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Chapter VIII Qigong Method

Chapter 8 Qigong Method()

On the way back, He Linhua packed up a portion of rice porridge and four steamed buns at the snack street, and hurried back to the rental house.

After entering the room, He Linhua quickly turned on the computer, then browsed the Internet for information and ate.

Things on the Internet are messy and messy, and there is really enough junk information. Unknowingly, three hours have passed, and He Linhua also has some understanding of Qigong. Qigong was originally a Taoist health-building technique. To learn,

Naturally, we have to learn the most authentic ones.

Searching for qigong learning, a lot of messy things immediately appeared on the Internet - such as "Three hours of one thousand yuan package", "Taishan Qigong Training Center", "Shaolin Yijin Jing", "Learn Qigong to be a good man" and so on

There is so much information out there that it is extremely difficult to sort out the formal cultivation methods from so much messy information.

After much deliberation, He Linhua entered the qigong bar and filtered through the qigong bar. Although the qigong bar was a bit chaotic, at least some trustworthy qigong websites were marked. He clicked through them one by one, selecting various information.

, click to collect if you find it useful, and before you know it, He Linhua has collected more than 20 video websites.

Feeling that the number of searches was almost done, He Linhua temporarily stopped searching, stood up and stretched, wasting 1 point of Yin spirit energy to cheer up, and then continued to browse information. After several screenings, He Linhua finally selected

I ordered three qigong videos, all of which were given by domestic qigong masters. He Linhua even saw the technique of breaking stones with bare hands. Although I don’t know whether this technique is true or not, the introduction to qigong practice methods is very detailed.


He Linhua was downloading and watching these three videos. After another three hours, He Linhua finally finished watching all three videos and carefully took notes. He looked at the time and found that it was already past three o'clock in the evening.


From these three videos, He Linhua summed up all the common points - the pulse meditation, breathing and exhalation proposed by the three schools are all exactly the same, and the practice time is also exactly the same, except for some postures and meditation.

There are differences in thoughts. According to the three schools of thought, they all believe that different postures and thoughts play an important role in absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and opening up the body's connections and meridians.

Absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? In He Linhua's view, the main problem that troubles him now is not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all, but the specific cultivation method!

Later, He Linhua sorted out some things that he did not need to know, and left a qigong video that completely instructs beginners. He carefully watched the qigong learning video several times, and wrote down the tips and the most effective way to do the exercises.

After the key acupuncture point was closed, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

After not sleeping for two consecutive days, He Linhua also felt that his brain was a little tired. Although He Linhua's body did not feel tired at all due to the power of Yin spirit, the tiredness from his brain still drove him to take a nap first.

The heavy snowfall continues to fall, making this white county even more beautiful. Since the twelfth lunar month, the snow has almost never stopped, making the smell of winter even stronger.

Near noon, He Linhua was sitting in a small restaurant not far from his residence, waiting for his meal to be served. In his mind, he was constantly recalling the qigong knowledge he had read last night, and was sorting out the knowledge over and over again - so to speak.

It's strange that since he obtained the Soul Refining Temple, He Linhua's mind seems to have suddenly become much better. Although he saw a lot of things last night, he has not forgotten it at all now.

After thinking over and over again, the key point of Qigong practice has gradually been revealed, which is two words - Tongmai!

As long as the meridians are opened, the body's true energy and true energy can be connected with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the opened meridians. Finally, the super power of using the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to breed true energy and true energy, and using true energy and true energy to stimulate the vitality of heaven and earth can be realized.


For He Linhua, it does not seem to be very difficult to open the meridians - he is different from other qigong practitioners. He neither needs to make preparations to communicate with heaven and earth, nor does he need to correct his posture to attract the aura of heaven and earth.

His spiritual energy comes entirely from the Soul Refining Temple. As long as he understands the most essential requirements of qigong and the simplest cultivation method, he only needs to move the spiritual energy to the Dantian and specific meridians and acupuncture points, and then open the meridians.

Of course, the so-called use of spiritual energy to open the meridians here is not just a sense of "qi" in the ordinary sense. The so-called "feeling of Qi" means being able to feel the spiritual energy entering the meridians, which is still far from opening the meridians in a complete sense.

.To truly open up the meridians, even if it is just to open up one acupoint or one meridian, it can be said to be different from ordinary people!

"For others, opening up the meridians is extremely difficult; is it so easy for me?" He Linhua thought carefully. He still feels that this Qigong practice is a bit too simple - so simple that it's a bit too simple.


"Reporter He, this is your beef ramen. I haven't seen you in the past two days." The restaurant owner handed the noodles to He Linhua and was polite.

He Linhua smiled and replied: "I've been busy for the past two days, so I haven't come over."

"Oh." The restaurant owner responded and entered the kitchen again.

Looking at the beef ramen in front of him, He Linhua shook his head and smiled. He was really looking for trouble. You must know that a few days ago, he was still a citizen struggling for this bowl of beef ramen, but now he is

What's the point of worrying about becoming so extraordinary? It's just a try. If it succeeds, it's best. If it doesn't work, you can continue to look for other methods - the worst is to restore his original life as a citizen.

That’s all.

After hastily finishing the beef ramen, He Linhua returned to his residence.

