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Chapter 3 Grace and Law, Teenager

There will be a second chapter today, but give Zhutou some time to code!!!

I have just recovered from a cold. I am depressed. My nose is running and my head feels empty.


Zongxue, the foundation and lifeblood of a clan.

Gathering the hearts of the clan, cultivating the clan elite, passing on the clan's fire, and improving the clan's strength are all in the clan's studies.

The Yin family sect is simple, solemn and solemn. It has cornices and brackets and a dense courtyard. All the buildings are black tiles and white walls, which are set off by the green pines and cypresses that are more than thousands of years old and make the courtyard a bit chilly.

Outside the lecture hall where Yin Xuege was sitting, there was a group of three people hugging a thick ancient pine tree.

The gnarled pine branches stick out diagonally, almost reaching into the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the lecture hall. The spring morning sunshine casts the shadow of the old pine trees on the ebony floor. The dark floor is as smooth as a mirror.

It was repeatedly wiped dozens of times by religious servants every day, and it was so bright that it could be used as a mirror.

Fan Yin Jiuchong, a lawyer from the Yin family's religious studies, was wearing a black gown with a dark red belt symbolizing the majesty of the law tied around his waist. He was holding three volumes of law in both hands.

A ruler measuring four inches, two inches and four minutes wide, and one inch and two minutes thick walked in slowly.

Yin Jiuzhong's figure is steady, and every step is accurate. Pay careful attention to his foothold. Every step he steps on is exactly in the middle of the floor, and there is absolutely no deviation at all.

Upright and upright, the whole person feels like a piece of granite carved into a cube. It is so upright and hard that it is daunting.

With his dark face tense, Yin Jiuzhong came to the long desk in front of the lecture hall and stood there upright.

There were thirty-six disciples of the Yin family in the lecture hall, including Yin Xuege, which coincided with the number of Tiangang. When they saw Yin Jiuzhong's figure, they stopped and turned to face themselves. They stood up at the same time and stood in uniform.

Bow to him ninety degrees.

Everyone's movements were precise and meticulous, as neat as thirty-six wooden puppets.

Yin Jiuchong's gray eyes were stern, and he scanned all the disciples in the lecture hall critically. His gaze was like a knife. He quickly scanned all the details one by one. His eyes suddenly stopped on Yin Feifei's body, and he slowly put down his hand.

He climbed up the scroll, grabbed the ruler and held it tightly in his hand, and walked step by step to Yin Feifei's side.

Yin Feifei's body trembled like a fallen leaf in the wind, and the white flesh all over his body trembled like waves.

"Human nature is inherently evil, so the sage established the "Law" to restrain all human beings. It restrains the innate evil and leads people to be good."

"Law is the foundation of heaven and earth, and the foundation of all things. There must be no mistakes or mistakes. There must be no flaws or omissions."

"Yin Feifei, there is a strand of hair on your bun. How can you be so careless in the religious lecture hall?"

"According to the "Laws of Learning", reach out your hand."

Yin Feifei tremblingly stretched out his left hand, which was as white and tender as white powder. All women in the world would envy Yin Feifei's thin skin and tender flesh.

Yin Jiuzhong glared at Yin Feifei, exhaled a cloud of cold air from his nostrils, and clenched the ruler with his right hand. He brought up a black shadow and hit Yin Feifei's palm. There was a crisp sound of 'pop', and the children of the Yin family in the lecture hall

Their bodies twitched at the same time, as if the ruler had hit them.

Yin Feifei gritted his teeth and finally suppressed the miserable howl that had reached his lips.

His left hand turned red and blue at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and then quickly turned purple-black. A clear square blood mark appeared from under his skin. The blood mark was swollen and almost transparent, and you could see that it was sticky inside.

The congestion is flowing.

Yin Feifei's eyes widened as gray as a dead fish, cold sweat trickled down his forehead, but he did not dare to make any sound.

Dare to move, dare to speak out. Yin Jiuzhong can give him another foot. In the clan's ancestral school, a disciple was beaten to death by Shifan on the spot. This kind of thing happened more than once in the ancient city of Weinan? Shifan beat a member of his family to death, I don't know.

Sin, on the contrary, is a great contribution to maintaining the majesty of the law.

As the master of the Yin family's sect, Yin Jiuzhong naturally has the strength to match.

He has succeeded in tempering his body, which is the strength of a hundred jun. Ten thousand kilograms is a jun, and the strength of a jun is also the average strength of a normal healthy man in this world. The huge strength of a hundred jun is called a tripod, which is a hundred times the strength of ordinary people.


