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Chapter 66 The knife pulls P (thanks to [Panda {xml}amp; Xiaobao] 500 starting coins

Tokyo Prefecture, Asakusa!

This is a lively street with Sensoji Temple as the center. At this time, Japan was in the Taisho period, which was an unprecedented prosperous period after the Meiji Restoration. Therefore, Asakusa at this time looked very prosperous. There were already electric lights on the streets, making the entire street

The streets were brightly lit and people were coming and going.

The process of finding the cyan Higanbana is not difficult. On the one hand, he has path-finding magic, and on the other hand, he does not need to worry about the difficulty of the journey, he can just fly there.

But it was a bit difficult to find Tamashi. Although he knew that Tamashi lived in Asakusa, he couldn't find any place on this street.

Yushiro's vampire technique is called "Hidden Eyes", which can block the sight of others or make people see things that are normally invisible. It can even be activated through spells.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you can't touch it. Chen Yi said it's not a big problem. Although the street is very big, Chen Yi can find it by plowing it back and forth on the street several times.

"At this!"

Chen Yi curled his lips and disappeared into a blind corner of the street. The scene in front of him turned into a two-story wooden building.

Chen Yi politely walked up and knocked on the door, but unfortunately no one responded.

"Hello, is Miss Jushi at home?"

Chen Yi opened his mouth and said.

Still no response.

"I have no ill intentions, I just want to discuss the feasibility of turning ghosts into humans with Miss Zhushi."

There was another long silence, and Chen Yi had no choice but to open the door and walk in.


Chen Yi looked at the blood on his chest speechlessly. It was not his blood but the blood of a green-haired boy. His expression was ferocious at this time, because his right hand was shattered and fractured under his own huge force.

Although Chen Yi felt that Zhu Shi and Yu Shirou were no match for him, he was not stupid enough to stand in front of them without wearing a kaba. If he was infected by them and became a ghost, where would he cry?

The green-haired boy took a few steps back, flicked his right hand, and the originally limp palm bulged again, returning to its human form.

At this moment, a cloud of colorful mist floated toward Chen Yi's face.

Vampire Technique: Confuse Blood!

Zhu Shi's blood ghost technique allows the opponent to smell the smell of his own blood and be confused by the illusion. However, this technique is an indiscriminate attack, and the smell will only reach his own people.

But the problem is that Chen Yi in Kappa form doesn't need to breathe at all.

"Miss Zhushi, I told you that I have no ill intentions."

Chen Yi said helplessly.

The kimono woman in the corridor compartment also realized that her vampire technique was ineffective against Chen Yi and pushed open the lattice door.

"You...are not a ghost?"

There is a sense of communication between ghosts, but it is not very strong. Chen Yi's costume does not look like a human being, which makes people in this world think that he is a ghost.

"That's right, this set of armor is just to prevent being injured by ghosts."

Chen Yi explained.

Zhu Shi couldn't deny it. This suit of armor didn't look like a benevolent one. It didn't take much to figure out that it was not just for defense.

"You want to ask me to study turning ghosts into humans?"

Zhu Shi remembered what Chen Yi said outside the door before.

Chen Yi's intrusion really frightened the two ghosts of Zhu Shi.

Although Tamashi wanted to literally eat his flesh and drink his blood, she also knew that she was as weak as a child in front of him.

After discovering that a strange creature broke into their secluded place, Tamashi's first reaction was naturally that Kibutsuji Mukai came to the door. After all, Tsuji Mukai was almost killed by Tsujikuni when Tsukiyo was about to kill him.

Firecrackers were set off to celebrate. For someone as petty as Tsuji Mukai, he would naturally be thinking about revenge.

But she was unwilling to commit suicide. After these years of treatment, although she did not turn back into a human being, she at least cleared the cells of Kibutsuji Mukai from her body. Therefore, one of her and Yushiro attracted Chen Yi's attention, and the other secretly cast

Huoxue wants to confuse Chen Yi.

Now that she knew that Chen Yi was not a ghost, although she felt that this guy must have ulterior motives, she was somewhat relieved. After all, no matter whose hands he fell into, it would definitely be better than falling into the hands of Tsuji Mukai.

Chen Yi didn't notice anyone else. He directly placed the magic box in his hand on the ground, then slowly opened it and walked in.

"Is this... blood ghost magic?"

Even though Zhu Shi has lived for hundreds of years, he still feels a little incomprehensible.

"No, it's magic!"

Chen Yi said casually.


At this time, there were frequent exchanges between Japan and the West, so they naturally knew some Western legends. Although the two Zhushi lived in seclusion in this space, they were also learning Western medical skills.

"Ghosts can be real, so why can't wizards be real?"

Chen Yi handed a stack of documents to Zhu Shi: "This is my research on ghosts. I may not know as much as you do, but we can exchange knowledge."

Zhu Shi took the document blankly, still thinking about Chen Yi's words in his mind.

But she quickly turned her attention to the document in her hand, and then she realized what was recorded on it.

In the early 20th century, the research on cells was actually still in its infancy. Although cell theory already existed, it only proved its existence. There was no formal classification of blood types. Many unlucky people often died due to wrong blood transfusions.

Although he was confused as to why the wizard from the Western world wrote in Chinese, Chen Yi's notes really made Zhu Shi Xiaodao pull the P... roof, opened his eyes, and immediately started reading eagerly.

"To be honest, I don't believe you."

After reading Chen Yi's notes, she visited Chen Yi's research institute again. Zhu Shi's eyes were full of surprise. Now she somewhat believed in the identity of wizard Chen Yi, because she knew that these equipments were unique even in the West.


But the problem is, if a Westerner wants to study them for no reason, there will be problems no matter how he thinks about it!

So Joo Se expressed her worries directly.

Chen Yi said in astonishment: "What gives you the illusion that I want to win your trust?"


Chen Yi opened a room. It was a very bright room. Zhu Shi subconsciously stopped in his tracks. Sunshine?

"See those flowers in the middle?"

Chen Yi pointed to a few flowers shining under the simulated sunlight and said softly.

Zhu Shi's pupils shrank, and it was obvious that she realized there was something in Chen Yi's words.

"That's right, that's the blue Hibiscus flower."

Sure enough, Chen Yi directly told the answer, and then said with a smile: "Although it sounds a bit like a villain, I still want to say that the first experimental subject is Yushiro. If he dies, I think you will be very sad.


"Don't even think about using me to threaten Miss Zhushi!"

As a licking dog, Yushiro said that he would rather die than surrender.

"Then I can only use Miss Zhushi for experiments."

Chen Yi pretended to be helpless and spread his hands.


Yushiro's eyes turned red, and he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I agree to be the first experimental subject."


I don’t even agree. Why do you agree?

This chapter has been completed!
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