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Chapter 106 Unbearable

Looking at the thick diary, one after another, there are too many things in it. When Boluogo was hunting and killing, they were sleeping quietly in this city, waiting all the time.


The sound of men and women quarreling could be heard next door. Even though they were separated by the wall, the sound still penetrated clearly. On the other side, there was the sound of the TV that was too loud. In the irritable music, the host talked endlessly.

The world is so noisy and vast, but it has nothing to do with Boluogo. He seems to be hidden in the shadow of the world. No one can see his appearance, as if he has never existed.

Like a slowly rotting corpse, the moldy corpse is covered with strange-shaped things. Maggots crawl around and lay densely packed eggs. Thick liquid overflows from the wounds and drips all over the floor...

Boluogo didn't know how long he lay like this, feeling nothing or thinking about anything, as if all the internal organs, flesh and blood, and soul under the body had been hollowed out.

Like an empty shell.

This feeling is quite familiar, as if I'm back in that dark prison.

It was the same for me at that time. I just lay down like this and didn't get up again for a long, long time. It was like I was completely defeated by this crazy world. I fell down and couldn't stand up again.

So...are you going to admit defeat? Borogo Lazarus.


A hoarse voice was squeezed out from between the sharp teeth, and Boluogo stood up with difficulty holding on to the wall, like a patient who had lost all his strength.

His pupils were bloodshot, and his face looked sickly pale.

Boluogo walked to the mirror in embarrassment, put his hands on the wall, tried hard not to fall down, raised his head, and stared at his ferocious self in the mirror.

The black hair fell randomly, cutting the blue eyes into countless pieces. He stretched out his hand and tried to touch the mirror, but felt an icy coldness.

Suddenly Boluogo laughed. He kept laughing, like a mental patient. The crazy laughter hit his body. He arched his body and coughed loudly. In the end, it was as if he was vomiting, and there was a constant noise in his throat.

The low roar.

"Ha ha……"

After gasping in pain, Boluogo tried his best to stand up straight, the expression on his face condensed and became extremely numb.

From the corner of his sight, he looked outside the window. The sky was already pitch black, so dark that it was as if all the light in the world had been taken away tonight, leaving only the unknowable darkness swallowing up the remaining minds of people.

"That's not right, isn't it? Bologg."

There is a voice lingering in my mind.

"Why did it become like this?"

Weird and subtle murmurs continued, as if invisible ghosts were lingering around Bologg's body. They leaned into Bologg's ears and poured out disturbing syllables to him.

Boluogo's face was expressionless, and the next moment his eyes were full of ferocity. He pulled out the folding knife from his waist, and the sharp cold light extended section by section, pointing directly at himself in the mirror.

"I found you, bastard, you're dead."

He let out bursts of hoarse laughter, but the evil ghost in the mirror also laughed wildly and looked at each other.

Boluogo's smile froze, he put away the folding knife in despair, and then swung the sharp blade again, hitting himself head-on in the mirror.

"Haha! You are here!"

The mirror was torn apart in the mad sound, as if the folding knife was going to penetrate reality and reality, killing the hidden evil ghost.

The evil ghost's face exploded into thousands of fragments, which fell all over the ground and erupted into crisp sounds.

Lowering his head, like a kaleidoscope, Boluogo's figure was divided into countless fragments. Thousands of figures moved and turned, like countless branches. Each branch is a life that has never been spied on.

The burning fire gradually weakened.

With an expression of indifference, Boluogo regained his composure, as if the person who had just made this neurotic act was not him.

Taking off this funny sweater, Boluogo folded it neatly and put it together with the diary. Looking at the yellowed group photos, his fingers gently brushed over the faces, and the memories were like memories.

It washed over his body repeatedly like a tide.

Finally, Bologna picked up Adele's necklace and hesitated for a moment, but he still put it on his neck.

Boluogo does not believe in God, but he is willing to believe in Adele, the person who spans time and space and gives him warmth.

Opening the closet, Bologe did not take out the clothes he usually wore, but a black overalls. This was also one of the uniforms issued by the Bureau of Order. It just didn't look decent and elegant. Bologg had basically never worn it.


Don't worry about that at this time.

"Adele, as you said, you are unable to save everyone, and neither am I. We are all miserable mortals. Our power has its limits and we cannot reach such distant places."

Boluogo whispered and put on the dark work clothes. He inserted the folding knives into his pockets one after another. He put on the adaptive arm on his left arm and tightened the straps to fit it completely with the skin.


