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Chapter 156: Extreme Turtle Flow

After crossing the Yellow River, the mood of all the soldiers was obviously different from the mood they had in Henan. To be precise, it should be said that they were all a little nervous.

On the one hand, this is because before crossing the Yellow River, they were still in Henan and had not yet left their hometowns. But after crossing the Yellow River, these soldiers felt a little bit far away from their hometowns. Especially the people at that time, there were

Many people have never left their hometown in their entire lives, so the feeling of confusion and nervousness after leaving their hometown is particularly strong.

Another reason is that Wu Shigong's King Qin's army has already set foot on the land of Beizhili. And now the Hou Jin army is also raging in Beizhili. Although the two sides are in the south and north of Beizhili, the distance should be said to be quite

Far away. However, because they are both in the same province as Beizhili, these soldiers felt that the distance between the two sides was very close.

Not to mention the soldiers, even the officers, starting from Wu Shigong, were very nervous. They were afraid that they would suddenly encounter such a Tatar army. Therefore, everyone was cautious.

Wu Shigong's King Qin's army was completely in a state of combat. Wu Shigong not only deployed a part of the cavalry to strengthen Zhang Biao and Li Sanhe's reconnaissance squadron, but also asked the spies to go out in small groups to detect the enemy's situation. He also sent out a group of spies to detect the enemy's situation during the march and camp.

, all keeping the soldiers alert at all times.

Wu Shigong's marching speed has been set to the slowest. He only walks about twenty miles every day. And these distances can be covered in two hours of marching at most.

For the rest of the day, Wu Shigong had his soldiers set up camp. Every time he set up camp, Wu Shigong always dug a deep trench around his camp, and then built a camp fence behind the trench.

Not only that, Wu Shigong also built a fence for the inner camp inside. In the open space between the two camp fences, Wu Shigong's Qinwang army dug traps and horse traps with sharp bamboo sticks inserted at the bottom.

Then, Wu Shigong's King Qin's army dug another trench behind the fence of the inner camp, and behind this trench, they formed a circle with carts. And in the circle of this cart, was where King Wu Shigong's army of King Qin was actually placed.

Sleeping tent.

In addition, all trees within 200 steps of the camp were cut down, and braziers were placed 100 steps away from the camp to prevent enemy troops from sneak attacks at night. In addition, it goes without saying that there are open sentinels, hidden sentries and wandering sentries.


It can be said that with the sophisticated firearms in Wu Shigong's hands, if the Hou Jin army did not number tens of thousands, they would definitely not be able to take down Wu Shigong's tightly defended camp.

However, this way of setting up camp has a disadvantage. Because Wu Shigong's camp only has a limited number of roads for the army to pass through. Therefore, in the event of an enemy attack, Wu Shigong's King Qin's army will have no way to leave the camp to fight.

Fight back.

But why did Wu Shigong fight back? Wu Shigong's Qinwang army marched at a turtle's pace every day. He also built his camp like a turtle shell. Wu Shigong played the ultimate turtle flow.

Don't tell me, because of Wu Shigong's caution, and because the instructors Wu Shigong sent to the soldiers recruited from other Qianhu households constantly strengthened the training of those soldiers' defensive tactics. Therefore, these soldiers had some confidence in their hearts.

They also gradually calmed down and were no longer so nervous.

Not only Wu Shigong's soldiers were nervous, but the people and the government in Beizhili were also particularly nervous. When Wu Shigong's Qinwang army was marching on the road, as soon as they saw Wu Shigong's Qinwang army, all the people fled.

At first, the actions of the common people made Wu Shigong be more vigilant. He thought there was a Tatar army operating nearby, so the common people mistook his own army for the Tatar army.

So Wu Shigong immediately sent more spies to explore the surroundings, but no signs of other military activities were found. At this time, Wu Shigong thought: Maybe the common people don't know the identity of King Qin's army, so they are so afraid.


But later, when Wu Shigong's soldiers called out their identity as King Qin's army, the common people still fled after hearing the news. This made Wu Shigong a little strange.

The more important reason is that because Wu Shigong cannot get information from the local people and only relies on Wu Shigong's own limited spies to inquire, Wu Shigong cannot fully know what is happening nearby and what the military dynamics are. This is not what he wants.

Is the army deaf and blind?

Therefore, Wu Shigong ordered to arrest several common people to inquire about the news. After those common people were arrested, under Wu Shigong's pleasant questioning, their faces turned pale, they collapsed on the ground, trembling and speechless.

After seeing the reactions of these people, Wu Shigong was very confused. What was going on? Did his smile look scary?

He Fei, who was on the side, had experience. He stepped forward and slapped and kicked each of the common people several times. Under He Fei's power, although these common people were still trembling, they could at least speak.

I can answer Wu Shigong’s question.

After Wu Shigong asked the questions he wanted to ask, he gave the people some copper coins and a few kilograms of grain as rewards. This move made the people feel better.

