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Chapter 395 The Battle of Yuhei Mountain

In late October, Echigo was already a snowy northern scenery. The icy cold wind mixed with wind and snow filled the entire Echigo. In just half a month, it turned into a pure white snow country. On October 28,

On a rare occasion of sunny and windy weather, the residents of Naoetsu Port went out of their houses early in the morning and took the initiative to clear the snow on the roads.

At two quarters in the morning, a long fleet appeared outside Naoejin Port. The five bamboo flags on the fleet were dancing wildly in the north wind. This huge fleet carried Uesugi Masatora and others.

Equipped with an army of 12,000 troops, they set off from Sakata Port in Dewa Province and returned to Naoetsu Port to celebrate the New Year.

As soon as the fleet docked, the samurai who stepped off the ship were warmly welcomed by the people of Naoetsu. The news of the Echigo samurai Yang Wei Deyu had already spread throughout the seven counties of Echigo. When they learned that the heroic lord of Echigo had returned, the townspeople spontaneously

Organize to welcome these heroes. They have made great contributions to the prosperity of Echigo. Without countless victories, there would be no stable life for them.

This is not the first time Masatora Uesugi has enjoyed this kind of treatment, but this time it is a bit special. Kira Yoshihiro has been waiting for a long time in Naoetsu Port. Just like he received the wind for Kira Yoshiki many years ago, this time Kira Yoshihiro brought Kasugayama Castle with him.

All the ministers stood at Zhijiangjin Port, waiting for his triumphant return.

Kira Yoshitoki happily came over and said, "Welcome back! And congratulations to my brother for his victory in Deyu!"

Masatora Uesugi didn't expect him to come, so he said in surprise: "My lord..."

"The sea breeze here is too strong. Please bring my brother and the soldiers back to the mountain with me! I will set up a celebration banquet there to entertain all the samurai!" Kira Yoshi then led someone to bring Masatora Uesugi's released moon hair, and the two of them went together.

We walked slowly towards Kasugayama Castle. On the way, Masatora Uesugi told us the details of this battle.

This time the Dewa Formation was really dramatic. When Uesugi Masatora led an army of 15,000 people across the mountains and entered the village, Dabaoji Yoshitsugu was really frightened. He never expected to move away after receiving a letter asking for help.

Fifteen thousand troops came to help, and I was still thinking whether his nephew was too proud.

He tremblingly went to greet the army, only to find that his good nephew Honjo Shigenaga was just one of the generals, and the general was actually Uesugi Masatora, the Dragon of Echigo. Then he carefully looked at the fifteen thousand tiger soldiers with new and neat clothes. He finally finally

I understand that this time I really invited a great god. The so-called deep love is easy, but it is not that easy to invite this great god in and send him away.

Here at Taihoji Temple, Yoshitaka was still thinking about sending a message to the gods. Shimizu Hizen Moriyoshi led a thousand troops of his own to Mount Haguro to call a formation. Behind him, there were two thousand soldiers from the middle reaches of the Mogami River gathered. As the Mogami family

The major force closest to Shonai. His mission is to come over at the right time to disgust the Daihoji clan. Today the Mogami family decided to attack the Daihoji clan, so the Shimizu clan naturally took on the role of vanguard.

"Uncle! Is the enemy you are talking about this group of rabble? Isn't this too simple?" Honjo Noganaga grinned and taunted loudly: "Look at them, they can't even form a formation, and there are still hundreds of people from each clan.

Dozens of Japanese people have gathered together. This level was not used by Shinano Country a few years ago. I think they are not even as good as Shinano’s people. This kind of military strength is simply vulnerable!"

Honjo Shigejo's sarcasm made Daihoji Yoshizo a little embarrassed. He coughed and explained: "This is just the vanguard of Mogami Deha guarding the temple. There are 6,000 troops behind them ready to go. With the strength of Haguroyama, I can only raise 2,000 at most."

The army was so powerful that I had no choice but to ask for help from the town government, but I never thought that the town government would pay so much attention to me. I, Yi Zeng, was so moved that I almost shed tears..."

Daihoji Yoshizo's performance was full of emotion. After squeezing his eyes for a long time, he actually shed a few tears. Maybe it was because he thought of his dead mother that he finally shed some tears. Unfortunately, the Echigo samurai didn't believe him at all.

