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Chapter 2292 An abnormality in every situation

The two players in front of them are very optimistic, and even firmly believe that the game will not be completely hopeless, but the players have not found it.

"The idea of ​​time slicing is quite interesting." Xu Huo asked, "Aren't you a time super evolver?"

"Ashamed." The long-haired player waved his hand, "I just heard it from hearsay. I don't know anything about time evolution."

"Both of us are space-oriented super evolvers." The player on the left said simply.

"This game has a special liking for super evolutions." The long-haired player said half-jokingly: "Maybe it is just for super evolutions, and those who have not evolved twice are just accomplices.


"The game has such good intentions?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "It's more like digging holes for players."

"You are being narrow-minded." The long-haired player said: "There is no good or evil in the game itself. Whether it is the first review or the evolution agent, nine times out of ten, it is the landmines laid by those who created the game for the players, and the game is closed.

What's going on?"

Xu Huo was silent for a second, "So do you think this third game was set here by the dimensional rift, or was it born naturally?"

This time the long-haired player was silent.

The silence lasted for a short time and then ended, because next, the room began to refresh.

Taking the rooms in front and behind them as an example, the corpses that had been manipulated were restored to their original state, and some garbage that might have been in the room also disappeared instantly, and the players who died in the room were also refreshed slowly with this time.

It slowly disappeared, even the dust and traces were erased, and all the open doors were closed.

"Look, does it look like time has gone backwards?" The three people in the room all stood up, and the long-haired player said: "Except for the living people and the things we carry with us, other items that have fallen on the ground and have not been picked up.

Be it props or other unknown things, they will all disappear."

It's hard to say whether time has gone backwards, but Xu Huo didn't feel the existence of curved time. Even when the room was refreshed, only the body parts released weak time power.

The description of time slice is very appropriate. These rooms are like a twelve-hour time slice. Under the influence of the power of time, they reincarnate every twelve hours, so everything in the room will be updated, and things that should not exist originally will be


But the intercepted time segment is closer to a record, that is, this time segment cannot really affect the objects in reality, let alone take down the corpse in the time segment and eat it...

Is this an illusion? Or is it the use of time power or other powers?

Xu Huo subconsciously walked to the body and reached out to touch it. The touch of the fabric and buttons was extremely real, not like an illusion.

"What did you find?" The long-haired player followed.

"I just want to see if all this is an illusion." Xu Huo shook his head.

"The possibility of hallucination is very small." Another player said: "Unless it is a mental dungeon venue, it is difficult for ordinary places to maintain interference with players for a long time. The time I came in was relatively coincidental, and it took less than three minutes to enter the room.

It was refreshed once, and I am not boasting. So far, I have never encountered a place or person that can make me fall into hallucinations in such a short period of time."

The room was refreshed, but it didn't turn back time. Did they complete a spatial migration unknowingly?

"Brother, don't be discouraged. It's just your first day here, so you have plenty of energy." The long-haired player patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Xu Huo forced a smile and said, "I've had enough rest. Let's go take a look at the front."


The two men didn't intend to leave anymore, so they lay down where they were.

After walking a few rooms forward, Xu Huo began to repeat the previous process. He did not need to carefully check every room, but walked through more rooms as quickly as possible. Every time he entered a room, he only checked the hanging corpses.

As long as there are no obvious changes in the corpse or the flow of time power on it is abnormal, he will not stop.

Just like that, an hour later, he suddenly felt a time force that was obviously different from before.

The degree of decay of the corpse actually refers to the change in the power of time. This change does not mean that the time power on the corpse in the next room is the incremental state of the previous corpse, but that the flow rate of time power on the corpse in each room is weak.

It is the difference in the flow rate of time that allows the corpse to show a state of gradually deepening decay. The room is refreshed every twelve hours. Regardless of how it is refreshed, the state of the corpse is difficult to change within twelve hours.

There is a huge difference, so if you walk from room to room, you can clearly observe this process without feeling abrupt.

Xu Huo has been like this all the way. Although he is not very sensitive to the flow rate of time power and cannot distinguish it in detail, the flow rate of time suddenly appeared on a corpse and obviously slowed down a lot. This is in an environment that has been accelerating.

It is particularly conspicuous below.

There was no specific time record, so he could only estimate that more than an hour had passed since the conversation with the two players just now, and this was the two thousandth room he had entered.

After observing the place for a long time, Xu Huo tried to take down the body. He carefully groped the body and tried to interfere with the power of time, but there was no positive feedback. Then he hung the body back up, according to the previous angle.

Set it up.

Looking around, he began to check the entire room again, checking every place that could be seen with the naked eye. He even tried destroying it with his space body, but to no avail.

It seems that in this room, only the time on the corpse is different.

Remembering the number of rooms and the speed of time, he threw a piece of rag into the corpse's shoe before continuing to walk down.

Still nearly an hour later, an irregular force of time was captured in the 3000th room.

The distance is too far, and even if the time powers on both sides have something in common, it is impossible for him to touch them at the same time. And if this is the key to the game, the difficulty is too high.

Following the previous procedure, he re-examined the body and the room, left the rags and continued moving forward.

Next are the 4000th room and the 5000th room.

He felt tired from using space power to move for a long time, so he stopped to rest in the 5000th room.

While chewing food and drinking water, Xu Huo's eyes never left the hanging body.

Apart from the different speeds of time and the different degrees of decomposition of the corpses, there were almost no other clues. They were hung at the same height and facing angle. After taking down the corpse, he hung it up for a while... The rope seemed to be a piece of

The props growing on the ceiling cannot be removed or destroyed, nor can they be stretched or changed in angle.

It's just that the flow of time is a little bit special, which leaves him clueless.

This chapter has been completed!
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