly. On the one hand, he really didn’t want such a girl to be deceived. On the other hand, he had personally experienced how evil the senior time traveler next to him was. He might have taken out his pistol...


Chen Yi pulled the bolt of the gun, pointed the gun at Ram, and said casually: "You seem to have forgotten one thing."


"You can forgive Roswaal for killing your people, but that doesn't mean your people are willing to forgive Roswaal."

"Even if I am hated by the whole clan for this, I am willing to do so. I deserve it."

Ram bit his lip and said stubbornly.

"No, what I mean is that you are not qualified to forgive the perpetrator on behalf of the client. The best way is to let the perpetrator apologize in front of the client."

Chen Yi swung the gun, and the bullet passed in front of Ram in an arc and passed through Rem's side. Rem hesitated for a moment, but in the end did nothing.


A bright red blood flower bloomed on Roswaal's head. Roswaal's pupils dilated and he looked up and fell.


Ram cried out sadly, and hurriedly helped Roswaal up. He pressed his hands on Roswaal's head to see the blood spurting out, as if he wanted to stop the blood from flowing out. However, a large amount of blood rushed out from Roswaal's head.

He came out and dyed his pale clown costume black and red.

"I, I, he, he, you, you..."

Natsuki Subaru pointed at himself, then at Roswaal, and finally at Chen Yi. Because he was too excited, he fell into Abba Abba mode.

"This guy is a noble. You know, even in a modern constitutional monarchy, nobles can easily escape responsibility for their crimes, let alone in this other world, so shooting his head off with a gun is undoubtedly the best choice."

That's not what I want to say. What I want to say is that the gun can really blow someone's head off. Did you really intend to kill me before?

Natsuki Subaru complained wildly in his heart, but gradually calmed down and sighed inwardly.

Indeed, as Chen Yi said, in this different world, the law is a joke. He can stick to his heart and always be kind, but he has no right to ask others to be as kind as him.

"Lord Roswaal..."

At this time, Ram's face was covered with blood. He muttered to himself, turned Roswaal's gentle direction, and reached for the meteor hammer in Ram's hand.

"elder sister……"

Rem did not let go, but looked at Ram pleadingly. She naturally knew what Ram wanted to do, but since the other party could easily defeat Roswaal, he could naturally subdue her, let alone her sister who had no magic power.

Not to mention that Ram himself was unreasonable in this matter. To put it bluntly, he still wanted to avenge himself. Wasn't her sister repaying kindness with enmity?

"Why, you can love Roswaal after he killed your entire family. Why can't you choose to forgive me when I kill Roswaal?"

Chen Yi put away his gun and spread his hands, "I'm not asking you to fall in love with me. Isn't this request too much?"

"Senior, stop talking. The more you talk, the more I think you look like a villain."

Natsuki Subaru couldn't stand it anymore. As a stubborn young man, even though he was shot by Chen Yi, he still felt that he had to speak out loudly.

"What do you know? This is called shock treatment. For this kind of Stockholm syndrome, strong medicine is required!"

Chen Yi is straightforward and confident.

"is that so?"

Natsuki Subaru blinked. Although he knew what a hostage situation was, he really didn't know how to treat it.

As for Emilia, she had the same confused look on her face. Although she also believed that Roswaal deserved his punishment, if he died, wouldn't her own path to become king also be cut short? Should she go back to the mountain?

"Rem, let go, I want to avenge Lord Roswaal!"

On the other side, Ram was hugged by Rem. Because he was not as strong as Rem, he could only struggle desperately, with tears streaming down his face.

Natsuki Subaru:......

Your shock therapy is useless!

"If you are killed by me, there will be no chance to collect Roswaal's body. He will only be exposed in the wilderness and eaten by wild beasts..."

Chen Yi was mid-sentence when he suddenly realized that Roswaal's body was not his own at all. It was the body of his direct descendant. It had been changed countless times over the past 400 years.

Tsk, so why should you forgive such a person? Isn’t it God’s business to forgive him? Are you really bullying God for not being able to speak?

But these words shocked Ram. Yes, if he died, who would collect Roswaal's body?


Rem would definitely collect her body, but if she died because of Ram, Rem would definitely kick Roswaal's body a few times, even to the point where Rem would die because of herself, which would make her feel even more guilty.

"Okay, now it's your question."

Chen Yi turned around and looked at Emilia.

"my question?"

Emilia pointed at herself, with a cute look on her face.

"I heard that you want to be the king, so the question is, how do you want to govern this country?"

To be honest, Chen Yi doesn't think Emilia is a qualified manager, let alone a king. She is too kind and too simple.

This world is not about what you say. Even if you are a king, even if what you say makes sense, so what.

“Isn’t this something we all need to work together?”

Emilia said without thinking, looking at Chen Yi expectantly, the meaning was obvious, aren't you willing to do this?

"It's useless even if you look at me like this."

Chen Yi was speechless, then turned to look at Subaru Natsuki: "So, are you willing to become a qualified politician and help Emilia win the throne?"

Natsuki Subaru:......

"Wait a minute, let me understand this. It's only been two days since I traveled through time. How come I've become Emilia's strategist?"

(End of chapter)

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