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Three hundred and ninetieth eight chapters play to kill yourself

That day, Wu Shigong was playing with his children in the inner house. Suddenly, important staff such as Deng Qifan, Yuan Xingshan and Zhang Xuebin came to Wu Shigong in a panic. When they saw something seemed wrong, Wu Shigong quickly welcomed them into his study.

After sitting down, Yuan Xingshan first told Wu Shigong something. A few days ago, Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank jointly transported a batch of goods and silver to Luoyang City. Halfway through, they encountered a group of rioters.

After a deadly battle, in addition to the death and injury of more than a dozen members of the gang, the rest of the gang members were lucky enough to escape. Even the goods and silver were all robbed. The total loss reached more than 5,000 taels.

Of course, afterwards, the Shanchuan Division also found out the names of the group of robbers, and Xue Yong's Internal Affairs Division would also jointly organize a militia group and the Runing Army to retaliate.

At this point, Wu Shigong nodded. Although the loss this time was a bit large, it was still within the bearable range. Moreover, the handling of each department was considered effective. It was nothing more than the length of time for revenge.

But if this is the case, at most Yuan Xingshan should report to him, and there is no need for Deng Qifan and others to come to him seriously, then there must be other troubles.

Sure enough, Yuan Xingshanhui then reported: The person doing business with Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank this time is a commercial firm with a background from Prince Fu. Therefore, the responsibility for breach of contract is particularly heavy and it is difficult to regret it. And because the escort was too smooth a few days ago,

Therefore, Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank relaxed their vigilance somewhat, and the contract drawn up with King Fu's commercial bank also included heavy compensation for liquidated damages.

With Wu Shigong's current small arms, of course he didn't dare to twist Prince Fu's thigh! So in the end, Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank paid out the liquidated damages in full. But then, a problem arose.

The great expansion of Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank has already caused a shortage of working capital, but now with these two losses, the liquidity is immediately ineffective. So Yuan Xingshan proposed to temporarily borrow a sum of silver from the inner study room as working capital.

Business is rolling smoothly.

Then a chain reaction began. Sihai Commercial Bank and Sihai Bank must not fail, otherwise, the credit of the food stamps will be lost, and the financial foundation of Runing Army will collapse instantly. So the inner study temporarily borrowed money from Sihai Commercial Bank

and Sihai Bank ten thousand taels of silver.

Then Deng Qifan introduced to Wu Shigong the current comprehensive financial situation of the Runing Army. In the past, although the life of the Runing Army had always been tight, because of the small amount of money, they could still make ends meet by moving here and there.

Because of Wu Shigong's large-scale military expansion, the power of the Runing Army was extremely concentrated and expanded, so the financial budget could not keep up. Moreover, because of the lack of personnel to manage finances and accounts within large political groups, it was not until the funds were turned over.

Only then did they realize that Runingjun's funds had been stretched thin.

Let’s talk about military expenditures first. Needless to say, normal military expenses, food, grass, horses, materials and equipment expenses. What made matters worse was the great victory in Ruzhou. The Runing Army and the Guide Army added 3,000 soldiers to their full complement. Their military pay and equipment,

Grain, fodder and horse food, the loss and replenishment of weapons during the battle in Ruzhou, double pay for the soldiers in the battle, silver rewards from the victory in Ruzhou and pensions for the disabled soldiers, etc. A total of more than 86,000 taels of military expenses were spent.

The harvest of the great victory in Ruzhou was only 34,000 taels of property in exchange for silver. Some other pots and pans could not be turned into living money at all, and were distributed as household items for the resettlement of the refugees. Therefore, the total import and export losses were

He paid more than 52,000 taels of silver. Therefore, a great victory in Ruzhou was a disastrous defeat for the finances of the Runing army.

Then there is the civil affairs system laid out throughout Runing Prefecture. Although the salary of those civil affairs officials is not the highest, because Wu Shigong wanted to form a united front at that time, all the children recommended by the officials and gentry families were welcome. So this caused

The staff is quite cystic and the total salary expenditure also greatly exceeds the budget.

The resettlement of the refugees is another expense. A few days ago, Li Lu and the second batch of young men captured by Zhou Xun were sent back to Runing Mansion. Moreover, because it is still the period of spring plowing, the rations for the large number of resettled refugees have been exhausted.

The expenses were to be paid by the Runing Army. Even Zhang Chunyu and Tang Liu saw the embarrassment of the Runing Army and temporarily lent them food worth 4,200 taels of silver.

However, Deng Qifan also told Wu Shigong some good news. Because the weather has been good this year, the abandoned land where the refugees were resettled has been artificially left fallow for a few years. Therefore, this year's grain output is expected to be a bumper harvest. But we have to wait until the autumn harvest no matter what.


Although Sihai Commercial Bank's profits have increased greatly, the rapid expansion of its business has resulted in tighter liquidity in a short period of time. However, even with the losses caused by the robbery by the mob, by the end of this year, it will still be able to support the Runing Army.

Turn over a large amount of funds.