Turning on the computer, he watched the qigong videos he compiled again. After confirming that they were correct, He Linhua immediately followed the qigong practice method, sat down cross-legged, and started trying.

In Qigong practice, the twelve meridians of the human body are naturally connected. If the twelve meridians cannot be connected, it is a congenital deficiency and will inevitably cause defects in some aspects of the body. For example, congenital heart disease, polio and other diseases are all

This is because the twelve main meridians cannot be penetrated. Therefore, in Qigong practice, the focus of practice is placed on the eight extraordinary meridians that are not naturally connected.

The so-called eight extraordinary meridians are Du meridians, Ren meridians, Chong meridians, Dai meridians, Yinwei meridians, Yangwei meridians, Yinqiao meridians, and Yangqiao meridians. The eight extraordinary meridians are spread throughout the human body. If you want to connect one meridians,

Then the acupuncture points in each meridian must be opened. The acupuncture points in the meridians are where Qi and blood accumulate, and they are also where Qi and blood meet. This is the saying that if acupuncture points are unblocked, all meridians will be unblocked.

There is no distinction between the order of opening up the eight extraordinary meridians, but generally speaking, the Du meridian and the Ren meridian are the two easiest meridians to open. In order to reduce the difficulty, He Linhua set the meridian for his first Qigong practice as Ren meridian.


It starts from the lower abdomen, goes down from the perineum, along the abdomen, passes upward through Guanyuan and other points, then goes up around the lips and enters under the orbit, forming a cycle. There are 24 main acupoints in the Ren meridian.

Although He Linhua is eager to practice, he also knows that haste makes waste. Therefore, He Linhua did not rush forward, but first extracted 1 point of Yin spirit power from the Soul Refining Temple, hoping to guide it along any path with the power of his mind.

The entire line of the pulse travels in one circle.

It is easy to say that it is easy to guide the Yin spirit force to travel along the line of the Ren meridian, but it is extremely difficult to actually implement it - He Linhua guided the Yin spirit force to travel along the Ren meridian, and the Yin spirit force only passed through two or three acupuncture points.

The spiritual energy was completely consumed, and the whole process only took half a minute. If you really think about it, it was as if there was a force in the meridians and acupuncture points that was constantly sucking the spiritual energy.

Although he was a little surprised, He Linhua was not discouraged. Instead, he extracted 2 points of spiritual energy again and continued to move along the Ren channel. The amount of spiritual energy that can be extracted at one time is related to the level of the Soul Refining Temple. When He Linhua didn't care,

The level of the temple has been upgraded to Level 2, and now 2 points of spiritual energy can be extracted at a time.

However, these two points of spiritual energy did not last long. After only one minute, the two points of spiritual energy were exhausted again and only passed through five acupuncture points.

Following the monotonous process of extracting spiritual energy and guiding it to run, after spending ten minutes and 11 points of spiritual energy, He Linhua finally successfully guided the Yin spiritual energy through the Ren channel. At the same time as the movement was completed, He Linhua only felt a

An indescribable feeling of comfort enveloped the whole body, and black blood stains flowed out from the pores all over the body without hesitation. He Linhua closed his eyes to sense, and in his consciousness, He Linhua felt that the Ren channel that had just passed through seemed to

It has become much smoother, and the originally "curvy and rugged" meridians have become much more regular.

After feeling the huge changes in his body and the Ren meridians, He Linhua fully realized the benefits of spiritual energy surrounding the Ren meridians. After taking a short rest, He Linhua was not busy opening up the meridians, but once again guided 2 points of spiritual power around the Ren meridians.

Running. About twenty minutes later, the second spiritual power operation ended, but this time it only consumed 5 points of spiritual power.

After being washed with spiritual energy again, the veins of Ren Vessel became more regular and tougher, and a lot of blood emerged from He Linhua's body again.

He Linhua was not in a hurry to open his meridians, but continued to use his spiritual power.

Once, twice, three times...

Unknowingly, He Linhua has guided his spiritual power to run along the Ren channel for 13 rounds. As the number of spiritual power runs continues to increase, the amount of spiritual power lost in each run is gradually decreasing, especially the last two times, He Linhua

It actually only took a little spiritual energy to run for two rounds!

After thirteen spiritual power runs, He Linhua also paused his practice and took a short rest.

Different from before the operation of spiritual power, He Linhua now has a stench, but his spirit is very good. After 13 times of spiritual power flushing, the Ren vessels in He Linhua's body are extremely tough, and the width and recovery speed of the vessels have also been improved.

A big improvement. He Linhua is now a hundred times more confident about successfully opening up the Ren channel. Moreover, through this attempt, He Linhua has also determined that his current Qigong practice method has indeed found the right way. This starts from the consumption of spiritual energy.

You can feel it by the degree - He Linhua has tested it before, and the effect of 1 point of spiritual power on the body is only ten minutes at most. However, when He Linhua's last spiritual power was running, 1 point of spiritual power actually circulated along the meridians.

Two laps, a full hour, which was absolutely impossible before!

After half an hour, He Linhua changed into clean clothes and crossed his legs again - this time, his goal was to open up the Ren channel!

This chapter has been completed!
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