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Chapter 550: The Orchid Disaster

When Xiao Shen was working, everyone led by Director Fan kept praising Xiao Shen.

Not long after, Xiao Shen drew a map on the computer. It was clear at a glance where there might be thunderstorms in the province, where there might be heavy snow or sleet, etc.

"Master Fang, should I send it to your mailbox or print it out?" Director Fan asked.

"No, I'll just take a look." Fang Tianfeng said.

Xiao Shen immediately stood up and asked Fang Tianfeng to sit down.

Fang Tianfeng only took a few glances and imprinted the entire map in his mind, memorized it thoroughly, and then stood up.

"Ah? Master Fang, why don't you read it? Xiao Shen, print it out for Master Fang quickly." Director Fan hurriedly ordered.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said, "I have written it all down."

"Ah?" No one believed it. They all felt that Fang Tianfeng was talking big words. Even the meteorological director who believed in Fang Tianfeng showed doubts.

"Master Fang, would you like to take a closer look?" Director Fan said with a smile.

Fang Tianfeng explained: "I have written it all down. If you don't believe me, I will tell you. There are fourteen areas with thunderstorms in the next two days, including Lingshan County, about 50 kilometers west of Wushan City, and north of Yunshui City.

One hundred and fifty kilometers away, there is Moyan County..."

Fang Tianfeng finished talking about the fourteen regions in one breath.

Everyone in the Meteorological Bureau was stunned. Even Xiao Shen was stunned by Fang Tianfeng's abnormal memory. Fang Tianfeng only glanced at it a few times. Even he, a professional, could only remember three or four in such a short period of time.

Fang Tianfeng recounted the place verbatim.

Director Fan looked ashamed and praised sincerely: "I didn't expect photographic memory to exist. Master Fang is really amazing. Let us know what genius is!"

Others also flattered him one after another.

Fang Tianfeng just smiled slightly and did not take their words seriously. He asked for Xiao Shen's contact information again, checked the flight information and train timetable, calculated the time, and found that taking the train was the fastest, so he went to the train station and asked Xiao Shen.

Shen pointed out that we set off from Moyan County, because it is currently experiencing thunderstorm weather there, and if we go now, we are likely to encounter lightning.

On the way, Fang Tianfeng recalled Xiao Shen's summary of Moyan County. The surrounding area of ​​Moyan County is an area with frequent thunderstorms, and people are killed by lightning almost every year.

Xiao Shen also talked about some interesting places. For example, there is a small town in Indonesia called Bogor, which has more than 300 thunderstorm days a year. The most frequent thunderstorms in China are in Xishuangbanna, which has more than 120 days a year.

There will be thunderstorms.

Dongjiang is a bit far from Xishuangbanna. Fang Tianfeng is going to look around Dongjiang Province first. If he cannot collect lightning disaster gas in Dongjiang Province, he will have to go to Xishuangbanna.

Lightning disaster is the highlight of this plan. We must not give up.

When the train passed through Yushui County, Fang Tianfeng took out his phone and called Zhuang Zheng, the manager of the water plant. He told him to pay attention to the water quality of Hulu Lake and pay attention to the road conditions, because it was going to snow heavily in Yushui County.

After arriving in Moyan County, Fang Tianfeng walked out of the train station. It was indeed cloudy here, but there was no thunder.

Fang Tianfeng also selected a place where thunder might occur according to the method of judging thunderclouds described by the weatherman Xiao Shen, and then used the Qi Watching Technique to observe it. However, because the place was too far away, Fang Tianfeng's Qi Watching Technique consumed a lot of energy.

Fang Tianfeng reached out and hailed a taxi. After getting in, he handed the driver five hundred yuan and then directed the driver to go to the location of the thunder cloud.

The driver said nothing, collected the money and started driving.

Not long after, the car came near the thundercloud. Fang Tianfeng asked the driver to stop, and then released the disaster comet. The fist-sized dark green comet shot up into the sky like a rocket, and flew into the air.

There is already lightning disaster energy in the sky, but it is too light. Only at the moment when thunder and lightning is formed, is the lightning disaster energy worthy of the name.

After the Disaster Comet has been refined for thousands of years, Fang Tianfeng can also detect more types of disasters. For example, there are differences between ordinary dark clouds and dark clouds that can gather lightning. When lightning disasters are scarce, the Disaster Comet absorbs cloudy disasters. This kind of disaster

The power of Qi is very small and it is easy to absorb.

Fang Tianfeng took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it to the taxi driver, and then started chatting.

The money was enough, and the taxi driver didn't complain and chatted happily with Fang Tianfeng.

Until an hour later, the calamity in the sky suddenly became intense. Fang Tianfeng hurriedly walked out of the car, looked up at the source of the calamity, and then controlled the calamity comet to fly towards the source of the calamity.

Fang Tianfeng carefully observed the dark green lightning disaster gas with the gas-gazing technique. The disaster gas was not big, but it was the most intense disaster gas that Fang Tianfeng had ever seen. In terms of the degree of solidification of the disaster gas, it was even more powerful than the gas tank truck explosion that day!

The voltage of a lightning bolt can reach up to one billion volts, while the voltage of household current is only 220 volts. The voltage difference is more than four million times. This is a terrifying data.

The temperature of lightning may reach more than 20,000 degrees Celsius, which is four to five times the surface temperature of the sun!

Fang Tianfeng's current body can withstand the current at home without dying, but if he is hit by powerful lightning, he will definitely die.

The disaster comet requires at least millions of refinements to resolve this level of disaster. Even Ning Youlan's noble dragon will be severely damaged when encountering this level of disaster. However, the noble dragon must be able to sense this in advance.

