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0574, escape again

Fortunately, Su Yi's worries did not come true, and Ma Jun did not chase him until Tony retreated.

After the two sides faced off like this for more than a minute, Su Yi gradually felt something was wrong.

Ahu's voice came from the intercom: "Brother, the coast guard is here. I saw three coast guard ships. They sent out speedboats!"

This is to be expected.

Su Yi said directly: "Tony, go find Ahu, you go first, I will hold Ma Jun back!"

In Su Yi's view, as long as Ma Jun didn't go after Tony and Ahu, his two cheap brothers would have a chance to survive.

But if he hadn't held Ma Jun back and allowed Ma Jun to bite Tony and Ahu, then the two of them would have really narrowly escaped death.

One horse trooper is more dangerous than the entire Hong Kong Island police force combined!

Although this statement is extreme, it is enough to explain the problem.

Ma Jun also received news from the coast guard, saying that he saw a man fleeing along the coastline in a speedboat and had organized manpower to pursue and intercept him.

He called the captain of the Flying Tigers directly and asked them to join the hunt there immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Jun continued to stare straight ahead and confronted Su Yi.

He didn't know that the person confronting him was Su Yi himself, but he made up his mind to kill this person!

The reason why Ma Jun didn't care about Tony who was leaving, nor about Ahu who was driving the speedboat alone, was first because he didn't want to be led by the other party anymore and decided to stay the same in the face of all changes, and secondly because he decided to die.

Bite the person confronting him and stare him to death!

Ten opponents, if you kill one and lose one, and hurt ten of their fingers, it is better to cut off one of them!

He is very patient because he knows that it is the other party who should be anxious.

Ma Jun guessed correctly.

The three-minute silent confrontation made Su Yi aware of Ma Jun's intentions.

He originally planned to delay some time for Tony and Ahu, but at this time he completely gave up all plans and decided to evacuate decisively.

But what is confrontation?

A confrontation is a deadlock in which neither side dares to act rashly!

While Su Yi was aiming his sniper at his opponent, at least six or seven guns were aimed at his hiding place at the same time.

The two sides are really fighting whoever moves will die.

If Tony was still here, he could divert Su Yi's attention and break the deadlock, but now Tony is gone.

So now Su Yi is faced with an embarrassing situation where he dare not move.

But if it doesn't move, Ma Jun can drag it away, but Su Yi can't.

Ma Jun has a large number of troops to support him, but what about Su Yi?

The only two people who could help him, Tony and Ahu, couldn't take care of themselves, so he was completely helpless.

In fact, the Ma Army was as stable as a mountain at this time, and it was precisely with the idea of ​​using the human sea tactic.

He has notified the remaining members of the PTU and the Anti-Terrorism Unit to jointly enforce the law, and hundreds of police officers from the Criminal Operations Division are also on the way.

As long as Su Yi is held for a while longer, these policemen will surround the place, and by then Su Yi will not be able to escape.


Su Yi fired tentatively, but there was no movement from the other side.

These people are well-trained military police and would not expose their flaws to Su Yi so easily.


Suddenly there was an explosion not far away. It was Su Yi who triggered the bomb on the other side that had not been detonated before.

He wanted to use this method to divert the enemy's attention and create an opportunity for himself to escape.

At the same time as the explosion, Su Yi threw a grenade.

As the smoke and dust swirled, Su Yi took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

Bang bang bang!

Although Su Yi's movements were fast enough and cautious enough, a bullet still hit his left arm.

He was shot.

But after paying such a price, Su Yi finally managed to escape.

He ran towards the dense forest not far away, and at the same time threw two grenades behind him.

The explosion behind him was deafening, and the flying debris and turbulent air waves hit Su Yi hard on the back. He was greatly shaken, and even felt that his back seemed to be scratched by shrapnel, and he did not dare to look back.

Don't dare to stay.

When approaching the dense forest, Su Yi suddenly swung his shovel and ran into the woods.

Duh duh duh…

Almost at the same time as he dodged, several bullets passed through his original position, hitting the trees and causing debris to fly away.

Su Yi rolled over and raised his gun to shoot at the pursuers.

The first shot was a bit off and injured one of the players, but the second shot directly shot a team member in the head.

He didn't have time to fire the third shot, because the cavalry troops also rushed in like wolves and shot at Su Yi repeatedly.

Su Yi rolled his body to avoid it and threw another grenade.


Amidst the explosion, Su Yi's figure disappeared deep into the dense woods.

