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Chapter 7 Superman in less than a day

Chapter 7 Superman in less than a day()

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a condolence team led by Zhang Changnian, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee Office, came to express condolences.

During the condolences, Zhang Changnian tightly held He Linhua's greasy hand and said with emotion: "Comrade Xiao He is a good comrade! If you have any difficulties in life or work in the future, you can report it to the county party committee and the government. If you treat Xiao He like this

For a comrade who works hard and is responsible, the party and government will definitely help him solve any worries in work and life!"

Qin Jianghe, the director of the news center who was following Zhang Changnian, immediately said that He Linhua would be given a long vacation to recover from his injuries and start working again!

After the handshake ended, Zhang Changnian immediately took out a tissue and wiped his hands clean. He was very confused: "Why are this kid's hands full of oil?"

When Zhang Changnian finished his condolences and left in the future, and He Linhua stood up and wanted to say goodbye, he finally understood where the grease came from - in the corner of the quilt, Zhang Changnian vaguely saw a large plastic bag with a

With two grilled golden chicken steaks...

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after He Linhua's various requests and even raising his hands on the hospital bed to express his complete recovery, the hospital finally agreed to He Linhua's discharge request. When He Linhua left the hospital, He Linhua's attending doctor looked at He Linhua with tears in his eyes.

Leaving - what a classic case of rapid recovery, letting him walk out of the hospital alive...

After leaving the hospital, He Linhua did not return to his rental house, but was taken to Tao's house by Tao Tianming. The reason was naturally that He Linhua had just recovered and needed care.

That night, after dinner, He Linhua first entered Tao Tianming's Piaotian Literature page game. Although he successfully logged in, the screen was blank. Then, He Linhua logged in to his trumpet account, and the trumpet login was successful. There was no problem at all.

any problem.

After this experiment, He Linhua breathed a sigh of relief - at least, he was now certain that the Soul Refining Temple was indeed derived from the Ghost Refining Temple in "Free Cultivation of Immortality", and the voice that kept appearing in his mind did not deceive him.


After coming out of the study, He Linhua went into the guest room and studied the magical uses of spiritual power.

He Linhua once again turned his attention to his right index finger. Although he had conducted preliminary tests on his right index finger in the afternoon, it was far from the effect He Linhua wanted. This time, He Linhua took out a small knife from his pocket.

, and then tried to scratch the tip of the index finger of his right hand.

"Doesn't it hurt?" He Linhua scratched the knife, but he didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, he felt a numb and itchy feeling. Seeing that his index finger was fine, He Linhua couldn't help but want to test the limit of what his index finger could bear. So, He Linhua scratched it with the knife again.

Index finger, but this time his strength was a little stronger.

"It doesn't hurt?" "It doesn't hurt..." "It doesn't hurt..."...

After more than ten explorations by He Linhua, He Linhua's index finger finally scratched the skin with all his strength - however, the wound was too small, and before He Linhua could react, the scratched skin had automatically

Healed. With the blessing of spiritual power, He Linhua's wound healing speed is more than ten thousand times higher than that of ordinary people!

"Your sister! Isn't this too powerful?" After discovering the current strength of his index finger, He Linhuashou's blood boiled - this was just a fingertip nourished with a little spiritual power. If the whole body was exhausted

If you nourish him with spiritual power, you don't have to be afraid even if you encounter a hail of bullets! As long as you give him enough time and enough spiritual power, he can completely arm himself into an iron man!

Thinking about the bright future, He Linhua was extremely excited.

"Continue! Continue to strengthen your body! I want to be China's superman!" Lying on the bed, He Linhua pretended to be asleep and began to extract the Yin spirit power from the Ghost Refining Temple to strengthen his body...

Unknowingly, a night passed. During this night, He Linhua spent a total of 63 drops of Yin spirit power to fully strengthen his hands. In the middle of the strengthening process, He Linhua also used dumbbells placed in the guest room to test

After a while. Now, He Linhua's hands are unparalleledly powerful. With a squeeze of his palms, he can actually leave a few shallow fingerprints on the dumbbell. Even the world champion can't compare to this strength of his hands!

In a daze, He Linhua seemed to see that bitch Destiny playing tricks on him...

In the morning, He Linhua had breakfast and hurried out to test the results of the night.

Not far from Tao Tianming's house is a small park. Although it is a winter morning, there are also some elderly people exercising.

He Linhua carefully avoided those grandfathers and grandmothers and nestled in the corner of the small park. Looking around, there were pine trees, rockeries, and railings. After thinking about it, He Linhua aimed at the messy rockery.

After brushing off the snow on the rockery, He Linhua stretched out his right hand and slapped it hard on the rockery——

With a "bang", the rock that was photographed by He Linhua was completely shattered and fell to the ground with a "clatter".

"Brother, this is even more powerful than the divine palm!" Seeing the consequences of his palm, He Linhua cursed excitedly, and then slapped the exposed rockery stones with one palm after another. After a while,

, half of the rockery was smashed into pieces by He Linhua. When He Linhua reacted and wanted to pause, less than half of the rockery that originally covered an area of ​​more than 20 square meters was left. If this was done by the park management

When the police officer saw it, He Linhua was in bad luck!

Looking at the results he had made, and then secretly looking around, He Linhua stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his head and quickly fled to the nearby woods.