He also practiced the Yin Family's "Yin Feng Jue" and opened at least nine acupoints to communicate with the Qi of heaven and earth. He ate the wind and drank the dew, and obtained the spiritual marrow of heaven and earth to replenish his body. A mouthful of vitality was born from within. With the taste of "Yin Feng Jue"

Level, every opening of an orifice can increase the power of at least five to ten jun in the ninth level of Yin.

The ninth level of Yin should have at least the physical strength of a hundred and fifty mortals.

The ruler was made by the royal family in accordance with the specifications of the "Laws of Learning". A small ruler weighs fifty jun, and ordinary people cannot even lift it.

With the strength of Yin Jiuzhong and the weight of the ruler, Yin Feifei's palm quickly swelled and became bruised with a single tap, and even damaged the bone and meridians. Fortunately, "Xuelu" is only for underage religious students.

, it is not the terrible "Penal Code" and other laws, so Yin Feifei only suffered the pain of flesh and blood, and the palm was not completely invalidated.

"A blow from the ruler can shock the deaf and enlighten the mind. Remember the pain you have suffered today, and you will not do it again in the future."

Yin Jiuzhong put down his ruler, stood behind Yin Feifei, untied his hair rope, and carefully and carefully tied him into a hairpin that was smooth and smooth without any flaws, upright and straight like a wooden stake.

The bun in the middle of his head.

"In this way, it is in line with the charm of "Lv". You must know that the foundation of heaven and earth is based on "Lv".

"If you make a mistake and make a mistake, you will be ruined forever. A thousand-mile embankment will be destroyed in an ant nest. Human nature is evil. If you let small evils go unchecked, it will be useless to regret it when it is wiped out in the future."

Yin Jiuzhong held the ruler tightly and walked slowly around the lecture hall. He paused slightly beside each disciple and explained his understanding of "Law" in a serious tone. He was particularly focused on,

He made a rigorous and precise analysis of Yin Feifei's misdeed of actually having a trace of stray hair on his bun today.

"If you mess up your hair today, you will not dress properly tomorrow."

"If you are not well-dressed, your mind is not right, and internal demons will arise."

"Innate evil thoughts turned into demons and killed the acquired spirits. From then on, their behavior was absurd and ridiculous. Sexuality, luxury and luxury were just trivial things. Murder and arson were nothing ordinary. They even deceived their masters and destroyed their ancestors, causing trouble to the world. The true legacy is endless."

"A small evil today will lead to a big disaster tomorrow. As long as you follow the guidance of the "Law" in everything. Strictly abide by your duties and abide by your heart, you will be able to be just to the gods, and you will have boundless blessings with you."

After walking around the lecture hall, Yin Jiuchong walked back to the desk in a steady manner and sat upright. He knelt down behind the desk.

The ruler is placed on the right hand side. If any disciple dares to roar in the lecture hall and violate the "Laws of Learning", he can be angry and strike at any time to correct the sanctity and solemnity of the "Laws".

His hands had been washed clean, without a trace of dust, and his nails were neatly rested. Before Yin Jiuzhong opened the book "Official Laws", he still took out a white handkerchief and wiped his fingers carefully.


Folding the handkerchief neatly and placing it squarely on the left side of the desk, Yin Jiuzhong opened the brick-thick "Official Code" and began to explain in a stern tone.

In this world, all countries and dynasties follow the "Laws". Officials in all countries also follow the "Official Laws" and dare not go beyond them in the slightest.

In this volume of "Official Laws", what is closely related to Yin Xuege's immediate interests is the "Laws of Enshi". The so-called Enshi refers to an official with a formal rank. If he dies in official duties, his descendants will

The eldest son can take over his position with grace.

According to the law of grace, if Yin Xuege, who has just turned sixteen, can temper his body successfully before reaching adulthood at the age of eighteen, and have the power of a hundred jun, which is a cauldron, he can inherit the official title of his deceased father and live as a common man.

, directly promoted to the position of deputy ninth-grade street patrol officer in Weinan City.

Patrolling Law Lieutenant, Deputy Ninth Grade, with a very low official rank, without even a hint of official flavor.

But this is an official position. He is an official, not a clerk, not a servant, and not a lowly servant. An official is a member of the ruling class. He has a formal official position, which has unlimited possibilities for promotion.


According to the "Official Code", a mere patrol officer in Weinan City, a small official of the ninth rank, should have a monthly salary of twenty taels of silver, two hundred kilograms of polished rice, fifty kilograms of pork, two chickens, two

Duck, two geese, ten pounds of fine sesame oil, and three pounds of top quality green salt as a supplement.