There is an old saying that no one can enter the woods, but there is also an old saying that those who are good at art are bold.

When two old sayings conflict with each other, just treat the old saying as saying nothing.

Ma Jun did not hesitate to chase after him. He had already recognized the person running in front of him as Su Yi. He was filled with excitement and felt as excited as "catching a big fish".

As he chased, he followed the trail and fired.

But Su Yi was very experienced, and he ran very experiencedly, giving the Ma army no chance to take aim.

The two of them chased and escaped, leaving the other police officers behind.

At the same time, the police force called by Ma Jun had arrived. The commander-in-chief on the scene was the Chief Superintendent of the Criminal Department of the police force. After he understood the situation, he immediately ordered his troops to divide into two groups and block Su Yi's escape route.

This dense forest, on the other hand, assisted the coast police in capturing Tony and Ahu.

Hundreds of police officers began a mighty operation. When the first brother of the police force at the police headquarters heard that the target of this operation was the three Vietnamese brothers who robbed the Hong Kong Treasury, he was immediately excited and began to mobilize large numbers of police officers.

, come here.

He issued the highest order - to capture the three Vietnamese brothers alive at all costs!

At this time, Ma Jun was chasing after Su Yi, completely unaware that this matter was getting bigger and bigger and was out of his control.

It is true that the high-level attention of the police force and the layer-by-layer blockade by the brigade will increase the probability of the three Vietnamese brothers being arrested.

But everything has two sides.

The police's big move could not be hidden from the media. Almost all major media outlets got the news that the police were hunting the mastermind of the treasury robbery. They all heard the news and gathered here like sharks smelling blood.

Some newspapers even went out of their way to announce that the "number one thief" was about to be arrested and that 86 tons of gold would be recovered.

Public opinion is boiling.

If the three Vietnamese brothers are still allowed to escape, the police force will face unpredictable pressure from public opinion.

On the sea, a war between police and bandits is also raging.

Ahu drove a speedboat and fled along the coastline, with more than a dozen speedboats chasing after him.

Further away, several coast guard ships were using their searchlights to continuously track Ahu's movements, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Finally, Ahu had to dock and boarded the pier.

Tony arrived just in time and the two successfully reunited.

Then one person picked up a rocket launcher and started firing grenades into the sea.

Two shooting stars shot out, and the next moment two speedboats bloomed on the sea like fireworks.

The rest of the speedboats dispersed like birds and beasts, fleeing in panic.

Ahu wanted to reload, but Tony stopped him: "Let's go!"

Tony already felt the crisis.

"Where's eldest brother?" Ahu asked anxiously.

"If we don't leave, brother won't leave!" Tony threw an AK to Ahu and picked up a backpack full of ammunition.

Ahu said nothing more, and the two brothers hurriedly left the dock. Before leaving, Tony threw three bombs here.

Three minutes later—boom!

The pier was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

On the other side, Su Yi had already reached the edge of the dense forest, but he still couldn't get rid of the horse army behind him, which was like maggots on the tarsal bones.

The bullets in the Ma Jun's guns were all gone, but they didn't even have time to reload, so they just kept chasing.

Similarly, Su Yi did not dare to stop and turn around to shoot, because if he slowed down, there was a risk of being entangled by the cavalry.

He knew very well that he must not be entangled by Ma Jun at this time, otherwise the best outcome would be that he and Ma Jun would die together.

Just as he was about to rush out of the dense forest, suddenly the siren blared loudly ahead, accompanied by the sound of rapid braking.

Ma Jun was immediately overjoyed.

With pursuers behind and interceptors in front, Su Yi seemed to be in a dead end.

Through the shadowy branches and leaves, he saw two assault vehicles parked on the roadside outside the dense forest, and a dozen police officers were jumping out of the vehicles.

They were a small team ordered to set up a jam here, and their encounter with Su Yi was a complete accident.

Su Yi was extremely calm at this moment. His speed did not slow down, he rushed out of the dense forest and rushed towards the policemen.

Then, without any surprise, he was discovered.

Fortunately, it was already dark now and the police could not see Su Yi's face clearly, they could only see the figure.

"Stop!" a policeman shouted in surprise, trying to reach for his gun from his waist.

Su Yi not only did not raise his gun to shoot first, but instead threw down the pistol and raised his hands in the air. He still ran here without losing speed, and at the same time shouted: "One of my own! I am O Ji agent Luo Ji, who was ordered to undercover the Baiyue Gang.

, Xian Wecha is chasing me behind!"