After entering the grove and ensuring that the surrounding area was safe, He Linhua began to test his strength on the trees again, imprinting big palm prints on all the surrounding trees. After struggling for nearly half an hour, He Linhua was finally satisfied.

Looking at the messy woods all around me, I thought proudly: "Am I considered a superhero in China?"

Before leaving the grove, He Linhua thought of his finger strength again - with his enhanced fingers, how could he just poke a hole in these small trees? Thinking of this, He Linhua also had the idea to give it a try.


He Linhua took aim with his right index finger, and then stabbed it hard...

"Ah oh..." A cry came from the grove, and the sound was indescribably miserable. He Linhua covered his right index finger with his left hand and blew hard - the surface of the first knuckle of his right index finger was completely scratched.

, most of the nails were broken, but the tree remained motionless. Not to mention the holes poked by the fingers, even the skin was not broken. Unable to bear the severe pain in the index finger of his right hand, He Linhua closed his eyes and pinched his knuckles.

A point of Yin spirit power was extracted from the Soul Refining Temple and acted on He Linhua's right index finger. After about a minute, He Linhua's right index finger finally recovered, and even the broken nails were replaced by new ones that grew back.

After his finger was fine, He Linhua cursed: "I'll wipe it! What happened? I am a Chinese superhero, but my finger was broken by a small tree..." He looked at the small tree in front of him with undamaged fur.

, He Linhua rolled his eyes and thought: "Could this book be the legendary iron tree? A tree that can block the light touch of my finger is really a treasure..."

Thinking of this, He Linhua's eyes lit up - if it was really a precious tree, he wouldn't have known it. But... looking at the appearance of this tree, it is no different from other trees...

After much deliberation, He Linhua decided to test it himself with the palm of his hand - if this tree was really a treasure tree, it should be able to hit it with his palm, right? Thinking of this, He Linhua stretched out his left hand and used five points of strength.

, and patted towards the small tree. With a "plop" sound, the entire middle of the small tree collapsed, forming a strange palm shape.

"This tree...can't stop it?" He Linhua was surprised. He patted it lightly in disbelief, and the tree broke in the middle and fell to the ground——

"What...how did this happen?" He Linhua was completely confused. He tried to poke the small tree with his right index finger again, and a small hole easily appeared in the tree. He Linhua changed his finger and poked again.

Another small hole...

The first prick hurt, but now it doesn't hurt - weird, what's going on?

He touched the finger again, and suddenly, an idea flashed in He Linhua's mind: "This finger has just been injected with spiritual power. It should be considered strengthened again, right? Wait, could it be...this physical strengthening, actually

Is there a time limit? Does it mean that after a period of time, the strengthening effect will disappear completely? Then...then the whole night of tossing is just to be Superman for a short while? "

Thinking of this possibility, He Linhua no longer felt the joy he had before - if he could only be this short-lived superman, no one else would be able to be happy...

Returning to Tao Tianming's house with some disappointment, He Linhua lay down on the sofa in the living room. He Linhua began to think - if spiritual power is really only effective for such a short period of time, what can be done during this time?

As time passed bit by bit, He Linhua also paid attention to the changes in his hands. Starting from noon, the special abilities in He Linhua's hands began to disappear little by little. By the time it got dark in the afternoon, He Linhua's hands actually

It has been completely restored to its original state, nothing special is gone!

"Could this spiritual power really only work in a short period of time?" He Linhua recalled everything in the Soul Refining Temple. The Soul Refining Temple seemed to say that the body can be continuously strengthened through spiritual power, but why was it

The strengthened body can only function for less than a day...

Soul Refining Temple... Ghost Refining Temple... Free Cultivation of Immortality...

An idea flashed in He Linhua's mind: "Since the Soul Refining Temple is separated from an immortal cultivation game, could it be that the spiritual power in this Soul Refining Temple must be properly utilized through immortal cultivation techniques?" appeared in his mind.

He Linhua immediately rejected this point of view - Immortal Cultivation Techniques? Are you kidding me? Are there any gods in this world? Let yourself find the Immortal Cultivation Techniques? Isn't this a myth?


Qigong?! Although there are no immortal cultivation methods in this world, there are a lot of qigong cultivation methods. If nothing else, just search on the Internet and you will find a lot of various methods, even

The so-called inner strength secrets such as the Yi Jin Jing, Nine Yang Magic, Sunflower Book, etc. are all available! Even if you can't believe those things, you can at least figure out something from them, right?

Thinking of these, He Linhua could no longer sit still. At Tao Tianming's house, it was impossible for He Linhua to stay online all night. If he wanted to figure out these things at night, he had to go home!

"Uncle, aunt, I won't be here today! I'm going back to my place first!" He Linhua didn't care whether Tao Tianming agreed or not. He just said this and walked away.

"Hey! You kid! Be careful on the road! I heard that there was a pervert in our community, and he smashed the groves and rockeries in the park into a mess all morning. You have to be careful! What weird guy did you see?

Get away quickly!" Tao Tianming saw that He Linhua had already gone down the stairs, so he stopped stopping him and just chased him out the door.

He Linhua staggered when he heard this - rockery? Grove? Abnormal? Aren't you talking about me?

This chapter has been completed!
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