Striking while the iron was hot, Wu Shigong asked the people about the reason for their strange behavior. One of them boldly replied, Wu Shigong: "Sir, for us people, whether it is Tatars or government troops crossing the border, it is a military disaster!


Then, the man explained the reason to Wu Shigong in detail. It turned out that the officers and soldiers in the Ming Dynasty were better off from the local people, and at least they would not do anything cruel to their fellow villagers.

The discipline of those soldiers is not very bad, but many of them are more vicious than bandits. Because they basically do not operate in their hometowns. Therefore, they have almost no scruples when attacking ordinary people.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is actually no difference between the performance of the Tatar army and the official army. Even except for the behavior of looting property, the Tatar army only robbed the people to make slaves, while the officials who looted property

In order to prevent their actions from being exposed in the court, they often kill people and silence them afterwards. Therefore, in the eyes of the people, the Tatar army may be better than the official army. At least the Tatar army gives the people

One life was left behind.

After Wu Shigong learned about this situation, he couldn't say anything more, because those officers and soldiers were still his friendly forces at least for now. However, Wu Shigong still thought that the military discipline of the officers and soldiers should not be that bad. Maybe it was just that.

The military discipline of a few officers and soldiers was so poor that one rat droppings spoiled the whole pot of soup.

But what makes Wu Shigong even more dumbfounded is that not only the common people view the officers and soldiers like this, but the government also views the officers and soldiers like this.

When King Wu Shigong's army marches, they usually camp close to the city for safety. But whenever the army approaches a city, that city will definitely feel like it is facing a powerful enemy. All the city gates are closed tightly, and Wu Shigong will never be let go.

King Qin's army entered the city.

This made it very difficult for Wu Shigong, because it was very difficult for him to ask these cities to provide him with supplies. Better cities, after hearing the news about Wu Shigong's request for supplies, would hang some supplies from the city walls.

Food and grass. If it's not good, just ignore Wu Shigong.

This made Wu Shigong very angry. He thought in his heart: "Is this the land of the Ming Dynasty or the land of the Tatars?"

Fortunately, Wu Shigong had enough food and grass in his hands, which could fully support Wu Shigong's march. Wu Shigong couldn't help but feel lucky that he had made a bargain in Henan and plundered enough food and grass.

However, Wu Shigong still felt a little disadvantaged. He was going to the capital to serve the king, so the food and grass for his army should be supplied by the local government along the way. Why should Wu Shigong use his own food and grass?

However, Wu Shigong did not dare to use the method of collecting military rations in Henan now. Putting aside the reason that he was not familiar with the place, Beizhili was near the capital, and it could be said that it was half the emperor's feet.

And many Zhuangzi in Beizhili are also Zhuangzi of nobles and officials. If any powerful person was offended by expropriating grain for free, Wu Shigong would definitely be left with nothing to eat.

However, it is not Wu Shigong's character to shrink back when difficulties arise; it is not Wu Shigong's character to use his own food and grass at a disadvantage; it is not Wu Shigong's character to pay attention to style and face.

Wu Shigong used the rogue method of collecting grain. In the future, whenever Wu Shigong's Qin Wang army arrived at a city, if they could not get the amount of grain and grass they needed, Wu Shigong would send some soldiers with loud voices to yell at them. For example, "The people in the city are scolded."

The county magistrate wants to starve King Qin's army to death, he is an internal agent of the Tatars!"; "The magistrate in the city does not give food and grass to King Qin's army because he is thinking of corruption!"... and the like. If the city does not supply food and grass, Wu Shigong will

King Qin's army refused to leave, shouting these words day and night that disgusted the officials in the city.

Needless to say, as soon as these words are shouted out, they often have miraculous effects. In addition, the food and grass requested by Wu Shigong is also within the affordability of those cities. Therefore, as long as these words are shouted, not long after, the city will always hang someone from the city wall.

Please bring me the food and fodder Wu Shigong needs.

This incident also proves a saying - don't be afraid of those who risk your life, just be afraid of those who are shameless.

Wu Shigong was not afraid that his behavior would be sued at all. Because with King Qin's righteousness in hand, Wu Shigong would always have the upper hand in any lawsuit.

At most, the officials in the city had some personal enmity with Wu Shigong. But would Wu Shigong be afraid of this? From now on, Wu Shigong only needs to retreat to his Qianhusuo fortress, and those officials may not come to bite him! The Qianhusuo of Wu Shigong is located

Yu Zilian, the magistrate of the county seat, has such a big personal feud with Wu Shigong that he has not done anything to Wu Shigong for more than a year!

In this way, Wu Shigong not only did not consume the food and grass he carried, but also had more and more food and grass. As a result, Wu Shigong's marching speed became even slower. However, this situation also played into Wu Shigong's favor

’s intentions.

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