The policemen were in a state of shock and confusion when Su Yi quickly ran up to them.

At this time, Ma Jun also just chased out of the dense forest.

Most of the police were dubious about Su Yi's words, but after all, they had preconceived impressions, and Su Yi's action of throwing away the pistol and raising his hands was very confusing.

So when they saw someone really chasing them, most of the police immediately turned their guns and pointed them at the Ma Jun.

Several others stopped Su Yi and wanted to control him first.

"I'm Ma Jun!" Ma Jun on the other side obviously realized Su Yi's obscene thoughts and immediately shouted to identify himself.

But it was already too late.

Su Yi jumped up suddenly and hit the two police officers who were surrounding him on the head with both elbows.

The two of them fell to the ground with a bang.

Su Yi kept walking and used his strength to rush directly into an assault vehicle. He punched the panicked driver in the face. The driver's head hit the car glass with a loud crash, causing his head to bleed.

Passed out.

At the same time, Su Yi took out a grenade and threw it outside the car, then dragged the unconscious driver out of the car and sat in the driver's seat.

"Grenade!" a policeman shouted in a stern voice.

The assault truck didn't even have time to extinguish the fire when it arrived, but it saved Su Yi time and provided convenience.

As the engine roared, the car sped out suddenly.

The unclosed car door was swung shut due to inertia, and there was an explosion from behind. The car glass shattered with a crash.

The panicked police officers all fell to the ground, but no one was injured.

I was just shocked and my head was buzzing.

By the time they got up, Su Yi's car had already gone several hundred meters away.


The horse army rushed to another assault vehicle like lightning, pushed the screaming driver out of the car, kicked the accelerator, and chased after him.

Only then did the police officers, who were beaten to pieces by the explosion, realized what had just happened. They panicked and used the intercom to report to the superiors what had just happened.

The on-site commander immediately gave instructions to set up checkpoints at all intersections and lay spike strips to intercept this desperate king of thieves!

The police, who had cordoned off the area long ago, took action immediately.

The same assault vehicle, the same crazy driver, traveling in the same direction, it is naturally difficult to catch up.

Not to mention that Su Yi used his last grenade to blow up a highway bridge along the way.

By the time the cavalry army came around from the deserted beach on one side, Su Yi's car had long disappeared.

Four helicopters took off and began searching the area with searchlights.

Ten minutes later, in an abandoned yard, the police found the assault vehicle that Su Yi had driven away. There was also a driver in the assault vehicle who had been stripped naked.

When Ma Jun rushed to the scene, he immediately reported to Brother No. 1: "Xian Weicha may have escaped wearing a police uniform and pretending to be one of his own!"

This speculation made the police very nervous. It was getting late at this time, and thousands of police officers participated in the arrest operation. The search was carried out in a hurried manner, and there was inevitably confusion in the organization.

If Su Yi really wears a police uniform and sneaks out, it is very possible.

At Ma Jun's suggestion, the on-site commander immediately issued an order to have all police officers on standby and no movement was allowed.

At this time, if any colleague is found to be acting erratically, and the police officer fails to give a warning, he has the right to shoot directly!

This order shocked all the police officers. The police officers stood still and did not dare to move. Ma Jun began to lead people to check all his colleagues along the way to see if Su Yi was among them.

All the police officers who had been inspected were not restricted, and they were also tied up with Ma Jun and spread out to inspect other colleagues.

I checked myself for half an hour, but still found nothing.

Su Yi seemed to have turned into smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Continue to maintain the blockade, go door to door, and conduct carpet searches!" Brother Yi became furious and wanted to find Su Yi at all costs and money.

The policemen were all holding back their strength, feeling that Su Yi was already a turtle in the urn and could not escape.

They thought it was only a matter of time before they found Su Yi.

Only Ma Jun has lost hope at this moment. He does not believe that his opponent will be caught by him after being out of his sight for nearly an hour.

If Su Yi is really that stupid, he is not worthy of being his opponent.

He was sure that Su Yi would have escaped long ago.

But since Brother One wants to continue the search, Ma Jun has no reason to remind Brother One not to do useless work.

He suppressed his disappointment and focused on Tony and Ahu.

He started tracing from the bombed pier, and soon found the car that Tony and the others were driving.

The car was abandoned on another pier. Tony and Ahu went ashore and bypassed the blockade of the marine police. They still took the sea route from another pier and disappeared into the vast sea.

Ma Jun stood on the beach, his heart filled with unspeakable frustration.


Failed again!

This chapter has been completed!
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