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Chapter 2 The Weicheng Youth

PS: There should probably only be one chapter today.

Because I have a cold and I am outside, everything is inconvenient, so my coding efficiency is not high.

Green shell eggs are very fresh and even have the original smell of the hen's body.

After boiling in boiling water for half an hour, a few thin lines cracked on the green shell. When you peeled the eggshell apart along the lines, steaming steam spurted out from the white egg. It was so hot that it caused severe pain in your fingers.

The egg that was so hot that his fingers were red was gently placed on the blood pimple on the back of his head. Yin Xuuge suddenly opened his eyes wide, gasped, and almost fainted when his vision went dark.

It hurts, it hurts, it really hurts.

Qing Ling huffed and puffed out cold air. The hot eggs almost made Yin Xuuge faint from the pain. It also made her fingers hurt. She only focused on blowing air on her fingers, so she ignored her hands.

The importance of it.

The hot egg stuck firmly to the center of the blood pimple on the back of Yin Xuuge's head. The piece of skin that was broken by the sap was the most tender wound. The pain was heart-breakingly hot, and Qing Ling's skin was neither light nor heavy.

With such force, placed in the begonia-patterned bronze mirror on the dressing table, Yin Xuuge's face suddenly distorted.

Thick black eyebrows, so black that they were green, were raised, like two big knives whizzing towards him.

Yin Xuuge was immediately attracted by the pair of heroic thick eyebrows on his delicate face in the mirror with a faint layer of rust. He gasped and brought his face close to the bronze mirror, while keeping his hands and feet away from him.

Green hands with eggs.

Looking back at Qing Ling who kept blowing air on her fingers, Yin Xuege sighed softly.

"Even if you burn me, your young master, to death, this house won't fall into your hands. You can't kill someone for money."

Qing Ling dropped the egg on the dressing table with a thud, and quickly pinched her earlobes with both hands.

She was confused and looked at Yin Xuuge blankly. She shook her head in confusion.

"How could it be scalded to death? The young master said it himself, use hard-boiled eggs to reduce swelling. I didn't use boiling water."

"Two eggs cost me three cents."

Qinghe changed her tone and quickly switched from the key question of whether her young master would be burned to death to a very strange topic.

"I remember this time last year, an egg cost only one penny. This time the year before last, three eggs cost only two cents."

"Two eggs cost three cents now. Master, we'd better sell half of the house, otherwise we'll really have no way to live."

Qing Ling looked at her young master seriously.

"After all, my family's expenses are getting bigger and bigger. Master, you have been buying two or three sets of four treasures for the study every month in the past six months. It's too expensive."

"There is also the cost of the decoction." Yin Xuege frowned slightly, and in the mirror, two thick black lines, as black as green, were spread across Yin Xuege's face like two big knives. The blade almost pierced him.

The thick eyebrows on the temples are tightly connected together.

Yin Xuuge has a very handsome appearance. Except for his slightly dark skin, he actually has the potential to be a pretty boy.

But the pair of thick eyebrows on his face made him completely insulated from pretty boys. In the words of many Yin family members, every time you see Yin Xuege, you will notice his eyebrows at first sight. Instead, you will ignore him.

A handsome face.

Moreover, many people in the Yin family said that Yin Xuuge's eyebrows were like two big knives. Every time he saw him, his eyebrows seemed to be chopped off in front of his face, which made people feel chilled in their hearts.

There are many, many Yin family members who secretly said that Yin Xuuge, who has these two eyebrows, has a fierce face and a tough fortune, so...

The words were unpleasant to hear, so Yin Xuege pretended not to hear them and was too lazy to think about them.

"There is also the cost of soup and medicine."

Qing Ling sighed. She picked up the egg which was no longer very hot and pressed it heavily on the back of Yin Xuege's head again.

Yin Xuuge groaned, his thin and shriveled Qing Ling had a lot of strength in his arm like a reed stick. When she pressed him like this, he felt as if he had been hit with a stick again. He almost fainted again.

"Young masters from other families also go to religious schools to study. Unlike our young master, he often comes back bruised and bruised."

The hot egg slowly rolled over the wound, perhaps because it had numbed the piece of flesh. Sure enough, the wound was no longer painful, and there was even a slight itching sensation. Yin Xuege stretched out his hand and touched the piece of flesh.

