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Chapter 394: Kansuke's Successor

"Does Master train his successors with such care? Numata Yumitsu is not bad either..." Kiragi frowned when he saw the word "Miao". He thought of his cheerful father-in-law, Numata Mitsukane, who passed by almost every time since last year.

He always makes a trip to Wakasa every few months. It is said that he goes back to see his grandsons and grandsons. He says that he misses him so much after so many years.

I haven't seen him be so active in visiting his grandchildren in so many years, especially his relationship with his older sons and daughters is very poor. Tanxiang told him that his father almost never mentioned the eldest sons who drove him away, and now

He started to care about his older sons and daughters again, which is very funny.

All the activities he did in Echizen and Wakasa fell into the eyes of Kira Yoshi. He hated this father-in-law who always liked to make his own decisions. He had liked him several times inadvertently, but he always pretended to be a fool and betrayed him every time.

After the battle of Kawanakajima last year, the Three Kingdoms fell into his hands, which made him even more excited. He always vowed to make great contributions to the Ashikaga family.

He felt very unhappy when he thought of his unconventional father-in-law. He tacitly allowed him to express his voice that was completely different from others, ensuring that there would always be disagreements among the family members, but he did not let him express his displeasure at him. Thinking of his recent past

He couldn't help but sneered: "Is Dagong just looking for Yu to find a useless Asakura family as an ally? When did Dagong become so cheap? It's understandable that you want to do things for Yu, but Yu doesn't need you to do things for me.

The Ashikaga family is trying to make allies for cats and dogs. Do we, the Ashikaga family, need allies? This is ridiculous!"

He doesn't need allies, and the Asakura family is not a valuable ally. From top to bottom, the most valuable person in the Asakura family is the old military god Asakura Sotechi. But this old military god had already mastered the crane a few years ago.

Journey to the West. So far, the Asakura family's use value has been greatly reduced. The only function is probably to get entangled with Kaga Ichikazu and prevent those crazy monks from disturbing other people.

At the end of September, a small Yuanfu ceremony was held in Kasugayama Castle's annex. Kira Yoshitsune's nickname was Kawada Iwatsurumaru, and Masuda Shinzaburo was Yuanfu here. Their names after the Yuanfu were Kawada Nagauchi and Masuda Nagamori.

The two boys were sent to the followers by him as soon as they had one yuan of service. They started from the most basic followers.

His father, Kawada Izu Morimoto, also rushed to Echigo with his family last month. Rokkaku Yoshiken, the Kinai Ichiha, was beaten by a left-behind force of the Kira family and almost lost his armor and was almost captured.

It was the shogunate's mediation that allowed them to "purchase" a county in exchange for peace of mind. As a personal participant, he was naturally aware of the rapid decline of the Rokkaku family's family fortune, so he quickly contacted Shigekin Kawada, who served as Ueno's deputy minister, and asked him to

With his younger brother acting as an intermediary, the Kawada clan completely surrendered to the Kira family.

If the Kawada family is considered to be a devout family that was deliberately cultivated, then Masuda Nagamori was a pure surprise. Kira Yoshi did not even realize that this smart and clever man with the last name of Masuda Nagamori turned out to be Masuda Nagamori.

It really made him happy for a while. This was a famous practice, even more famous than Kawada Chouchi.

The first heavy snowfall fell in Echigo in early October. Kira Yoshi took a boat to Sado Island in the snow to watch the construction of a new town. Today, Sado Port has become the fourth largest trade after Naoetsu Port, Kashiwazaki Port and Niigata Port.

Port, the pirates who obstructed maritime traffic safety belts were eliminated, ensuring safe maritime navigation in Echigo and even the entire Hokurikudo, and Sado Port became increasingly prosperous as a result.

Nowadays, there are several pillar industries in Sado. The top pillars are naturally the mining industry and smelting industry, followed by the local meat processing industry. Live chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle and sheep shipped from the three major ports of Echigo every day are slaughtered here.

The meat is transported back to various places for processing. The remaining chicken, duck, pig, cattle and sheep skins, discarded animal bones and internal organs will also be collected and classified into leather making, wool making, marinating and as the basic raw materials for high-temperature composting.

In addition, the fishermen on Sado Island were organized to establish a Sado Marine Transport Center and stationed there to implement it. This caused most of the fishermen on Sado Island to switch to maritime transportation. The main routes were to and from Naoetsu Port, Kashiwazaki Port, and Niigata Port to carry livestock, and

By transporting back processed meat and related meat products, the entire Sado will form a complete industrial chain from transportation, processing to shipment.

There are now about 15,000 permanent residents on Sado Island. Among them, in addition to the miners who have been transferred from various places, the local indigenous Honma clan's garrison serves as guards. All the Honma clan members work in the fields. The island

Many small villages on the island were also demolished one by one, and farmers gathered in large and small towns to live. Now all the land on Sado Island is handed over to these farmers for farming. The Kira family only sent a few acting officials to be responsible for daily management and statistics.


