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Chapter 537: Unexpected Joy

Ai Zijian's arrival is a very unusual signal.

There are too many people who want to invest in Fang Tianfeng Company, but if they dare to ask, it is too abnormal.

Fang Tianfeng sat in the room drinking tea for a whole hour and figured out some things.

Qiao Mingan has begun to take over the management of Xingmo Liquor Industry, and must call Fang Tianfeng every other day to report the situation. Fang Tianfeng told him not to be so polite, but he said that this is the attitude of a manager towards his boss.

Qiao Mingan called again.

"Mr. Fang, Meng Jun is very popular. We just held a distributor conference in the hotel. We invited distributors from all over Dongjiang and cooperated with Xiaze Group, the largest professional liquor distributor in Dongjiang. We previously cooperated with Xiaze Group

There is also cooperation, but the other party has requested to terminate it.”

"The other party can terminate the agreement at will?"

"Yes, Xia Ze is one of the largest professional liquor distributors in China. It has its own brand and is very strong. When the contract was signed, they took the initiative."

"Oh, since it is stipulated in the contract, remember next time, our company will not sign such clauses. If Xiaze Group wants to cooperate with our company again in the future, they must make them compensate for the losses caused by this behavior, otherwise they will never

No cooperation. In this world, no one is indispensable." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Okay, I'll write it down."

"anything else?".

"Old Li, er, Vice President Li inquired that Ai Zijian used his father's friends' connections to win over several large distributors, and made good friends with the leaders of some departments such as the Liquor Management Office."

"Why didn't Lao Li tell me in person?"

"I don't like my subordinates to report beyond the level, except for special circumstances, except for situations outside of work." Qiao Mingan said.

"Oh. Since you are now the general manager of Xingmo Liquor Industry, you have the final say. What else does Meng Jun do?"

"I don't know the details. But now it seems that he is planning to use the official government to transfer profits to channel dealers and promote publicity in a three-pronged manner. If I am not wrong, our Xingmo Liquor Industry will be hit hard in a short period of time, but I

I am confident that we will slowly make arrangements and restore the situation within a year."

"You are confident, but I am impatient. Since he directly approached the person in charge, we can't just sit there and wait for death. The liquor management office that Meng Jun approached was the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau?"

"It belongs to the Commerce Bureau, which is different from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."

"Oh. You set a time and I'll invite the director of the Liquor Management Office of the Provincial Department of Commerce, the president of the Dongjiang Provincial Liquor Association, and any other important people. You can tell me. It's best to invite Meng Jun.

It’s impossible.” Fang Tianfeng said.

"Have you contacted them in advance?" Qiao Mingan asked.

"If you want to hire a director of the Department of Commerce, you don't need to contact him in advance. If you want to hire a director of the Department of Commerce, you do need to contact him a few days in advance. After all, you have to give face." Fang Tianfeng said.

Qiao Mingan was silent for a moment, thinking to himself that his daughter had fallen in love with an amazing young man, and said, "Okay. I'll prepare it and send you the list. Otherwise, we'll invite the wine management office in the name of Xingmo Liquor Industry

The director will visit and inspect, and then we will have dinner together.”

"Since we are inspecting the entire factory, we should directly invite the director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau and the director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, and invite all channel dealers to let them know that Meng Jun has a father who is the officiant, but he

Dad doesn’t mean everything.”

"This is better!" Qiao Mingan said happily.

"You still need to be strong to make iron. How about Xingmo Health Wine?"

"Mid-range ordinary wines are different from high-end aging wines. For example, the mass-produced ordinary health wines are assembly line products and can be sold after 20 days of fermentation. We have invited employees who like rice wine to drink them, and they are better than the best ones.

Rice wine is delicious and does not have some of the disadvantages of rice wine, such as being bad for the stomach when drunk cold. We are promoting it."

"As for the aged health wine, we plan to use traditional techniques, which must undergo at least three months of fermentation, and the best drinking period is one year of storage. According to your instructions, we are expanding our factory and warehouse."

"Well, that's right. I'll invite people and you can make preparations. By the way, since many people are invited this time, let's just put the new product launch conference of the health wine together and let all the guests have a taste of this wine."


Fang Tianfeng immediately called several friends, and within 10 minutes, he got on the line with Director Xiong of the Dongjiang Provincial Department of Commerce. Then Fang Tianfeng asked him to inspect Xingmo Liquor Industry, and hoped that he would support Dongjiang local brands. Director Xiong said that he would support

Dongjiang's local rice wine brand was his responsibility. He agreed to go and inspect it, and said that he had heard about Fang Tianfeng's magic and hoped to chat more with Fang Tianfeng. He was very polite and had no official airs at all.

Three days later, Director Xiong led people to inspect the Xingmo Liquor Industry in Yunhai City and gave a speech. He planned to join forces with various departments in Dongjiang Province to create the "Dongjiang Famous Liquor Promotion Day" and launch a series of "Love hometown, drink Xingmo,

"Promote Health" activities and vigorously promote Dongjiang local brands.

Fang Tianfeng was also present. At first, he didn't think Director Xiong's words had any profound meaning. He thought they might be polite remarks, but he found that the eyes of the distributors had all changed, and some of the managers of the winery were all in high spirits. The former boss

Li Xingye's face was even more rosy, looking like a victorious rooster.