, even his good nephew looked at him with the eyes of someone watching a play. No matter how good he was in his performance, he had no choice but to have the audience not cooperate. He didn’t even give him a step, which was really embarrassing. The performance became boring after a while and he stopped acting.

Masatora Uesugi was not impressed by the so-called six thousand troops of the Mogami family. He smiled slightly and said: "Don't be nervous, Daihoji Temple. I came to rescue Daihoji Temple on the orders of the Lord. The Lord greatly praised the shogunate of Daihoji Temple for guarding me.

The loyal and prudent heart of the government, from now on we will be colleagues who serve in the same palace... Since we are loyal to the Ashikaga family, we cannot let the lords of other countries bully us. We and our 15,000-strong army are here just to eliminate the Dewa Mogami clan.

Repeated attacks on the village."

"I am a minister of the same palace... Could it be that they really regard me as a retainer of Echigo? This is not possible! I just said casually, how can you take it seriously!" Dabaoji Yishou panicked and kept using words.

His eyes glanced at Tosa Lin Chandong, the elder of the Shodai family, as if to say, come and save me quickly.

Of course, Tosabayashi Chandong knew that this would make the Daihoji clan very embarrassed. But with fifteen thousand troops in front of you, how can we say no? With their small bodies, they dare to say no, so maybe this

Everything in Dewa Country has to say goodbye to the Daihoji clan. Maybe everyone will have to go underground to reunite.

Abao Neng saw that the situation was not good, so he pretended to cough and said: "We and other people from far away countries don't know the etiquette, please don't blame the main hall. I don't know how the main hall plans to eliminate their harassment of the village!"

Uesugi Masatora secretly laughed in his heart and he took the bait, so he said in an understatement: "Eradicate the Shimizu clan, and the Dabaoji clan will take over the territory of the Haguro Mountains, and the Haguro Mountains will be retained. They will only give up the territory near Sakada Port and transfer the entire territory."

Go to the original territory of the Mogami River Kiyomizu clan."

"N...Nani? Do you mean to let me out of the main hall by letting you leave the house? This is not okay..." Dabaoji Yoshimasu stood up suddenly, but was so frightened by the murderous intent in Uesugi Masatora's eyes that his legs almost softened.

Sitting down, Honjo Nobunaga pressed the sword and sneered, his eyes as sharp as a knife dangled on his neck, with the intention of operating on his uncle.

Tozenji Yoshinaga said nervously: "No! My lord means that this is really embarrassing! After all, we have lived in the village for generations, and we really can't live without this land. Please be considerate of our feelings, Qingshui.

It’s okay to ask us not to take it!”

"Huh? Are you trying to reject the Lord's order?" Honjo Shigejo widened his eyes, and his stern gaze was like a serrated knife cutting across the Dabaoji family warriors present.

At the age of twenty, Honjo Shigeki has already surpassed Saito Asanobu in height. He is the tallest and most talented among the young generation of Echigo samurai. His bravery and spearmanship and equestrian skills are no less than those of Kakizaki Keie. What he lacks is nothing more than the tempering of experience.

He was recognized by the people of Echigo as the number one person in the seven counties of Echigo for the next generation.

Such a cold expression frightened Daihoji Yoshizo's face. He never expected that his good nephew would be so tough on him. The murderous words made him shiver. Then he looked at the scattered Echigo samurai who were all looking around coldly.

The samurai of the Dabaoji family were ready to send them to hell if they disagreed with them.

Seeing how frightened they were, Masatora Uesugi chuckled and said, "Everyone, you must understand one thing. Your Majesty is not an ordinary samurai family name. He is the royal family clan of His Highness the Shogunate, and he is the most famous general in the world today.

, His Highness Gongfang issued a Dali letter to the Lord to exercise the power of the Shogunate in the Eastern Kingdom. Therefore, the Lord's order means that His Highness's imperial teachings are irreversible and the Lord's laws.

The laws on behalf of the shogunate cannot be violated. Even the top of the Dewa Tandai, Dewa Mamoru, is just a fellow member of the shogunate, but he must bow to his lord when he sees him."

In terms of identity, the bloodline qualifications of Genji in Kawachi today can only be surpassed by Kira Yoshi by a hand. Not to mention that Mogami Yoshimoru is just the adopted son of the branch branch of the Nakano clan. He is the direct descendant of the Mogami clan.