Lightning, avoid it in advance.

Fang Tianfeng has never underestimated the power of nature. In fact, the disaster caused by lightning is nothing. The disaster caused by the entire sun is terrifying, and the disaster caused by the black hole does not need to be imagined to know how terrifying it is.

The lightning disaster gas was so powerful that the comet of Wan Lian disaster gas never dared to approach after it reached a certain distance.

Fang Tianfeng placed the disaster comet in the right place and waited slowly. After just a few minutes, the sky suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and a tree branch-shaped lightning struck down in the sky. Then, the rumble of thunder came, shaking

The person's ears are numb.

At the moment when the lightning formed, an unparalleled intense disaster energy emerged. Although the disaster energy was also dark green, its interior was so bright that it stung Fang Tianfeng's eyes.

The Disaster Qi Comet immediately absorbed a little of the Disaster Qi, then quickly left and returned to the Qi River in Fang Tianfeng's body.

A blue-white ball of thunder and lightning slowly rotated around the disaster comet, and the disaster atmosphere was stronger than the disaster comet itself.

Various air soldiers were suspended above the air river. These air soldiers felt the breath of lightning disaster gas and were so frightened. Especially the frustrated dogs. They were so frightened that they hid in the corner and shivered, with their ears drooped and using their paws.

Cover your eyes.

The Charming Fox simply flew out of the Qi River, jumped on Fang Tianfeng's shoulder, licked Fang Tianfeng's face like a baby, and told the horror of the thunder and lightning disaster.

The taxi driver was startled by the thunder and lightning that was so close, and hurriedly said: "We often thunder here, so be careful. What's wrong with you? Why don't we go back."

"Oh. Then let's go back." Fang Tianfeng said.

The taxi driver didn't ask why and hurriedly turned around and drove back.

Fang Tianfeng sat in the car, closing his eyes and realizing the power of the lightning disaster energy. If he could fully understand the disaster energy at this level, it would be of great benefit to his cultivation and the disaster energy comet.

The stronger the disaster qi comet is, the more disaster qi it will absorb in the future. If there is unlimited disaster qi, the disaster qi comet will be a small "natural disaster qi soldier", no less than the battle qi qi, which is known as the number one killing qi soldier.


The cell phone rang suddenly, and Fang Tianfeng picked up the phone to answer it.

"Xiao Tianfeng. Are you in Moyan County? Are you in a taxi? I ​​am returning to Yushui County. If you want to drop by, let's go back together." Ning Youlan's voice sounded.

Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, I'm in Moyan County. Park the car." Fang Tianfeng glanced ahead as he spoke, then turned and looked back, seeing Ning Youlan's car slowly stopping.

Fang Tianfeng immediately got out of the taxi and walked quickly to Ning Youlan's car.

As the head of a county, Ning Youlan should have paid attention to her status, but she stepped out of the car and waved to Fang Tianfeng with a smile.

Ning Youlan, who was a cold-faced iron lady in front of others, was as kind as her elder sister at the moment, but no matter how she smiled, her strength would never change.

Fang Tianfeng was a little helpless. Even though everyone was afraid of him, Master Fang, Ning Youlan always regarded her as her younger brother. She was not as afraid of him as others. Shen Xin was not afraid of him either and always liked to tease him.

However, Ning Youlan's "brain" far surpassed everyone else. She waved and her body swayed slightly, but Fang Tianfeng, who had excellent eyesight, could see it clearly and secretly sighed that Ning Youlan's mind was like the sea, with turbulent waves.

The two got into the car. Ning Youlan asked the driver to drive first, then glanced at the secretary in the passenger seat and asked Fang Tianfeng: "What are you doing in Moyan County?"

Fang Tianfeng said with a smile: "I had some errands to do. I was about to go back to the train station after I finished it. I didn't expect to run into you. It will take at least five hours to drive back to Yushui County from here. It's more expensive to take the train."

"The train is too crowded, I don't like it," Ning Youlan said.

"That's right. Nothing happened recently?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"Everything is good." Ning Youlan showed a hint of confidence. Now the officials in Yushui County are completely under her control, and she is at the height of her power in Yushui County.

Ning Youlan then said: "Of course, you have the greatest credit." She has never forgotten Fang Tianfeng's contribution. Whether it was taking down No. 3 or No. 1 of Yushui County, Fang Tianfeng took the first credit.

Any politician or official would not want to show his incompetence and would try his best to take credit, but Ning Youlan never took credit for Fang Tianfeng's achievements and even tried her best to praise Fang Tianfeng at a gathering of officials from the same faction.

"Sister Youlan, you're welcome. Your ability is the most important. I'm the icing on the cake." Fang Tianfeng said, using the Qi-gazing technique to look at Ning Youlan's luck. The two of them hadn't seen each other for many days, so they didn't know her luck.

What changes have occurred in luck?

Fang Tianfeng has developed a habit of using Qi-gazing every time he sees unusual relatives and friends.

Fang Tianfeng's eyes suddenly widened, because a mist-like aura of disaster enveloped Ning Youlan, suppressing her official aura, so much so that even her thick-legged nobility could not defeat the aura of disaster.

As the county magistrate, Ning Youlan has an extremely sharp eye, and she likes Fang Tianfeng's younger brother very much. She has been looking at him since she got in the car. When she noticed that his expression changed, she immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Fang Tianfeng did not speak, but stared at Ning Youlan's disaster energy and carefully observed the deduction.

What suppressed Ning Youlan was natural disaster energy. Contrary to lightning disaster energy, it was not very solid, but very huge. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update will be updated before 0 o'clock.

This chapter has been completed!
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