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Chapter 676 How desperate does a person have to pin their dreams on miracles?

"You know, Emiya Kiritsugu, a truly strong person does not need to rely on external forces. Only a strong heart can be truly powerful."

After dozens of rounds of back and forth with Emiya Kiritsugu, Chen Yi felt a little bored and stood up from the bunker.

Da da da……

Emiya Kiritsugu did not answer, but found the opportunity to shoot at Chen Yi again. However, this time Chen Yi did not dodge, but raised his pistol and fired wildly, and every shot hit the incoming bullets.

, the sound of bullets falling to the ground resounded all over the place.

Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes shrink, magic gift?

No wonder he thought this way. After all, if the M1911 in Chen Yi's hand had not been modified, it would have been impossible to have so many bullets. The man in front of him was just like himself. Not only was he a magician, he was also a firearms master, and he might even be far better than himself.

After all, my level of magic is not high.


A grenade was thrown out by Emiya Kiritsugu again. Chen Yi glanced at it and shot it in the air. Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly hid aside. If he hadn't had the time control, he might not have been on the spot.

Penetrated by the steel ball inside the grenade.

"What, are you willing to chat with me?"

Chen Yi blew on the muzzle of the gun, then projected two gun holsters and inserted them into his waist.

Emiya Kiritsugu glanced at his wife and daughter who were still fighting fiercely in the distance and couldn't help but feel worried. In the battlefield, Artoria did not hurt Irisviel again. It was not because of Irisviel and Xiao Hei's alliance.

It's because Hei is just a little girl. For a real knight, attacking a little girl is obviously not in line with her knightly standards. Just like in the original plot, King A also disapproved of Emiya Kiritsugu's secret attack.

In this way, although the two of them were beaten, but with Xiao Hei around, the two of them were not injured. Irisviel's original injuries were healed by the Avalon in her body, so now the two of them were injured.

The person just looked a little embarrassed.

As for Inskandar and Sakura, the two did not fight because Sakura turned her attention to Xiao Hei and was discussing with Medusa whether to isolate Xiao Hei and deal with Xiao Hei herself.

"What to talk about?"

Emiya Kiritsugu walked out of the bunker, but took a few steps to the right.

"Talk about your dreams, talk about your life."

Chen Yi looked at Emiya Kiritsugu. Behind Emiya Kiritsugu, there was already a woman with a gun pointed at this side. It was Emiya Kiritsugu's back-up, Kuu Maiya.

"What's there to talk about? Why don't you tell me who you are?"

Emiya Kiritsugu narrowed his eyes. He didn't think that the other party knew about his dream. After all, no one would think that the dream of a murderous magician killer with blood on his hands was actually a partner of justice. It sounded like that

Full of absurdity and ridiculousness.

"Do you remember what I just said?"

Chen Yi naturally knew that Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to obtain information from him, but that was Emiya Kiritsugu's matter, what did it have to do with him?

"Are you mocking me for using external force?"

Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head and signaled Maiya Kuu behind him not to shoot. The previous shot he shot had blown off the substitute's head. It was hard to tell whether this guy was also a substitute. This move could only be used as a back-up move.

It's better to chat with the other party and delay for a while, maybe the magician Xiao Hei mentioned will appear.

"No, I'm mocking your dream for not being firm enough."

Chen Yi also shook his head and said pointedly: "How desperate can a person be to place his dream on a miracle?"

With Emiya Kiritsugu's wisdom, he naturally understood the meaning of Chen Yi's words, and immediately said coldly: "Have you investigated me?"

"It doesn't count as an investigation. After all, your affairs are not a secret in front of many people. You are a partner of justice."

Chen Yi is telling the truth. After all, he has only learned about the Fate series, so Emiya Kiritsugu is undoubtedly an unavoidable knowledge point. The Emiya family is full of loyal people and it is no joke.

"But don't you need this miracle too?"

If Emiya Kiritsugu could break through the defense so easily, he would not be a magician killer. He could kill his wife and daughter just for his dreams. How could he change his mind just because of a few words from Chen Yi?

"The Holy Grail is only the product of the path to the source."

Chen Yi stretched out his index finger and shook it, indicating that he was not interested in the Holy Grail at all.

"So, you want to make me an ally?"

No wonder Emiya Kiritsugu thought so. After all, the opponent had the advantage now, but had no intention of taking action against him. Apart from wanting to win over him, he really couldn't think of any other explanation.

"That's right, but before that I still want to talk to you about your dream."

Emiya Kiritsugu's dream is actually very simple, that is, world peace, world peace in the true sense, creating a world where no one will be hurt and everyone will be happy.

Of course, this dream sounds very simple, but it probably won’t be realized even in a few hundred years. After all, Gu Long has a saying that goes where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will naturally be intrigues and intrigues between people.

The same is true between countries.

"What's there to talk about?"

Emiya Kiritsugu felt very confused. Since you don't want the Holy Grail, then you should go find your so-called source. I can just use my Holy Grail to realize my dream.

"Have you ever thought about how your dreams will come true?"

Chen Yi asked curiously.

Emiya Kiritsugu fell silent when he heard this, because he really hadn't thought about it.

As Chen Yi said, after killing his father Noriken Emiya and his adoptive mother Natalia Kaminsky, he was indeed completely desperate for this dark world. The reason why he participated in the Holy Grail War was

Like a drowning man grabbing a straw, he had no time to care about what would happen after grabbing the straw.

"You know what? Gatling was born because the creator wanted soldiers to avoid entire groups of soldiers dying under enemy fire. It was really born out of kindness."

The reason for the birth of Gatlin is undoubtedly a joke from hell. It was born out of kindness, but countless people died in its gunshots. Of course, the reason for its birth may be just the creator's own words. The real idea may only be Gatlin.

Lin knows it himself.

"You mean, things will get worse after I make a wish?"

Emiya Kiritsugu is not a person who doesn't listen to others' advice. On the contrary, because of his father and his past as a magician killer, he has long seen the consequences of magicians' creations getting messed up. In fact, he has no interest in the magic world.

People already have some distrust, let alone this so-called miraculous product created by a magician.

"Think about it for yourself, if you want to achieve the dream of world peace in an instant, how can you achieve it?"

Chen Yi asked back. Emiya Kiritsugu pondered for a long time after hearing this, and finally shook his head.

"Actually, you have already thought of the answer."

Chen Yi looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said word by word: "That is if everyone becomes a fool with no desires and desires, then the world will be completely peaceful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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