The Ashikaga family is just like that. The Saba clan is divided into Oshu Saba clan, a branch of the Osaki clan, and the Mogami clan. The family structure is roughly the same as that of the Kira clan, a branch of the Imagawa clan, the Toe Imagawa clan, and the Sena clan, a tributary of the Imagawa clan. They met with the shogunate.

There's just a place for it.

"I don't care what your shogunate's family is like!" Daihoji Yoshimasu secretly cursed, but he had to lower his head to listen. Not only did he listen, but he also listened very seriously and piously. Since the Genpei era, Kawachi Genji has repeatedly made achievements in Ou, and now

Nowadays, all the samurai families in Mutsu Dewa are the descendants of two generations of Kawachi Genji shogunate. What Uesugi Masatora is talking about is the household affairs of the Ashikaga Shogun family. Just like the emperor's selfless affairs, the household affairs of the Ashikaga Shogun family are the major affairs of the shogunate.

Honjo Shibunaga immediately changed his face, his murderous look became kind, and he said warmly: "Uncle, you should understand this truth. To put it simply, you must accept the kindness of my master. Minato Sakata is the direct appointee of my master.

Leader, I will not treat you badly if I ask you to give up this territory. After the Qingshui clan was exterminated, the entire territory was used to compensate you, the Dabaoji clan and the retainers. You must know that this is the fertile land where the Salmon River and Mogami River converge. Do the math.

Shi Gao still lets uncle take a lot of advantage!"

Daihoji Yoshizo is still not willing to make this kind of exchange. The reason is simply that Shonai Plains is one of the few wealthy areas in Dewa Country. Sakata Port is also the most important trade hub in Dewa Country and even the entire Tohoku region. It would be like asking Daihoji Yoshizō to give up Sakata Port.

It's like letting Yoshitoki Kira abandon Sakamoto Port.

Since ancient times, the trade in the Kanto region has relied on the land trade route from Suruga to Sagami on the Tokaido. There are basically no large-scale commercial towns from Anbo Province, Kamisu Province and further north, and the sea route further north is very long and far longer than that of the Hokuriku Road.

The cost was so much that the seaport in eastern Mutsu was underdeveloped.

Business travelers from Mutsu Province will choose to go to Sakada Port in Dewa to take a boat to Tsuruga Port. If you calculate the distance carefully, it is closer to take the Hokuriku Expressway, and from Tsuruga Port you can go to Echizen, Wakasa, Omi, etc.

It is relatively safe to go to Kyoto from a prosperous territory. Compared with taking the Tokaido route from Mutsu via Anbo, and then taking a boat to Kita Ise via Shunenzo, it is less stable to take the Iga, Yamato or Koka routes.

It is much easier to get to Kyoto from other areas.

Because of this, Daihoji Yoshizo did not want to make an exchange. Sakata Port was the foundation for the Daihoji clan to dominate Dewa in the future. Losing Sakata Port would give him an extra 10,000 to 20,000 koku. Tomokyo could not make up for it. He glanced at his family elders.

Everyone, I hope they can help at the critical moment and fool Uesugi Masatora and others first.

However, the old Tosa Hayashi Zentong, the head of the Shoudai family, said seriously with an expression of deep understanding: "If the Shimizu clan's territory is completely annexed, it will indeed be a fertile and good place! The territory of Dewa Sanzan and Haguro Mountain

Don’t think that if we can keep it, we will indeed make a lot of money, then Yoshihiko Shimizu will be asked to play the main hall and Echizenden!"

"You..." Dabao Temple Yi Zeng looked at his Pudai with anger and confusion. He thought he was going to betray, but when he saw several Pudai winking at him, he immediately woke up and closed his mouth and gave in. If he revealed

If you show a complaining attitude, you might get bloodshed on the spot. Don't look at the fact that I am very kind-hearted. It's all just a disguise.

Tosa Hayashi Chandong said this sentence has another meaning. If the Echigo Army really easily uprooted the Kiyomizu clan, then of course they would transfer it without saying anything. The Kiyomizu clan's territory and strength are similar to their Dabaoji clan.

If the Qingshui clan was exterminated so easily, then they would really deserve to die if they dared to resist again.

