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Chapter 873 Don’t worry, it just hurts

Compared with the 7th and 6th blocks under avalanche management, the 5th block looks quite backward as in the original plot. Most of the buildings are made up of construction waste such as discarded iron sheets, and the ground is even more so.

Full of mud.

Looking at this scene, Tifa felt a little emotional. In fact, the seventh block was similar to this before Chen Yi came. However, after Chen Yi joined Avalanche, he began to organize manpower for construction. Although he could not build high-rise buildings with flat floors like an infrastructure maniac, he

At least the road was filled in, and the buildings in the two blocks were reorganized to make them look more orderly, but they no longer gave people the feeling of a refugee camp. The people living in these two blocks were grateful to Avalanche for this, and some

It has a larger public base.

In fact, at the beginning, Tifa's goal was to control all the slums, which naturally included the fifth district.

However, these ideas were rejected by Chen Yi. The reason why Shinra allowed Xue Beng to exist was that, on the one hand, Chen Yi joined in. Xue Beng's behavior became more restrained and no more terrorist attacks were carried out. On the other hand, they

I really didn't take the avalanche seriously.

After all, in the eyes of Shinra, no matter how popular the idea of ​​​​Avalanche is, there are only a few Avalanche warriors. In total, there are thousands of people. Compared with Shinra, who rules the entire planet, they are simply elephants and ants.


For example, Azuma Kuruneo of the 6th District could only openly claim to be the king of the 6th District, but in the end he had no choice but to run away because of a wanted order from Shinra.

The same is true for Avalanche. From Shinra's perspective, it's just another force controlling the seventh and sixth blocks.

But if Avalanche takes all the outer areas into its pocket, this will involve the core interests of Shinra. Because Shinra’s headquarters is built in Midgar, doesn’t this mean that Shinra is surrounded by Avalanche? This does not mean that

Did someone step on your head and shit?

What's more, Chen Yi has only been in the Avalanche for a few years. There are not many Avalanche warriors who are truly trained, thoughtful and can be put to great use. The ability to manage two blocks already pales in comparison. No amount of more can be managed.

"Alice? She should be in the orphanage at this time, right?"

Of course, there are still contacts with the Avalanche group of vigilantes in various neighborhoods. It can even be said that most of the vigilantes are secretly members of the Avalanche, waiting to become regular members at any time.

So Chen Yi followed Tifa to the avalanche warriors in the fifth block and inquired, then came to the orphanage in the fifth block.

"By the way, why didn't you think of setting up an orphanage in the first place?"

Chen Yi looked at Tifa and said curiously.

"Ah, actually I joined Avalanche not much earlier than you."

Tifa's eyes were a little wandering, and she thought to herself that there was nothing we could do about it. Before Chen Yi joined, Xue Beng was really just like a terrorist organization. It was either looking for trouble for Shinra, or on its way to find trouble for Shinra.

Among this group of people, Barrett is undoubtedly the most radical one. In the original plot, he was fired by Avalanche because his plan to blow up the Mako Reactor was too radical and would definitely cause casualties no matter how careful he was.

, and this is also true. Although Shinra added fuel to the flames, Shinra only increased the explosion range. After all, the Mako Reactor itself is the energy source, so it is easy to know how big the chain reaction will be.

Chen Yi shook his head, stopped teasing Tifa, and followed the vigilantes from the fifth neighborhood to the orphanage.

It's said to be an orphanage, but it's actually a run-down house, but the facilities inside are quite neat. Many children are sitting in chairs in the shade, bobbing their heads as they read with the teacher, giving it a somewhat peaceful feeling.

However, there are also some children playing with a woman in a pink and white dress. The woman has a smile like a flower, her hands are open, followed by a row of children behind her, and a child standing in front of her, apparently playing the classic game of eagle and chicken.



The vigilante waved in the direction of the woman, and then the woman reacted and said goodbye to the children. When she saw the vigilante, she smiled sweetly: "Brother Galen, why are you here?"

Galen and Chen Yi looked at the vigilante who thought he was a passerby with wide eyes. He didn't expect that he had such a domineering name. He just didn't know if he also had a sister named Lux. If so, it would be really cool.

Getting acquainted.

"My friend has something to do with you."

Galen pointed at Chen Yi and Tifa and introduced: "This is Mr. Chen Yi, and this is Ms. Tifa."

Unexpectedly, Alice's eyes immediately lit up after hearing about Chen Yi. She looked at Chen Yi with admiration and said, "You are Mr. Chen Yi."

Although she looks like a good girl, Alice is actually quite eccentric. In order to sell flowers, she can even go to the upper district to sell flowers. Naturally, she has also been to the seventh district and heard about the existence of Chen Yi, the avalanche mentor.


But she quickly reacted and hurriedly came to Chen Yi's side, reminding her in a low voice: "You shouldn't reveal your identity. I have been monitored by Shinra Company."

As an ancient species, Alice has actually been under surveillance by the Shinra Company. The reason why she was not forcibly arrested was because they wanted her to voluntarily help find the promised land mentioned by the ancient species.

"Thanks for reminding me, but I just came to see you and ask for your help."

Before obtaining the chat group, Chen Yi would not have dared to walk out of the seventh block, but now it is not him who should be afraid, but Shinra.


Although Alice didn't know what Chen Yi wanted to do, she still said generously: "As long as I can help, just say it."

"Of course it can help."

Chen Yi took out a syringe from nowhere: "I need some blood from you, not much, just a few dozen milliliters will be enough."

Seeing this scene, Alice couldn't help but look at Chen Yi with fear. Chen Yi's behavior reminded her of some bad memories. That was when she was a child, when she and her mother Ifaluna were kidnapped by Shinra.

, was locked up in Shinra as a test subject, and she instinctively felt repelled by actions such as drawing blood.

"Don't worry, it just hurts."

Seeing that Alice was scared, Chen Yi comforted him and said that he did not really intend to do anything to Alice. He just wanted to extract some of her blood to study how the ancient species were connected with the stream of life.

"You, don't come over!"

It was okay not to say it, but Alice panicked even more when she said it. She felt that Chen Yi's smile looked evil, and she immediately ran out of the orphanage.

Although Tifa didn't know what happened, she maintained 100% trust in Chen Yi and immediately stood in front of Alice.

As for Galen, he stood there in a daze, not knowing who he should help.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Chen Yi suppressed the smile that even KA couldn't suppress at the corner of his mouth. Chen Yi's virus was too powerful. Unknowingly, his smile should have been filled with the righteousness of a spiritual leader, but now it turned into a psychopath.


So his body swayed, and Alice only felt a pain in her right arm, and then she saw an extra tube of blood in the empty needle in her hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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