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Chapter 120: Chaos Gathers

When Wu Shigong got up early the next morning, he felt very uncomfortable with back pain. However, he still got up and wanted to return to Qianhusuo Fortress immediately.

In fact, Wu Shigong has nothing to do in Guide Fucheng now. Besides, after seizing so much money, food and materials, Wu Shigong's current mood is like that of a dragon who just robbed a lot of gold coins, and wants to go back.

Go to your own cave, lie down on the pile of gold coins, and enjoy this joy.

In addition, Wu Shigong was also a little worried. Although he had great trust in Xue Yongli's ability to do things, after all, Xue Yongli only had 150 cavalrymen. He had to escort so many supplies and guard so many prisoners. He couldn't take care of them at all.


Moreover, although the location of the Holy Spirit Society's rebel camp is only one day away from Wu Shigong's Qianhusuo fortress, after all, the vast majority of the rebels were only dispersed by Wu Shigong and the others, and the direction in which these rebels fled was exactly with He

Xue Yongli escorted supplies and prisoners in the same direction.

If these fleeing mobs gathered to rob these supplies, Xue Yongli, who only had 150 cavalrymen, would always be in big trouble.

Therefore, after Wu Shigong got up, he immediately gathered the fifty guards around him and prepared to return to Qianhusuo Fortress.

When they saw Wu Shigong and the others preparing horses, they were about to leave Guide Fucheng. Hou Xun's housekeeper quickly came forward to persuade him to stay. Of course, the housekeeper knew his master's hobby, and got Hou Xun's instructions: After Wu Shigong had rested today,

We need to bring Wu Shigong to Hou Xun.

But Wu Shigong replied to the housekeeper: "Thank you for your warm hospitality, sir. But I am eager to return home. I am afraid that those fleeing mobs will threaten the county again. Therefore, I want to go back as soon as possible. Here, I can only apologize to the boss."

.When I have the opportunity to come to Guidefu City again in the future, I must kowtow to the boss and apologize."

The housekeeper heard that the reason Wu Shigong said was for official matters, so he could no longer force himself. He could only watch Wu Shigong and his entourage walk away.

After leaving Guide Fucheng and passing by the rebel camp, Wu Shigong saw that the soldiers sent by Guide Fucheng had already cut off the heads of the rebels killed by Wu Shigong and others in the camp. These soldiers also fished the heads of the rebels from the river.

There are floating corpses, trying not to miss a single head.

Wu Shigong did not tangle with these soldiers. However, on the next road, all Wu Shigong saw was desolation. The houses and farmland on both sides of the entire road seemed to have been gnawed by locust swarms. And on this road

, completely deserted.

Wu Shigong was very shocked when he saw it. He thought in his heart: "The Holy Spirit Society's mob has been making trouble nearby for a few days, and this is what it looks like here. Then what will happen to the world after Li Zicheng's army rebels?"

What does it look like? How many people can be left in the world?"

Anyway, it is useless to express more emotions about something that has not happened yet. Let’s face the matter in front of us first. Wu Shigong had no choice but to hurry up and rush to Qianhusuo Fortress as quickly as possible.

The journey went smoothly. By dusk, Wu Shigong and the others arrived at the Qianhusuo Fortress. However, after passing the small town, the open space under the hillside of the Qianhusuo Fortress was crowded with densely packed mobs.


When the rioters saw Wu Shigong and others, they immediately moved out of the way to let Wu Shigong and others pass. When passing these rioters, Wu Shigong and others held the handles of their weapons tightly with their hands, and they were so nervous that they sweated. After all, they were only five people.

Ten people, if these rioters go crazy, they won't be able to eat and carry around.

Fortunately, Wu Shigong and the others passed smoothly. Upon seeing Wu Shigong and the others coming back, Qianhusuo Fortress immediately opened the gate and welcomed Wu Shigong and the others in.

As soon as he entered the gate, Wu Shigong met Xue Yongli and asked with a smile: "What's going on? Why didn't the rioters below disperse?"

Xue Yongli smiled and replied: "Give them some sweetness, and they won't leave."

Then, Xue Yongli briefly introduced to Wu Shigong the situation of Xue Yongli and others escorting supplies and prisoners.

Xue Yongli's escort process was much smoother than expected. Xue Yongli was very experienced. He knew that with such a small number of people, he simply could not take care of so many vehicles and supplies. Therefore, Xue Yongli moved all the vehicles carrying food

They gathered together and concentrated their manpower to guard these vehicles.

When transporting these vehicles, although Xue Yongli lit torches at night to prevent the rioters from stopping in order to gain time, Xue Yongli still distributed food to these rioters so that they could eat enough to maintain their strength.

But in this way, although some rioters inevitably took advantage of the darkness to escape, and even secretly pushed away some vehicles containing supplies. However, the vast majority of rioters not only did not escape, but at dawn, some of the rioters who escaped returned.


