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Nine hundred and twentieth chapters Hongguang Chaos extinction

After learning the news of Gao Jie's violent death, the then cabinet governor Shi Kefa was indeed very sad. He personally rushed to Gao's military camp to do the aftermath work, and appointed Gao Jie's son as the crown prince of Xingping, his nephew Li Benzhen as the admiral, and Hu Maozhen as the cabinet standard hall (ie.

Army), Li Chengdong is the commander-in-chief of Xuzhou.

Gao Jie's wife, Xing, was worried that her son was young and could not dominate the crowd. She knew that Shi Kefa had no son, so she proposed that his son worship Shi Kefa as his adoptive father. This was originally an opportunity for Shi Kefa to enhance his relationship with the officers and soldiers of the high department, but Shi Kefa failed because the high department was

Born as a "bandit", he resolutely refused and ordered Gao Jie's son to become his adoptive father in favor of Gao Qiqian, the eunuch who served as the commander-in-chief of Jiangbei's military force, food and wages. This shows Shi Kefa's deep prejudice and inability to adapt to changes.

Later, due to Zuo Liangyu's rebellion, Huang Degong's troops were transferred to Taiping Prefecture south of the Yangtze River (the prefecture is in Dangtu and governs Wuhu and Fanchang counties), which allowed Gaobu to breathe. After some efforts by the Xing family

As a result, the high-ranking troops finally integrated the remaining Xu Ding Kingdom troops and recruited troops on the spot, expanding the army to nearly 50,000.

However, at this time, the high-ranking officials did not say anything to Nan Ming. They were on guard against the soldiers and horses of other towns in Nan Ming. So when the Daping Army sent troops, under the auspices of the Xing family, they did not

Hesitantly surrendered to Zhang Biao's tribe, and some of the other high-ranking troops had already surrendered to the Chi Ming tribe who had gone south.

And Ms.

Therefore, under such circumstances, almost all the Southern Ming army north of the Yangtze River surrendered to the Daping Dynasty. The dispatch of troops was so smooth that Zhou Xun, Xue Yong, Zhang Biao, Chi Ming and other generals were stunned.

.And Nanjing has become a ripe fruit, just waiting for the Daping Army to pick it.

It was not until this time that the Daping court saw that the situation was over. Wu Shigong's imperial edict ordering the Daping army to send troops was spread to the southern armies. At the same time, Wu Shigong named Chi Ming the general of Zhejiang and Zhang Biao the general of Nanzhili. They were the commander-in-chief of Zhouxun.

Next, they jointly commanded the Southern Expedition.

Xue Qiang was named General of Henan, and was responsible for protecting the Daping Dynasty's control areas in Henan and Huguang, and taking charge of internal security and suppressing bandits. Under such circumstances, Chi Ming's East Route Army took the lead in carrying out the cross-river campaign.


At the critical juncture when the rebels from the left were advancing towards Chizhou and Chi Ming's Shandong Army was moving southward in large numbers, Emperor Hongguang issued a decree: "If the upstream is urgent, then go upstream; if the enemy is urgent, then defend against the enemy." However, such an decree was a complete headache.

Healing the head and treating the foot pain is a passive situation.

In fact, Hongguang and his ministers understood that no matter whether they concentrated their forces against any party, Nanjing was in danger of falling. Therefore, they secretly made preparations to flee with their troops.

When Yangzhou fell and news of Shi Kefa's martyrdom reached Nanjing, the Hongguang court suddenly fell into panic. Zhu Yousong and others initially placed their hope on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River. However, on the eleventh day of the sixth lunar month, Chi Ming's Dong

The Lunan Expeditionary Army arrived on the north bank of the Yangtze River. On the 19th, Chi Ming ordered Nan Ming to surrender General Zhang Tianlu and other troops. At dawn, they crossed the river by boat fifteen miles west of Guazhou and defeated the Nan Ming river defense navy Zheng Hongkui's army at Jinshan. They then boarded

Go up to the south bank and occupy Zhenjiang. The southern troops who followed the east route crossed the river one after another.

On the 20th of the intercalary month, Emperor Hongguang only consulted with the cabinet's bachelors and a few eunuchs, without even informing the other ministers of the imperial court, and without making any arrangements, he left the city and fled in the early morning.

After daybreak, the officials, gentry, soldiers and civilians in Nanjing heard that the emperor and the chief academician had escaped, and they immediately became chaotic. Some officials and gentry rushed into prison and invited the young man who called himself "Prince Chongzhen" to come out and ascend to the Wuying Hall to ascend the throne. The reign title was still the same.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen's reign, however, the Nanjing garrison minister Xincheng Bo Zhao Zhilong and his ministers decided to surrender and sent people to the Daping military camp to negotiate.

