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Chapter three hundred and ninety seventh

After such a fuss, the military discussion that followed was boring. The only bright spot was that Governor Chen Qiyu banned Wu Shigong from going to the expedition on the pretext that local defense was also very important.

When Zhao Ming later requested to return to Germany on the grounds that he was old and seriously injured, Chen Qiyu agreed. Therefore, Generals Wu Shigong and Zhao Ming could only bring their own soldiers back to the garrison, and "famous general" Li Lu

Then he commanded all the soldiers of the three divisions to accompany him in the encirclement and suppression.

Chen Qiyu made a move to mobilize troops but not generals. He had already begun to win over Wu Shigong and the other three groups. Zhao Ming's army was a military household with low combat effectiveness, and Zhao Ming was old and frail, so there was nothing to win over.

Value. Wu Shigong, a thorn in the side, was also a destabilizing factor if he stayed in the army, so he was eliminated as a black sheep.

Chen Qiyu believed that the "famous general" Li Lu was able to command the Ruzhou victory alone before Wu Shigong returned to Henan. It was necessary to recruit such a talent to his troops. Of course Chen Qiyu did not know that he would

How to divide and win over each other? These three armies are all working within the Runing Army.

After the military meeting ended, all the civil servants in the Chinese military tent who were qualified to write memorials wrote impeachment memorials overnight, in order to impeach Wu Shigong for his disrespectful behavior towards the Shangfang Sword given by Emperor Chongzhen.

It's not that those civil servants really thought Wu Shigong was disrespectful. The main reason was an attitude issue. It wasn't Wu Shigong's attitude, but the civil servant's own attitude towards safeguarding imperial power. In the final analysis, it was a matter of self-protection.

Of course Wu Shigong didn't know that a new round of impeachment storm had been launched against him.

Li Lu also returned to the Runing Army camp with Wu Shigong. Wu Shigong knew Li Lu's concerns, so he called Zhou Xun over.

Then Wu Shigong began to make arrangements: "I won't be able to go on the expedition this time, so let Xunzi be your deputy. You are in charge of the big things, and I will let Xunzi work harder for the specific errands."

"There's no need to be afraid. The fifteen hundred people we went to all have four legs. If something goes wrong, can't they still be unable to run on two legs? I can tell. They all think that the Shaanxi bandits are a piece of cake.

Big fat guy, are the Shaanxi bandits so easy to fight? How come so many troops have been suppressing them for four or five years but their suppression has become bigger and bigger?"

"Let's just stay back and don't be jealous! Don't grab any benefits, just follow behind and do something to cheer for. We should also keep in touch with Chen Youyi and Jiang Shoubei. Together, we will be less bullied.

.If there is any disadvantage, we will endure it first."

"Be careful! If the Shaanxi bandits surrender, there is a 10% chance that they will surrender. If you can persuade them, do so. If you can't, then hide in a safe place. Don't be dizzy and careless! Let me tell you my opinion, Shaanxi

The bandits' affairs will never be over. There are many battles to be fought in the future, so we have to preserve our strength. But I am also assured of Brother Li. If it comes to escape in the Ming army, if you are ranked second, no one will dare to be ranked first."

Wu Shigong's words made Li Lu and Zhou Xun burst into laughter.

Wu Shigong continued: "Of course I don't want you to ask for nothing. There are some things that other officers and soldiers despise, such as young men and women, iron farm tools and other things. If you can bring them back, just bring them back. We, the Runing Army, are still poor.

! But you still have to pay attention: if anything goes wrong, don’t worry about so many things and just run away, as long as you preserve your strength. I will take care of anything. One more reminder: Be careful of fake surrender! Fake surrender!"

After everything was arranged, Wu Shigong was alone in his big tent, reflecting on his behavior in the Zhongjun tent today. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. There were not many places that could bring danger to Wu Shigong now, but precisely

Going to other officials' yamen to discuss matters and going to the military tent to discuss matters are two dangerous places.

The nobles and military officials of the Ming Dynasty were not just for fun! Didn't Governor Yuan Chonghuan kill a military attache as big as Mao Wenlong at his will? Wu Shigong made up his mind. If he had the opportunity to go to the Central Military Commission for military discussions in the future, he would

Xu Shu must enter Cao's camp without saying a word. Only in this way will there be no conflicts and danger to himself.

But Wu Shigong didn't know that as the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change. His temperament like that of a boss and a superior person cannot be changed so easily. When he heals the scar and forgets the pain, he will still return to his old ways.

Li Lu and Zhou Xun led a cavalry regiment of the Runing Army and Li Lu's five hundred soldiers to follow Chen Qiyu's encirclement and suppression army. Wu Shigong also returned to Runing Mansion.

Emperor Chongzhen was already a little numb to the memorial to impeach Wu Shigong. However, when he saw the content of the impeachment this time, he was immediately overjoyed. Wu Shigong's wonderful argument about "the sword of Shang Fang is greater than the emperor" quickly became an interesting anecdote. Legend

All over the capital.

Except for his father-in-law Xue Lian, who frowned and cursed Wu Shigong, the troublemaker. He had nothing to say, so he should prepare generous gifts for Wang Chengen.

