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Nine hundred and twentieth chapters surrender and then surrender

When the Shandong Army first arrived at the city, Commander-in-Chief Liu Zhaoji suggested taking advantage of the fact that the enemy's main force had not arrived and their footing was not yet firm, to go out of the city and fight.

Shi Kefa said: "Don't test your vigor lightly, and prepare a full front to wait for it to die."

In terms of city defense, Shi Kefa also arranged: "The west gate of the old city has a low terrain, and the Gaofu outside the city overlooks the city. It has a commanding position, and it is the tomb of Li Huan, the ancestor of Xinghua. It is shaded by trees, and there is no obstruction from the outside to the inside. , the branches return to each other, and the momentum is small. The generals have repeatedly said that I can't bear to cut down Li's shade tree. Also, the generals use this place as a danger, and I will defend it myself."

On the night of the second day of the sixth lunar month, the officials and gentry in Yangzhou City gathered hundreds of people in the city, launched a rebellion, and opened the city gates to invite the Shandong Army into the city. The fierce fighting lasted until the early morning, and Yangzhou City fell into the hands of the Daping Army on the third day of the month. Liu Zhaoji fought He Gang and others were killed in the battle. Shi Kefa and others were unwilling to surrender after being captured, so they were beheaded on the order of Chi Ming.

Shi Kefa's vow not to surrender can indeed be regarded as his loyalty to the Southern Ming Dynasty. However, Shi Kefa had no commendable achievements during the entire Chongzhen period; his status and reputation rose rapidly during the Hongguang period.

However, as a politician, Shi Kefa made a fatal mistake in establishing a new king, which resulted in the generals stealing the "decided strategy" and losing power; as a military strategist, he ran Jiangbei for nearly a year as the dignified governor of the cabinet, spending a lot of time. A lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources have been spent, but nothing can be done and nothing has been done.

Until the Shandong Army, a non-main force of the Daping Army, moved south, most of the generals he had controlled switched sides and surrendered, becoming a powerful force for the Daping Dynasty to conquer the Southern Ming Dynasty. Shi Kefa's incompetence in controlling the generals was evident.

Even in the case of the Battle of Yangzhou, Shi Kefa did not organize effective resistance. Before the Shandong Army attacked the city, Shi Kefa was pessimistic and disappointed and left all military affairs to his staff. As a result, Yangzhou was lost in less than a day.

As the commander-in-chief of the Jianghuai heavy troops in the Southern Ming Dynasty, Shi Kefa's knowledge and talents were really ordinary. However, there are two points in his life that are worthy of recognition: first, he was honest and diligent in his official duties, and second, he would rather die than surrender at the last moment. As for his entire political career, It is not worthy of over-recognition. It can be said that Shi Kefa made almost all mistakes in his decision-making on important military and state affairs, and he was inescapably responsible for the collapse of the Hongguang court.

Of course, the death of Shi Kefa was also due to the fact that Wu Shigong did not know his "heroic name" in the original history. There are many high-ranking officials from the former Ming Dynasty who have submitted to the Daping Dynasty, and there are more than ten people with higher status than Shi Kefa. Wu Shigong only regarded Shi Kefa as one of them. As a member of the Chinese Communist Party, there is no possibility of special treatment.

To be honest, Wu Shigong should pay more attention to Liu Zongzhou, the leader of the world's literati. Otherwise, Wu Shigong would at least explain to Chi Ming that he should not deal with Shi Kefa at will.

At this time, Chi Ming only had one new army that he could safely control. Among them, there were only more than a thousand officers and non-commissioned officers from the original Runing Army. Even with the more trusted former Ming Lu Army, the total number of troops was only It was 30,000 people. But now, facing the Nanming army that was swarming in and surrendering, Chi Ming felt anxious that he could not control the troops.

Coupled with the crooked words of the surrendered generals, they said: Shi Kefa was the chief auxiliary governor of the Southern Ming Dynasty and had the highest status. If he was spared, it might cause the morale of the surrendered army to be unstable. So Chi Ming also "followed the good" .