Some channel dealers were talking in low voices.

"Do you think Director Xiong is lying or telling the truth this time? He, the dignified provincial director, said he would catch this person personally, who would believe it?"

"I doubt it's true."


"I remember that the Dongjiang Provincial Liquor Association was preparing to promote this event, but there was no instruction from the leadership and it was delayed. This time, Director Xiong made a high-profile announcement, and it has obviously been decided."

"So that's what happened. Xingmo Liquor Industry is very lucky."

"You are wrong. It's not that Xingmo Liquor is lucky, it's that this company's background is too tough."

"How to say?"

"The original slogan of this event was 'Love hometown, drink good wine, recognize famous brands'. It originally included all the local liquor, beer, rice wine and wine in Dongjiang as well as various alcoholic beverages. But now, Director Xiong

What did you say? He actually said, 'Love your hometown, drink Xingmo, and promote health', which is equivalent to the government diverting the resources originally used to promote the province's liquor to the Xingmo liquor industry!"

"Ah? No? This is simply terrible. It's like the whole province is building an alcohol brand."

"There is nothing impossible. Our Dongjiang Liquor Industry has been cannibalized by foreign brands. I am also an old Dongjiang person. If Xingmo Liquor Industry can go out of Dongjiang and play a leading role, leading other brands to enter the country, it would be great to build Xingmo. Besides,

I am not optimistic about the original plan. After all, the province’s resources are limited. What results can be achieved by spreading it to so many wineries? The right way is to concentrate on building one or two brands.”

"Think about Meng Jun. He found a foreign brand to be the general agent. He hired a few departments and a deputy director, and he looked like his nose was in the sky. He asked us small channel dealers to listen to him. Look here again, directly

Invite the boss of the province’s liquor industry department to support the entire province. The difference is huge.”

"It's more than a big difference. Think about it, those officials who originally helped Meng Jun heard that the big boss of the provincial department supported Xingmo Liquor Industry, would they dare to help Meng Jun?"

"Don't dare."

"Also, the big boss of the provincial department has spoken out, saying that the distributors in Dongjiang should support the Xingmo Liquor Industry. Do we, the distributors, dare to support Meng Jun against the Xingmo Liquor Industry?"

"The top leader of Dongjiang Liquor Management issued a request to revitalize local brands. If we unite with foreign brands to suppress local brands, isn't this looking for death?"

Everyone around was silent, everyone knew the answer.

Only then did everyone understand how terrifying the boss of Xingmo Liquor Industry was.

"However, we don't need to be afraid. This is obviously aimed at Meng Jun. We are channel dealers. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, they will need us. It is impossible to drive us all away."

"Yes, we don't have to worry about it. If we have money, we will make it. If we are forced to choose, then embrace the thickest thigh."


Fang Tianfeng heard their words clearly. He didn't expect that he was so lucky. If the province really vigorously supports Xingmo Liquor Industry, the effect will definitely be no less than one billion in advertising fees.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly thought of a very important issue. Without Meng Jun, Xingmo Liquor Industry would have missed this huge opportunity.

"Is Meng Jun here to harm me or to help me?" Fang Tianfeng thought seriously.

The people sent by Meng Jun were in a daze. Priest Meng was only the highest clergyman in Yunhai City. He could barely talk to Director Xiong and even invite him. However, now Director Xiong has said that he will support Xingmojiu.

There is absolutely nothing the officiant Meng can do to stop it, and Director Xiong cannot regret it and offend Fang Tianfeng.

After Director Xiong finished speaking, Fang Tianfeng whispered: "Actually, the Tianshen Sect is just that. I'm afraid of them, and they are also afraid of me. I can't help with anything else, but don't worry this time."

Fang Tianfeng thought to himself that it seemed that these officials knew his temper, so he spoke very clearly and did not use official language that required speculation to understand.

"Thank you, Director Xiong." Fang Tianfeng said.

Director Xiong continued: "The next time the province holds a meeting, I will advocate that official receptions in various places in Dongjiang use our local brands as much as possible. However, your health wine is too expensive, and now the limelight is tight, so we can only use your low-grade rice wine.


"I understand. Thank you Director Xiong for reminding me. Next is the tasting of new products. I wonder if Director Xiong usually drinks rice wine?"

Director Xiong immediately smiled awkwardly and said, "To be honest, Master Fang, I really can't get used to drinking rice wine, mainly because I'm not used to the taste of rice wine."

"Don't worry, our rice wine is different from traditional rice wine. After being specially purified by my Youyun Lingquan, there is absolutely no taste you don't like. You only have a taste. If you still can't stand it, your entire business hall will

We will give away wine for the reception for free.”

"Since Master Fang said so, I must try it."

After the leaders spoke, the new product tasting session of "Xingmo Health Wine" began. Bottles of rice wine were brought up one after another and poured into cups for everyone to taste.

When the people who secretly reached an agreement with Meng Jun saw it, they immediately shouted: "What did you do with Xingmo? Rice wine should be drunk warm, don't you know that cold rice wine is harmful to the body? You don't pay much attention to the health of your leaders! You still mention health care like this


Some people became commotion because many people knew that rice wine had this shortcoming. If Xingmo Liquor Industry did not consider this issue, it would be incompetent. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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