The situation of Sihai Bank is the same. In order to encourage investment, a large amount of silver and food stamps were lent out, and the payback period of these loans was also concentrated at the end of the year, so there was not much money in the near future.

In addition, there is the salt business. The spring salt has been shipped from the salt fields in Yangzhou and Dengzhou, but it will take some time for the funds to be withdrawn. However, because Wu Shigong gave part of the shares in the two salt fields to his father Wu Weizhong,

In addition, because the Lu family and the Guo family in Yangzhou were short of money in order to open a new salt farm, and the Wu family in the capital was urging them to send the spring salt farm dividends, this resulted in a situation where salt goods had to be traded in cash.

It is impossible to get some salt goods on credit.

In order to ensure the expansion of the Runing Army, the private iron mines and workshops stopped all civilian iron production. Instead, they made a small profit from the batch of weapons sold to Li Lu, so they barely maintained their income and expenditure.


The death of Mrs. Gongshun Hou and Wu Shigong's funeral, mine supervisor Ye Zhong's iron ore dividends, and the regular expenses in the officialdom. All of these are additional expenses.

In a word, as long as it survives until the end of the year, all of Runing Army's properties will be revived. But if it cannot survive now, Runing Army will immediately go bankrupt. And for turnover, at least 30,000 to 40,000 taels of silver must be prepared.

So Wu Shigong asked Deng Qifan: "Mr. Deng, what about selling the remaining shares of our workshop?"

Deng Qifan shook his head and refused again. He explained to Wu Shigong: Now Runingjun's behavior of selling workshop shares has aroused doubts from the outside world. If Runingjun himself is not confident about his real estate, then how can the outside world come to buy it?

What about the shares? How could the outside world come to invest in setting up workshops and businesses? After all, Runing Mansion is too close to the war zone. Therefore, the remaining shares must not be moved in a short period of time, just to reassure people.

Is there really no other way out? Wu Shigong had no choice but to end the negotiation first and think carefully about where to borrow the three to forty thousand taels of silver.

Wu Shigong first thought of the money in his inner house and the private money of his wives. But as soon as he returned to the inner house, he saw Zhao Ruya coming up to him with a smile. When he thought of the sharp claws and teeth that the elegant feline in front of him was about to reveal, Wu Shigong became confused.

I couldn't help but shudder, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​making plans from my wives.

In the evening, Wu Shigong couldn't help but thought mockingly to himself: "I have worked hard to build a strong army, fought so many victorious battles, occupied more than two prefectures, owned hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land, and opened such a

Many workshops, trading houses and private mines have squeezed into the most profitable salt industry. It can be said that the army is strong, the money is made every day, and the situation is great. And then...then it is almost killing itself."

At this time, Wu Shigong vaguely felt that with the expansion of the political group Runing Army, it had reached a point of balanced development. Finance, military, people, materials, power, etc. were all indispensable.

This time, after Wu Shigong came back from the Denglai Rebellion, he saw the strongest army of the Ming Dynasty fighting, and another Wu Sangui appeared, so he was stimulated to expand the army to the extreme.

Later, during the great victory in Ruzhou, Xue Yongli fought recklessly against the coalition forces of Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai, his father Wu Weizhong's greed when he returned to the capital, and the implementation of the three laws were like shovels digging into the financial foundation of Runing's army.

The robbery of Sihai Trading Company and Sihai Bank finally brought the conflict to a head.

But the problem must be solved? The first thing Wu Shigong thought of was his father-in-law Xue Lian. But this time when Wu Shigong returned to the capital, he knew that his father-in-law Xue Lian had spent a lot of money on himself over the years, spending all the savings of the Yangwu Marquis Mansion over the years.


Wu Shigong knew that if he opened his mouth, his father-in-law Xue Lian would go to the honorary's house in the capital to borrow money with his old face. But how could Wu Shigong be able to open his mouth?

As for dads Wu Weizhong and Wu Shigong, they just thought about it and let it go.

However, following this train of thought, Wu Shigong suddenly thought of the forty-odd letters his father-in-law Xue Lian had written to him. Most of those letters were written to nobles in Nanjing City. Then he went to Nanjing City for help based on these letters.

There are more than 20 nobles in Nanjing, but it doesn’t take much. If each noble family borrows one or two thousand taels, wouldn’t he be able to overcome the difficulties at hand?

Wu Shigong became excited all of a sudden. He did what he said. First, Wu Shigong finally endured the supercilious looks of his wives and misappropriated three thousand taels of silver from the inner house and gave it to the inner study.

Then Wu Shigong arranged for Zhang Xuebin and Yuan Xingshan to borrow nearly 10,000 taels of silver from familiar merchants, banks and gentry families at high interest rates to support themselves for the next three months.

On April 2, the seventh year of Chongzhen, Wu Shigong left Runing Mansion with Tao Xin and other 200 soldiers, and took those letters with him to Nanjing, the most prosperous city in the south of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time as Wu Shigong left, a group of people also rushed from Fujian to Nanjing City. The leader was Zheng Zhibao, the fourth brother of the great merchant, big pirate and Fujian guerrilla Zheng Zhilong. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better

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