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Chapter 1455 Two major shops

"finally reached!"

Cheng Tianfeng said there.

Jiang Ning glanced at the gate of Baiyun City and said, "Let's go in!"


In this way, Cheng Tianfeng led the people into Baiyun City.

After entering the prosperous Baiyun City, Cheng Tianfeng first took the small town casual cultivators to the medicinal materials trading market to sell the things he brought there.

After the sale, Cheng Tianfeng said goodbye to those people and told him that he would follow Jiang Ning and never return to the town again.

After hearing this, those small-town cultivators were reluctant to leave Cheng Tianfeng.

But in the end, with Cheng Tianfeng's hard persuasion, they left.

Cheng Tianfeng watched the casual cultivators in the small town leave one by one, and then returned to Jiang Ning. At the same time, he drove a "spiritual stone sarcophagus" truck pulled by an ox-kui.

"All sent away?" Jiang Ning asked.

Cheng Tianfeng nodded, "Yes, Brother Jiang."

"All right!"

Jiang Ning didn't say much else, and led Cheng Tianfeng towards the interior of the bustling city.

Because this "spiritual stone sarcophagus" was covered with things on the outside, and Jiang Ning used magic to cover up the spirit stone aura, ordinary people looked at it and thought that the man-powered truck was just an item, and did not notice the spiritual stone sarcophagus underneath at all.


"Brother Jiang, where are we going now?"

Cheng Tianfeng asked as he followed Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning said, "Look for my wife and brothers!"


"Brother Jiang is already married?" Cheng Tianfeng was curious.


"Hey, that sister-in-law must be very beautiful!"

"Of course! In my eyes, my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world." Jiang Ning thought of Lin Qingzhu in his mind, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Walked all the way.

Jiang Ning looked around.

He discovered that Baiyun City was indeed much more prosperous than it was five hundred years ago.

At the same time, there are more and more shops around.

Only seen.

There are magic weapon shops everywhere.

On the streets, there were countless cultivators walking around.

These cultivators have the Qi Condensation Stage, the Foundation Building Stage, and there are even strong men who hide the elixir-forming aura in their body.

But there are many shops around, but there are really very few selling elixirs.

After looking around, Jiang Ning asked Cheng Tianfeng, "Is there any place that sells elixirs in Baiyun City?"

"Reporting to Brother Jiang, there are yes, but not many!"

"As far as I know, there are only two time-honored stores selling elixirs in the entire Baiyun City, but they are extremely expensive!" Cheng Tianfeng said.

"Which two?" Jiang Ning asked.

"One is Feng's Chamber of Commerce! The other is Su Kee Store!"

Jiang Ning frowned slightly when he heard about the Feng Chamber of Commerce.

In his mind, he instantly thought of the dandy he met who claimed to be the young master of the Feng Chamber of Commerce when he first arrived in Baiyun City...

That day at the gate of Baiyun City, the young master who claimed to be the Feng Chamber of Commerce almost hit Jiang Ning with a flying magic ship. Jiang Ning taught him a lesson that day!

Now hearing what Cheng Tianfeng said, Jiang Ning couldn't help but think of that bastard!

"Could it be that this Feng Chamber of Commerce belongs to that dude's family?"

Jiang Ning pondered.

"Tell me about the situation of these two families in detail!" Jiang Ning said.

Cheng Tianfeng then said, "There are many rumors about Feng's Chamber of Commerce and Suji Store! But I have heard people talk about them. It is said that Feng's Chamber of Commerce is currently the largest chamber of commerce in Baiyun City! It is not only wealthy and powerful

Big, and they have opened ten branches in Baiyun City alone!"

"The biggest backstage behind Feng's Chamber of Commerce is the Blood Sword Sect, the sect I once trained in!"

"It is also because of this that the Feng Chamber of Commerce can become the dominant force in Baiyun City!"

"The current president of the Feng Chamber of Commerce, his name is Feng Wanli! Rumor has it that this person is in the Half-step Dan Formation Realm, and he has an older brother named Feng Wanshan, who was an elder of my former Blood Knife Sect!

Listening to Cheng Tianfeng's description, it seems that the Feng Chamber of Commerce does have some background, Jiang Ning pondered.

I just don’t know what kind of character the president of the Feng Chamber of Commerce is.

“Tell me about another Su Kee store!”

Jiang Ning paused and asked.

Cheng Tianfeng said, "Guan

There are relatively few rumors about Su Ji. First, it’s because Su Ji’s store is relatively mysterious! Second, it’s because Su Ji’s store has only one store in the entire Baiyun City!”

