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Chapter 396 The candor of the war god

"These...questions...wait a minute, I am very curious about how the young master knows these things! I wonder what the young master has to do to deal with these problems!" Tendou Laizhen stuttered and asked a question that was not a question,

I looked at Mogami Yoshimitsu triumphantly in my heart, thinking that you can't understand everything at such a young age. As long as you are fooled by me, I can still take advantage of the disadvantage.

"These questions are indeed my own. I just thought of them." Mogami Yoshimitsu laughed again when he saw Mogami Hachie. His face turned red with anger and he argued: "I also thought that the town master would not be here this year.

Deyu is going to make a big move, maybe next year or the year after that, Deyu will make a big move against me. If we can't seize the opportunity to get closer to the town master, we will be wiped out like the Qingshui family."

Tendo Yorisada laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha... Young Master's thoughts are so interesting! You can actually guess Kira Yoshitoki's thoughts? Does Young Master have any magic detection? Then please Young Master, please find out about my ministers' thoughts.

What do you think?"

"You..." Mogami Yoshimitsu was so angry that he was trembling all over. Mogami Hachio thought that the child was being questioned, but he laughed even more cheerfully.

Mogami Yoshimori slammed the floor angrily and shouted angrily: "That's enough! Shut up, everyone! Although Gengoro's ideas are naive and childish, what are you doing? It's better that my child can come up with a plan that is not a plan. What a joke."

What is the use of Gengoro! Do you know if Uesugi Danmasa will come again next year? If he really goes out again, contact the Daihoji clan, and how should the Onodera clan attack our territory? How should we respond to the enemy's mercy and stupidity?

How can we consolidate our foundation by clearing the way out!"

Tendou Yorisada was so drunk that he didn't know how to deal with it. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He became so angry that he wanted to fight Mogami Yoshimori. Nobuzawa Mitsuru pulled Tendou Yorisada hard, frowned and whispered in a low voice.

Said: "Don't forget that he is the governor of the family. Don't forget the covenant between him and the Ida family."

This reminder was like pouring cold water on his fevered head. A biting chill kept him cold from beginning to end. Tendo Yorisada clenched his fists in annoyance and regretted his arrogant behavior just now, but forgot Mogami Yoshimori and Date Terumune.

Becoming a son-in-law, one Date family member is enough to overwhelm the Tendo family's many allies.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. Tendou Laizhen lowered his head in shame and whispered: "I am being reckless! Please forgive me, my lord, I must be careful with my words."

"Father!" Mogami Yoshimitsu looked at Mogami Yoshimori excitedly. The young man was so excited that he almost shed tears. His father could finally understand that he supported him and protected him. This was the dream he had been looking forward to for so many days and nights, but he didn't want to give up.

One word knocked Mogami Yoshiko from heaven to hell, making him tremble as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

All I heard was Mogami Yoshimori reprimanding him in a tone of hatred: "Gengoro! How many times have I told you! You must be careful in what you say and do. Why are you interrupting at this evaluation meeting at such a young age?"

If you don't go back and reflect carefully, and figure out when to come see me, then don't attend the evaluation meeting again before then."

"Yes!" The young man stood up with difficulty in a flash, and slowly retreated with a lonely figure. His figure did not attract anyone's attention at all. They also did not notice the deep look that the young man Mogami Yoshimitsu cast towards his father.


Uesugi Masatora's deployment of 15,000 troops shocked the entire Deyu. Even the Date family from Yonezawa City in the south sent envoys to inquire with concern. It was obvious that Dewa Date Terumune was very concerned about the safety of his future father-in-law. Who is more powerful than the Mogami family?

Mogami Yoshihime was the most beautiful girl in Ideba. The Date clan and the Mogami clan agreed to get married in three years. Thanks to this relative, Mogami Yoshimori was able to secure the position of family governor.

Onodera View Road in the north and Osaki Yoshinao in the northeast were extremely vigilant about the arrival of Masatora Uesugi. They heard that the Uesugi Army easily surrounded and annihilated the Shimizu National Army with 3,000 troops in the Battle of Mount Haguro, and they were heartbroken.

I'm still a little worried. If the Lord of the Town really plans to show off his skills in Yu'ao, how will they, the lords, deal with themselves.

