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Chapter 783 Damn it, I’m pretty pretty too!

"BOSS, stop making trouble, they are my friends." After spending so long with Chen Yi, Lucy already knew Chen Yi thoroughly. Chen Yi even gave Lucy and Gloria control over the Red Queen. She naturally knew that Chen Yi was not afraid of the threats from this group of people at all, and what he did was just to amuse him.

"That's it."

Chen Yi looked V up and down again, and after thinking for a while, he took out a syringe from the void, and the mechanical equipment on the body of the Sword of the Lake Girl immediately surged, and handed one of V's arms over.


Although she didn't know what Chen Yi wanted to do, Rebecca obviously didn't think that the other party was doing anything good. She pointed the shotgun in her hand at the Sword of the Lake Lady and pulled the trigger. In the end, she still maintained some sense and felt that she should first Let’s destroy this weird car instead of killing Chen Yi.


Ding Ling clang!

The sound of the shotgun resounded throughout the entire underground parking lot, but after the sound, the Lake Lady's Sword was unscathed, and there wasn't even a speck of black smoke on the car.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you have something to say, say it properly and don't act recklessly!"

V was also shocked by Chen Yi's actions and thought Chen Yi wanted to inject her with something strange.

Lucy on the side couldn't help but raise her forehead. She was speechless that Dean Chen could do things like this without being noticed, but yet he did it openly. Is it fun to be so scary?

Chen Yi:……

Of course it’s fun!

Chen Yi put the needle close to V's arm, thought about it, and wiped the tattoo on V's arm, revealing the fair skin underneath the tattoo, and said angrily: "Are you enchanting yourself?"

"I'm with you, uncle! If you can, let me go. I'll see if I don't kill you!"

Seeing that he was about to be pricked by this unknown needle, V could only curse.

Da da da……

Seeing this, Mann and others no longer hesitated. This time they aimed directly at Chen Yi and killed this guy first. As for whether they would be hunted down by people on the road in the future, that was a matter of the future.

Click, click, click!

The Sword of the Lake Girl deformed again, directly loading Chen Yi and V into it, and finally transformed into a black and silver sports car. The bullets fell to the ground with a clang, but the sports car was unscathed.


Mann looked at the network hackers in the team and asked reluctantly.

"Sorry, I still can't hack this sports car. No, I can't even find this sports car on the Internet."

Qiwei looked at Lucy helplessly: "Lucy, what are you not going to explain?"

After hearing this, other people also turned their wary eyes to Lucy, and some even pointed their guns at her.

"Shouldn't you be the one to explain it to me?"

Lucy was also a little speechless. You guys came here to steal my boss's car. Are you still reasonable? Don't you know this is a trap? Ahem, terrible man?

"Asshole, give me my clothes back!"

"Hell, why is there so much water in your car!"

"I won't wear this kind of clothes!"

"Don't open the door, I'll wear it, I'll wear it!"

Just when Lucy and Mann's team looked at each other, there was a strange conversation in the car. The car shook from time to time, and everyone's eyes became weird. What's going on? What's in the needle?

Do I love a stick of firewood?

And Lucy's eyes gradually changed from helpless to dead eyes.

"Asshole, tell that guy to let go of V quickly, otherwise we will be rude to you!"

Rebecca, as irritable as ever, immediately jumped in front of Lucy and pointed the shotgun at her.

I knew it!

"In your direction, that V will be fine."

Lucy shrugged: "Also, your firearms have no effect on me. They can't threaten me."

"Calm down, Lucy, are you sure?"

When Qiwei saw this, she hurriedly stopped. She still trusted Lucy because she could see that she was a kind girl, otherwise she wouldn't have helped her in the first place.


At this moment, the door of the Sword of the Lake Girl opened automatically, and a cute girl in a tight sportswear got out of the car with an awkward look. When she saw the people outside the car, she suddenly blushed, and then... she cursed.

: "What are you looking at? I've never seen such a beautiful person!"

"I haven't seen it, what did that guy V do to you?"

Rebecca chewed the gum in her mouth, blew some bubbles, and looked at V suspiciously. She was V's best friend, so she naturally knew what V's true appearance looked like after his tattoos were removed, but what she was interested in now was V's true appearance.

Has Chen Yi been executed on the spot?

Logically speaking, it only takes a little over a minute to go in and out, which is just enough time to change clothes. Isn't it too soon to find time to have a baby?

But if not, why would the other party ask V to change his clothes?

Just because she looks good?

Damn it, I’m pretty pretty too!

"Didn't you see it?"

V walked up to Rebecca and said angrily: "He took a tube of my blood. I suspect he planned to use my blood for some evil experiment."

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Chen Yi got out of the car and tidied up his clothes. His eyelids jumped when he saw V. What the hell is this guy looking like he's done?

"I'm just doing some research. Don't worry, I won't clone ten or eight Vs to use as sex partners."

V:∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

Do rich people spend so much money on fun?

It was okay if Chen Yi didn't say it. If he said that, Mann and others would naturally not be able to let Chen Yi and the others leave, and immediately pointed their guns at Chen Yi and Lucy.

"Oh, why don't you understand that your gun is just a decoration in front of me!"

Chen Yi shook his head. There is always a group of people who have unlimited confidence in the power of guns and believe that all living beings are equal under the gun. Little do they know that in the cyberpunk world, the real power is the power of technology!


Snapping his fingers casually, Mann and others only felt their eyes go dark. This was not a psychological blackout, but a physical blackout. Their artificial eyes had all failed. These cyberpunks had become a group of

Open your eyes and go blind.

In the cyberpunk world, most people have undergone prosthetic body transformation, especially prosthetic eyes, because in the cyberpunk world, receiving information requires reading through prosthetic eyes. Without this thing, it is equivalent to losing it in modern society.

cell phone.

"Get in the car, it's time to go back and eat. Gloria should have already prepared it."

After finishing his work, Chen Yi waved to Lucy. V's work was interesting, but it was not as important as eating and sleeping.

"Let's talk when we have time."

Lucy nodded to Qi Wei, got on the Lake Lady's Sword, and followed Chen Yi away elegantly.


What to talk about?

Let’s talk about how I, a cyber hacker, had his prosthetic eye hacked instantly and became blind?

It wasn't until the Sword of the Lake Lady disappeared in the parking lot that Mann and the others regained their sight. They looked at each other in confusion, feeling as if they were involved in some big trouble, and then subconsciously looked at V and Qiwei.

"I think that guy must be coveting my beauty."

V thought for a while and said seriously, yes, that guy just wants to take my blood and clone ten or eight of me to be sex dolls. How can I fix it and give that guy an advantage?

"I think you are overthinking."

Qiwei also felt that it was impossible for Chen Yi to clone V. The main reason was that such a big living person was in front of him. Even if he had the intention, you would have to check the product. How could he clone it directly by drawing blood?

"Forget it, we failed this order, let's withdraw first."

"Yes, yes, but the deposit is non-refundable."

"How about a drink?"

This chapter has been completed!
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