In this wilderness, there is nothing to eat at all. No matter how plentiful and valuable other supplies are, if there is no food, you will still starve to death. Moreover, when the Holy Spirit Society invaded the city of Guidefu, they had already

Walked this road again.

The food collected by Master Mou only gave priority to the backbone of the Holy Spirit. The food distributed to the mobs who were holding them hostage was only enough to keep them from starving to death.

So on this road, even the edible birds and frogs were basically eaten by the rioters. Therefore, at this time, the food in Xue Yongli's place was already more attractive to the rioters than anything else.

Of course, these rebels did not dare to openly plunder the food, because the ferocious appearance of Wu Shigong and others that day completely frightened them. They just came to beg Xue Yongli's cavalry to capture them again. All they had to do was give them a bite.


Of course, Xue Yongli would not be so stingy that he would not spend so much more food. This is because most of the rebels who were able to escape were young and strong. Xue Yongli still needed them to push and pull those wheelbarrows.

But what Xue Yongli never expected was that when the camp exploded, some rioters who fled near Xue Yongli's motorcade got the news. These rioters also had nothing to eat at this time, and they also came one after another.


Xue Yongli accepted all the rebels who surrendered. Since there were more people and more strength, he only needed to transport the food and materials to the Qianhusuo fortress and then drive away the rebels.

In the early morning, Xue Yongli escorted these rebels and transported the materials to Qianhusuo Fortress. Xue Yongli drove these rebels out of Qianhusuo Fortress and left them to fend for themselves.

However, these rioters refused to leave. Most of these rioters were from Runing Prefecture and Kaifeng Prefecture. If they wanted to go home, they would have to walk at least a day's journey. And there was no food on the way.

So what if they can survive back to their hometown? There is also no food in their hometown. They still face the fate of starving to death.

And just now, when these rebels transported supplies to the warehouse of Qianhusuo Fortress, they saw that the Qianhusuo Fortress was full of grain. At this time, they were willing to work as cows and horses in Qianhusuo Fortress.

.So, these rebels gathered at the foot of the hillside where Qianhusuo Fortress was located and refused to leave.

To make matters worse: after the Holy Spirit Society’s rebel camp exploded, some of the fleeing rebels passed through the county seat of Qi County Magistrate. At first, Qi County Magistrate, the county seat, was afraid that these rebels would do something, so they rushed from top to bottom.

Like facing a formidable enemy.

However, after a period of observation, it was found that the passing mob were frightened. Zhou Xun was very bold. He ignored the dissuasion of Magistrate Qi and Li Lu and took the initiative to attack with a hundred soldiers.

Seeing the soldiers like Zhou Xun coming to kill them fiercely, the rebels were so tired and hungry that they no longer had the strength to escape. After Zhou Xun stabbed several of the rebels, other rebels also knelt down and surrendered.

In one fell swoop, Zhou Xun captured more than a hundred rebels.

Zhou Xun was also a little careful. At this time, he was unwilling to escort these prisoners back to the county seat of Qi County Magistrate, and gave the credit to Qi County Magistrate and Li Lu. Seeing that there was no danger on the road, Qi County Magistrate's county seat

The road to Qianhusuo Fortress was not far away, so Zhou Xun wanted to escort these prisoners back to Qianhusuo Fortress.

But on the way they were escorting them around, some prisoners who were already too hungry asked the escorting soldiers for some food. These soldiers were all locals, and the prisoners were from their own hometowns. Speaking of the local dialect, they were a little soft-hearted.

The soldiers threw the dry food they brought with them to the prisoners.

However, after such a move was made, the same situation as Xue Yongli's place happened, with more and more prisoners gathering. By the time they arrived at Qianhusuo Fortress, nearly 600 prisoners had gathered.

At this time, Xue Yongli had already driven the rebels he had escorted to the foot of the hillside, and Zhou Xun also learned the true situation from the people sent to greet him from the Qianhusuo fortress. So Zhou Xun

These prisoners were thrown into the mob that Xue Yongli drove away, and they returned to the county seat of Qi County without any care.

The worse situation is yet to come. Although these rioters dare not go up the hillside, their pleading at the foot of the hillside is very loud, and it reaches the ears of Wu Shigong's wives in the inner house of Qianhusuo Fortress.


When the news reached their ears, it happened to be lunch time, and the women felt soft-hearted, so they ordered: "Before driving these rioters away, give them some porridge."

But as soon as the porridge was given, these rebels refused to leave. What was even more troublesome was that after receiving the news, the rebels hiding nearby gathered towards Qianhusuo Fortress. Therefore, on the way back, Wu Shigong

, you will encounter: this situation where you almost never encounter any rioters. These rioters are now basically gathering under the hillside of Qianhusuo Fortress.

After listening to Xue Yongli's introduction to the situation, Wu Shigong frowned, touched his chin and thought to himself: "This is indeed a troublesome matter."

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