In fact, judging from the entire incident this time, Wu Shigong was not disrespectful to Emperor Chongzhen at all. However, the authority of the governor-general Chen Qiyu must be maintained by the court, so in March of the seventh year of Chongzhen, the awards and awards for the Runing Army’s victory in Ruzhou were

Wu Shigong's own punishment was also reduced.

The number of soldiers in the Runing Camp is still 2,200. But this time the Runing Camp is no longer half combat soldiers and half military households, but is composed entirely of combat soldiers.

Qianzong Xue Yongli and Qianhu Qiaosong were promoted to garrison, each leading a thousand troops. The following military attaches also received promotions and rewards. As for the commander of Guidewei Zhao Ming, because he was old and sick, he himself was not promoted and received no rewards.

The focus was on his family. What about giving a posthumous gift to three generations of his ancestors, giving his wife a royal decree, and giving him a son? Anyway, these are things that are more honorable than practical.

And Wu Shigong was severely punished for his disrespect for Shang Fang's sword and his roar during the military meeting. He was removed from all official positions and was kicked to the end. Our Wu Shigong became Wu Baiding.

But Wu Shigong no longer wants to have that sweet dream of returning to the capital to enjoy happiness. In the punishment order, Wu Shigong was still ordered to serve in the Runing camp and perform meritorious services. And according to the order, Wu Shigong could only take the two hundred people in the Runing camp.

The security guard.

After receiving the punishment order from the court, Wu Shigong completely scorned it. What impact would this kind of punishment without changing the medicine have on Wu Shigong's status in the Runing Army? And such a fuss also brought some consequences

Good thing, after a long wait, the Henan Governor's Office finally allocated 8,000 taels of military pay to the Runing Army. Although the amount allocated this time is still very different from the amount owed to the Runing Army, it is still better than nothing.


After Chen Qiyu's encirclement and suppression army set out, they won three battles in just ten days. The area controlled by the Runing Army had completely eliminated the threat of the peasant rebel army.

And Li Lu, the army led by Zhou Xun also got some credit. The brutality of the encirclement and suppression army was far better than that of the peasant rebel army. Even the rags picked up by Li Lu, Zhou Xun and others were sent back to Runing in a short time.

There were more than 2,000 young men and women and a large amount of iron supplies. However, there was no gold, silver or livestock. Those were all divided up by generals such as Cao Wenzhao and Zuo Liangyu.

According to the news reported from the Shanchuan Division, Zuo Liangyu had asked someone to send dozens of boxes of gold and silver jewelry back to his house in Henan. However, when Xue Zhinong told Wu Shigong, the news was that Eunuch Xiao had forwarded it to Zuo Liangyu's Tang Mei.

After being passed on, Wu Shigong finally remembered this ace female spy carefully created by Shanchuan Division.

However, although the peasant rebels left Henan, they also suffered heavy losses in Henan. A large number of refugees, led by leaders with various names, gathered into groups ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands of people.

Rampant through the countryside.

The cities in Henan that are connected by waterways are better, but the land transportation between the inland cities has basically stopped. Without gathering a large number of pedestrians and caravans, they would not dare to go on the road. And spending the night in the wild is a life-threatening matter.

Guide Mansion, which did not implement the three laws, was attacked by rioters several times.

The area controlled by the Runing Army is like a safe island in the vast ocean. Under iron-fisted control and organization, the refugees gathered embody the hard-working spirit of the Chinese nation's working people. The entire area controlled by the Runing Army also broke out.

Full of vitality.

God is also good. Since the beginning of the new year, the whole of Henan has experienced favorable weather conditions that are rare in recent years. The gratifying growth of young crops on the abandoned land throughout Runing Prefecture also allows the Runing army to see a bright future.

With the peace in the country, the work of attracting investment finally began to bear fruit. Although most of them were invested by some local gentry, and the amount of investment was not large, it was finally a good start.

The horses Wu Shigong purchased from Wu Mansion in the capital also arrived. Together with the captured cavalry, he finally had all the cavalry in the Runing Army.

The business of Sihai Commercial Bank, Sihai Bank and Salt Goods was also going smoothly. Taking advantage of the great victory in Ruzhou, Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank opened their semi-colons to cities all over Henan. Under the protection of Dahang, they quickly became

He founded an armed trading house and took advantage of the unsafe land transportation throughout Henan to make huge profits, and his business expanded rapidly.

Thanks to Yang Goudan's efforts, the equipment for the expansion and reorganization of the Runing Army has basically been completed. The Workshop Department has already begun to work towards arming militia and stockpiling weapons.

The civil affairs system of the Runing Army was basically laid down, and it quickly took control of the grassroots political power. With the help of Wu Shigong in the Guide Mansion, the few Juren High School Scholars, Wu Shigong in the Guide Mansion, and the Runing Mansion also won a

Good reputation. Coupled with Runingjun's propaganda in academic textbooks, vigorously claiming that Wu Shigong was a student of Yan Shenggong, Wu Shigong, a scholar who did not live up to his name, was actually boasted to have become a great master-level figure.

The situation of the Runing Army is prosperous. But what Wu Shigong doesn't know is that on the bustling surface, a dark cloud has quickly approached. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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