He wiped the old bronze mirror with crabapple pattern and nodded.

The eyebrows in the mirror parted and danced slightly.

"In a few days, I'll find a mirror grinder and tidy him up. The person in the mirror looks a bit fancy."

"Mirror grinder? Now you can grind a mirror for one hundred and fifty coins."

Qing Ling frowned.

"The price has increased, I asked about it."

"One hundred and fifty coins, this is one hundred eggs."

Thinking of throwing out a hundred eggs to grind the mirror, Qing Ling's hand shook and the eggs pressed hard on the wound.

Yin Xuuge groaned, the back of his head hurt sharply, and his head subconsciously rushed forward, hitting the dressing table hard. There was a soreness in his nose, and he almost had a nosebleed.

With his head pressed tightly against the dressing table, Yin Xuuge hesitated for a while, and finally felt that between his maid's self-esteem and his own life, his own life was more important. So he turned around and snatched it from Qing Ling's hand.

The egg was gently placed on his wound and rolled slowly.

"I'm clumsy and can't do anything well."

Yin Xuege coughed lightly as he severely improved his maid's low self-esteem.

"While it's still dark, break down the door of the Alley Kou Bookstore and buy a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, a Torah book and a bookcase."

After hesitating for a while, Yin Xuuge sighed softly.

"Remember, buy the cheapest one. Is the little money left by Uncle Pan, Brother Niu and the others enough?"

Before Qing Ling could speak, Yin Xuuge gently pointed at the bronze mirror on the dressing table.

"If it's not enough, don't use credit. People also do business on a small scale, so it's not easy."

"This mirror is expensive anyway. I don't want to spend money to polish it, so I gave it to someone else."

"Remember, this mirror is old. It is considered an antique and cannot be bought too cheaply. You have to ask someone to give it back with some money."

‘Oh’, Qing Ling responded, putting aside her depressed mood after being scolded by her young master for being ‘clumsy’, she carefully picked up the bronze mirror on the dressing table and walked out step by step.

As she walked, she looked back at Yin Xuege.

After walking for a full quarter of an hour, Qing Ling still hadn't walked out of the room.

Yin Xuege, whose face was pressed against the dressing table, listened to her muddy footsteps, stretched out the hand holding the egg, and curled his fingers towards her.

"Forget it, we don't have enough money. Let's go on credit."


Qing Ling screamed happily and took a few big steps back. But she walked too fast, and the mirror in her hand was a little too heavy for her withered and short body. Her feet slipped and her body fell forward.

, the mirror hit Yin Xuuge hard on the back of the head.

The scabbed wound opened and a stream of blood flowed out quickly.

Yin Xuege took a long, long breath, and then screamed.

"Stupid girl, I told you that you can't take this house away even if you kill me."

Qing Ling lowered her head, put down the bronze mirror, and then rushed out of the door with a few strides. As a result, she escaped in a hurry. She tripped on the threshold and was slapped flatly on the ground. She groaned in pain and lay flat on her back.

He lay on the ground without moving for a long time.

Yin Xuuge let out a long breath. His mood suddenly improved inexplicably, and his voice became extraordinarily gentle.

"What a stupid girl, hurry up and buy what I told you."

"Well, when you go out, pat yourself clean. Don't let people misunderstand that I'm beating you up at home all day long. That's not good."

Qing Ling lay on the ground. After a long while, she responded with a low voice. After another long time, she covered her nose with her hands and staggered up from the ground. She took a step forward, only thinking about the heartache that she might be knocked flat.

He hit the bridge of his nose, but his foot fell flat. He rolled down the steps in front of the door with a squeaking sound.

Yin Xuuge slowly raised his head, slowly holding the egg and rolling it on the bleeding wound.

He shook his head repeatedly and muttered softly.

"Stupid girl, even if you want to kill your young master, sell this house, take the money, go home and get married, and realize your life ideal of having a lot of children. At least you have to live before you kill your young master.

Do you need to feel more at ease?"

The next morning dawned bright and beautiful.