But if the Echigo Army failed to defeat the Shimizu clan in the end, or if they defeated the Shimizu clan but could not suppress the resistance forces in the territory, and could not pacify the new territory even if it snowed in winter, then the Dabaoji clan would have reason to reject this

After transferring the seal, Dabao Temple Yi Zeng wanted to understand this meaning before bowing his head and giving in.

Uesugi Masatora turned a blind eye to Daihoji Yoshimasa's arrogant performance. When he saw that they agreed to the request, he agreed with a smile. Then he ordered the Echigo army to go out. Honjo Shigencho then got up and dismounted. He led a thousand elite cavalry and

Two thousand ashigaru came out of Black Mountain, and the cavalry blatantly circled behind Yoshiko Shimizu, and the ashigaru formation took up a posture to launch an assault.

Shimizu Yoshitaka discovered that the troops coming up and down Mount Haguro were not the Taihoji clan's army, but an army he had never seen before. They carried a bamboo wheel with two flying sparrows, and it said on it that our village Echizen guard Shigencho, not only

Shimizu Yoshigao couldn't figure out the specific situation of the Dabaoji clan, and even the national army of the Shimizu family didn't understand what was going on.

Shimizu Hizen Moriyoshi looked at the Ashikaga Fubikyo on the top of the mountain with confusion, and asked strangely: "Why did the flags on Haguro Mountain be replaced by the Marujihikyo flag? My lord probably didn't send troops! Is it possible that our Lord Echizen defended Shigenchō?"

Is this the reinforcement he brought in... Isn't this the Honjo Echizen Mori who went to rescue Echigo a few years ago? Is it him? This... this is not Maruji Bikiryo at all! This is Ashikaga Nibikiryo!"

He was so stupid that he couldn't tell the difference between Marujibikiryo and Ashikaga Nibikiryo, so he saw Honjo's long cavalry surrounding the Ashigaru and attacking him. The two-sided attack split his formation in an instant. The Shimizu clan accompanied the Japanese

The disadvantage of Hyakujuro's party uniting into one formation was fully exposed at this moment. The gaps between the formations were so large that Echigo cavalry could easily penetrate them. The already loose formation was ruthlessly destroyed in an instant.

Even if Shimizu Yoshitaka had a chance to resist, he would be forced to retreat one after another by Echigo's Ashigaru. This retreat could no longer hold the position and the retreat turned into an escape, which further evolved into a total collapse of the entire army. Honjo Shigenaga obtained

The general's order was to take the head of Shimizu Yoshitaka, so he rushed towards the main formation of Shimizu's army on a single horse. Dozens of warriors on horseback followed closely behind to protect the general's two wings.

Seeing Honjo Shimonaga's menacing attack, Shimizu Yoshitaka was immediately thrown into confusion. Kidoshu didn't know how to defend and used his horse to stop him. He rushed forward and was cut into two pieces by Honjo Shibuya, even with his armor on.

The smelly blood sputtered from the torso and sprayed on the long face of the village, making the demonic face even more ferocious and terrifying.

Shimizu Yarokuro and Shimizu Kozaburo held their spears and wanted to meet them, but when they saw Kidoshu's miserable defense, they were frightened and lost their courage. However, Honjo Shigenaga was not willing to let them go. They chased after them, stabbing and picking them, and then hitting them with heavy blows.

They were beheaded, their stumps and heads were taken away from their bodies, and the two young men fell off their horses and died without saying a word.

Perhaps the appearance of Honjo Nobunaga was too scary, which scared Shimizu Yoshitaka and kept shrinking back. The people who could stop Honjo Nobunaga were killed one by one. Even the retainers of the Shimizu clan were frightened.

Keeping a distance from him, the family governor, for fear of being spotted, his courage would be taken away and his determination to die would be hard to come by. Those warriors who tried to resist him were killed one by one, leaving only a group of meandering people who were afraid of fighting.

Shimizu Yoshigao yelled fearfully: "I surrender! Don't kill me! I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the long spear of Honzhuo slashing towards his head. The big head shot up into the sky with a look of confusion and puzzlement. Until the moment he died, he didn't know why he was killed.

Honjo Shibunaga shook off the bloody corpse cavity, took off his head and laughed loudly: "Enemy general! I, Shimizu Hizen Shou Yoshigao, was begged by me, Honzhu Shibunaga!"

The Qingshui Nationalist Army was ravaged by Honjo Shigenaga and his cavalry for seven or eight times. During this period, nearly a thousand ashigaru died in their hands. The remaining prisoners were all as silent as chills after seeing such cruel methods.