"Just because you can't touch it, doesn't mean you won't do it."

He affirmed this while inserting steel plates one after another into the grooves of the work equipment. These steel plates were originally materials used by Boluogo to practice secret powers at home.

"First defeat what I can see, and then slowly attack what I can't see. Anyway, I have almost infinite time."

Sitting down, Boluogo arranged his lower body. The sharp throwing knife was inserted into the outside of the calf, and the buckles were tightened to fix them.

After doing all this, Boluogo was fully armed and sat up.

"I know who I want to be, Adele."

He talks to himself into nothingness, and it seems like a confession.

"I want them to be terrified and terrified at the thought of being in the same city with me, and I want all those who commit evil deeds to reject my coming with fear.

They cry when they hear my voice, tremble when they see my presence, and when I approach, they just pray for my mercy."

Boluogo stood up again, with anger hidden in his voice.

"You long for the just power that transcends everything and descends on everyone. Unfortunately, that power does not exist, but I think I can become it, even if it is just a clumsy imitation of the shadow, even if this power can only affect this city.


Even if it is so small, it will really exist."

Putting his hand into his pocket, feeling the cold metal, Boluogo knew what to do next.

"I'm leaving, Adele."

Boluogo said goodbye.

"Do what I'm supposed to do and be who I'm supposed to be."

The rapid knocking woke up Vincent. The old guy slowly got up from the bed and cautiously grabbed the pistol on the bedside.

The public security in Shenbei District is not good, let alone a small shop like Vincent that is open late at night. There will always be some desperate guys trying to pry open his door at night and make a lot of extra money.

Vincent walked to the iron gate, opened the small window, and saw clearly who was coming through the gap.

"Bologo?" Seeing a familiar face, Vincent breathed a sigh of relief, put the pistol aside, turned around and walked towards the shelf, "It's the same as usual, right? Why do you get off work so late? You're working overtime.


As usual, Vincent and Bolog were chatting, but this time Bolog didn't respond. Vincent looked at Bolog warily, but saw a terrible face.

"What happened, Boluogo?" Vincent asked in confusion.

"Nothing, Vincent, I'm not here to buy these things today," Boluogo lowered his head, "I want some 'not for sale' items."

After hearing "not for sale", Vincent's expression became serious and his tone was heavy, "Have you encountered any trouble?"

Bologna didn't answer.

"No... no, Boluogo, listen to me, go to the police, don't think about solving it yourself, it will only hurt yourself."

Vincent quickly walked to the small window and persuaded Boluogo.

Boluogo smiled and said a little embarrassedly.

"Sorry, I lied to you before. In fact, my new job..."

Boluogo did not continue speaking. There was no need to explain many things so clearly, not to mention that he was facing Vincent. This old fox could easily guess what was going on.

"This makes me a little disappointed." Vincent's tone became cold.

"Vinson, do you still remember the person I often mentioned to you? The person named Adele," Boluogo said without Vincent's reaction, "In fact, she is a few months old."

It was death, it was murder, and I have been tracing the identity of the murderer."

Green eyes looked at Vincent through the small window, and Boluogo continued.

"Now that I know who he is, I'm going to kill him tonight."

Vincent was silent. He did not expect Boluogo to give such a reason. After a long time, he sighed quietly.

The small window was closed, and there were bursts of metal sounds from behind the iron gate. Vincent stretched out his hand to open the iron gate, and turned sideways to get out of the way.

"I'm just going to make an exception this once."

Vincent didn't know when he had a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes gloomy.

"Thank you." Boluogo thanked him.

Vincent locked the iron gate and turned off the lights. From the street, the place blended into the darkness of the night.

The old guy walked in front, jumped over the heavy shelves, and led Boluogo into the basement. Very few guests could enter here. Vincent, an old guy who lived alone, hated guests.

Boluogo stood at the door waiting, while Vincent reached out to open several cabinets and pulled the telescopic shelves inside, causing them to stretch out and reveal the items on the shelves.

With his back to the stretched frame, the old man looked like a villainous angel spreading his wings, except that the wings were not filled with pure white feathers, but with different types of firearms and cold weapons.

He coughed a few times. Vincent's lungs were not suitable for smoking.

"What do you need?"

Looking at this lost guy, Vincent didn't know what exactly Boluogo had gone through, but he knew one thing at this moment.

The man stood up. He couldn't take it anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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