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Chapter 157: Misfortune comes out of the mouth

Don’t tell me that the morale of Wu Shigong’s King Qin’s army became higher as they marched. Although they had to do a lot of civil work when setting up camp every day, in addition, the daily march only covered such a small distance, so the soldiers’ physical strength felt

It's not very tiring.

In addition, because the supply of food and grass is sufficient, I can eat enough every day. There can also be some sideshows to scold officials in cities along the way. If it were not for the possibility of fighting with the Tatar army, this expedition can be said to be a winter camp.


But the happy time is always short-lived. Wu Shigong's King Qin's army has been stopping like this for more than two months, but it is still some distance away from Tongzhou, the gathering place of King Qin's army.

But one day, when the soldiers were setting up camp, a fast horse suddenly galloped in. The soldier on the horse was a spy sent by Wu Shigong.

The spy entered the camp, jumped off his horse and ran into the tent, reporting to Wu Shigong: "Sir, we found other spies operating at a distance of three to forty miles to the northwest."

Because Wu Shigong's current spies are all sent out in small teams, that is, in groups of ten. Therefore, the team's detection method is as follows: if something is detected, a spy will be sent back to the camp to report.

Other spies will continue to move forward to explore the situation. If there is any new situation, another spies will be sent back...

The words of the spy who came back first to report the situation immediately attracted everyone's attention. So, on the one hand, Wu Shigong asked the soldiers to step up the construction of the camp; on the other hand, Wu Shigong sent almost half of the cavalry to all directions.

Search to prevent enemy troops from raiding, and kill all enemy spies about ten miles away from the camp.

Fortunately, the tense time did not last long. Soon, Wu Shigong received a report from the second wave of spies who came back: Wu Shigong's spies had already interviewed those spies. Those spies were also members of the Ming Dynasty's army - King Qin of Sichuan

sent by the army.

As more and more spies came back, in the end, there was even a liaison attaché sent by Sichuan King Qin's army who accompanied the spies and led several soldiers.

The liaison attaché's surname was Qin, and he was from Qianhu. When Qin Qianhu saw Wu Shigong, after being introduced by the spies on the side, he saluted Wu Shigong and said: "Wu Qianhu, we are the Qinwang Army of General Shizhu Qin."

Wu Shigong also returned a gift. However, because the Tatar army was still active in the pass, Wu Shigong did not relax his vigilance. In the previous life, from the limited history that Wu Shigong knew, he knew that the Qing soldiers who entered the pass were Wu Sangui.

The traitors were let into Shanhaiguan. Now there is no guarantee that there are traitors in the Tatar army. If Qin Qianhu is a fake, if Wu Shigong loses his vigilance, he may suffer a big loss.

Therefore, although Qin Qianhu spoke Sichuan dialect, Wu Shigong still asked a question about Sichuan. When Wu Shigong watched the Sichuan football team play in his previous life, he always heard Sichuan fans saying "Xiongqi" and "Xiongqi".

, if that Qin Qianhu is really from Sichuan, then he will definitely know that the word "Xiongqi" means "come on".

So Wu Shigong smiled and said to Qin Qianhu: "Qin Qianhu, the Tatar army is nearby now. Don't blame Qianhu for being careless. Let me ask you a question about Sichuan."

Wu Shigong's caution was due. As a veteran in the military, Qin Qianhu also understood it very well. He smiled and replied: "Yes! Yes!"

Seeing that Qin Qianhu agreed, Wu Shigong asked: "What does 'Xiongqi' mean in your Sichuan dialect?"

Wu Shigong's question made Qin Qianhu very surprised. He looked at Wu Shigong's face and confirmed that Wu Shigong was not joking, so he made up his mind and replied seriously: "Wu Qianhu, our Sichuan dialect, 'Xiong'"

It means that a man's penis becomes hard."

After hearing Qin Qianhu's answer, everyone in the big tent was stunned, and then burst into laughter. Wu Shigong laughed while cursing in his heart: "It turns out that Sichuan fans use their men...

Come cheer!"

However, such an absurd-sounding answer dispelled Wu Shigong's suspicion, because the meanings of the two interpretations of "Xiongqi" sounded relatively close. And the Ming Dynasty did not have cars and gas stations, so where could it come from?

The word "come on"? Maybe the original meaning of "xiongqi" is what Qin Qianhu said.

Let's get back to the business. Qin Qianhu was sent by General Qin, the leading general of King Qin's army in Sichuan. General Bing Qin also got the news that his spies came back to report, and he knew that Wu Shigong, King Qin's army, was in his


Therefore, she sent Qin Qianhu to contact her and asked the armies of both sides to move closer and eventually merge into one place so that the armies of both sides could take care of each other.

From Qin Qianhu's mouth, Wu Shigong learned that King Qin of Sichuan's army numbered more than 6,700 people. They also rushed over from Sichuan non-stop after receiving King Qin's edict from Emperor Chongzhen.