After escorting the prisoners up Mount Haguro, the cavalry continued to sweep away the deserters on the edge of the battlefield. This war only took half an hour from the beginning to the end. Only dozens of the main force of the main force were lost, and not one of the cavalry was lost.

Everyone dies and survives.

The Echigo Legion proved its strength with its strength. A dozen bloody samurai heads were tied to Honjo's long saddle and he returned victoriously. His whole body, from man to horse, was covered in blood, a powerful force.

The terrifying tacit understanding and the cruelty and coldness of treating everyone as if nothing frightened the members of the Dabao Temple clan and did not dare to move.

Masatora Uesugi frowned because of the smell of blood on his body. He coughed and said, "Why don't Echizen go down and clean his armor? It's really against the etiquette of a samurai to meet his colleagues with a fishy smell."

"Okay!" Honzhuo Fanchang grinned at Dabao Temple Yi Zeng, and swaggeringly led his mount and retreated.

Seeing that Daihoji Yoshizo was still a little stunned, Masatora Uesugi explained in a caring tone: "I guess some of you have never seen the style of my Echigo samurai. We are forced to do this. We fight every day in battles every year, and samurai warriors fight every day.

We kill several lives every year, and the longer we fight, the more indifferent we become. The scene just now was nothing, but the two fierce battles in Kanto last year killed nearly 20,000 lives. You just need to get used to it."

Daihoji Yoshitsune was so frightened that he looked pale. Who would have thought that Echigo could be so scary? I usually only knew that Echigo was rich and fertile, but now I look at the samurai of Echigo. They look like monsters. They are killed by the people of Dewa country every few years.

A battle involving several kills is simply not worth mentioning in their eyes. I really don't know how to deal with such a group of people.

A few days later, the Echigo regiment of the Kira Army broke out of camp and set off for the expedition. After crossing Mount Haguro and heading northeast for less than ten kilometers, they entered the territory of the Shimizu family. Honjo Shigema's cavalry chased the deserters, and there was no news that Shimizu Yoshitaka was killed.

It was useless to send the message back, and even if the remaining warriors of the Shimizu family got the news, all their main forces were buried at the foot of Mount Haguro, and they were completely unable to resist the sudden attack of Masatora Uesugi.

The vanguards this time were Hojo Takahiro and Kurokawa Kiyomizu. With Honjo Shigenaga's first victory, he couldn't help but want to take the lead. As soon as the vanguard of more than a thousand troops arrived, the unsuspecting Furugukan was

After breaking through, he then successively captured the Abekan, Tazawakan, Yakushikan, Kamonkan, and Hachisokan. The army encountered almost no decent resistance wherever it passed. All south of the Mogami River except Shimizu Castle were surrendered.

Harutuna Kachi and Keituna Takemata served as partial divisions across the Mogami River and advanced northward, destroying the city and seizing the entire city from Iwabikan to Kawaguchi Castle on the other side of the Salmon River. Minano Honjo and Keetsuna Naoe left three thousand troops to outflank Shimizu Castle.

In the rear, Narazawa Hall, Numazawa Hall, Kakuzawa Hall, Saruwane Hall, and Tekura Fukakan were captured one by one.

Due to many factors such as climate and population, Dewa Country has few decent castles, not to mention the existence of so-called fortified castles. A large number of pavilions and fortified pavilions called 楯 are just large-scale earthen buildings.

The defense of the city is like paper in front of Masatora Uesugi, not to mention the weak combat effectiveness of the Yuguo people is simply embarrassing.

Masatora Uesugi mentioned that eight thousand troops attacked Shimizu Castle. The retreat was cut off. The castle was empty and had no branch castle to protect it. What he faced was the Dragon of Echigo. After two hours of futile persistence, Yoshihiro Shimizu, the son of Yoshitaka Shimizu,

The clan committed seppuku in exchange for the safety of the clan members after Qingshui City surrendered to Kaicheng.

Masatora Uesugi agreed to his request. Anyway, not many men of the Shimizu clan were killed. The only one left was Shimizu Hime, a little daughter of Yoshiko Shimizu who was only ten years old. The little girl sat ghostly next to her brother.