In addition to these, the patrol officers can legally receive an additional ten taels of silver each month to support their integrity, five taels of silver each month for new clothes in spring, five taels of silver each month for heat protection in summer, the same five taels of silver for new clothes in autumn and spring, and five taels of silver each month for new clothes in spring.

There are twelve taels of cold silver.

If there is any unrest on the streets under the jurisdiction of the street patrol officer, it is a great achievement for the street patrol officer to kill the murderer on the street. The head of a murderer in the body tempering realm will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver; the head of a murderer in the body tempering realm and above will be rewarded with one hundred taels.

According to the cultivation level, the minimum reward is one thousand taels of silver.

If gold, silver, grain, oil, rice and flour are not very attractive to cultivators, the deputy ninth-rank official of the street patrol officer can get ten Gu Yuan Dan to nourish the body and five Feng Lu Dan to temper the vitality every month.

Guyuan Dan can be purchased in silver for twenty taels of silver each.

Fenglu Dan is extremely rare on the market. Once it appears, it costs one tael of gold or one pill, and it can only be settled in gold.

In addition to Guyuan Pill and Fenglu Pill, the most important thing is that the patrol officer can get an acupuncture pill every month. The so-called acupuncture pill is to use the power of the medicine to turn into an invisible blade to attack various acupoints in the body, helping

Practitioners conflict with acupoints.

The Acupuncture Pill is something strictly controlled by the government, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to see it. The high price of ten taels of gold per pill makes the common people despair, but it is enough to make any non-official cultivator go crazy.

The Acupuncture Pill can help cultivators quickly improve their cultivation. Therefore, the officials of various countries and other major forces that are qualified to possess the Acupuncture Pill strictly control them. If there are people who sell the Acupuncture Pill privately, once they are discovered, they will be executed.

They will even use the "Criminal Code" clause of "failure to report knowledge and harboring the same crime" to kill the perpetrators and their neighbors to shock the world.

"If I could take over my father's position now."

Yin Xuuge knelt down behind the desk, her long eyebrows knitted together, and she couldn't help but think about it secretly.

The law of grace is really a good law. If he can successfully inherit his late father's official position, his family's expenses will naturally be completely worry-free, and his own cultivation will be greatly protected.

At least, that stupid girl Qing Ling doesn't have to worry about selling her ancestral home all day long.

The law of favor, the law of favor, the law of favor...

Yin Xuuge frowned and stared at Yin Jiuzhong behind the desk.

According to the "Official Code", the number of official positions in every state, county and city in every dynasty in the world is fixed. With twenty streets running across the ancient city of Weinan, there can only be twenty patrol officers. Even the current emperor does not

I dare say that in the ancient city of Weinan, a street patrol officer will be added.

Unless Grand Administrator Lin Jingfeng has the power to manage the ancient city of Weinan so that it is prosperous and prosperous. The people live and work in peace and contentment, the population is prosperous, and the livestock are luxuriant. When the city can no longer house so many residents, he will naturally follow the "City Laws" and expand the new city.


If there is one more street and the number of citizens is greater, there will be one more street patrol officer.

However, the ancient city of Weinan is called an ancient city. It has stood south of the Wei River for countless years. It is located in a land blessed by the country and has no room for development around it.

Unless Lin Jingfeng is a legendary god, he will not be able to expand the scale of the ancient city of Weinan even if he is extremely powerful. The surrounding fields, mountains and forests cannot support more residents, nor can they supply the corresponding increase in population.

The cost of cultivators should be increased.

Therefore, the ancient city of Weinan can only have twenty patrol officers.

There are only nineteen of them now, because the title of a street patrol officer is temporarily held by someone from the Prefecture, until Yin Xuuge reaches adulthood. If he can reach the power of a cauldron and successfully complete the body tempering foundation, he

Only then can I take advantage of this official position.

"Fragrant buns, big fat meat, everyone wants to take a bite, but they don't dare to break the law and kill me."

With two thick eyebrows raised high, Yin Xuege looked at Yin Jiuchong who was sitting behind the desk and talking casually. She didn't hear what he was saying at all.

A low bell rang, and the bell of the Yin family's ancestral school reverberated in the lush and dense courtyard of ancient pines and cypresses.

Teachers in various lecture halls shut up at the same time and stood up slowly.

The students in the lecture hall stood up neatly and bowed ninety degrees to the teachers again.

Everything was completed silently, and then the second bell rang slowly over.

The aftertaste of the bell's ringing still echoed in the air, and Yin Jiuchong took a deep look at Yin Xuege.