On the afternoon of the 20th, dozens of Daping Army vanguards arrived at the Hongwu Gate. Zhao Zhilong, the Bo of Xincheng, and Zhu Guobi, the Duke of Baoguo, lowered themselves from the city wall to the Qing camp to discuss the matter of surrender.

On the 21st, Chi Ming led the main force of the Eastern Route Conquest Army to the outside of Nanjing. Zhao Zhilong, Zhu Guobi, Wei Guogong Xu Jiujue, Longping Marquis Zhang Gongri, university scholars Wang Duo, Cai Yichen, Minister of War Ruan Dacheng, Minister of Rites Qian Qianyi,

Li Zhan, the imperial censor of Zuodu, Lu Jiude, the eunuch who was responsible for the rituals, Bingbi, and more than 30 dignitaries opened the city gates and went out to welcome them in the suburbs. After the Daping army entered the city to search and warn, Duduo entered on the 23rd

Nanjing and Jinling City fell into the hands of the Daping Dynasty.

As mentioned above, according to the two-capital system after Yongle in the Ming Dynasty: the three people who hold real power in Nanjing are the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, the Nanjing Xunchen who guards Nanjing, and the Nanjing eunuch who guards Nanjing; the other Xunchen and the Six Ministries, and the Minister of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are just empty

its name.

And when Emperor Hongguang fled, those who were left behind in Nanjing, whether they were civil servants, military generals, or distinguished eunuchs, were like grass on the wall, and hundreds of officials were vying for their positions. Take a look at some of them.

Later experience:

The fake prince: After he was escorted to Beijing, Wu Shigong ordered him to be sent to Fengyang to guard the mausoleum together with the real prince Zhu Cixi. It was really a play of black humor. I wonder if the real and fake prince would react when they met in Fengyang.

Stage a full martial arts show?

Hou Xun: Despite Wu Shigong's repeated invitations, Hou Xun refused to go to Beijing to join the cabinet. He returned to Germany to take care of his old age on the grounds of old age and frailty. For this reason, Wu Shigong summoned his son Hou Fangyu to Beijing to serve as a teacher in the East Palace. Later Hou Fangyu came to Beijing.

After Xue Chenglin came to the throne, he became the prime minister.

Ruan Dacheng: He, Wang Duo, Cai Yichen, Qian Qianyi and others all joined the cabinet of the new dynasty. Later, he was re-elected for four terms and has been the prime minister of the cabinet, but he has never become the first or second assistant. He can be called the tumbler of the Qiongyuan Dynasty.

Qian Qianyi: After repeated invitations from Wu Shigong, he went to Beijing to join the cabinet. However, he resigned after a year and returned to Jinling City to live in seclusion.

Liu Zongzhou: He could not be summoned many times, so he has been teaching in the south of the Yangtze River. Later in the Qiongyuan Dynasty, Jinling University was established in Nanjing, and Liu Zongzhou became the minister of Jinling University.

On the night of leap June 20th, after Zhu Yousong and others escaped from Nanjing, their original intention was to escape to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Unexpectedly, when passing through Lishui County, they were intercepted and looted by local soldiers. In the chaos, Yongwei Camp

Emperor Hongguang was surrounded by soldiers and rushed to Taiping Mansion (the government was in Dangtu), but the Taiping Mansion officials didn't know what was going on and refused to accept him. They moved to Wuhu to join Huang Degong, Duke of Jingguo.

When Chi Ming, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route South Expedition, learned that Emperor Hongguang had fled, he naturally refused to let him go. After entering Nanjing, he ordered Liu Liangzuo, who had just surrendered, to lead his troops to act as guides and lead his troops to pursue him through Taiping to Wuhu.

Under Liu Liangzuo's inducement and with the Daping Army pressing heavily on the territory, Huang Degong's generals Tian Xiong and Ma Degong decided to surrender. However, Huang Degong didn't know that the morale of the army had changed, so he killed the envoys sent by Liu Liangzuo to surrender and led his troops to fight.

On the fourth day of July, the rebels took advantage of Huang Degong's unpreparedness and secretly fired an arrow, hitting Huang Degong in the throat. Knowing that he was seriously injured and unable to escape, Huang Degong committed suicide and died. Emperor Hongguang was captured alive by Tian Xiong and others and presented to the Daping army.

The Hongguang Dynasty of the Southern Ming Dynasty was destroyed! (To be continued...)

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