Wearing a clean jacket and carrying a bookcase, Yin Xuege burped, exhaled a smell of eggs, and walked out of the house in high spirits. Qing Ling followed him, heavily touching the black lacquer courtyard.

The door closed behind him.

Qing Ling's complaints came from the crack in the door.

"How can hard-boiled eggs be turned into egg drop soup? It's impossible."

"It smells like blood. It's your own blood anyway, and it's not dirty. Why can't you eat it? You can't throw it away. It's too wasteful."

"You choked on a boiled egg. Master, you are too stupid. Can you blame me?"

"You can only buy two eggs now for three cents. Can you waste them?"

The warm sunshine was not very hot, but warm enough. Yin Xuege was covered with sunshine, and he could only feel the whining of the green wind in the crack of the door, which was quickly dispersed by the sunshine. With a brilliant smile, he looked towards

Old neighbors on the street say hello.

A few old men squatting at the corner of the wall, carrying teapots and playing chess early in the morning, nodded to Yin Xuuge with a smile. Yin Xuuge was born in the Yin family, but he was not as arrogant and domineering as other Yin family members.

He has a habit of doing good deeds and will occasionally come forward to solve some minor troubles for his old neighbors, so his popularity is not bad, even very good.

As mentioned before, except for his slightly dark skin, Yin Xuuge was even considered very handsome and had the potential to be a pretty boy. So he was full of confidence along the way and greeted the little girls and eldest wives who walked out of the house with a shopping basket.

Throw away the bright smile.

But when he smiled, his two overly thick eyebrows were raised. The little girls and wives saw his eyebrows at first sight and completely ignored his handsome face. That's why they didn't get a clear look at Yin Xuege.

What did he look like? He lowered his head shyly and left quickly with light steps.

"A little sad."

Looking at the young and energetic girls who were bowing their heads and walking away quickly, Yin Xuege sighed softly.

Qing Ling has the ideal of life that if her young master dies one day, she will sell the house, use the money to go back to a country she can't even remember, get married, and then have a lot of children. But Yin Xuege feels that

, if he does not solve the confusion caused by his two eyebrows, he will have no hope of achieving similar life goals.

"Unless it's a blind date?"

His body shivered violently, and Yin Xuuge shook his head sincerely.

"Forget it, let's not harm other girls."

"It's very difficult to raise a young man now. I don't know where the money for next month's meals will be. How can I afford to raise a woman?"

"How about we really sell half of the house?"

After thinking carefully about some of Qing Ling's suggestions, Yin Xuege turned around and looked at his ancestral home deeply, twice, and three times with the eyes of a farmer looking at the big fat pig in the pig pen.


After looking at it three times, Yin Xuuge turned around and strode away without looking back.

"Selling the ancestral property is a waste of money. The reputation is too bad. I want to inherit the inheritance left by my father, my father's father, my father's father's father, and even more ancient fathers.

There’s no hope.”

"At critical moments, you can't make mistakes."

It takes more than a quarter of an hour to walk along the main road from the Yin Xuege family's house to the Yin family's religious school.

But if you take a detour through a small alley, you can get there in just half a quarter of an hour.

Standing at the entrance of the familiar alley, looking at the high walls on both sides and the thick moss on the walls, Yin Xuuge subconsciously touched the back of his head, which was still swollen with a bloody pimple after rubbing it with hot eggs.

Turning around, he walked along the avenue towards Zongxue.

There are ten horizontal, ten vertical and twenty avenues in Weinan City. Each avenue has a street patrol officer who oversees ten legal servants who are responsible for daily security patrols. It is absolutely safe to walk on the streets. City foxes and rats will never dare to do so.

Commit crimes on the street.

But in an alley?

"Ten taels of silver, that's ten thousand copper coins. There are also three Gu Yuan Pills, each worth twenty taels of silver."

"Unknowingly, I have lost so much money in the past half year? What a prodigal."

Putting his hands in his sleeves, walking slowly on the street like a Mr. Dong Heng, Yin Xuege complained to himself in a low voice. In other words, he complained in a low voice to himself before he fell into coma yesterday.

"I have to find a way to make money. But I don't know many things. How can I make money if I don't have the resources?"

"Perhaps, a certain guy is right, a business without capital is the fastest way to make money. Come on, think about it."

