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Chapter 2291 Time Slicing

Doors were opened quickly one after another, and were not closed in time after opening. Since the doors on both sides of the room were opposite, this caused the rooms behind to be connected in a straight line from the position of the door, and the length of one room was not

At twenty meters, fifty rooms reach one thousand meters. After reaching one thousand meters, no matter how good the eyesight is, it is impossible for a player to see objects at this distance clearly, let alone such an identical room, standing in front of any door.

Look, this place is like a never-ending deep well.

Xu Huo opened 500 rooms in one breath before stopping again. Looking back, since each room has a 360-degree light source, the end of his field of vision turned into a small white spot, like a narrow

The tunnel...the room is straight, with no angle deviation at all, and no repetitive cycles.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at another door. Is there a similar room behind this door that will never be repeated?

Or does it require players to devote enough time and energy to get to the end?

"Click!" He opened the next door and saw two players lying on the ground.

When they noticed someone coming, they opened their eyelids, looked at him and closed them again.

"Have you ever been to the front?" Xu Huo asked.

The player on the left was lying peacefully with his hands folded on his abdomen. He did not open his eyes after hearing this, and said calmly: "As someone who returned from Ten Thousand, at least I can tell you that there are no corpses in the nine thousand rooms ahead.

Anything other than that.”

"Ten thousand?" Xu Huo seemed shocked by this number.

"It should be ten thousand, it's less but not more." The other party said: "Every thousand rooms I leave a bead I carry with me. Although I couldn't find it when I came back, I did lose twelve...

My bracelet is gone too."

Xu Huo looked at another person, "Are the bodies in the front room all the same?"

The player on the right has long hair. I don’t know what his mentality is. He lies on the ground and divides his hair into strands and sticks it to the ground. It looks a bit like a sliced ​​sea urchin.

"The degree of decay is different. The difference is like yesterday's fresh meat and today's fresh meat that has spoiled but cannot be seen." The long-haired player also answered with his eyes closed.

Xu Huo did not leave, but asked the two of them, "Aren't you planning to go back?"

"Let it go." The player on the left said: "There is not much difference between dying here and dying in the first room."

"At least it's clean here." The long-haired player on the right added.

The two of them just lay on the ground, showing no intention of getting up.

Xu Huo saw that they were not going to say anything more, so he sat down to rest.

"Aren't you leaving?" After a long silence, the player on the left asked.

"The rooms here will be refreshed soon. I plan to wait until they are refreshed before continuing." Xu Huo told him frankly.

Then there was silence in the room again.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the player on the right said quietly, "Looking at you, you are very angry. You must have just come in. If you have anything to eat, I will share it with you. I will exchange it with you for props."

"If he changes, I will change too." The player on the left immediately said.

Xu Huo didn't bring much food with him. It was originally some high-energy emergency food prepared by Mr. Dong for him, just in case he encountered a dungeon without food. Although the game can bring in the player's belongings, the packaging is also limited.

not much.

He took a candy bar from his backpack, broke it in half and gave it to the two of them.


"You happened to have brought a lot of water, right?" The two people sat up suddenly when they saw the food, their eyes fixed on his small backpack.

The backpack itself is a prop and has no special effects. The fabric itself is fire-proof and insect-proof, and is not easily scratched by sharp objects. Since the prop cannot be used, some storage utensils that can be used to store small amounts of food and water are not brought out, so the water is still there.

Practical plastic bottles were brought in.

When they saw him taking out the water, the two of them stopped turning their eyes and did not let them get close. Xu Huo gave each of them a cup using the small plastic cup that came with it.

"More." The long-haired player licked his lips.

"I can't come." Xu Huo said, "I don't have much water. I can last two more days without food, but I can't do it without water."

The two of them also politely stopped entangled.

Players who do not stay in the city will prepare some food and water with them, but due to the experience of the first game, most players are a little lax in this regard. However, according to the situation here, no matter how much food and water is enough.

"Don't talk about food and water, there isn't even a bathroom here." The long-haired player said: "If this place hadn't been refreshed every twelve hours, I really don't know how stinky it would be. You simply don't treat the players as human beings."

"If I want to kill you, why would I care about what you eat, drink, and drink?" The player on the left lamented, "But it's a bit inhumane to treat high-level players like this. Killing can only be done with a nod."

"I can't figure out the purpose of this game either," Xu Huo looked up at the corpse hanging next to him, "Does it just want the players to die without dignity?"

"I have some ideas about this." The long-haired player took out the small comb he carried with him and said while combing his hair: "The material of the room is very special. The ceiling, floor, and walls all look like they are made of square materials.

But there are no gaps, it is not easy to scratch, and it is not easy to damage. I don’t know what is outside the wall, but the room always remains bright. It is not that these materials automatically emit light, but that all rooms should be in a bright environment.”

"Since there is no difference in the room, the only key is the gradual change of corpses."

"The degree of decay of the corpses in each room is different. It looks like the same corpse in different states over time. This is obviously related to the power of time."

"To me, a room is like a time slice, just like a movie paused at a certain frame, but this frame changes from the picture to the actual space."

"It's a bit like using time as the fourth dimension. We are trapped in this timeline, so we can never reach the end, because for this room, time also has no end."

"Isn't there nothing we can do?" Xu Huo interjected.

"The changes in the corpse should be some kind of hint." The long-haired player said: "Let us understand that we are in another dimension. It's just a specific hint, I haven't thought of it yet."

After he finished speaking, he raised his chin towards the player on the left, "What do you think?"

"I also think that one third of the game is not that boring. To be honest, if you can have this kind of power, why bother to kill a few players? I feel like it is overkill." The player on the left sat cross-legged, "

It must have a purpose, and at best, its existence may be a guide."

This chapter has been completed!
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