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Chapter 782 The king arrives, and kills with a gun!

As soon as the translator finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

An American soldier sneered: "Who does he think he is, Batman? Even Batman can't kill us all!"

Another person shouted: "Do you need me to help you find a 200-meter ladder?"

The crowd roared with laughter.

Fang Tianfeng still smiled, stretched out his hand forward, gave a thumbs up, then turned his wrist over and pointed his thumb downward.

Everyone was furious. They were all Westerners and knew what this gesture meant.

In the gladiatorial arena of ancient Rome, after the victory or defeat, the most noble person could decide the life or death of the slave. If the thumb was up, the slave could survive. But Fang Tianfeng's thumb was down now, which meant that everyone would be given death!

This huge valley is like a large arena, and Fang Tianfeng is the king who decides the life and death of slaves on the high platform.

"Fire!" Fang Tianfeng said an English word, and then poked down with his thumb.

The Qi soldiers roared out and flew towards Yingguo's Protestant Qi, the weakest of the four religious Qi.

In terms of the strength of pure religions, the General Sect is the strongest; among the most powerful qi treasures now, the Yiselie Sect is the strongest; in terms of the number of qi treasures, the orthodox religion has the most, but the Yingguo Protestant religion has no advantage in luck.

The Protestant religious movement immediately transformed into a branch of the world, gently swaying, forming a huge religious pressure to repel Fang Tianfeng's soldiers.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not attack the Protestant religious movement.

His murderous blade was split into ten pieces and flew towards ten Ying soldiers, while the other Qi soldiers all put on a defensive posture to block the movement of the Protestant religion.

The four major churches all have conflicts. The other three churches were not attacked by Fang Tianfeng, and no one controlled them. None of them stopped Fang Tianfeng.

The Protestant religious movement's world branch attacked in full force, but was firmly blocked by the shield of righteousness. At the same time, Fang Tianfeng's extremely murderous blade fell on the trigger of the Yingguo soldier, pull the trigger!

Ten guns fired rapidly at the same time, spitting out ten eye-catching fire snakes at night.

Chug tug tug...

Ten guns were pointed at three different directions. The religious movement could not stop the bullets. People from the United States, Russia and Israel were all attacked. Many people were shot and screamed, blood spattered everywhere, and the nearby camping area was dyed red.



"The damn Yingguo guys actually joined forces with the Chinese! Kill them!" the Russians shouted and began to attack the Yingguo people.

The religious movements of the other three religions all turned into branches of the world, pressing against the religious movements of Yingguo's Protestant religion.

Fang Tianfeng took the opportunity to withdraw his qi soldiers. The Protestant religious movement was extremely angry but did not pursue him to defend against the religious movements of the other three countries.

The Americans, Russians and Israelis all surpassed the Ying people in terms of numbers and equipment. The first round of exchange of fire between the two sides caused the Ying people to lose a large number of people. The Ying people shouted that they had misunderstood, but no one listened at all amid the deafening gunfire.

Shooting the guns at the same time is the bloodiest evidence.

Fang Tianfeng's qi soldiers flew back for a while, then suddenly turned back, making the Ying Kingdom's Protestant religious movement even more angry. Just as they were about to attack with all their strength, Fang Tianfeng's qi soldiers unexpectedly emitted various rays of light to envelope the Ying people, strengthening them.

The Protestant Church in Yingguo was confused and did not stop Fang Tianfeng because it could not see its own people being killed.

Various kinds of luck such as murderous aura, fighting spirit, noble aura, etc. strengthen the Ying people. The disaster comet, bad luck crow, dejected dog, etc. absorb the negative power of the Ying people, forming a double strengthening.

Not only that. Fang Tianfeng also divided the shield of righteousness into ten to protect ten Yingguo soldiers, so that bullets could never hit ten of them.

There were only twenty-four people in the Ying Kingdom, six of whom were clergymen without weapons. The other eight were killed in the first round of firefights. The remaining ten were all protected by Fang Tianfeng. Those ordinary bullets could not kill them at all.

People from the other three countries were shot and killed continuously by their precise bullets.

The religious movement of the Three Kingdoms wanted to attack Fang Tianfeng's Qi soldiers, but the Protestant religious movement resisted.

"Damn Yingguo people, let you have a taste of our power!" The Russian carrying a personal rocket launcher finally couldn't bear it anymore and fired rockets in the direction of the Yingguo people.

The complete shield of righteousness can completely block this rocket, but now that the shield of righteousness is divided into ten, it is absolutely unable to block it. However, the fighting tiger talisman suddenly appeared and turned into a raised hand, gently flicking the rocket.

rocket missile.

The rocket turned suddenly and flew in the direction of the Americans, flying right into the tent where the God-killing Spear was hidden.

There was a loud bang, and the rocket hit a person in front of the tent. Shrapnel and air waves scattered, and the people in the tent were also killed. The long wooden box containing the God-killing Gun fell to the ground, miraculously not


"Damn furry bears! Are you crazy?"

As soon as the Americans finished speaking, the Russians used grenades, and more than twenty high-explosive grenades were thrown at the place where the Ying people were at the same time.

All the Yingguo people were so frightened that they hurriedly fell to the ground. However, the twenty or so pellets seemed to have turned into baseballs while they were still in the air. They were hit by invisible bats and all fell into the American camp, which had the largest number of people. Not only were there Americans

, as well as the Fusang and Bangguo people who depended on them.

Boom boom boom...

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, broken limbs were scattered, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

Once was an accident, but twice in a row, even the Russians realized that something was going to happen and pointed their guns at the Americans to prevent them from taking action. However, Fang Tianfeng repeated his old trick and divided the Fighting Tiger Talisman into ten, allowing the Russians to pull the trigger.


