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Chapter 40 Promotion Ceremony

Bureau of Order, Sublimation Furnace Core.

Aimu led the way, and Boluogo followed closely behind her. Even though he had been mentally prepared in the past few days, Boluogo couldn't help but feel nervous when he really had to face all this.

The Unbound Poetry Society was just a small episode for Bologe. Ever since the encounter on the street, Bologe had never encountered that sticky and evil gaze again.

He guessed that maybe the Unbound Poetry Society gave up tracking him, or maybe his encounter with the Unbound Poetry Society was an accident.

These thoughts did not affect Boluogo for long. He got rid of all distracting thoughts and only the only purpose remained in his mind.

The surrounding light gradually dimmed, and a pale light shone overhead. Then a heavy gate blocked the way, and blood-red warning lights flashed.

Colorful lights smeared on Boluogo's face like paint, and the noise of a rotating fan came from behind the grid on the wall, like the buzzing of a dense swarm of bees.

After a short wait, the gate slowly opened, and the cold breeze overflowed along the gap. As the gate was fully opened, the strong wind hit Boluogo's body.

Bologg raised his hands to cover his eyes. The wind lasted for a few seconds and then stopped. Through the gap between his fingertips, Bologg saw the huge space behind the gate.

Endless white light fell from above, blocking Boluogo's sight. The entire space took on a circular shape, with cold grid iron plates covering the ground. Pipes entangled in the shadows could be vaguely seen, and towering iron walls also had

It is covered with vine-like pipes, huge guide rails run through the space above, there are many hooks, different indicator lights are flashing, and employees wearing protective clothing are busy.

The style here is consistent with the sublimation furnace core, maintaining a wild industrial aesthetic. In the center of the site, there is an operating table that Bologo is very familiar with. He performed the implant on such an operating table.


Three days passed very quickly, and Boluogo ushered in his promotion ceremony.

Turning his head, the gate was slowly closing. In the dark corridor, he could see Palmer whistling towards him, Hart also waved, and Church stood aside silently, watching Bologg.


Boluogodu muttered, "Now the person who is giving birth has changed."


Aimu turned her head, she didn't hear clearly what Boluogo said.

Boluogo shook his head, "Nothing, just talking to himself."

"That's good, don't be too nervous."

Aimu thought that Boluogo might be nervous, so he tugged on the corner of his clothes and took him aside.

The researchers have been waiting here for a long time, and before arriving at the sublimation furnace core, Aimu also told himself a rough process. Bologg knew what to do next, and he took off his coat in cooperation, exposing his upper body.

"You won't die, but your own alchemical matrix is ​​too special and still needs to be treated strictly."

A familiar voice sounded, and Boluogo raised his head and saw a guy wrapped tightly in protective clothing.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Badr said as he wiped Bolog's arm, and then buried the injection needle in it.

…"No, I just feel like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Boluogo recalled that he had indeed not seen Badr for a while, or he might have seen him, but Badr did not say hello to him. After all, he had always been wearing protective clothing. If he did not look at the nameplate carefully, it would be really dangerous.

It's hard to distinguish him from the crowd.

Bader said, "Aimu usually does a lot of work for me. After I am free, I have recently been focusing on my own research."

Aimu on the side nodded, mentioning the part of "sharing the work", Aimu's eyes showed a little tiredness.

Even a hard-working person will become exhausted after many days of hard work, not to mention that Aimu worked two jobs in the field department and the sublimation furnace core.

Well, she is indeed made of iron, and it is also an extremely expensive alchemical metal.

"These potions can make you feel more comfortable and provide a lot of stability for the promotion ceremony."

Badr injected a few more medicines into Boluogo's neck. There were also many prepared "Souls of Mang Silver" in his medicine box.

"According to the previous implantation ceremony, you will be troubled by mania after the ceremony, so we are very well prepared this time."

Bader took out a few potions and waved them in front of Boluogo's eyes. The transparent glass container contained a liquid like mercury, and in the smooth silver light, there were countless tiny light spots flashing.