"I have homework to do when I go back today. Write a thousand-word "Law" and talk about your opinions on the "Official Code". Submit it tomorrow morning. If you make any mistakes, you will know the consequences."

The corners of the mouths of all the disciples twitched at the same time. When studying in Zongxue, what they feared most was writing the "Lv Wen".

Especially the thousand-word "Lüwen" must be written in neat Guange style, and no strokes are allowed to be missed. If there is even a spot of ink on the scroll, it must be reworked or rewritten, otherwise there will be flaws.

The article was sent to the normal school. It was absolutely impossible to escape the blow of the ruler, and it was deafening and enlightening.

Yin Jiuzhong glanced at Yin Xuuge again, and his steps towards the door suddenly stopped.

Turning around and arriving in front of Yin Xuege, Yin Jiuchong took out a small black brocade pouch from his sleeve and slowly placed it on Yin Xuege's desk.

"After school in the future, go with the brothers of the same clan. Brotherly love is also mentioned in the "Clan Law". If there is no affection between brothers, the family will not be able to stand between heaven and earth for a long time."

The ruler in his hand shook slightly, and Yin Jiuzhong snorted coldly at the Yin family disciples around him.

"Remember, brotherly love is the foundation of the family. Human nature is evil, and you should restrain your evil thoughts."

Without waiting for Yin Xuege to speak, Yin Jiuzhong walked out of the lecture hall still walking with rigid and steady steps, each step stepping on the center of the wooden floor, each step meticulous, and his upper body motionless.

Yin Xuuge grabbed the black brocade bag in front of him, which contained a small hard object. He opened the brocade bag and glanced at it, but it was a golden bean, which cost about five yuan and was worth fifty taels of silver.

Ignoring the strange looks from the brothers of the same race around him, he stuffed the kit into his sleeves and put the books neatly into the book box. Yin Feifei had already rushed over with a strong wind.

While shaking his left hand, which had become swollen and black, and quickly applying a layer of ointment to his swollen palm like a ball, Yin Feifei grinned loudly again.

"Young Master Xue, which kind of blind dog are you?"

"Are our Yin family Shuangxiu so easy to bully?"

"Come on, let's find the enemy. Let's get a bucket, no, a truckload of dung, and dump it in front of his house."

The ointment works wonders, and the swollen palms are quickly returning to normal. This kind of plaster for bruises is a must-have for any family or any child, because no one knows when you will be hit by the ruler.

Then it was deafening and enlightening.

However, this plaster is a bit expensive for Yin Xuuge now, so he has no stock on hand and can only rely on eggs.

Yin Xuuge smiled and patted Yin Feifei's arm.

Yin Feifei's arms moved, and then all the white flesh on his body began to tremble with Yin Xuege's slapping, as if a layer of fleshy waves had rolled up.

"It's embarrassing. I didn't see who did it."

"A bad wind blew behind my ears, and my vision went dark, and I threw myself on the street and fell to the ground."

Yin Xuege pointed mockingly at the back of his head, sucking away the life of the old locust tree. The wound has healed, but the dazzling blood scab on the damaged skin tells everyone how scary this wound used to be.

Yin Feifei stamped his feet, and then another wave of flesh rolled over his body.

The children of the Yin family on the side did not give them any time to speak. A tall and strong young man, as tall as Yin Feifei, but covered in knots and tendons, clasped his hands in front of his chest and shouted harshly.

"Okay, hurry up and gather at the school grounds. According to the arrangements of the Martial Arts Normal School, today we will test your body tempering cultivation."

This is Yin Feixiong, Yin Xuege and the others, the head of this lecture hall, the leader of the thirty-six disciples, and has the power to assist in the teaching of the normal school.

Yin Feixiong glanced at Yin Xuege maliciously, and Yin Feixiong sneered a few times.

"Yin Feifei, don't let yourself down and hang out with some worthless scum."

Pointing his thumb towards his nose, Yin Feixiong raised his head arrogantly.

"If you really want to find a big brother, you have to find someone like me. How much power does Yin Xuuge, a loser, have after practicing for so many years?"

"Fifty or sixty?"

Yin Feiying, a short and capable young man from the Yin family, laughed a few times.

"Yin Xuuge, your cultivation level has not improved much for many months, right?"

"If you haven't improved significantly this month, you won't be able to escape the heavy penalty of three feet."

Except for Yin Feifei, all the Yin family disciples in the lecture hall laughed maliciously.

PS: There will be a second chapter today, but give Zhutou some time to code!!!

I have just recovered from a cold. I am depressed. My nose is running and my head feels empty.

This chapter has been completed!
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