Having said this, we can see that even Sichuan's King Qin's army has arrived. Now they and Wu Shigong's King Qin's army have almost reached the same position. From this, we can see how fast Wu Shigong's King Qin's army is marching.

The turtle crawls.

General Qin's proposal was in line with Wu Shigong's wishes. With friendly troops to take care of him, he would be in much less danger. Therefore, Wu Shigong immediately agreed.

Seeing that Wu Shigong had agreed, Qin Qianhu ignored Wu Shigong's plea to stay and hurried back to his army without eating dinner. Before leaving, the two sides made an agreement: tomorrow morning, the armies of both sides would move towards each other together to separate the two sides.

A county town about the same distance away serves as the meeting point for both parties.

After Qin Qianhu left, Deng Qifan, who was next to Wu Shigong, looked at Wu Shigong as if he wanted to stop talking. Seeing Deng Qifan's expression, Wu Shigong waved his hand and asked everyone else to leave the tent.

When only Wu Shigong and Deng Qifan were left in the big tent, Deng Qifan reminded Wu Shigong: "Sir, after you see Commander Qin tomorrow, you have to be careful and don't say anything inappropriate in front of Commander Qin.

It’s the same slang today.”

"Why?" Wu Shigong was reminded so seriously by Deng Qifan that Wu Shigong himself seemed to be such a trivial matter, which made him a little confused.

Deng Qifan could only cough a few times. Deng Qifan felt a little sad because the person he was assisting was ignorant and incompetent. So Deng Qifan then explained to Wu Shigong: "Then General Qin is a female general."

"Oh!" Wu Shigong understood now. It is indeed inappropriate to speak obscenely in front of a woman.

When he went to bed at night, Wu Shigong felt that he was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. Wu Shigong was twenty years old, when he was young and full of energy. Although Wu Shigong was not particularly lustful, he had not touched a woman for two or three months after the expedition.

Yes, it's always a little sad.

In the past two or three months, because of the busy schedule of military matters, Wu Shigong could just endure it. But when he heard Deng Qifan say the words "female general" today, a wildfire burned in his heart.

Burn up.

This is also due to the online novels that Wu Shigong read in his previous life. In these novels, as long as they are female generals, they are always young, beautiful, bold and fierce, and they are highly skilled in martial arts. They look like rouges.

Hu. How can Wu Shigong sleep well now?

Not to mention Wu Shigong's tossing and turning. The Qin general was none other than the famous female general of the Ming Dynasty - Qin Liangyu. And the army of King Qin she led was also a powerful force of the Ming Dynasty - the white pole soldiers.

After Qin Liangyu went to conquer King Qin from Sichuan, her journey was bumpy. Especially after entering Beizhili, she also encountered the same problem as Wu Shigong. The local government did not supply food and grass for her army.

Qin Liangyu is more obedient to the rules, but these days, those who abide by the rules will suffer hardships, and her white-pole soldiers will now also face the danger of running out of food.

Therefore, when she learned that there was a friendly force of Wu Shigong nearby, she wanted to join forces with Wu Shigong.

Qin Liangyu had experienced hundreds of battles and had brilliant results, so she was very proud. And from the spies' reports, she learned that Wu Shigong's army of King Qin of Henan was just an army put together by local military households, led by

It was only a thousand households, so it didn't take Wu Shigong's army to heart at all. It also didn't want Wu Shigong's army to take care of its white pole soldiers with excellent combat effectiveness.

The main reason why Qin Liangyu proposed to unite the troops was because he wanted Wu Shigong's King Qin's army to allow the Baigan soldiers some food and grass. In Qin Liangyu's view, as a first-class general, he could not command a small thousand households.


I won’t say too much about those digressions. Anyway, both sides made a hasty march the next day. At dusk, the two armies finally met at the agreed county seat.

After the meeting, the soldiers from both sides set up camps respectively. According to the rules, Wu Shigong, a military attache with a low official rank, had to go to meet Qin Liangyu, a military attache with a high official rank.

Wu Shigong led dozens of soldiers into the Baiganbing camp and came to the big tent where Qin Liangyu was. After the announcement, Wu Shigong entered the big tent.

Qin Liangyu sat behind the big case in the big tent, waiting for Wu Shigong to come to see him. Unexpectedly, after Wu Shigong entered the big tent, he did not kowtow to Qin Liangyu at all. He just poked his head, which was very rude, and looked at Qin Liangyu carefully.

Wu Shigong wanted to take a look at Qin Liangyu, the rouge tiger. Because he had just entered the brightly lit tent from the darkness outside, Wu Shigong's eyes could not fully adapt.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. When Wu Shigong saw Qin Liangyu's appearance clearly, he couldn't help shouting: "Old woman!"

After hearing Wu Shigong's "old woman!", Qin Liangyu's eyebrows suddenly stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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