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Chapter 977 Bronze Giant Gate

The original Kunlun Mountains.

There are towering ancient trees standing there, and there are many wild beasts running rampant in the forest.

At this moment, at the foot of a huge mountain that collapsed in the earthquake, a group of fire officers and soldiers were marching with difficulty.

Looking carefully, I was shocked to see that this group of people was Zhou Chong and others.

These young fire officers and soldiers, carrying heavy equipment on their backs, traveled through this primeval forest.

They are not afraid of getting tired!

Don't be afraid of hardship!

I don’t know how long they walked, but Zhou Chong, the captain in front, signaled everyone to stop.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

asked a young fire officer wiping sweat from his forehead.

I saw Zhou Chong raising his head, looking up at the huge collapsed mountain range in front of him and saying: "The mountain range in front should be the center of the earthquake! Brothers, everyone, please be careful!"

"In order to prevent aftershocks from happening, we must pay attention to safety!"

After hearing this, all the team members nodded cautiously.


"Let's keep going forward!"

Under the leadership of Zhou Chong, more than 20 young fire officers and soldiers began to climb toward the collapsed mountains!

Because of the earthquake, the surface of the mountain collapsed and there were huge cracks!

Some cracks are several meters long, while others are more than ten feet long!

And beneath the crack is a bottomless underground abyss!

If one accidentally falls, he will definitely die.

But this group of young fire officers and soldiers, fearless of life and death, struggled to climb slowly relying on ropes and instruments.

The sun is high!

The young fire officers and soldiers were climbing there!

I don’t know how long it took, but these young fire officers and soldiers finally climbed to the top of the mountain!

They were panting, and all their clothes were soaked with sweat!

They found a huge bluestone and began to sit down and rest!

After resting for a few minutes, Zhou Chong stood up, looked at the huge earthquake center in front of him and said, "This should be the earthquake center!"

The rest of the young firefighters came over to check it out too!

I saw the earthquake center in front of me, as if it had been blasted by a nuclear bomb, and all the surrounding rocks had been shattered!

The huge mountain looks like it has been hollowed out by a giant!

At this moment, a short fire officer suddenly said in surprise: "Captain, look, there seems to be a huge cave in front of you!"

Zhou Chong was startled and looked up!

Sure enough, I saw a huge cave in the collapsed pile of rocks in front!

The cave is covered by the surrounding bluestone, so if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all!

"Huh? Strange, why is there such a huge hole here?"

"Brothers, go over and take a look!"

Zhou Chong took the lead and walked over, followed closely by the young firefighters behind him.

Because the entrance to the cave is covered with rocks, if you want to enter the cave, you must move the surrounding rocks away.

Fortunately, these young firefighters are equipped with many tools to move around.

As everyone worked for nearly an hour, they finally removed the rocks at the entrance of the cave one by one.

A huge cave appeared in the eyes of all the firefighters.

I saw that the cave was more than ten feet wide!

I don’t know whether these caves are naturally formed or artificially created!

The huge cave is so dark that there is no end in sight... it is embedded in the center of this huge mountain! It seems to have hollowed out the mountain range.

"Strange, how come there is such a huge cave in the middle of the mountain?"

"Is it possible that this earthquake is related to the cave?"

"Xiao Liao, don't talk nonsense! Come on, turn on the flashlight, let's go in and check!"


Under the order of captain Zhou Chong, all the firefighters began to take out their lighting tools and walked into the cave in front of them.

This cave is huge!

As Zhou Chong and others walked in, they immediately sensed an unspeakable aura of pressure!

That kind of breath made it difficult for them to breathe... as if there was something indescribably terrifying inside the cave.

The cave is extremely deep!

There is no end in sight!

Zhou Chong was in front holding a flashlight to shine while leading the team members towards the inside.

After walking for about ten minutes, the space in front of me suddenly started to get bigger and bigger!

The width of the entire cave alone is the size of a football field!

Looking at such a strange cave, the eyes of all the firefighters widened again!

while walking!

Suddenly, a giant Optimus Pillar appeared in the space of the cave ahead!

The pillar was as big as a millstone and extremely majestic, standing like that in the cave!

If you look closely, there are not just one, but eight!

Eight magnificent pillars stand in this weird cave.

"Oh my God!"

"Isn't this pillar too thick?"

When the firefighters who came in saw these giant Optimus pillars, their pupils suddenly widened!

"Look, this pillar seems to be made of bronze instead of stone!"

One of the team members suddenly reached out and touched the giant pillar.

I saw that this giant pillar was extremely cold, and when I touched it with my hand, I could feel a biting chill!

What's even more strange is that each of these giant pillars is made of bronze...

Looking at such majestic eight giant bronze pillars, everyone took a breath.

"Dear boy, this cave is actually man-made!!!" one of the team members said.

"Yeah, it's amazing!"

"How could such a huge hole appear in the center of the earthquake? And there are also these eight giant bronze pillars that are still standing?"

All the firefighters were surprised.

But now they finally understand that this cave does not appear to be naturally formed, but caused by man!

But what kind of person could dig such a huge hole in the center of the mountain? And also cast these eight giant pillars?

The firefighters may not understand for a while.

"Captain, come and see here! There is something on this stone wall!"

Suddenly, a firefighter walking in front suddenly faced the cold stone wall.

Zhou Chong and others quickly ran over.

Turning on the flashlight, I saw that there were runes carved on the cold stone wall.

Those runes are extremely ancient, and some of the carvings on them have been erased by time!

But if you look carefully, you can still tell it.

Looking at the vertical and horizontal runes on the stone wall, all the firefighters were shocked.

"How come there are such ancient runes on this stone wall?"

Everyone was surprised.

"No matter what, let's take pictures of these runes first, and when we get back, we'll show them to the Geological Bureau and the professors from the Cultural Relics Appraisal Bureau!"

"Yeah! The captain is absolutely right!"

So, they took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures of the runes on the wall.

After taking photos of these rune patterns, Zhou Chong walked ahead along these rune patterns!

The further you go, the bigger it starts to get.

As he was walking, suddenly a huge bronze gate as tall as a mountain appeared in Zhou Chong's field of vision!

If Zhou Chong had not seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that he would see such a huge bronze gate in his lifetime!

The huge bronze door in front of me was more than ten feet in size!

This ancient bronze giant door seems to have stood for hundreds or thousands of years.

There is thick dust on the mottled copper door!

After Zhou Chong discovered the giant bronze door, all the other firefighters ran over.

"My dear...there is actually a giant bronze door here?"

"What's behind this giant door?"

"Who knows!"

All the firefighters looked at the ancient bronze door, and they were all stunned.

Looking at the giant bronze door in front of them, the more than 20 young firefighters felt that they were so insignificant...

At this moment, a sharp-eyed firefighter pointed at the top of the giant door and said: "Captain, there seems to be writing on the giant door!"

As he shouted, everyone immediately took lighting fixtures and started to shine upward!

As expected, there were several mottled ancient writings on the cold, dark bronze door!

It says: Towering Kunlun, countless creations, holy land of martial arts, gate to the hidden world!

Looking at these sixteen mottled ancient fonts, a sense of endless vicissitudes of time passed into the hearts of Zhou Chong and other firefighters.

It seems that these sixteen ancient fonts have some special magic power.

This chapter has been completed!
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