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End of this testimonial

When I pressed the first key on the keyboard, I had no idea that I would create this novel of more than two million words. And before that, except for writing inspections, the longest long article I wrote had never exceeded five.

Thousand words.

To be honest, this book cannot be said to be outstanding. There are objective reasons for this, but more importantly, it is a problem of my ability and mentality. If this book can have some shining points and bring entertainment to my friends, I will be very satisfied.

As a novice, and I am dealing with a historical subject that is difficult to write about, it is inevitable to quote a lot of information on military and historical knowledge. This makes me feel a little uncomfortable, and I feel like I am pouring water. Embarrassing! I also apologize here!

The newly opened book will have an urban theme and is called "Failed Life". I hope friends will support it! Would you like to add it to your collection and give it a recommendation first? Thank you friends!

After that, it’s time to thank the Qidian Chinese website. Obviously, this sentence has a strong sense of flattery. Then it’s time to thank the editors Sansheng and Yuanzheng. I assure you, this is definitely not flattery, even if someone is jealous, I will definitely not admit it.


No more joking! Finally, I would like to express my gratitude again to all the friends who have supported me along the way! Thank you all!

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