"Only one company can compete with the Feng Chamber of Commerce?" Jiang Ning said in surprise.

Cheng Tianfeng said, "Yes!"

"So, this Su Ji is also very awesome?" Jiang Ning said.

Cheng Tianfeng nodded.

"I heard from the gossip that this Su Ji seems to be inextricably related to the black streets of Baiyun City! Moreover, I heard that there is a great alchemist in Su Ji, who is the most powerful alchemy alliance union in the Southern Territory Continent.

a member of!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ning frowned.

As for the underworld mentioned by Cheng Tianfeng?

Jiang Ning doesn’t understand very well. ??

But Jiang Ning is indeed very clear about the Alchemy Alliance Union.

Five hundred years ago.

When Jiang Ning was still the number one medicine king in the Southern Region, he was invited by the Alchemy Alliance Union at that time!

It's just that Jiang Ning didn't join.

Now that he heard about the Alchemy Alliance Union, Jiang Ning couldn't help but wonder why Su Ji was so awesome! It turns out there is a great alchemist sitting in the Alchemy Alliance Union!

An alchemist is an extremely rare talent in Tianlong Continent!

It is also the meat and potatoes that all the major sects are competing for.

Because top-quality elixirs can not only improve cultivation, but also provide the foundation for future generations to cultivate, every sect hopes to have an alchemist in charge!

In this case, the sect can refine the elixir by itself and no longer need to spend a lot of money to purchase the elixir.

Therefore, this also makes alchemist the most promising profession in Tianlong Continent.

It’s just that if you want to become a real alchemist, you are extremely demanding!

An alchemist not only needs extremely strong alchemy talents and attainments, but also needs to have the fire of heaven and earth in his body in order to refine the best elixirs!

Alchemists are divided into first-level alchemy disciples, second-level alchemy masters, third-level great alchemists, fourth-level alchemy kings, fifth-level alchemy emperors, sixth-level alchemy emperors, and seventh-level alchemy masters!

Jiang Ning was known as the youngest Alchemy King in Nanyu Continent back then. He was only one step away from being promoted to the fifth level and became the first Level 5 Alchemy King in the history of Nanyu Continent.


Unfortunately, when Jiang Ning was refining the divine elixir, the elixir furnace exploded, causing his own death.

In the entire vast Southern Territory Continent, those who can currently be called fourth-grade alchemy kings, except for the two old immortals, the president and vice-president of the Alchemy Alliance Union, the rest are probably the regular members of the five-star sects.

The one from Yuan Jian Sect is in charge of the Pill King.

As for the fifth-grade Dan Emperor, it has not yet appeared in the entire Southern Territory Continent!

After understanding the situation, Jiang Ning's eyes flickered twice.

From what Cheng Tianfeng said so far, Jiang Ning knew that although Baiyun City was extremely prosperous and huge, there were very few real elixir shops!

Except for the Feng Chamber of Commerce and Su Ji, there are almost none!

After thinking about it, an idea emerged from Jiang Ning's mind, but he did not say it. Instead, he looked at Cheng Tianfeng and asked, "How are the sales of these two elixirs? What is the quality of their elixirs?"

Cheng Tianfeng replied, "Of the two elixir shops, Feng's Chamber of Commerce is the most profitable! Because they have many stores and almost monopolize the entire elixir market in Baiyun City, their elixirs are extremely expensive!"

"But I heard people say that the quality of their elixirs is actually very low, and many cultivators have bought fake elixirs!!"

"But because there are very few elixir stores in Baiyun City, even if many cultivators are cheated, there is nothing they can do!"

Jiang Ning frowned after hearing this.

"What about the other Su Ji?"

Cheng Tianfeng added, "The quality of Su Ji's elixirs is much better than that of Feng's Chamber of Commerce! But Su Ji has a disadvantage, that is, they never sell low-level elixirs! They only sell elixirs above the foundation building stage! So many cultivations are compared.

Low-level casual cultivators can only be forced to go to the Feng Chamber of Commerce!"

After hearing this, Jiang Ning finally understood.

It turns out that these two chambers of commerce.

One is a cheating merchant who makes semi-defective products!

The other one only deals with high-end customers!

After understanding all the situation, Jiang Ning began to have a bold idea in his mind!

However, Jiang Ning did not express this idea.

Jiang Ning smiled, looked at the surrounding streets and shops and said, "Let's go find my wife!"

"When I see my wife, I will definitely tell her my smart and witty ideas."

This chapter has been completed!
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