The soul of Canjin is only bound by the devil's blood contract. Even if it is condensed into a philosopher's stone, it will eventually disappear. However, the soul of Mangyin, which comes from animals and plants, is different. This soul can be bound by the condensation ritual and then be used.

, its effect is much worse than Canjin's soul, but this is the only way debtors can replenish their souls without violating ethical regulations.

Actually there is more than one.

Boluogo whispered in his heart that he had the ability to "draw" and could seize the soul fragments from those decaying demons.

Boluogo has been thinking about the source of this power for a long time, and has many conjectures about it.

For example... is this the "blessing" given to me by a certain devil?

Just like the protection and bloodthirsty healing the Orangutan Sect received from the devil through its contractors.

Just when Boluogo was about to continue thinking, a pain came from the back of his neck. Aimu realized that he had used too much strength and apologized.

"I'm sorry. This is a sedative. It will help you stay awake next."

Boluogo nodded gently. He had also used a concentration potion before. Like Mang Yin's soul, it was also a potion used to curb mania.

The concentration potion can keep Boluogo awake and prevent him from falling into a coma. However, Boluogo does not have high expectations for the concentration potion. Once he dies, no medicine can wake him up from the dormancy of death.

After making these preparations, the entire space was strictly sealed, and some unnecessary personnel were dismissed, leaving only a few people to maintain the operation of the site.

"Do I need to leave too?" Aimu asked Badr.

Badr hesitated for a moment. After thinking twice, he told Aimu, "Yes, but everything you see next needs to be kept secret."

...Amu nodded firmly. She didn't know why it was kept so secret as it was just a promotion ceremony, but when it came to Bologo, she was still very concerned about it and was always ready to obey the call.

Boluogo was also a little confused. Why did everyone look like they were facing a powerful enemy? Then on the circular wall, the armor covering it moved to both sides, revealing an observation window. Behind the thickened glass, there was a faint ability

I saw many figures flashing.

"If the Hall of Scholars wants to get involved, there is nothing we can do."

Bailey walked towards Bologg, who almost didn't recognize her at first sight. Bailey, who always dressed coolly, actually put on protective clothing for a rare occasion.

Bologg looked at the Mohu figures behind the observation window. They were watching when he went through the three trials, and it was the same this time, as if Bologg was some kind of rare species in their eyes.

Bologg had no objection to this. Following Bailey's instructions, Bologg came to the central operating table... to be precise, in front of the ceremony table, he lay flat on his back, locked and restrained one by one by the cold frame.

Burlogo said to Bailey, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I feel like the atmosphere today is not quite right. Is it because of the Hall of Scholars?"

"Not at all."

"what is that?"

Bailey answered with action. She raised her hand and snapped her fingers. Badr commanded the others. The guide rail across the head began to move. A piece of cargo covered by black cloth was transported out. At the same time,

At the same time, several more men in gray appeared on the field. They appeared quietly and did not attract anyone's attention.

She asked with concern, "Have you thought about your own derivative sub-school?"

"I've thought about it."

Boluogo wanted to nod, but his head was firmly tied to the ceremony stage and he could not move.

"Since I am unclear about my own school of mystical energy, I am ready to take a step closer and embark on the path of polarization to further lift the restrictions of the recruiting hand."

"Sounds pretty good."

Bailey nodded, showing a helpless smile, "Then it seems like I'm doing something unnecessary."

"what have you done?"

Bailey didn't answer, and then Boluogo saw it. The range of movement of his head was not large, but he still saw the glowing light, like burning gold.

The black cloth was uncovered by the man in gray, and the gilded color instantly covered the surrounding areas illuminated by the light, coating everything with a thin layer of gold. Like an amber container, the god-like figure remained as still as ever.

In it, he fell into a long sleep from which he could not wake up.

"Sirin Kogadel..."

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Boluogo murmured.

Andlao reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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