Before and after the Shandong Army captured Yangzhou, the Ming Army in the north and south of the Yangtze River had almost no fighting spirit. They surrendered hastily without firing a single shot. Gao Jie's tribe was led by his son Gao Yuanzhao, the crown prince of Xingping Marquis, the admiral Li Benshen, and the commander-in-chief Li Chengdong. They surrendered successively; Guangchang Bo Liu Liangzuo

He also led his troops to surrender.

In the short period of less than four months from June to early September (this year was a leap month), as many as 23 Nanming soldiers and 47 lieutenants came from the entire Huaiyang area.

The total number of horse and infantry reached an astonishing 238,300.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the troops of General Li Chengdong, Li Benzhen, Jin Shenghuan, Li Guoying, Tian Xiong, Ma Degong, Xu Yong and others are well-equipped and have excellent combat skills. It can be said that as long as they are on the two sides

, with the combination of the three armies, they can fight evenly with Chi Ming's Shandong Army. But even such armies are disorganized, and the whole army surrendered without firing a single shot. The Daping Dynasty was really defeated.

The major vassal towns in the Hongguang Dynasty surrendered in this way, not because their soldiers were unable to fight, but because they had formed a powerful group of forces by virtue of "decided strategies" and other reasons. They had the intention of threatening the imperial court and had no ambition to serve the country loyally. Since what they said

The only concern is to preserve one's own glory and wealth. Once a powerful enemy presses the situation, it is natural to surrender and "account for merit" as the best policy.

One sentence can be said: the Hongguang court relied on winning over the feudal towns, and it was precisely the feudal towns that rebelled and surrendered.

On June 17, during the Zhou Dynasty patrol, Xue Qiang led an army of 130,000 people down the river, and first encountered the tribe of Zuo Menggeng, the son of Zuo Liangyu. Zuo Menggeng's men had ten soldiers and more than 70,000 soldiers.

Dare not to meet Zhou Xun who came from the west, Xue Qiang's troops did not dare to go east to fight with Chi Ming's troops, and they were not even willing to go south to Jiangxi to temporarily avoid the main force of the Daping Army. On June 29, they marched from Jiujiang to Dongliu

Yang Jiangzhong led his troops to surrender to the Daping Army.

Along with Zuo Menggeng, Huang Shu, the censor of Huguang Xunxun, surrendered. Yuan Jixian, the governor of the Nanming River, became a prisoner of the Daping army under Zuo Menggeng's force. After Yuan Jixian was coerced to see Zhou Xun, he flatly refused to persuade him to surrender and was later captured.

He was escorted to Beijing and placed under house arrest. Later, during the five-year amnesty in Qiongyuan, he was released to his hometown to be raised in a prosperous state.

Because Zuo Liangyu and Wu Shigong had a personal grudge, the surrender negotiations took a long time. It was not until Hou Xun came in to lobby for guarantees that Zuo Menggeng's troops surrendered with confidence. And because Zuo's military discipline was so corrupt, the reorganization

It also took more than ten days to surrender the army. Therefore, by the time Zhang Biao's troops took action again during the Zhou Dynasty patrol, it was already the 20th day of the leap month.

By the way, let's talk about the fate of this notorious army on the left. After that, almost all of this army was demobilized, and all the generals returned home after being given generous sums of money. Only Zuo Menggeng was made an earl, but

Most of Zuo Menggeng and Zuo Bu's generals met a good death. It's really praising - the thief of the country!

The reorganized Daping Army troops wanted to detour to the northeast, cut off the heavy Nanming troops stationed in Fengyang and Luzhou, and connect with the weak Daping Army under Zhang Biao.

But just two days after they set out, they were delighted to hear about Fengyang, and the Nanming Army in Luzhou also surrendered to the Daping Army.