The simple fact is that Masatora Uesugi just sent an envoy to appease the nervous Onodera Kagemichi. They were invited to come to the rescue at the request of Daihoji Yoshizou, and announced that the Daihoji clan will be the retainers of the Ashikaga family from now on. Who will do anything to the Daihoji family in the future?

Before making up your mind, you should first ask Kamisui whether the Ashikaga swords are sharp.

Regarding the treatment of the remaining retainers of the Shimizu clan, Masatora Uesugi's approach was to be the most proactive in granting security clearance, and in a less proactive approach to reduce the territory to half, and to transfer all the samurai who stubbornly resisted the army to exile on Sado Island for mining.

I made up my mind to quickly clear up the resistance in my collar.

Anyway, the territory here was also given to Dabao Temple Yi Zeng to manage. The Chinese who cleaned up the area not only fulfilled their promise to make room for them but also gave Dabao Temple Yi Zeng a thorn. This strategy was indeed effective. At least in a short period of time, there was no one in the Qingshui Territory.

The Jingping situation that dares to resist.

The remaining members of the Shimizu clan did not dare to hate Uesugi Masatora and the powerful Echigo army. In the eyes of the people of Dewa country, Echigo was just a dragon crossing the river. After all, Dewa country was run by snakes like them. The Shimizu clan's territory was taken over by the Dabaoji clan.

After the inheritance, they can only hate Daihoji Yoshizo who is enjoying the success. It is also an expedient measure to create trouble for Daihoji Yoshizou to prevent the Daihoji clan from becoming powerful. After all, Dewa Country is not the core area in Kira Yoshitoki's eyes. Taking a piece of Sakata Port to control Yuyu's trade

That's enough.

As for Dabaoji Yoshizog, he still had to fulfill his promise and reluctantly packed up and left Mipo City. A group of members of the Dabaoji family also moved to several new cities in the Kiyomizu clan's territory. From then on, the prosperity of Sakata Port and the Dabaoji clan

Say goodbye, and the entire plain west of Mount Haguro was placed under the direct control of Kiragi.

Watanabe Takatsuna and Naito Masashige stationed more than 2,500 troops in Miura Castle to control this new territory. He was also responsible for recruiting and training 1,500 new soldiers in Dewa Province. With their excellent leadership,

With the means and rich experience, there will basically be no problem with four thousand defenders guarding Shonai and Sakata Port.

After finishing this matter, it was already late October, and the streets of Dewa had long been buried in deep snow. Masatora Uesugi, with his 12,000 men, returned to Naoetsu on the long-awaited navy return ship.

The number of troops lost in the First World War did not exceed 300. More than 200 disabled samurai ashigaru were sent back. They will be properly arranged to the pastures and breeding farms set up by the Kira family to continue to serve as soldiers.

Home service.

It was early winter and spring, and it was freezing cold in the mountain city. The celebration banquet in the large room was very lively, with dozens of charcoal-burning braziers emitting billowing heat waves. The samurai present were all rosy-cheeked and full of energy. They were the first to get to the moon near the water.

Get a fur sweater and enjoy it first. With this kind of thick windproof and cold-proof clothes, winter will not be so difficult.

Each of the Echigo samurai had an astonishing drinking capacity. Naturally, they had to drink heavily when they first returned to Echigo. In less than two hours, the samurai drank so much that they fell unconscious. Even Hosokawa Fujitaka and the cunning Namioka, who had never been fond of drinking.

Even in the tower room, there was no chance of being drunk. Only a few senior warriors managed to avoid it by claiming that they were too old to go up. After a busy year, they could only relax when the mountains were closed by heavy snow in winter.

In the entire large room, except for the young people who were busy cleaning the battlefield, only Kira Yoshitoki and Uesugi Masatora were still sober. No one dared to pour alcohol on Kira Yoshitoki, and Uesugi Masatora couldn't drink due to physical reasons.

The two of them took a few sips of the freshly made beef soup, and it was very interesting to watch the drama of hundreds of people in the hall pouring wine on each other.

After the banquet was over, the two of them came to the castle tower and talked about the events that had happened that year, from Miyoshi Nagakei's attack on Mount Hatake, to Hojo's Kota Satomi, to Rokkaku Yoshihide's failure to steal the chicken and loss of rice, and to Imagawa Yoshimoto's failure to rebel against Luo.