Americans are completely angry.

"Damn Russians sneak attack! Kill them all! If we can use the Star Wars plan to solve them, we can bring the glory of God back to the United States!" A few Americans screamed and turned their guns to attack the Russians.

Both sides knew that a fight would come, so no one showed mercy.

The Fuso people also shouted: "For the sake of the four northern islands, kill all the bears!"

"Lutun Island belongs to the Republic of China!" the Bangguo people shouted and fired.

The papal envoy Goethe and some Americans wanted to stop it, but it was already too late. Deafening bullets sounded one after another.

What was originally a three-on-one battle turned into a battle between Mio and Ying.

The Four Kingdoms' luck is strong enough to defend against Fang Tianfeng's luck attack. However, in the face of a hail of bullets, it can only barely protect the safety of the main characters.

Bullets from pistols, rifles, and submachine guns were flying all over the sky. The flames formed by the bullets formed a line in the air, and the four parties attacked each other mercilessly.

Fang Tianfeng stood on the high cliff and controlled the entire battlefield.

All grenades are precisely controlled by him to ensure that each grenade can cause maximum damage and at the same time ensure that the party with the largest number of people will be more seriously injured.

The religious movement of all parties could not allow the situation to continue to develop, so the religious movement of the general church suddenly gave up attacking the Protestant religious movement of Yingguo and flew towards Fang Tianfeng on the Yingzui Mountain.

The branches of the world where the teachings of the Heavenly God Chief Sect are condensed are as high as twenty meters, and they are like a giant tree smashing into Fang Tianfeng.

A tea tray appeared on Fang Tianfeng's right hand. The Kowloon jade pot cup was placed on the tea tray.

The people below could not feel the breath and power of the dragon's energy, but the branch of the teaching world flying at high speed immediately braked, hesitated for a moment, and returned in despair.

Dragon Qi is the first of hundreds of Qi, not to mention that the dragon Qi of the Eternal Qi Treasure is very powerful. These dragon Qi originated from the emperors of ancient China, and the Western gods and gods have been using various methods to infiltrate China. They have long since invaded China.

Considered an enemy, one can only run away when seeing the dragon's aura.

Big Dragon Qi Huanglong didn't even look at the ball of luck, but suddenly stared at the big dragon's eyes towards the collapsed tent and the God-killing Spear inside.

The teaching luck of the God-killing Spear did not immediately transform, but exuded a terrifying aura, as if to warn the great dragon Qi Huanglong.

How could the big yellow dragon stand this? It immediately opened its mouth and roared, the surging dragon power covering hundreds of miles in radius, provoking the teachings in the God-killing Spear.

However, the God-killing Spear never responded.

The dragon-like yellow dragon smiled contemptuously, and flew in the air for a long time with its teeth and claws spread out. Then it happily flew back to the world in the pot to play with the two little dragons.

By this time, more than 120 people had died or lost combat power. Most of the remaining 107 people were injured, and they were more awake than before, and they had vague thoughts of a truce.

However, Fang Tianfeng suddenly sent vitality into the murderous blade and the fighting tiger talisman. The power of the two qi weapons immediately increased, stimulating the ten Ying Kingdom soldiers who are still alive.

The ten soldiers of the Ying Kingdom were immediately affected by the murderous spirit, howling and killing towards the Israeli position.

The battle became fierce again, and the Yingguo Protestant Church's religious destiny was entangled and it was no longer able to attack Fang Tianfeng.

Even a few policemen with the power of Fang Tianfeng could fight against elite mercenaries, not to mention the ten Yingguo regular troops, who could almost defeat the Israelis with overwhelming force.

The United States and the Ying Kingdom have always been on good terms, and they would not have fought so fiercely, but now it is not a battle over the destiny of the country, but a battle over the destiny of the church. The people of the Ying Kingdom have become red-eyed with murderous aura, and after killing the Israelites, they will kill each other.

To the United States.

Almost everyone who came this time had relatively devout beliefs and had been mentally prepared before coming to China.

The first people to be unlucky were the Bangzi people. They were right next to the Israelites, and were killed by ten Ying soldiers. Then the Fusang people were unlucky.

At this time, the Yingguo people had no ammunition and needed supplies. However, Fang Tianfeng had prevented them from taking a break to think. He was already prepared. The ammunition boxes were right behind them. There were not only grenades, but also magazines and other guns.

The ten Yingguo soldiers were already furious. They first threw grenades, then reloaded their ammunition and attacked again.

Boom boom boom...

Chug tug tug...

Continuous sounds of grenades and bullets filled the entire venue.

As time went by, fewer and fewer people were able to fight, and when there were only more than fifty people left, Fang Tianfeng quietly withdrew the Qi soldiers who were helping the soldiers of the Ying Kingdom.

When there were only thirty people left to fight, the sound of gunfire finally became sparse, and the screams and "shenyin" of the wounded were everywhere.

"Stop fighting, I surrender!" An American mercenary finally got scared.

All the gunfire stopped and everyone finally woke up. It was a hell in front of them. There were corpse fragments of comrades everywhere. All the lights were dyed red with blood. Some people's bodies were even burning. There was a mixed smell of gunpowder smoke and barbecue.

All over the battlefield.

No one wants to fight anymore.

Except Fang Tianfeng.

At this moment, all the grenades on the battlefield suddenly flew up, and a total of forty-seven grenades flew towards the thirty-one people who could still fight but had lost their fighting spirit.

Even the luck of the four religions cannot stop the grenade.

Boom boom boom...

This chapter has been completed!
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