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Chapter 551 Disaster Relief

If it were before, Fang Tianfeng would never be able to deduce the source of this disaster, but now his cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of Tianyun Jue, he has refined the disaster comet, and at the same time realized the aura of lightning disaster, and then contacted him in

Based on what the Meteorological Bureau saw, it was determined that the source of this disaster was the heavy snow!

This heavy snow may stretch for hundreds of kilometers and affect millions of people. The total amount of disaster is unimaginable, even greater than lightning. Ning Youlan's noble spirit cannot easily break through it.

Due to the influence of the heavy snowstorm, Ning Youlan's luck was affected by a plume of smoke as thick as her little finger. In other words, this heavy snowfall would cause the death toll in Yushui County to reach twenty.

Fang Tianfeng asked hurriedly: "Sister Youlan, you know there is going to be heavy snow in Yushui County, right? Look at the time, it's already falling now."

Ning Youlan nodded and said, "I know. It was because of the heavy snow that I returned early. I was originally scheduled to return to Yushui County tomorrow."

"Then if this heavy snow causes multiple deaths, what accident do you think is most likely to happen?"

Ning Youlan, the driver and the secretary all changed their minds because officials were most afraid of dead people, not to mention they all knew that Fang Tianfeng could do the math.

Ning Youlan asked in a deep voice: "You said this snowstorm will cause casualties in the county?"

"Probably not less than twenty." Fang Tianfeng said.

"How could this happen?" No matter how strong and confident Ning Youlan is, a flash of panic flashes in her eyes. If more than twenty people die in a heavy snowfall, she, the county magistrate, will definitely be punished, even for the most ordinary party member.

Warning, the consequence is that you will not be promoted within the party within a year, resulting in your inability to be promoted to county party secretary, and the previous layout will be in vain. Because the old secretary of Yushui County will retire within half a year.

Ning Youlan cannot be promoted within a year. Someone else will be the county party secretary by then. There are only so many county party secretaries in the province. I don't know how many years it will take to wait.

Ning Youlan couldn't bear such a big loss, so she couldn't help but grab Fang Tianfeng's arm with both hands, and asked: "I know you have a way, you must help me!"

Fang Tianfeng was slightly surprised. He originally thought that Ning Youlan would not be so rude, but then he thought about it. Ning Youlan would definitely pretend to be calm in front of outsiders, but she had completely regarded Fang Tianfeng as one of her own, so she did not hide her emotions at all.


Fang Tianfeng said: "I'm thinking of a way. But you know, the northern part of Yushui County is so big, this snow will cover at least four or five towns, and I can't see it all in one time. The key is that the time is too tight, and the results I just calculated

Yes, the first person to die is about ten hours later. So... forget it, I won’t ask you, I’ll ask the weatherman."

After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, he called weatherman Xiao Shen and asked him what conditions might lead to more than 20 deaths in several towns during heavy snowfall.

Only three seconds passed. Xiao Shen replied: "Either he was directly trapped in the mountainous area by the heavy snow and died, or the snow was too thick and crushed the house and killed people. The other possibility is too small."

When Fang Tianfeng heard this, he immediately judged that the house should be crushed and people killed, because if someone was besieged in the mountainous area, they would not die in ten hours. Moreover, it was already afternoon, and ten hours later it would be early morning. The snow at that time was not only

If it is thick enough and the person is still sleeping, even if it slowly collapses, the person cannot escape.

"Thank you, if we can avoid casualties this time, I will guarantee you a straight course!"

Fang Tianfeng put down the phone and said to Ning Youlan: "Sister Youlan, give the order immediately. The death this time is probably caused by the heavy snow that collapsed the house. We rarely have such heavy snow in Dongjiang, so no one will go there."

Contact us in this regard. You must know the specific measures better than me, so you can take command immediately."

"Okay! Turn the car around and go back to the Moyan County Railway Station immediately. I want to take the train back!" After Ning Youlan finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and started calling her subordinates in Yushui County, ordering them to launch disaster relief activities and asking them to report to the Provincial Meteorological Bureau.

Contact the professionals from the Municipal Meteorological Bureau for help.

At the same time, Ning Youlan also demanded that the snow on the house must be cleaned every hour. If any village or town dares not to clean it, the first and second leaders will step down!

Finally, Ning Youlan issued a death order. All villages and towns located in the snow disaster area, as long as they live in dangerous houses, must evacuate. If one of them does not evacuate, the first and second leaders will step down! In addition, all people who leave the dangerous houses must be evacuated.

Provide certain subsidies and use money from the Yushui County finance to help them build new houses.

Ning Youlan's tone was very harsh, and she even said harsh words like "everyone step down." Coupled with Ning Youlan's usually strong and decisive nature, the county officials and the township officials in the snow disaster area went crazy and went all out to launch the attack.

Disaster relief.

Because it had just snowed and no one cared, it was very difficult to drive people out of dangerous houses, and it was even more difficult to ask others to sweep the snow off the roof. So those village and town cadres said that it was the job of Magistrate Ningyou and Lanning, and it had nothing to do with them.

On the surface, he was trying to persuade them, but in reality, he wanted them to vent their anger on Ning Youlan.

Ning Youlan has done a lot of good things for Yushui County, and her secretary is very good at publicity, so some people are actually obedient. Although most people are unwilling to do so, the village and town cadres are too tight, so they just

Can do it.

However, there are still a few people who take chances and deal with it verbally without doing anything at all.