Killed. The dramatic changes in the past year made the two lament that the world has changed and people's hearts have changed.

After chatting with Kiragi for a while, he planned to leave. Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly remembered the woman he met a few months ago. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "During the days when my brother was away, I encountered something. It happened to be with my brother.


Masatora Uesugi asked strangely: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Kira Yoshi glanced at him and said slowly: "A few months ago, Hu Ji and I happened to bump into Alang in the garden. Just a quick glance revealed that she was a very well-educated woman from the martial arts family. Hu Ji and

When I tell her story, it really makes people sigh!"

Masatora Uesugi was silent for a while and sighed: "How could I not know her thoughts? It's just that I uphold Shugendo and believe in the invincible power of rice rope authority, so I can be invincible for more than ten years.

Insincere faith will bring serious disaster to myself, as well as you and Hu Ji!"

Iizuna Gobi, also known as Iizuna Gobi, is the god of harmony between gods and Buddhas believed in the mountains in Mount Iizuna in the northern part of Shinano. His image is usually that of riding a white fox, surrounded by crows and Tengu holding swords and ropes, and is entangled with snakes.

The five-body or white fox was regarded as the god of victory in the Muromachi period, so it was deeply believed by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Uesugi Masatora's pocket is the front stand of Iinawa Gongen.

"Shugendo? I seem to have heard of this somewhere..." Kira Yoshitsune frowned deeply. This was the first time he heard Masatora Uesugi reveal his thoughts to him. After thinking for a while, he said: "

If I remember correctly, Hosokawa Masamoto should have also practiced Shugendō, which eventually brought the Hosokawa family into chaos, so much so that he died at the hands of his adopted son. This Shugendō does not seem to be a very good way to practice!


Uesugi Masatora clenched his rosary tightly and said coldly: "Hosokawa Masamoto, a jester, dared to depose His Highness Kōkata. This is the man who caused chaos in the world. The Shugendō he practiced was actually a pretense of Shugendo."

Just follow the path and follow all the paths! This person has been obsessed with the five evil aggregates all his life, so he fell into the evil path and was killed in the end, so he deserved to die."

It is understandable that he is full of disgust and disgust towards Hosokawa Masamoto. Since he was a child, he had the lofty ambition to help the shogunate and revive the law, which made him immersed in idealism in the first half of his life. Although in recent years due to illness,

And gradually change, but it is difficult to change the views of some people and things. For example, Hosokawa Masamoto is a traitor comparable to Cai Jing and Yan Song.

Secondly, he felt disgusted that Masamoto Hosokawa was practicing the Way and using Shugendo to defeat others. The so-called "Public Way" or "Wado" was actually the tradition of high-ranking ministers playing prostitutes with beautiful and cute little boys. It has always been the favorite of some people, and gradually evolved into the culture of minor surnames in the Warring States Period, such as the touching "love" between Takeda Shingen and Kasuga Torasuna, and the letter of guarantee that was truly shocking.

In addition, there are friends who can also play this role. For example, the friend Jōami, whom Oda Nobunaga favors, is a young man as beautiful as a woman. There is a distinctive feature of this kind of friends, that is, among them One party must be a very young and beautiful boy. This is actually the evolution of the male style inherited from the Heian period.

He didn't know what the mentality of military gods in history was, but the Uesugi Masatora in front of him was a fanatical believer and an ascetic. If he carefully thought about the related practices of Shugendo, he was actually just like some ascetic monks who suffered from physical pain and hunger. To strengthen one's own faith, these are difficult for Masatora Uesugi to achieve. Only the most important one, zazen meditation, is in line with the Zen thought of zazen.

Kira Yoshitoki never expected that his idealistic and somewhat upright uncle would have such a complex belief system, and it would also involve a bunch of stories that he had never realized. He met Masatora Uesugi for a talk. Since the sex was not strong, he gave up the intention of continuing to ask questions. (To be continued...)

ps: I wish my book friends in advance a happy New Year, happy family, and good luck in the Year of the Horse. We will also maintain stable updates during the Spring Festival, so please rest assured.

This chapter has been completed!
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