A tributary of the Wei River passes through Weinan City. Walk along the main street and cross a ten-foot-long arch bridge on the river. Surrounded by greenery on the other side, the place where a cornice is raised is the Yin family's religious school.

There is a large locust tree at the head of the bridge, with deep roots and lush branches and leaves, which is as thick as seven or eight people hugging each other.

When Yin Xuege walked past the big locust tree, she gently reached out and touched its rough bark.

In a place where outsiders could not see, a very thin line of green air seeped out from the bark of the tree. It was only about two inches long. It seeped into the palm of his hand very lightly. A thin line of cool air ran along the meridians on his arm.

The still swollen and painful wound on the back of his head suddenly felt cool and felt much better.

Moreover, when this cool air flows through the meridians on the arms, the meridians are also cool and there is an electrifying feeling.

If you can look inside, you can see that dozens of large and small acupuncture points on the meridians are illuminated with a layer of faint blue light at the same time. This layer of dim light disappears in a flash. After this flow of green air passes, these apertures

The hole became dim.

He nodded with satisfaction, patted the bark of the old locust tree vigorously, and Yin Xuege murmured a few words in a low voice.

"Old Sophora japonica, Old Sophora japonica, you don't lack a little bit of anger, right? You're at least thousands of years old, so what's this little bit of anger? Just suck some soil and fertilizer and you'll be back."

"So, if you borrow it and never pay it back, you won't keep it in mind, right?"

"It doesn't matter if you keep it in mind. There are legal officers and legal guards patrolling the city. Even if you become a tree spirit, you will be chopped into pieces and used as firewood. So..."

The palm of his hand moved slightly, and another thin stream of green energy flowed out. This time, the green energy was half a foot long, and it quickly rushed into the wound on the back of his head. Yin Xuuge nodded with satisfaction, and he touched it.

Touching his belly, his face suddenly darkened.

If this strength is too weak, it is not good.

I just borrowed some energy from this old locust tree with amazing vitality to heal my injuries. The two eggs I just ate in the morning were actually used up.

"My Gu Yuan Dan."

Yin Xuege was troubled, muttering in a low voice with a hint of resentment and even hatred. A Gu Yuan Dan could at least support him to absorb a hundred times the vitality just now, right? Nourishing the body with the vitality of the old locust tree is better than using the vitality of the old locust tree.

Simply taking Guyuan Dan is too strong.

While chanting, he ran quickly towards Zongxue. He didn't take a shortcut today, so he misjudged the time. A low bell rang in Zongxue. This was the preparation bell, and the official lecture would start soon.

The religious laws are very strict. If a religious student dares to be late, a severe beating is inevitable.

That was a real beating, a beating that could break the bones in both thighs.

"I'm short of money, but I can't get beaten. Otherwise, where will the money for soup and medicine come from?"

"Zongxue only cares about beatings, but not about healing. It's so inhumane. It's so, so inhumane."

He quickly rushed into the dark door of Zongxue with bronze door nails. He quickly rushed into the lecture hall and sat down in his seat. Only then did Yin Xuege take a deep breath of relief.


"The bandits robbed and killed people, but why do they occasionally kill and bury them?"

"This proves that the personalities of these teachers in Zongxue are worse than those of mountain bandits."

There was a loud bang, and a big, fat hand like a bear's paw slammed hard on the desk in front of Yin Xuuge.

A young boy who was at least a head taller than him and covered in tender white flesh stood panting beside Yin Xuuge, gnashing his teeth and mumbling in a low voice.

"Young Master Xue, what's going on in your head?"

"If you dare to provoke the boss of our Yin Family Shuangxiu, you are really seeking death."

"Tell me, who dares to knock you on the head? We will carry a bucket of excrement tonight and spray it all at his front door."

Yin Xuuge raised his head, looked at Yin Feifei, the only person close to him in the Yin family sect, and coughed lightly.

"Fei Fei, the normal school is at the door. Do you want to be beaten?"

Yin Feifei's big white flesh rolled violently, and then like a light bird, he rushed back to the seat two feet away with one big step, and slammed his butt down.

The door opened, and Fan Yin Jiuchong, a master of the Yin family's ancestral law department, walked in slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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