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Chapter 781: The Threat of the Chief Sect of the Gods

Not long after, Fang Tianfeng came to the foot of Yingzui Mountain, and then used the air soldiers as ladders for the third time to climb Yingzui Mountain, which was almost vertical to the ground.

Under the crescent moon and in the night wind, Fang Tianfeng stepped onto the top of Yingzui Mountain, and then walked towards the location of "Yingzui".

Fang Tianfeng walked to the end of the eagle's beak and looked down.

Below is a terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides. A tomb is backed by Yingzui Mountain and faces the mountain pass. Not only are Suzaku, Xuanwu, White Tiger and Qinglong complete, but also Lailong, Ansha, Mingtang and so on. The landscape is complete and it is a piece of Feng Shui.

Treasure land.

The flat ground under Yingzui Mountain is ablaze with lights. Various field military lanterns, portable lanterns, camping lanterns, and tactical flashlights illuminate the place extremely brightly.

Fang Tianfeng glanced at a small tent somewhere, his eyes became extraordinarily bright, and then looked at the people in the camp.

These people are roughly divided into four camps, the Russians are part of it, the Ying people are part of it, and the Israelis are part of it. The most powerful one is the United States. Countries like Bang State, Fusang and other countries are all attached to the Americans.

The Chinese didn't come in, either because they hadn't arrived yet, or because they didn't want to participate in too fierce a fight, because everyone present had their own weapons, and the toughest ones were the Russians. Someone actually prepared a personal rocket launcher and was carrying it on his shoulder.

Targeting Americans, it explains what it means to be a world-famous fighting nation.

In addition to these countries, there are no people from small countries such as Anguo. Obviously they do not have the strength to participate in this battle.

All of these people were armed with weapons, the worst of which were military standard pistols, and most of them were carrying rifles or submachine guns.

Fang Tianfeng took a quick look and found that there were more than two hundred people, and these people were basically elites. If they worked together, they could subvert the governments of some micro-countries.

Fang Tianfeng used his Qi-gazing technique to see that the religious auras of the four major camps were different and distinct. They were the four most powerful forces of the gods. The United States and the General Church stood together, Ying and the Protestants stood together, and Russia

Be with the Orthodox Church, and be with the Israelite Church.

These four religions all have religious leaders recognized around the world. Although the Chinese Tianshen Sect has a large number of people, it lacks a religious leader.

The Chief Sect has the strongest teaching luck and can fight against the other three sects on his own, while the Isellie Sect has the lowest power, but is the most solid and has strong financial support.

Fang Tianfeng did not take action immediately, but carefully observed everyone's luck.

Most of the people below are active or retired soldiers. They also have a large number of weapons in their hands, which look very intimidating, but they are not worth mentioning in Fang Tianfeng's eyes. What he cares about are the clergy with huge religious fortunes.

Fang Tianfeng saw a priest with whom he had an acquaintance, Goethe, the papal envoy, from the chief priest's team, but he did not see Sam from the Morgan consortium.

The status of the clergy here is not high. The highest one is just the chief priest. Fang Tianfeng can blow away their luck in one breath, but each camp has at least one powerful religious luck treasure.

Fang Tianfeng had seen Goethe's Holy Tree Necklace, which was given to him by the Pope. It contained the religious blessings of a thick thigh. A chief priest of the Yingguo Protestant Church held a copy of "Tian Shen" in his hand, which contained even more religious blessings than Goethe's Holy Tree.

tree necklace.

Two chief priests came from the Russian Orthodox Church. One held a Qi treasure with a large thigh, a scepter, and a ring.

However, what frightened Fang Tianfeng the most was that a large package within the power of the Yisele sect actually exuded a particularly ancient aura of religious luck. That aura gave Fang Tianfeng a stronger feeling, even more so than the Buddha's bone relics!

Although the aura of that thing is powerful and ancient, its own aura is only as thick as a thigh and not as thick as a human waist. However, this alone has already surpassed the other four Qi treasures.

Fang Tianfeng made a guess in his mind: "That thing must have been in contact with a particularly powerful holy object for a long time. Since it was taught by Israel, the thing in the package was most likely to have been in contact with the 'Nine Commandments' given to Moxi by the gods.

The stone tablet' has been in contact for more than a hundred years and has been enshrined by others. According to legend, the stone tablet containing the Nine Commandments should be a 'golden cabinet', but the golden cabinet is definitely stronger than this. I must get this thing, maybe it will help me refine and kill

The Spear of God helps."

Finally, Fang Tianfeng's eyes fell on the center of the American crowd, where a simple tent had been set up, with a man sitting inside. The man was holding a two-meter-long wooden box in his hand. The wooden box did not know what kind of wood it was.

It's black and looks a little dirty.

As early as when Fang Tianfeng climbed Yingzui Mountain, he noticed the aura in the box. Now in Fang Tianfeng's eyes, the entire box was wrapped in rich milky white teachings. The white color was like thick milk wrapped on top of the box.

In the milky white light, blood-colored murderous aura and dark red fighting spirit were faintly visible. Deeper, there seemed to be a devil hidden inside. Fang Tianfeng felt that if he continued to look at it, the devil inside would rush out and eat him.

The so-called Holy Spear is not sacred at all, but exudes a ferocious and violent aura everywhere, as if it wants to destroy the world.