In addition, some villagers from Echigo moved to various towns on Sado Island and worked as town residents. The towns were extremely busy every day. The men were busy killing pigs, sheep, sorting, sorting and rough processing of fur materials, and the women were also busy.

Another women's workshop was recruited to be responsible for various fine processing. It is an indisputable fact that Echigo lacks a population. Kira Yoshitoki advocated that women should be liberated from traditional housework to contribute to Echigo and their respective families.

Simply speaking, the women of Echigo Kingdom were bold and bold and agreed with the initiative of the king. Their families also agreed to let women work more. However, years of war and heavy military service made the women of Echigo accustomed to men going out and women farming at home.

, giving birth to children, supporting parents, collecting firewood for cooking, and even hunting in the mountains and fishing in the rivers, all the work.

They may do more and heavier work than men in the Western countries. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Echigo people have a strong and straightforward folk custom. Echigo men are strong and brave, with tenacious fighting spirit, and Echigo women are hearty and bold.

Love it or hate it, I have endured the difficult days when there was no man in the family, but now it is not a problem to show up and work in the town.

Since the Echigo people felt free to pull out all their women to make money for Kira's housework, Kira Yoshitoki, a wealthy and landowner, also wanted to protect their treatment from harm, and stipulated that the daily working hours in the workshop should not exceed six hours (

12 hours), they will have a regular physical examination by a female doctor every three months. The minimum salary standard per month shall not be less than 150 Wen Yongle money. They must have a rest break every ten days. Every Mid-Autumn Festival.

On festival days, an extra set of clothes produced in the town will be given out, and an extra set of wages must be paid on the first day of the first lunar month.

The hard work is a little bit hard, but what’s not to like about the high income and fast money? There is also a free meal at noon every day. A couple can earn 250 yuan a month. If you save a little bit, it can be done in a year.

If you save three gen Yongle money, you can still eat Koshihikari rice produced in Niigata every now and then.

The elderly and children of the family opened some small food shops in the town, mainly for the miners, garrisons, farmers and boat people living in the town. There are monkey musicians on the island performing here every month, and the workshop regularly

In the form of a half-price discount, we organized town residents to take their families to watch during their vacation. The living conditions here are beyond the imagination of residents outside Echigo. Many residents who came to visit the island looked at the peaceful farming of Sado Island.

Life is full of prosperous scenes of men farming and women weaving. One would never have imagined that Japan was still in the most intense period of the Warring States Period.

There are numerous workshops in the three major ports of Echigo for the deep processing of fur products, and Biwaya, which dominates Hokuriku and Ou, distributes them on its behalf. The Mingkuni tailors hired from Kyushu with a large sum of money three years ago are responsible for Echigo's textile industry and fur processing.

The industry brought a new trend, and the finely crafted leather jackets, leather hats, furs and even leather boots were very popular as soon as they were launched, especially in areas with severe cold winters such as Kanto, Hokuriku, and Yuao.

The famous samurai family from Kyoto is also loved by the nobles and nobles. Kira Yoshitsune gave hundreds of fur suits for free. It is not a lie. From the emperor to the shogun to the shiguan, Tsinghua University, ministers and important officials of the shogunate, they all gave it away.

After going all over the place, in order to cater to the style preferences of Kyoto officials, they also specially produced fur hats similar to black hats, bearskin cloaks, calfskin boots, fur clothes similar to court clothes, etc.

At this time, winter was coming, and the wet and cold sleet and snow in Kyoto was very uncomfortable. Even the vegetarian emperor and the aggressive generals wore this fur sweater in court dress during court meetings. This free advertising brought brand

The effect soon had a huge impact in Kyoto. From the ministers of the Habayashi family to the wealthy businessmen in Kyoto, they all wanted to own a set of fur clothes. Whether they really needed it or just to show off, they had to buy one for themselves.

In just a few days, thousands of sets of fur clothing shipped from Echigo to Kinai were sold out. Not only that, there was a long queue of reservations until the next spring. Then businessmen in Sakai Town heard about it and contacted Biwaya hoping to get it.

As part of the distribution, Biwaya took this opportunity to obtain the right to use part of the trade routes from Kinai to Kyushu.

The profits brought by the textile industry quickly surpassed several other trades in Pipa House like a blowout, becoming the most profitable business. Money comes in and is spent quickly. Food and salary expenditures for tens of thousands of troops, reward payments for winning battles, etc.

The corresponding public expenses such as relocation, demolition and construction required for Ueno and Shinano to implement the executive order are huge.

Kira Yoshitoki soon discovered that the more he earned, the faster he spent it. Somewhat incomprehensibly, he came to Hosokawa Fujitaka to complain. As a result, he got a long list from him to design the streets in Echigo Territory.

He was almost frightened out of his wits when he saw the long series of figures regarding the funding gaps for many major projects such as the construction of seawalls, land and drainage improvement. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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