Zhang Biao, who was stationed in Ye County, Nanyang Prefecture, received the general order of Zhouxun on June 24, and immediately led 5,000 soldiers and horses who had been ready to go, and rushed to Runing. Then he gathered 10,000 more troops in Runing.

New recruits. Since the original Runing Military Depot was well-established in Runing Mansion, this unit was able to march at high speed and arrived at the junction of Runing and Fengyang on June 30.

At this time, there were more than 60,000 Nanming troops stationed in Fengyang and Luzhou. However, they were composed of two parts: one part was the Ming army left behind in Fengyang Prefecture when Ma Shiying went north; the other part was the deceased

The troops left behind by Gao Jie.

The Ming army left behind by Fengyang Prefecture was originally a mess, because the elite of this army had long been mobilized northward by Ma Shiying. In addition, Fengyang's army was doing big business with the Runing army, and the two

There are thousands of connections between the armies. So when they saw the arrival of Zhang Biao's troops, they surrendered without hesitation.

The other Nanming army was even more disorganized. In March of the first year of Qiongyuan, Gao Jie, Henan Governor Yue Qijie, and Inspector Chen Qianfu led the army to Luzhou, preparing to go north to occupy Xuzhou and other places.

"At this point, it is best to go north and invade the hinterland of Henan. This northward march was also the only military operation of the Nanming Army to actively attack the Daping Dynasty.

Xu Dingguo, the commander-in-chief who guarded the area, had already secretly communicated with the Daping Army in Runing, Henan Province, and at the request of Xue Qiang there, he sent his sons Xu Er'an and Xu Erji to Runing Mansion to serve as hostages.

Therefore, when Gao Jie's army arrived in Luzhou, Xu Dingguo was panicked and lost ground. He knew that his troops were no match for Gao Jie, so he asked Xue Qiang to send troops to support but was rejected, so he had to take risks.

So Xu Dingguo went out of the city to pay a visit to Gao Jie, which was mistaken for being respectful; at the same time, he secretly planned a countermeasure. In fact, at that time, Gao Jie already knew the news that Xu Dingguo had sent his son to Runing. In order to prevent him from leading his men to dedicate the Luzhou area to the Daping Dynasty, Gao Jie decided to

He wanted to use his superior military strength to force Xu Dingguo and his tribe to march north with the army.

On the 12th, Xu Dingguo held a big banquet in Luzhou City, nominally to honor Gao Jie, Yue Qijie, and Chen Qianfu. Yue Qijie advised Gao Jie not to enter Luzhou City easily to prevent accidents. But Gao Jie stepped in

The martial artist thought that he had more troops and was more powerful. Xu Dingguo never dared to act rashly. He only brought 300 soldiers into the city for the banquet. Yue Qijie was accompanied by Chen Qianfu. Xu Dingguo ambushed the army in advance, used flower cards to persuade Gao Jie and others to drink.

The person was very drunk.

In the middle of the night, an ambush broke out and killed Gao Jie and his entourage. Chen Qianfu fled from Luzhou in panic. The next day, Gao Jie's men learned that their leader had been killed and were furious. They immediately invaded Luzhou and massacred the soldiers and civilians.

To retaliate, Xu Dingguo led his followers to flee west and returned to Runing.

After Gao Jie's death, the army had no master, and his troops were in chaos. Huang Degong and other nearby generals also wanted to take the opportunity to carve up Gao Jie's troops and territory, and the two sides were at war with each other.

People at that time said: Who calls Fanshan Harrier (Gao Jie is nicknamed Fanshan Harrier in the peasant army), Chuangzi is not harmonious (Huang Degong's nickname is Huang Chuangzi). Swordsmen are raised on the ground, and the lady comes to suppress the stronghold (original note: Mrs. Xing also

), killed the old matchmaker (original note: Shi Gongye), walked across the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and the emperor was drunk with soju and ignored him.

Anyway, it's just chicken feathers all over the place.

Not only did the military plan to go north this time come to nothing, but it also plunged the Southern Ming Army into internal disputes. It can be said that misfortunes never come singly. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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