The driver drove back, and Fang Tianfeng, Ning Youlan and the secretary got on the train. Ning Youlan was worried all the way.

Fang Tianfeng sighed and said, "I'm not an official. People may not believe what I say, and they may not act if I believe it. You are an official, and people believe what you say, but if something goes wrong, you have to bear a huge responsibility. How do you choose?


Ning Youlan was stunned for a moment, then took out her mobile phone and said firmly: "I believe you, I will bear this responsibility!"

Ning Youlan called Secretary Yao, the chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and told him that Fang Tianfeng calculated that the snow this time was so heavy that more than 20 people might die from house collapse in Yushui County alone. She hoped that Secretary Yao would tell the current Dongjiang First Secretary

Secretary Chen Yuewei, please do not underestimate this snow disaster. If necessary, you can ask the armed police and the army to take action.

Fang Tianfeng was nearby. When he heard Ning Youlan say this, he couldn't help but stare at her. Such a woman is extremely beautiful.

If Ning Youlan hadn't called, people would have died in other disaster-stricken areas. However, her Yushui County had the least number of casualties, not to mention Yunhai City. Even provincial leaders would praise her. This was her major political achievement and contribution.

But Ning Youlan chose to report it. If the disaster was not serious and no houses collapsed, she would inevitably become the object of official ridicule and her future would be bleak.

Fang Tianfeng's identity meant that his words would be useless. Only the words of a powerful cadre like Ning Youlan could attract the attention of superiors. Otherwise, even if professionals from the Meteorological Bureau issued warnings, not many people would take it seriously.

If Fang Tianfeng knew that there would be an earthquake in a certain place on that day, even if he told the Seismological Bureau, posted it online, and told officials, the final situation would not change much. Ordinary people would not believe it, and officials would not dare to take responsibility.

If there is no earthquake after tens of millions of people are evacuated, who will be responsible for such huge losses?

Officials are not responsible for natural disasters such as earthquakes, but they can be promoted if they perform disaster relief work. Every official knows the trade-offs.

Chen Yuewei is a workaholic. Since he became the secretary of the Dongjiang Provincial Party Committee, he almost always goes home at night and works until midnight, sleeping less than six hours a day.

Chen Yuewei received a call from Secretary Yao. Chen Yuewei was a little surprised because the two people were from different factions and had no personal relationship. One was the current No. 1 who was airborne, and the other was the No. 3 of the previous term who has now been relegated to the second line. He had seen them in public.

Chen Yuewei also visited Secretary Yao, but never got through to him.

Chen Yuewei answered the phone with a smile, because he knew that the person on the other end of the phone could tell whether he was smiling, but after hearing Secretary Yao's words, his smile disappeared.

After ending the call, Chen Yuewei did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he lit a cigarette and sat at his desk to think.

"Fang Tianfeng, Ning Youlan, Tianshen Sect, Wei Hongtu, He family, Xiang family..."

Chen Yuewei occasionally muttered a few words, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

After thinking for half an hour, Secretary Chen Yuewei picked up the phone.

After making several phone calls, Chen Yuewei called his chief secretary, stood up, and said, "Follow me to Yushui County."

When Ning Youlan received a call from the county government and learned that Secretary Chen Yuewei was coming, she was stunned for a long time, and finally showed a faint smile and said softly: "As expected of Secretary Chen."

At six o'clock in the evening, the three people arrived in Yushui County, and then took an off-road vehicle sent by the county government and headed straight to the disaster area.

If the cultivation level is higher, Fang Tianfeng can create many small disaster comets, and people can detect the disaster areas separately. If the cultivation level is higher, Fang Tianfeng can perform ultra-long-distance gas viewing. If the cultivation level reaches a certain level,

Then you can control the air soldiers to fly at high speed in the sky, not only to look at the air, but also to directly solve the snow disaster in a certain range.

If his cultivation level is higher, Fang Tianfeng can eliminate all snow disasters with a snap of his fingers, or turn snow into rain, change the sky and the earth, steal the sky and change the sun.

But now, Fang Tianfeng can only follow Ning Youlan to the poorest villages.

Xu Town has three of the poorest villages in the county, but there is also a very rich village. The car soon braved the heavy snow and arrived at the first poor village. Fang Tianfeng put the disaster comet and the murderous blade into the sky together, and then passed through the disaster

Gas comets observed in all houses.

The mayor of this village has done a good job. Most of the people who live in old and dilapidated houses have left and do not dare to sweep snow for fear that their houses will collapse. Other newer houses are already sweeping snow from their roofs. There are almost no young adults in this village.

Most of them are elderly people.

Whenever he sees a house with strong disaster aura, Fang Tianfeng will control the murderous aura and carve the word "Ning" on the door or wall, which means Ning Youlan.

However, the owners of three old and dilapidated houses did not leave the house and were using ladders to sweep the snow off the roofs.

Even if these three houses escaped the snowstorm, problems would soon arise. Fang Tianfeng also wrote the word "Ning" on their door, but added a circle.

While Fang Tianfeng was working, he told Ning Youlan about the dilapidated house.

"I am incompetent as county magistrate." Ning Youlan criticized herself in a low voice.

"Some things may not be your problem. You have only been the county magistrate for less than half a year. However, if the village has not changed when you leave, then you are indeed incompetent. Okay, let's go."

Fang Tianfeng and Ning Youlan went to one village after another. Every time they visited a village, they carved words on dilapidated buildings.

In this way, Fang Tianfeng and Ning Youlan spent the night running around. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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