Crying in front of her, she was the last direct descendant of the Shimizu family. Uesugi Masatora hesitated and decided to keep this little girl and send her back to Kasugayama Castle for disposal under the good care of others.

The Shimizu clan was wiped out in silence, which scared Mogami Yoshimori. When he went to Tanma to report that Uesugi Masatora came to the rescue with 15,000 troops, he was even more frightened and hurriedly summoned

Mogami Yoshimori discussed countermeasures. At the evaluation meeting, Mogami Yoshimori said worriedly: "Today, Shimizu Hizenmori was unfortunately killed in Haguroyama. Now the Uesugi Danzenden main hall is in full swing. Ten thousand tigers are rushing towards the Mogami River. Shimizu Yoshimori cannot resist it."

He sacrificed Qingshui Castle and committed seppuku, and the middle reaches of the Mogami River fell into enemy hands. How should we respond?"

Mogami Hachio didn't say anything, but turned his attention to Tendo Yorisada. The Tendo family is the leader of Mogami Hachio. The strength of the Tendo family is comparable to Mogami Yoshimori, the family governor. Now he and Shiratori have been together for a long time.

As an ally, and with the help of Hoshu Naomoto, the family governor of the Oshu Hosukawa clan, and the support of the Kamiyama clan, the Higashine clan, and the monks and soldiers of Fomuji Temple, his personal power further suppressed Mogami Yoshimori, and became the dewa country worthy of its name.

The number one martial artist.

The young and energetic Tendo Yorisada was very disdainful of Mogami Yoshinori's behavior and snorted: "Uesugi Danmasa is really powerful. He defeated Shimizu Hizenmori in two or two and took away a large area of ​​​​Mogami River, but the Uesugi army also

Therefore, the opportunity to expose the lower reaches of Xingzang has been lost. At this moment, we only need to guard the city hall tightly to ward off powerful enemies. When the autumn harvest weather turns cold and heavy snow falls in September, will they fight or retreat?"

Nozawa Mitsushige agreed: "That's right! If the Uesugi Army is not afraid of attacking, we will defend for two months until the snow closes the mountain. By then, the Uesugi Army will be unable to fight or retreat. We can rely on

The advantage of the favorable location and people is slowly wearing down their morale. When spring comes, when the flowers bloom and the snow melts and the soil becomes soft, they can attack back and regain the lost territory."

Mogami Yoshimitsu, who was sitting next to Mogami Yoshimori, couldn't help but frown when he heard what they said. This year he had just served and paid homage to the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshiteru. He learned about this clan member from the shogunate's envoy.

Ashikaga Kamisaburo's heroic deeds can't help but create a feeling of admiration in his heart.

He was very unhappy to see one of his disciples act like this, so he angrily interrupted: "But what if the Uesugi army retreats?"

The members of the Mogami family are all experienced warriors. Seeing the appearance of the young master, he guessed the identity. Tendo Yorisada joked: "Young master, are you worried about this problem? Wouldn't it be great if the Uesugi army retreated! They

Let's take the lead and seize the city with the rear. If the young master wants to, he can use this battle as the first battle!"

Mogami Yatsura and his clan burst into laughter. Mogami Yoshimori saw his son being teased and scolded angrily: "Gengoro still can't shut up!"

"Father! The child hasn't finished asking the question yet. Please wait a moment for the child to finish asking and stop talking." Mogami Yoshimitsu said with a serious look: "What if Uesugi Danzheng leads the army to retreat and leaves a force to defend the walled city?

?What if Qingshui City is handed over to Dabaoji Yimasu to guard it? It is closer to the Onodera clan. What if Dabaoji and Onodera join forces to suppress us? The question is over."

Mogami Yoshimitsu looked back at Mogami Yoshimori and saw that his father had a surprised expression. The Mogami family members in the hall also made contemplative movements. Mogami Yoshimitsu's laughter suddenly stopped, and even a little kid could solve the problem.

After seeing it so thoroughly, it seems a bit too much for the lords of the country to look down on this little kid.

Tendo Yorisada almost wanted to open his mouth but didn't know how to respond. If things really turned out as he said, it would be a wishful thinking for them to retain people in seizing the city. They have a territory, a residence in the city, and elites appointed by Masatora Uesugi.

Their military power is absolutely invincible. It would be even worse if the Daihoji Yimasu were to guard it. However, the power of the Daihoji family might expand to the level of the Tendo clan. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome

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