In "Tian Shen", the gods once carried out a annihilation of the world and let a great flood flood the world. Then Ruo Ya built the famous Ruo Ya's Ark, which continued human beings and various living things.

It was predicted in "Tian Shen" that the next time the gods will carry out the final "Doomsday Judgment" to destroy the world, at that time he will come with the god-killing gun and let this weapon that once killed his clones end the world.

Therefore, the God-killing Spear is also called the World-Destroying Spear!

Any branch cult that masters the God-killing Spear will have a huge say. If it falls to China's Tianshen Cult, China can even set up the position of pope for the first time, compete with several major religions in the West, and completely get rid of the main church.


Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but frown. Although the power of dragon energy was powerful, it was more domineering and royal. However, this so-called sacred object of a religion that makes people do good does not have the holiness and kindness it should have. Instead, it makes people think

to the Nazis and Hitler.

When he obtained the Buddha's bone relics, Fang Tianfeng had no worries, because although Buddhism also has flaws, the Buddha's bone relics did not have the aura of cruelty, but this god-killing spear was different. If it was obtained by someone who did not belong to the gods, it would definitely not be possible.

It will give in easily, but will harm the owner.

The reason why the Dragon Qi of the Kowloon Jade Pot Cup was quickly half-refined by Fang Tianfeng is because Fang Tianfeng is a descendant of Yan and Huang, a descendant of China, and the Dragon Qi does not regard Fang Tianfeng as an outsider.

But this god-killing spear is different, it will definitely treat Fang Tianfeng as an enemy.

Under the crescent moon, Fang Tianfeng stood upright at the tip of the eagle's beak, looking down at everyone.

At this time, the quarrel below escalated.

Even standing at an altitude of two hundred meters away, Fang Tianfeng could clearly hear the voices of these people, but these people all spoke English, and Fang Tianfeng could only understand 70% to 80% of them. He had not studied English specifically recently, and he was originally in

I have long forgotten what I learned in school, but after practicing Tianyun Jue, everything I learned before has been consolidated and deepened, so I don’t completely understand what those people said.

The two hundred or so people were almost fully armed, and their guns could go off at any time. Everyone was extremely nervous. The chief priests in high positions were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they repeatedly asked everyone not to get excited.

The people from the United States and the General Church wanted to monopolize the God-killing Spear, but the other three families were unconvinced and asked to take turns enshrining it.

In the end, the head priest Goethe took the next best step and allowed the other three sects to take turns offering sacrifices and displays. However, the ownership belongs to the chief church, and the first announcement must be held grandly in the main church. All other branch sects must recognize it and must send a delegation.

People go to watch the ceremony.

As a result, the other three are angry, especially Russia. Now Russia is at odds with the United States over Ukraine, and many exchanges have been interrupted. The media of the two countries have also ridiculed and fired at each other. At this time, if the Russian Orthodox Church recognizes the US-supported patriarch, they will

Even if he wanted to agree, President Putin would not be able to agree.

The four forces were quarreling more and more fiercely, and their religious movement became more active and became more and more antagonistic.

The power of the Qi treasures carried by the four sects was also stimulated, forming four dense milky white sects suspended in the sky.

Fang Tianfeng discovered that each group of religious movements had obvious hostility towards other religious movements, while the Protestant, Orthodox and Israeli religious movements had almost reached the point of hatred towards the general religious movement.

The teaching luck continued to increase, and everyone soon felt where Fang Tianfeng was, and at the same time, Fang Tianfeng became wary.

Priest Goethe, the papal envoy, suddenly raised his head and looked towards Eagle's Mouth Mountain, and saw a figure under the crescent moon.

"Who is that!" Priest Goethe was extremely surprised. It was a mountain peak more than 200 meters high. There was no place to climb around. They had just arrived here not long ago. How could anyone get there.

Everyone in the valley raised their heads and looked towards the top of Yingzui Mountain, and they all saw Fang Tianfeng's figure.

"Give me the night vision telescope!" Goethe reached out and took the telescope and looked at it.

"It seems to be Master Fang!" Goethe's heart tightened. After a long conversation with Sam, he realized that Fang Tianfeng was unusual. He had been wary of Fang Tianfeng, but he never expected that Fang Tianfeng would appear at this time.

Fang Tianfeng saw everyone looking up to him, smiled slightly, waved his hand gently, and said in English: "Good evening, everyone."

The two sides were clearly more than two hundred meters apart, but Fang Tianfeng's voice accurately reached everyone's ears, shocking many people, especially those believers or clergy who believed in miracles, staring at Fang Tianfeng with their mouths wide open.

Everyone was talking a lot, asking who Master Fang was. Everyone in the four major churches knew that Fang Tianfeng was related to the saint Song Jie. Some people said that Master Fang had magical abilities, but many special forces scorned him.

Priest Goethe spoke to the interpreter beside him, and then the interpreter loudly said: "Priest Goethe said, Master Fang, I know you can hear me. Please don't interfere in the internal affairs of our gods and religions, otherwise, Song Jie's sermon will

It will become a memory you will never forget!”

Fang Tianfeng did not expect that Priest Goethe would finally take off his mask and threaten him with an eighteen-year-old girl.

Fang Tianfeng said slowly: "No one can stop what I want! As for Song Jie's evangelistic meeting, no matter what you have prepared, I, Fang Tianfeng, will take it all! I want the evangelistic meeting to become a memory that you will never forget, but it's a pity that

, you have no chance."

This chapter has been completed!
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